/* Copyright 2013 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/bson/mutable/element.h" namespace mongo { namespace mutablebson { /** For an overview of mutable BSON, please see the file document.h in this directory. */ /** ConstElement recapitulates all of the const methods of Element, but cannot be converted * to an Element. This makes it safe to return as a value from a constant Document, since * none of Element's non-const methods may be called on ConstElement or any values it * yields. If you think of Element like an STL 'iterator', then ConstElement is a * 'const_iterator'. * * For details on the API methods of ConstElement, please see the method comments for the * analagous Element methods in the file element.h (in this same directory). * * All calls on ConstElement are simply forwarded to the underlying Element. */ class ConstElement { public: // This one argument constructor is intentionally not explicit, since we want to be // able to pass Elements to functions taking ConstElements without complaint. inline ConstElement(const Element& basis); inline ConstElement leftChild() const; inline ConstElement rightChild() const; inline bool hasChildren() const; inline ConstElement leftSibling() const; inline ConstElement rightSibling() const; inline ConstElement parent() const; inline ConstElement operator[](size_t n) const; inline ConstElement operator[](const StringData& n) const; inline bool hasValue() const; inline const BSONElement getValue() const; inline double getValueDouble() const; inline StringData getValueString() const; inline BSONObj getValueObject() const; inline BSONArray getValueArray() const; inline bool isValueUndefined() const; inline OID getValueOID() const; inline bool getValueBool() const; inline Date_t getValueDate() const; inline bool isValueNull() const; inline StringData getValueSymbol() const; inline int32_t getValueInt() const; inline OpTime getValueTimestamp() const; inline int64_t getValueLong() const; inline bool isValueMinKey() const; inline bool isValueMaxKey() const; inline SafeNum getValueSafeNum() const; inline int compareWithElement(const ConstElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const; inline int compareWithBSONElement(const BSONElement& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const; inline int compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const; inline void writeTo(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; inline void writeArrayTo(BSONArrayBuilder* builder) const; inline bool ok() const; inline const Document& getDocument() const; inline BSONType getType() const; inline bool isType(BSONType type) const; inline StringData getFieldName() const; inline Element::RepIdx getIdx() const; inline std::string toString() const; friend bool operator==(const ConstElement&, const ConstElement&); private: friend class Document; template inline void writeElement(Builder* builder, const StringData* fieldName = NULL) const; Element _basis; }; /** See notes for operator==(const Element&, const Element&). The multiple variants listed * here enable cross type comparisons between Elements and ConstElements. */ inline bool operator==(const ConstElement& l, const ConstElement& r); inline bool operator!=(const ConstElement& l, const ConstElement& r); inline bool operator==(const Element& l, const ConstElement& r); inline bool operator!=(const Element& l, const ConstElement& r); inline bool operator==(const ConstElement& l, const Element& r); inline bool operator!=(const ConstElement& l, const Element& r); } // namespace mutablebson } // namespace mongo #include "mongo/bson/mutable/const_element-inl.h"