/* Copyright 2013 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/const_element.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/damage_vector.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/element.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/platform/cstdint.h" #include "mongo/util/safe_num.h" namespace mongo { namespace mutablebson { /** Mutable BSON Overview * * Mutable BSON provides classes to facilitate the manipulation of existing BSON objects * or the construction of new BSON objects from scratch in an incremental fashion. The * operations (including additions, deletions, renamings, type changes and value * modification) that are to be performed do not need to be known ahead of time, and do * not need to occur in any particular order. This is in contrast to BSONObjBuilder and * BSONArrayBuilder which offer only serialization and cannot revise already serialized * data. If you need to build a BSONObj but you know upfront what you need to build then * you should use BSONObjBuilder and BSONArrayBuilder directly as they will be faster and * less resource intensive. * * The classes in this library (Document, Element, and ConstElement) present a tree-like * (or DOM like) interface. Elements are logically equivalent to BSONElements: they carry * a type, a field name, and a value. Every Element belongs to a Document, which roots the * tree, and Elements of proper type (mongo::Object or mongo::Array) may have child * Elements of their own. Given an Element, you may navigate to the Element's parent, to * its siblings to the left or right of the Element in the tree, and to the leftmost or * rightmost children of the Element. Note that some Elements may not offer all of these * relationships: An Element that represents a terminal BSON value (like an integer) will * not have children (though it may well have siblings). Similarly, an Element that is an * 'only child' will not have any left or right siblings. Given a Document, you may begin * navigating by obtaining the root Element of the tree by calling Document::root. See the * documentation for the Element class for the specific navigation methods that will be * available from the root Element. * * Elements within the Document may be modified in various ways: the value of the Element * may be changed, the Element may be removed, it may be renamed, and if it is eligible * for children (i.e. it represents a mongo::Array or mongo::Object) it may have child * Elements added to it. Once you have completed building or modifying the Document, you * may write it back out to a BSONObjBuilder by calling Document::writeTo. You may also * serialize individual Elements within the Document to BSONObjBuilder or BSONArrayBuilder * objects by calling Element::writeTo or Element::writeArrayTo. * * In addition to the above capabilities, there are algorithms provided in 'algorithm.h' * to help with tasks like searching for Elements that match a predicate or for sorting * the children of an Object Element. * * Example 1: Building up a document from scratch, reworking it, and then serializing it: namespace mmb = mongo::mutablebson; // Create a new document mmb::Document doc; // doc contents: '{}' // Get the root of the document. mmb::Element root = doc.root(); // Create a new mongo::NumberInt typed Element to represent life, the universe, and // everything, then push that Element into the root object, making it a child of root. mmb::Element e0 = doc.makeElementInt("ltuae", 42); root.pushBack(e0); // doc contents: '{ ltuae : 42 }' // Create a new empty mongo::Object-typed Element named 'magic', and push it back as a // child of the root, making it a sibling of e0. mmb::Element e1 = doc.makeElementObject("magic"); root.pushBack(e1); // doc contents: '{ ltuae : 42, magic : {} }' // Create a new mongo::NumberDouble typed Element to represent Pi, and insert it as child // of the new object we just created. mmb::Element e3 = doc.makeElementDouble("pi", 3.14); e1.pushBack(e3); // doc contents: '{ ltuae : 42, magic : { pi : 3.14 } }' // Create a new mongo::NumberDouble to represent Plancks constant in electrovolt // micrometers, and add it as a child of the 'magic' object. mmb::Element e4 = doc.makeElementDouble("hbar", 1.239); e1.pushBack(e4); // doc contents: '{ ltuae : 42, magic : { pi : 3.14, hbar : 1.239 } }' // Rename the parent element of 'hbar' to be 'constants'. e4.parent().rename("constants"); // doc contents: '{ ltuae : 42, constants : { pi : 3.14, hbar : 1.239 } }' // Rename 'ltuae' to 'answer' by accessing it as the root objects left child. doc.root().leftChild().rename("answer"); // doc contents: '{ answer : 42, constants : { pi : 3.14, hbar : 1.239 } }' // Sort the constants by name. mmb::sortChildren(doc.root().rightChild(), mmb::FieldNameLessThan()); // doc contents: '{ answer : 42, constants : { hbar : 1.239, pi : 3.14 } }' mongo::BSONObjBuilder builder; doc.writeTo(&builder); mongo::BSONObj result = builder.obj(); // result contents: '{ answer : 42, constants : { hbar : 1.239, pi : 3.14 } }' * While you can use this library to build Documents from scratch, its real purpose is to * manipulate existing BSONObjs. A BSONObj may be passed to the Document constructor or to * Document::make[Object|Array]Element, in which case the Document or Element will reflect * the values contained within the provided BSONObj. Modifications will not alter the * underlying BSONObj: they are held off to the side within the Document. However, when * the Document is subsequently written back out to a BSONObjBuilder, the modifications * applied to the Document will be reflected in the serialized version. * * Example 2: Modifying an existing BSONObj (some error handling removed for length) namespace mmb = mongo::mutablebson; static const char inJson[] = "{" " 'whale': { 'alive': true, 'dv': -9.8, 'height': 50, attrs : [ 'big' ] }," " 'petunias': { 'alive': true, 'dv': -9.8, 'height': 50 } " "}"; mongo::BSONObj obj = mongo::fromjson(inJson); // Create a new document representing the BSONObj with the above contents. mmb::Document doc(obj); // The whale hits the planet and dies. mmb::Element whale = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(doc.root(), "whale"); // Find the 'dv' field in the whale. mmb::Element whale_deltav = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(whale, "dv"); // Set the dv field to zero. whale_deltav.setValueDouble(0.0); // Find the 'height' field in the whale. mmb::Element whale_height = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(whale, "height"); // Set the height field to zero. whale_deltav.setValueDouble(0); // Find the 'alive' field, and set it to false. mmb::Element whale_alive = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(whale, "alive"); whale_alive.setValueBool(false); // The petunias survive, update its fields much like we did above. mmb::Element petunias = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(doc.root(), "petunias"); mmb::Element petunias_deltav = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(petunias, "dv"); petunias_deltav.setValueDouble(0.0); mmb::Element petunias_height = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(petunias, "height"); petunias_deltav.setValueDouble(0); // Replace the whale by its wreckage, saving only its attributes: // Construct a new mongo::Object element for the ex-whale. mmb::Element ex_whale = doc.makeElementObject("ex-whale"); doc.root().pushBack(ex_whale); // Find the attributes of the old 'whale' element. mmb::Element whale_attrs = mmb::findFirstChildNamed(whale, "attrs"); // Remove the attributes from the whale (they remain valid, but detached). whale_attrs.remove(); // Add the attributes into the ex-whale. ex_whale.pushBack(whale_attrs); // Remove the whale object. whale.remove(); // Current state of document: "{" " 'petunias': { 'alive': true, 'dv': 0.0, 'height': 50 }," " 'ex-whale': { 'attrs': [ 'big' ] } })" "}"; * Both of the above examples are derived from tests in mutable_bson_test.cpp, see the * tests Example1 and Example2 if you would like to play with the code. * * Additional details on Element and Document are available in their class and member * comments. */ /** Document is the entry point into the mutable BSON system. It has a fairly simple * API. It acts as an owner for the Element resources of the document, provides a * pre-constructed designated root Object Element, and acts as a factory for new Elements, * which may then be attached to the root or to other Elements by calling the appropriate * topology mutation methods in Element. * * The default constructor builds an empty Document which you may then extend by creating * new Elements and manipulating the tree topology. It is also possible to build a * Document that derives its initial values from a BSONObj. The given BSONObj will not be * modified, but it also must not be modified elsewhere while Document is using it. Unlike * all other calls in this library where a BSONObj is passed in, the one argument Document * constructor *does not copy* the BSONObj's contents, so they must remain valid for the * duration of Documents lifetime. Document does hold a copy of the BSONObj itself, so it * will up the refcount if the BSONObj internals are counted. * * Newly constructed Elements formed by calls to 'makeElement[Type]' methods are not * attached to the root of the document. You must explicitly attach them somewhere. If you * lose the Element value that is returned to you from a 'makeElement' call before you * attach it to the tree then the value will be unreachable. Elements in a document do not * outlive the Document. * * Document provides a convenience method to serialize all of the Elements in the tree * that are reachable from the root element to a BSONObjBuilder. In general you should use * this in preference to root().writeTo() if you mean to write the entire * Document. Similarly, Document provides wrappers for comparisons that simply delegate to * comparison operations on the root Element. * * A 'const Document' is very limited: you may only write its contents out or obtain a * ConstElement for the root. ConstElement is much like Element, but does not permit * mutations. See the class comment for ConstElement for more information. */ class Document { // TODO: In principle there is nothing that prevents implementing a deep copy for // Document, but for now it is not permitted. MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(Document); public: // // Lifecycle // /** Construct a new empty document. */ Document(); enum InPlaceMode { kInPlaceDisabled = 0, kInPlaceEnabled = 1, }; /** Construct new document for the given BSONObj. The data in 'value' is NOT copied. By * default, queueing of in-place modifications against the underlying document is * permitted. To disable this behavior, explicitly pass kInPlaceDisabled. */ explicit Document(const BSONObj& value, InPlaceMode inPlaceMode = kInPlaceEnabled); /** Abandon all internal state associated with this Document, and return to a state * semantically equivalent to that yielded by a call to the default constructor. All * objects associated with the current document state are invalidated (e.g. Elements, * BSONElements, BSONObj's values, field names, etc.). This method is useful because * it may (though it is not required to) preserve the memory allocation of the * internal data structures of Document. If you need to logically create and destroy * many Documents in serial, it may be faster to reset. */ void reset(); /** As the no argument 'reset', but returns to a state semantically equivalent to that * yielded by a call to the two argument constructor with the arguments provided * here. As with the other 'reset' call, all associated objects are invalidated. */ void reset(const BSONObj& value, InPlaceMode inPlaceMode = kInPlaceEnabled); /** Destroy this document permanently */ ~Document(); // // Comparison API // /** Compare this Document to 'other' with the semantics of BSONObj::woCompare. */ inline int compareWith(const Document& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const; /** Compare this Document to 'other' with the semantics of BSONObj::woCompare. */ inline int compareWithBSONObj(const BSONObj& other, bool considerFieldName = true) const; // // Serialization API // /** Serialize the Elements reachable from the root Element of this Document to the * provided builder. */ inline void writeTo(BSONObjBuilder* builder) const; /** Serialize the Elements reachable from the root Element of this Document and return * the result as a BSONObj. */ inline BSONObj getObject() const; // // Element creation API. // // Newly created elements are not attached to the tree (effectively, they are // 'roots'). You must call one of the topology management methods in 'Element' to // connect the newly created Element to another Element in the Document, possibly the // Element referenced by Document::root. Elements do not outlive the Document. // /** Create a new double Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementDouble(StringData fieldName, double value); /** Create a new std::string Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementString(StringData fieldName, StringData value); /** Create a new empty object Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementObject(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new object Element with the given field name. The data in 'value' is * copied. */ Element makeElementObject(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value); /** Create a new empty array Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementArray(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new array Element with the given field name. The data in 'value' is * copied. */ Element makeElementArray(StringData fieldName, const BSONObj& value); /** Create a new binary Element with the given data and field name. */ Element makeElementBinary(StringData fieldName, uint32_t len, BinDataType binType, const void* data); /** Create a new undefined Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementUndefined(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new OID + Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementNewOID(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new OID Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementOID(StringData fieldName, mongo::OID value); /** Create a new bool Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementBool(StringData fieldName, bool value); /** Create a new date Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementDate(StringData fieldName, Date_t value); /** Create a new null Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementNull(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new regex Element with the given data and field name. */ Element makeElementRegex(StringData fieldName, StringData regex, StringData flags); /** Create a new DBRef Element with the given data and field name. */ Element makeElementDBRef(StringData fieldName, StringData ns, mongo::OID oid); /** Create a new code Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementCode(StringData fieldName, StringData value); /** Create a new symbol Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementSymbol(StringData fieldName, StringData value); /** Create a new scoped code Element with the given data and field name. */ Element makeElementCodeWithScope(StringData fieldName, StringData code, const BSONObj& scope); /** Create a new integer Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementInt(StringData fieldName, int32_t value); /** Create a new timestamp Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementTimestamp(StringData fieldName, Timestamp value); /** Create a new long integer Element with the given value and field name. */ Element makeElementLong(StringData fieldName, int64_t value); /** Create a new min key Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementMinKey(StringData fieldName); /** Create a new max key Element with the given field name. */ Element makeElementMaxKey(StringData fieldName); // // Element creation methods from variant types // /** Construct a new Element with the same name, type, and value as the provided * BSONElement. The value is copied. */ Element makeElement(const BSONElement& elt); /** Construct a new Element with the same type and value as the provided BSONElement, * but with a new name. The value is copied. */ Element makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName, const BSONElement& elt); /** Create a new element of the appopriate type to hold the given value, with the given * field name. */ Element makeElementSafeNum(StringData fieldName, SafeNum value); /** Construct a new element with the same name, type, and value as the provided mutable * Element. The data is copied from the given Element. Unlike most methods in this * class the provided Element may be from a different Document. */ Element makeElement(ConstElement elt); /** Construct a new Element with the same type and value as the provided mutable * Element, but with a new field name. The data is copied from the given * Element. Unlike most methods in this class the provided Element may be from a * different Document. */ Element makeElementWithNewFieldName(StringData fieldName, ConstElement elt); // // Accessors // /** Returns the root element for this document. */ inline Element root(); /** Returns the root element for this document. */ inline ConstElement root() const; /** Returns an element that will compare equal to a non-ok element. */ inline Element end(); /** Returns an element that will compare equal to a non-ok element. */ inline ConstElement end() const; inline std::string toString() const; // // In-place API. // /** Ensure that at least 'expectedEvents' damage events can be recorded for in-place * mutations without reallocation. This call is ignored if damage events are disabled. */ void reserveDamageEvents(size_t expectedEvents); /** Request a vector of damage events describing in-place updates to this Document. If * the modifications to this Document were not all able to be achieved in-place, then * a non-OK Status is returned, and the provided damage vector will be made empty and * *source set equal to NULL. Otherwise, the provided damage vector is populated, and * the 'source' argument is set to point to a region from which bytes can be read. The * 'source' offsets in the damage vector are to be interpreted as offsets within this * region. If the 'size' parameter is non-null and 'source' is set to a non-NULL * value, then size will be filled in with the size of the 'source' region to * facilitate making an owned copy of the source data, in the event that that is * needed. * * The lifetime of the source region should be considered to extend only from the * return from this call to before the next API call on this Document or any of its * member Elements. That is almost certainly overly conservative: some read only calls * are undoubtedly fine. But it is very easy to invalidate 'source' by calling any * mutating operation, so proceed with due caution. * * It is expected, though, that in normal modes of operation obtainin the damage * vector is one of the last operations performed on a Document before its * destruction, so this is not so great a restriction. * * The destination offsets in the damage events are implicitly offsets into the * BSONObj used to construct this Document. */ bool getInPlaceUpdates(DamageVector* damages, const char** source, size_t* size = NULL); /** Drop the queue of in-place update damage events, and do not queue new operations * that would otherwise have been in-place. Use this if you know that in-place updates * will not continue to be possible and do not want to pay the overhead of * speculatively queueing them. After calling this method, getInPlaceUpdates will * return a non-OK Status. It is not possible to re-enable in-place updates once * disabled. */ void disableInPlaceUpdates(); /** Returns the current in-place mode for the document. Note that for some documents, * like those created without any backing BSONObj, this will always return kForbidden, * since in-place updates make no sense for such an object. In other cases, an object * which started in kInPlacePermitted mode may transition to kInPlaceForbidden if a * topology mutating operation is applied. */ InPlaceMode getCurrentInPlaceMode() const; /** A convenience routine, this returns true if the current in-place mode is * kInPlaceEnabled, and false otherwise. */ inline bool isInPlaceModeEnabled() const; private: friend class Element; // For now, the implementation of Document is firewalled. class Impl; inline Impl& getImpl(); inline const Impl& getImpl() const; Element makeRootElement(); Element makeRootElement(const BSONObj& value); Element makeElement(ConstElement element, const StringData* fieldName); const std::unique_ptr _impl; // The root element of this document. const Element _root; }; } // namespace mutablebson } // namespace mongo #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document-inl.h"