/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/base/data_range.h" #include "mongo/bson/bson_validate.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonelement_comparator_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/util/allocator.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/stringutils.h" namespace mongo { namespace { template int compareObjects(const BSONObj& firstObj, const BSONObj& secondObj, const BSONObj& idxKey, BSONObj::ComparisonRulesSet rules, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator) { if (firstObj.isEmpty()) return secondObj.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1; if (secondObj.isEmpty()) return 1; ObjectIterator firstIter(firstObj); ObjectIterator secondIter(secondObj); ObjectIterator idxKeyIter(idxKey); while (true) { BSONElement l = firstIter.next(); BSONElement r = secondIter.next(); if (l.eoo()) return r.eoo() ? 0 : -1; if (r.eoo()) return 1; auto x = l.woCompare(r, rules, comparator); if (idxKeyIter.more() && idxKeyIter.next().number() < 0) x = -x; if (x != 0) return x; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } // namespace /* BSONObj ------------------------------------------------------------*/ void BSONObj::_assertInvalid(int maxSize) const { StringBuilder ss; int os = objsize(); ss << "BSONObj size: " << os << " (0x" << integerToHex(os) << ") is invalid. " << "Size must be between 0 and " << BSONObjMaxInternalSize << "(" << (maxSize / (1024 * 1024)) << "MB)"; try { BSONElement e = firstElement(); ss << " First element: " << e.toString(); } catch (...) { } massert(ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge, ss.str(), 0); } BSONObj BSONObj::copy() const { auto storage = SharedBuffer::allocate(objsize()); memcpy(storage.get(), objdata(), objsize()); return BSONObj(std::move(storage)); } BSONObj BSONObj::getOwned() const { if (isOwned()) return *this; return copy(); } std::string BSONObj::jsonString(JsonStringFormat format, int pretty, bool isArray) const { std::stringstream s; BSONObj::jsonStringStream(format, pretty, isArray, s); return s.str(); } void BSONObj::jsonStringStream(JsonStringFormat format, int pretty, bool isArray, std::stringstream& s) const { if (isEmpty()) { s << (isArray ? "[]" : "{}"); return; } s << (isArray ? "[ " : "{ "); BSONObjIterator i(*this); BSONElement e = i.next(); if (!e.eoo()) while (1) { e.jsonStringStream(format, !isArray, pretty ? pretty + 1 : 0, s); e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; s << ","; if (pretty) { s << '\n'; for (int x = 0; x < pretty; x++) s << " "; } else { s << " "; } } s << (isArray ? " ]" : " }"); } bool BSONObj::valid(BSONVersion version) const { return validateBSON(objdata(), objsize(), version).isOK(); } int BSONObj::woCompare(const BSONObj& r, const Ordering& o, ComparisonRulesSet rules, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator) const { if (isEmpty()) return r.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1; if (r.isEmpty()) return 1; BSONObjIterator i(*this); BSONObjIterator j(r); unsigned mask = 1; while (1) { // so far, equal... BSONElement l = i.next(); BSONElement r = j.next(); if (l.eoo()) return r.eoo() ? 0 : -1; if (r.eoo()) return 1; int x; { x = l.woCompare(r, rules, comparator); if (o.descending(mask)) x = -x; } if (x != 0) return x; mask <<= 1; } return -1; } /* well ordered compare */ int BSONObj::woCompare(const BSONObj& r, const BSONObj& idxKey, ComparisonRulesSet rules, const StringData::ComparatorInterface* comparator) const { return (rules & ComparisonRules::kIgnoreFieldOrder) ? compareObjects(*this, r, idxKey, rules, comparator) : compareObjects(*this, r, idxKey, rules, comparator); } bool BSONObj::isPrefixOf(const BSONObj& otherObj, const BSONElement::ComparatorInterface& eltCmp) const { BSONObjIterator a(*this); BSONObjIterator b(otherObj); while (a.more() && b.more()) { BSONElement x = a.next(); BSONElement y = b.next(); if (eltCmp.evaluate(x != y)) return false; } return !a.more(); } bool BSONObj::isFieldNamePrefixOf(const BSONObj& otherObj) const { BSONObjIterator a(*this); BSONObjIterator b(otherObj); while (a.more() && b.more()) { BSONElement x = a.next(); BSONElement y = b.next(); if (x.fieldNameStringData() != y.fieldNameStringData()) { return false; } } return !a.more(); } BSONObj BSONObj::extractFieldsUnDotted(const BSONObj& pattern) const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i(pattern); while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; BSONElement x = getField(e.fieldName()); if (!x.eoo()) b.appendAs(x, ""); } return b.obj(); } BSONObj BSONObj::filterFieldsUndotted(const BSONObj& filter, bool inFilter) const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; BSONElement x = filter.getField(e.fieldName()); if ((x.eoo() && !inFilter) || (!x.eoo() && inFilter)) b.append(e); } return b.obj(); } BSONElement BSONObj::getFieldUsingIndexNames(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& indexKey) const { BSONObjIterator i(indexKey); int j = 0; while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement f = i.next(); if (f.eoo()) return BSONElement(); if (f.fieldName() == fieldName) break; ++j; } BSONObjIterator k(*this); while (k.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement g = k.next(); if (g.eoo()) return BSONElement(); if (j == 0) { return g; } --j; } return BSONElement(); } /* note: addFields always adds _id even if not specified returns n added not counting _id unless requested. */ int BSONObj::addFields(BSONObj& from, std::set& fields) { verify(isEmpty() && !isOwned()); /* partial implementation for now... */ BSONObjBuilder b; int N = fields.size(); int n = 0; BSONObjIterator i(from); bool gotId = false; while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); const char* fname = e.fieldName(); if (fields.count(fname)) { b.append(e); ++n; gotId = gotId || strcmp(fname, "_id") == 0; if (n == N && gotId) break; } else if (strcmp(fname, "_id") == 0) { b.append(e); gotId = true; if (n == N && gotId) break; } } if (n) { *this = b.obj(); } return n; } bool BSONObj::couldBeArray() const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); int index = 0; while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; // TODO: If actually important, may be able to do int->char* much faster if (strcmp(e.fieldName(), static_cast(str::stream() << index).c_str()) != 0) return false; index++; } return true; } BSONObj BSONObj::clientReadable() const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; switch (e.type()) { case MinKey: { BSONObjBuilder m; m.append("$minElement", 1); b.append(e.fieldName(), m.done()); break; } case MaxKey: { BSONObjBuilder m; m.append("$maxElement", 1); b.append(e.fieldName(), m.done()); break; } default: b.append(e); } } return b.obj(); } BSONObj BSONObj::replaceFieldNames(const BSONObj& names) const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i(*this); BSONObjIterator j(names); BSONElement f = j.moreWithEOO() ? j.next() : BSONObj().firstElement(); while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; if (!f.eoo()) { b.appendAs(e, f.fieldName()); f = j.next(); } else { b.append(e); } } return b.obj(); } Status BSONObj::storageValidEmbedded() const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); // The first field is special in the case of a DBRef where the first field must be $ref bool first = true; while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); StringData name = e.fieldNameStringData(); // Cannot start with "$", unless dbref which must start with ($ref, $id) if (name.startsWith("$")) { if (first && // $ref is a collection name and must be a String (name == "$ref") && e.type() == String && (i.next().fieldNameStringData() == "$id")) { first = false; // keep inspecting fields for optional "$db" e = i.next(); name = e.fieldNameStringData(); // "" if eoo() // optional $db field must be a String if ((name == "$db") && e.type() == String) { continue; // this element is fine, so continue on to siblings (if any more) } // Can't start with a "$", all other checks are done below (outside if blocks) if (name.startsWith("$")) { return Status(ErrorCodes::DollarPrefixedFieldName, str::stream() << name << " is not valid for storage."); } } else { // not an okay, $ prefixed field name. return Status(ErrorCodes::DollarPrefixedFieldName, str::stream() << name << " is not valid for storage."); } } if (e.mayEncapsulate()) { switch (e.type()) { case Object: case Array: { Status s = e.embeddedObject().storageValidEmbedded(); // TODO: combine field names for better error messages if (!s.isOK()) return s; } break; case CodeWScope: { Status s = e.codeWScopeObject().storageValidEmbedded(); // TODO: combine field names for better error messages if (!s.isOK()) return s; } break; default: uassert(12579, "unhandled cases in BSONObj storageValidEmbedded", 0); } } // After we have processed one field, we are no longer on the first field first = false; } return Status::OK(); } void BSONObj::dump() const { LogstreamBuilder builder = log(); builder << std::hex; const char* p = objdata(); for (int i = 0; i < objsize(); i++) { builder << i << '\t' << (0xff & ((unsigned)*p)); if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'z') builder << '\t' << *p; p++; } } void BSONObj::getFields(unsigned n, const char** fieldNames, BSONElement* fields) const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); const char* p = e.fieldName(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (strcmp(p, fieldNames[i]) == 0) { fields[i] = e; break; } } } } BSONElement BSONObj::getField(StringData name) const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); // We know that e has a cached field length since BSONObjIterator::next internally // called BSONElement::size on the BSONElement that it returned, so it is more // efficient to re-use that information by obtaining the field name as a // StringData, which will be pre-populated with the cached length. if (name == e.fieldNameStringData()) return e; } return BSONElement(); } int BSONObj::getIntField(StringData name) const { BSONElement e = getField(name); return e.isNumber() ? (int)e.number() : std::numeric_limits::min(); } bool BSONObj::getBoolField(StringData name) const { BSONElement e = getField(name); return e.type() == Bool ? e.boolean() : false; } const char* BSONObj::getStringField(StringData name) const { BSONElement e = getField(name); return e.type() == String ? e.valuestr() : ""; } bool BSONObj::getObjectID(BSONElement& e) const { BSONElement f = getField("_id"); if (!f.eoo()) { e = f; return true; } return false; } BSONObj BSONObj::addField(const BSONElement& field) const { if (!field.ok()) return copy(); BSONObjBuilder b; StringData name = field.fieldNameStringData(); bool added = false; for (auto e : *this) { if (e.fieldNameStringData() == name) { if (!added) b.append(field); added = true; } else { b.append(e); } } if (!added) b.append(field); return b.obj(); } BSONObj BSONObj::removeField(StringData name) const { BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); const char* fname = e.fieldName(); if (name != fname) b.append(e); } return b.obj(); } std::string BSONObj::hexDump() const { std::stringstream ss; const char* d = objdata(); int size = objsize(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ss.width(2); ss.fill('0'); ss << std::hex << (unsigned)(unsigned char)(d[i]) << std::dec; if ((d[i] >= '0' && d[i] <= '9') || (d[i] >= 'A' && d[i] <= 'z')) ss << '\'' << d[i] << '\''; if (i != size - 1) ss << ' '; } return ss.str(); } void BSONObj::elems(std::vector& v) const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.more()) v.push_back(i.next()); } void BSONObj::elems(std::list& v) const { BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.more()) v.push_back(i.next()); } BSONObj BSONObj::getObjectField(StringData name) const { BSONElement e = getField(name); BSONType t = e.type(); return t == Object || t == Array ? e.embeddedObject() : BSONObj(); } int BSONObj::nFields() const { int n = 0; BSONObjIterator i(*this); while (i.moreWithEOO()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if (e.eoo()) break; n++; } return n; } std::string BSONObj::toString(bool redactValues) const { if (isEmpty()) return "{}"; StringBuilder s; toString(s, false, false, redactValues); return s.str(); } void BSONObj::toString( StringBuilder& s, bool isArray, bool full, bool redactValues, int depth) const { if (isEmpty()) { s << (isArray ? "[]" : "{}"); return; } s << (isArray ? "[ " : "{ "); BSONObjIterator i(*this); bool first = true; while (1) { massert(10327, "Object does not end with EOO", i.moreWithEOO()); BSONElement e = i.next(); massert(10328, "Invalid element size", e.size() > 0); massert(10329, "Element too large", e.size() < (1 << 30)); int offset = (int)(e.rawdata() - this->objdata()); massert(10330, "Element extends past end of object", e.size() + offset <= this->objsize()); bool end = (e.size() + offset == this->objsize()); if (e.eoo()) { massert(10331, "EOO Before end of object", end); break; } if (first) first = false; else s << ", "; e.toString(s, !isArray, full, redactValues, depth); } s << (isArray ? " ]" : " }"); } Status DataType::Handler::store( const BSONObj& bson, char* ptr, size_t length, size_t* advanced, std::ptrdiff_t debug_offset) { if (bson.objsize() > static_cast(length)) { str::stream ss; ss << "buffer too small to write bson of size (" << bson.objsize() << ") at offset: " << debug_offset; return Status(ErrorCodes::Overflow, ss); } if (ptr) { std::memcpy(ptr, bson.objdata(), bson.objsize()); } if (advanced) { *advanced = bson.objsize(); } return Status::OK(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const BSONObj& o) { return s << o.toString(); } StringBuilder& operator<<(StringBuilder& s, const BSONObj& o) { o.toString(s); return s; } /** Compare two bson elements, provided as const char *'s, by field name. */ class BSONIteratorSorted::ElementFieldCmp { public: ElementFieldCmp(bool isArray); bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const; private: LexNumCmp _cmp; }; BSONIteratorSorted::ElementFieldCmp::ElementFieldCmp(bool isArray) : _cmp(!isArray) {} bool BSONIteratorSorted::ElementFieldCmp::operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { // Skip the type byte and compare field names. return _cmp(s1 + 1, s2 + 1); } BSONIteratorSorted::BSONIteratorSorted(const BSONObj& o, const ElementFieldCmp& cmp) : _nfields(o.nFields()), _fields(new const char*[_nfields]) { int x = 0; BSONObjIterator i(o); while (i.more()) { _fields[x++] = i.next().rawdata(); verify(_fields[x - 1]); } verify(x == _nfields); std::sort(_fields.get(), _fields.get() + _nfields, cmp); _cur = 0; } BSONObjIteratorSorted::BSONObjIteratorSorted(const BSONObj& object) : BSONIteratorSorted(object, ElementFieldCmp(false)) {} BSONArrayIteratorSorted::BSONArrayIteratorSorted(const BSONArray& array) : BSONIteratorSorted(array, ElementFieldCmp(true)) {} } // namespace mongo