sh = function() { return "try;" } sh._checkMongos = function() { var x = db.runCommand( "ismaster" ); if ( x.msg != "isdbgrid" ) throw "not connected to a mongos" } sh._checkFullName = function( fullName ) { assert( fullName , "neeed a full name" ) assert( fullName.indexOf( "." ) > 0 , "name needs to be fully qualified .'" ) } sh._adminCommand = function( cmd , skipCheck ) { if ( ! skipCheck ) sh._checkMongos(); var res = db.getSisterDB( "admin" ).runCommand( cmd ); if ( res == null || ! res.ok ) { print( "command failed: " + tojson( res ) ) } return res; } sh._dataFormat = function( bytes ){ if( bytes < 1024 ) return Math.floor( bytes ) + "b" if( bytes < 1024 * 1024 ) return Math.floor( bytes / 1024 ) + "kb" if( bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) return Math.floor( ( Math.floor( bytes / 1024 ) / 1024 ) * 100 ) / 100 + "Mb" return Math.floor( ( Math.floor( bytes / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) / 1024 ) * 100 ) / 100 + "Gb" } sh._collRE = function( coll ){ return RegExp( "^" + (coll + "").replace(/\./g, "\\.") + "-.*" ) } sh._pchunk = function( chunk ){ return "[" + tojson( chunk.min ) + " -> " + tojson( chunk.max ) + "]" } = function() { print( "\tsh.addShard( host ) server:port OR setname/server:port" ) print( "\tsh.enableSharding(dbname) enables sharding on the database dbname" ) print( "\tsh.shardCollection(fullName,key,unique) shards the collection" ); print( "\tsh.splitFind(fullName,find) splits the chunk that find is in at the median" ); print( "\tsh.splitAt(fullName,middle) splits the chunk that middle is in at middle" ); print( "\tsh.moveChunk(fullName,find,to) move the chunk where 'find' is to 'to' (name of shard)"); print( "\tsh.setBalancerState( ) turns the balancer on or off true=on, false=off" ); print( "\tsh.getBalancerState() return true if on, off if not" ); print( "\tsh.isBalancerRunning() return true if the balancer is running on any mongos" ); print( "\tsh.status() prints a general overview of the cluster" ) } sh.status = function( verbose , configDB ) { // TODO: move the actual commadn here printShardingStatus( configDB , verbose ); } sh.addShard = function( url ){ sh._adminCommand( { addShard : url } , true ) } sh.enableSharding = function( dbname ) { assert( dbname , "need a valid dbname" ) sh._adminCommand( { enableSharding : dbname } ) } sh.shardCollection = function( fullName , key , unique ) { sh._checkFullName( fullName ) assert( key , "need a key" ) assert( typeof( key ) == "object" , "key needs to be an object" ) var cmd = { shardCollection : fullName , key : key } if ( unique ) cmd.unique = true; sh._adminCommand( cmd ) } sh.splitFind = function( fullName , find ) { sh._checkFullName( fullName ) sh._adminCommand( { split : fullName , find : find } ) } sh.splitAt = function( fullName , middle ) { sh._checkFullName( fullName ) sh._adminCommand( { split : fullName , middle : middle } ) } sh.moveChunk = function( fullName , find , to ) { sh._checkFullName( fullName ); sh._adminCommand( { moveChunk : fullName , find : find , to : to } ) } sh.setBalancerState = function( onOrNot ) { db.getSisterDB( "config" ).settings.update({ _id: "balancer" }, { $set : { stopped: onOrNot ? false : true } }, true ); } sh.getBalancerState = function() { var x = db.getSisterDB( "config" ).settings.findOne({ _id: "balancer" } ) if ( x == null ) return true; return ! x.stopped; } sh.isBalancerRunning = function() { var x = db.getSisterDB( "config" ).locks.findOne( { _id : "balancer" } ); return x.state > 0; }