__quiet = false;
__magicNoPrint = { __magicNoPrint : 1111 }
__callLastError = false;
_verboseShell = false;
chatty = function(s){
if ( ! __quiet )
print( s );
friendlyEqual = function( a , b ){
if ( a == b )
return true;
a = tojson(a,false,true);
b = tojson(b,false,true);
if ( a == b )
return true;
var clean = function( s ){
s = s.replace( /NumberInt\((\-?\d+)\)/g , "$1" );
return s;
a = clean(a);
b = clean(b);
if ( a == b )
return true;
return false;
printStackTrace = function(){
throw new Error("Printing Stack Trace");
} catch (e) {
Set the shell verbosity. If verbose the shell will display more information about command results. >
Default is off.
* @param {Bool} verbosity on / off
setVerboseShell = function( value ) {
if( value == undefined ) value = true;
_verboseShell = value;
doassert = function (msg) {
if (msg.indexOf("assert") == 0)
print("assert: " + msg);
throw msg;
assert = function( b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( b )
doassert( msg == undefined ? "assert failed" : "assert failed : " + msg );
assert.automsg = function( b ) {
assert( eval( b ), b );
assert._debug = false;
assert.eq = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a == b )
if ( ( a != null && b != null ) && friendlyEqual( a , b ) )
doassert( "[" + tojson( a ) + "] != [" + tojson( b ) + "] are not equal : " + msg );
assert.eq.automsg = function( a, b ) {
assert.eq( eval( a ), eval( b ), "[" + a + "] != [" + b + "]" );
assert.neq = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a != b )
doassert( "[" + a + "] != [" + b + "] are equal : " + msg );
assert.contains = function( o, arr, msg ){
var wasIn = false
if( ! arr.length ){
for( i in arr ){
wasIn = arr[i] == o || ( ( arr[i] != null && o != null ) && friendlyEqual( arr[i] , o ) )
if( wasIn ) break
else {
for( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ){
wasIn = arr[i] == o || ( ( arr[i] != null && o != null ) && friendlyEqual( arr[i] , o ) )
if( wasIn ) break
if( ! wasIn ) doassert( tojson( o ) + " was not in " + tojson( arr ) + " : " + msg )
assert.repeat = function( f, msg, timeout, interval ) {
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
var start = new Date();
timeout = timeout || 30000;
interval = interval || 200;
var last;
while( 1 ) {
if ( typeof( f ) == "string" ){
if ( eval( f ) )
else {
if ( f() )
if ( ( new Date() ).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout )
sleep( interval );
assert.soon = function( f, msg, timeout /*ms*/, interval ) {
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
var start = new Date();
timeout = timeout || 30000;
interval = interval || 200;
var last;
while( 1 ) {
if ( typeof( f ) == "string" ){
if ( eval( f ) )
else {
if ( f() )
if ( ( new Date() ).getTime() - start.getTime() > timeout )
doassert( "assert.soon failed: " + f + ", msg:" + msg );
sleep( interval );
assert.throws = function( func , params , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( params && typeof( params ) == "string" )
throw "2nd argument to assert.throws has to be an array"
try {
func.apply( null , params );
catch ( e ){
return e;
doassert( "did not throw exception: " + msg );
assert.throws.automsg = function( func, params ) {
assert.throws( func, params, func.toString() );
assert.commandWorked = function( res , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( res.ok == 1 )
doassert( "command failed: " + tojson( res ) + " : " + msg );
assert.commandFailed = function( res , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( res.ok == 0 )
doassert( "command worked when it should have failed: " + tojson( res ) + " : " + msg );
assert.isnull = function( what , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( what == null )
doassert( "supposed to null (" + ( msg || "" ) + ") was: " + tojson( what ) );
assert.lt = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a < b )
doassert( a + " is not less than " + b + " : " + msg );
assert.gt = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a > b )
doassert( a + " is not greater than " + b + " : " + msg );
assert.lte = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a <= b )
doassert( a + " is not less than or eq " + b + " : " + msg );
assert.gte = function( a , b , msg ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if ( a >= b )
doassert( a + " is not greater than or eq " + b + " : " + msg );
assert.between = function( a, b, c, msg, inclusive ){
if ( assert._debug && msg ) print( "in assert for: " + msg );
if( ( inclusive == undefined || inclusive == true ) &&
a <= b && b <= c ) return;
else if( a < b && b < c ) return;
doassert( b + " is not between " + a + " and " + c + " : " + msg );
assert.betweenIn = function( a, b, c, msg ){ assert.between( a, b, c, msg, true ) }
assert.betweenEx = function( a, b, c, msg ){ assert.between( a, b, c, msg, false ) }
assert.close = function( a , b , msg , places ){
if (places === undefined) {
places = 4;
if (Math.round((a - b) * Math.pow(10, places)) === 0) {
doassert( a + " is not equal to " + b + " within " + places +
" places, diff: " + (a-b) + " : " + msg );
Object.extend = function( dst , src , deep ){
for ( var k in src ){
var v = src[k];
if ( deep && typeof(v) == "object" ){
if ( "floatApprox" in v ) { // convert NumberLong properly
eval( "v = " + tojson( v ) );
} else {
v = Object.extend( typeof ( v.length ) == "number" ? [] : {} , v , true );
dst[k] = v;
return dst;
Object.merge = function( dst, src, deep ){
var clone = Object.extend( {}, dst, deep )
return Object.extend( clone, src, deep )
argumentsToArray = function( a ){
var arr = [];
for ( var i=0; i 0 ? '-' : '+'; // This is correct
ofs += (ofsmin/60).zeroPad(2)
ofs += (ofsmin%60).zeroPad(2)
return 'ISODate("'+year+'-'+month+'-'+date+'T'+hour+':'+minute+':'+sec+ofs+'")';
Date.printAsUTC = true;
ISODate = function(isoDateStr){
if (!isoDateStr)
return new Date();
var isoDateRegex = /(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})([T ](\d{2})(:?(\d{2})(:?(\d{2}(\.\d+)?))?)?(Z|([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?)?)?/;
var res = isoDateRegex.exec(isoDateStr);
if (!res)
throw "invalid ISO date";
var year = parseInt(res[1],10) || 1970; // this should always be present
var month = (parseInt(res[2],10) || 1) - 1;
var date = parseInt(res[3],10) || 0;
var hour = parseInt(res[5],10) || 0;
var min = parseInt(res[7],10) || 0;
var sec = parseFloat(res[9]) || 0;
var ms = Math.round((sec%1) * 1000)
sec -= ms/1000
var time = Date.UTC(year, month, date, hour, min, sec, ms);
if (res[11] && res[11] != 'Z'){
var ofs = 0;
ofs += (parseInt(res[13],10) || 0) * 60*60*1000; // hours
ofs += (parseInt(res[14],10) || 0) * 60*1000; // mins
if (res[12] == '+') // if ahead subtract
ofs *= -1;
time += ofs
return new Date(time);
RegExp.prototype.tojson = RegExp.prototype.toString;
Array.contains = function( a , x ){
for ( var i=0; i>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skipping " + x.name);
params[ i % n ].push( x.name );
// randomize ordering of the serialTests
params[ 0 ] = Array.shuffle( params[ 0 ] );
for( var i in params ) {
params[ i ].unshift( i );
return params;
// runs a set of test files
// first argument is an identifier for this tester, remaining arguments are file names
ParallelTester.fileTester = function() {
var args = argumentsToArray( arguments );
var suite = args.shift();
function( x ) {
print(" S" + suite + " Test : " + x + " ...");
var time = Date.timeFunc( function() { load(x); }, 1);
print(" S" + suite + " Test : " + x + " " + time + "ms" );
// params: array of arrays, each element of which consists of a function followed
// by zero or more arguments to that function. Each function and its arguments will
// be called in a separate thread.
// msg: failure message
// newScopes: if true, each thread starts in a fresh scope
assert.parallelTests = function( params, msg, newScopes ) {
newScopes = newScopes || false;
var wrapper = function( fun, argv ) {
eval (
"var z = function() {" +
"var __parallelTests__fun = " + fun.toString() + ";" +
"var __parallelTests__argv = " + tojson( argv ) + ";" +
"var __parallelTests__passed = false;" +
"try {" +
"__parallelTests__fun.apply( 0, __parallelTests__argv );" +
"__parallelTests__passed = true;" +
"} catch ( e ) {" +
"print( '********** Parallel Test FAILED: ' + tojson(e) );" +
"}" +
"return __parallelTests__passed;" +
return z;
var runners = new Array();
for( var i in params ) {
var param = params[ i ];
var test = param.shift();
var t;
if ( newScopes )
t = new ScopedThread( wrapper( test, param ) );
t = new Thread( wrapper( test, param ) );
runners.push( t );
runners.forEach( function( x ) { x.start(); } );
var nFailed = 0;
// v8 doesn't like it if we exit before all threads are joined (SERVER-529)
runners.forEach( function( x ) { if( !x.returnData() ) { ++nFailed; } } );
assert.eq( 0, nFailed, msg );
tojsononeline = function( x ){
return tojson( x , " " , true );
tojson = function( x, indent , nolint ){
if ( x === null )
return "null";
if ( x === undefined )
return "undefined";
if (!indent)
indent = "";
switch ( typeof x ) {
case "string": {
var s = "\"";
for ( var i=0; i 1) {
print(n + "\t" + size[n] / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 + "GB");
} else {
print(n + "\t(empty)");
//db.getMongo().getDBNames().sort().forEach(function (x) { print(x) });
return "";
if (what == "log" ) {
var n = "global";
if ( args.length > 0 )
n = args[0]
var res = db.adminCommand( { getLog : n } )
for ( var i=0; i= 1 || cross_prod <= -1){
// fun with floats
assert( Math.abs(cross_prod)-1 < 1e-6 );
return cross_prod > 0 ? 0 : Math.PI;
return Math.acos(cross_prod);
rs = function () { return "try rs.help()"; }
rs.help = function () {
print("\trs.status() { replSetGetStatus : 1 } checks repl set status");
print("\trs.initiate() { replSetInitiate : null } initiates set with default settings");
print("\trs.initiate(cfg) { replSetInitiate : cfg } initiates set with configuration cfg");
print("\trs.conf() get the current configuration object from local.system.replset");
print("\trs.reconfig(cfg) updates the configuration of a running replica set with cfg (disconnects)");
print("\trs.add(hostportstr) add a new member to the set with default attributes (disconnects)");
print("\trs.add(membercfgobj) add a new member to the set with extra attributes (disconnects)");
print("\trs.addArb(hostportstr) add a new member which is arbiterOnly:true (disconnects)");
print("\trs.stepDown([secs]) step down as primary (momentarily) (disconnects)");
print("\trs.freeze(secs) make a node ineligible to become primary for the time specified");
print("\trs.remove(hostportstr) remove a host from the replica set (disconnects)");
print("\trs.slaveOk() shorthand for db.getMongo().setSlaveOk()");
print("\tdb.isMaster() check who is primary");
print("\treconfiguration helpers disconnect from the database so the shell will display");
print("\tan error, even if the command succeeds.");
print("\tsee also http://:28017/_replSet for additional diagnostic info");
rs.slaveOk = function (value) { return db.getMongo().setSlaveOk(value); }
rs.status = function () { return db._adminCommand("replSetGetStatus"); }
rs.isMaster = function () { return db.isMaster(); }
rs.initiate = function (c) { return db._adminCommand({ replSetInitiate: c }); }
rs._runCmd = function (c) {
// after the command, catch the disconnect and reconnect if necessary
var res = null;
try {
res = db.adminCommand(c);
catch (e) {
if (("" + e).indexOf("error doing query") >= 0) {
// closed connection. reconnect.
var o = db.getLastErrorObj();
if (o.ok) {
print("reconnected to server after rs command (which is normal)");
else {
else {
print("shell got exception during repl set operation: " + e);
print("in some circumstances, the primary steps down and closes connections on a reconfig");
return "";
return res;
rs.reconfig = function (cfg, options) {
cfg.version = rs.conf().version + 1;
cmd = { replSetReconfig: cfg };
for (var i in options) {
cmd[i] = options[i];
return this._runCmd(cmd);
rs.add = function (hostport, arb) {
var cfg = hostport;
var local = db.getSisterDB("local");
assert(local.system.replset.count() <= 1, "error: local.system.replset has unexpected contents");
var c = local.system.replset.findOne();
assert(c, "no config object retrievable from local.system.replset");
var max = 0;
for (var i in c.members)
if (c.members[i]._id > max) max = c.members[i]._id;
if (isString(hostport)) {
cfg = { _id: max + 1, host: hostport };
if (arb)
cfg.arbiterOnly = true;
return this._runCmd({ replSetReconfig: c });
rs.stepDown = function (secs) { return db._adminCommand({ replSetStepDown:(secs === undefined) ? 60:secs}); }
rs.freeze = function (secs) { return db._adminCommand({replSetFreeze:secs}); }
rs.addArb = function (hn) { return this.add(hn, true); }
rs.conf = function () { return db.getSisterDB("local").system.replset.findOne(); }
rs.config = function () { return rs.conf(); }
rs.remove = function (hn) {
var local = db.getSisterDB("local");
assert(local.system.replset.count() <= 1, "error: local.system.replset has unexpected contents");
var c = local.system.replset.findOne();
assert(c, "no config object retrievable from local.system.replset");
for (var i in c.members) {
if (c.members[i].host == hn) {
c.members.splice(i, 1);
return db._adminCommand({ replSetReconfig : c});
return "error: couldn't find "+hn+" in "+tojson(c.members);
rs.debug = {};
rs.debug.nullLastOpWritten = function(primary, secondary) {
var p = connect(primary+"/local");
var s = connect(secondary+"/local");
var secondToLast = s.oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural : -1}).limit(1).next();
var last = p.runCommand({findAndModify : "oplog.rs",
query : {ts : {$gt : secondToLast.ts}},
sort : {$natural : 1},
update : {$set : {op : "n"}}});
if (!last.value.o || !last.value.o._id) {
print("couldn't find an _id?");
else {
last.value.o = {_id : last.value.o._id};
print("nulling out this op:");
rs.debug.getLastOpWritten = function(server) {
var s = db.getSisterDB("local");
if (server) {
s = connect(server+"/local");
return s.oplog.rs.find().sort({$natural : -1}).limit(1).next();
help = shellHelper.help = function (x) {
if (x == "mr") {
print("\nSee also http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/MapReduce");
print("\nfunction mapf() {");
print(" // 'this' holds current document to inspect");
print(" emit(key, value);");
print("\nfunction reducef(key,value_array) {");
print(" return reduced_value;");
print("\ndb.mycollection.mapReduce(mapf, reducef[, options])");
print("{[query : ]");
print(" [, sort : ]");
print(" [, limit : ]");
print(" [, out : ]");
print(" [, keeptemp: ]");
print(" [, finalize : ]");
print(" [, scope :