/*! @page testing WiredTiger testing WiredTiger uses a combination of several different tools and test programs for testing WiredTiger. WiredTiger testing is done automatically using the Jenkins continuous integration testing framework. This allows us to be confident we don't introduce problems in a non-standard configuration, or performance regressions. @section test_suite Unit Test Suite WiredTiger's primary functionality and regression testing is done in a Python unit test suite (found in the source tree under \c test/suite). The WiredTiger Python test suite includes approximately 10,000 separate tests which are run on all platforms supported by WiredTiger. Each test is intended to test a single operation in a reproducible way, making it easy to diagnose errors. The test suite runs multiple test cases in parallel, allowing it to be run in a relatively short period of time. The WiredTiger unit test suite includes tests that cover: - WiredTiger functionality (for example, cursors, transactions and recovery), - Combinations of WiredTiger's configuration settings and APIs, - Bug regression tests. The WiredTiger Python test suite is built using the WiredTiger Python API and the Python unittest functionality (the test suite requires at least Python version 2.6). The WiredTiger test suite automatically runs as part of every commit into the WiredTiger GitHub source tree. @section testing_performance Performance Testing Performance testing is primarily done using the \c bench/wtperf utility. A variety of database configurations are run based on the scripts in \c bench/wtperf/runners. WiredTiger performance tests are automatically run as part of each commit into the \c develop branch of the WiredTiger GitHub source tree and compared against previous runs to detect performance regressions. @section testing_stress Stress Testing Stress testing is primarily done using the \c test/format utility. This test program randomly configures a database and then runs some number of randomly selected operations, using some number of randomly selected threads, on that database. WiredTiger stress testing is run continuously on the WiredTiger GitHub \c develop branch. @section testing_threads Concurrency testing Concurrency testing is primarily done using the \c test/format utility. Additionally, the \c test/thread and \c test/fops test utilities test specific heavily threaded operations. WiredTiger concurrency testing is run continuously on the WiredTiger GitHub \c develop branch. @section testing_static Static analysis WiredTiger static analysis is done using three tools: - The Coverity, Inc.software analysis tool; current results and historic defect reports are available at Coverity's WiredTiger page. - The Gimpel Software FlexeLint implementation of the UNIX lint tool. - The University of Illinois LLVM project's Clang Static Analyzer. */