* Copyright (C) 2015 MongoDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/client/connection_pool.h"
#include "mongo/client/connpool.h"
#include "mongo/client/mongo_uri.h"
#include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager_global.h"
#include "mongo/db/auth/internal_user_auth.h"
#include "mongo/executor/network_connection_hook.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_request.h"
#include "mongo/executor/remote_command_response.h"
#include "mongo/rpc/reply_interface.h"
#include "mongo/rpc/unique_message.h"
namespace mongo {
namespace {
const Date_t kNeverTooStale = Date_t::max();
// TODO: Workaround for SERVER-19092. To be lowered back to 5 min / 30 sec once the bug is fixed
const Hours kCleanUpInterval(1); // Note: Must be larger than kMaxConnectionAge below)
const Minutes kMaxConnectionAge(30);
} // namespace
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPool(int messagingPortTags,
std::unique_ptr hook)
: _messagingPortTags(messagingPortTags),
_hook(std::move(hook)) {}
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPool(int messagingPortTags)
: ConnectionPool(messagingPortTags, nullptr) {}
ConnectionPool::~ConnectionPool() {
void ConnectionPool::cleanUpOlderThan(Date_t now) {
stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex);
HostConnectionMap::iterator hostConns = _connections.begin();
while (hostConns != _connections.end()) {
_cleanUpOlderThan_inlock(now, &hostConns->second);
if (hostConns->second.empty()) {
} else {
void ConnectionPool::_cleanUpOlderThan_inlock(Date_t now, ConnectionList* hostConns) {
ConnectionList::iterator iter = hostConns->begin();
while (iter != hostConns->end()) {
if (_shouldKeepConnection(now, *iter)) {
} else {
_destroyConnection_inlock(hostConns, iter++);
bool ConnectionPool::_shouldKeepConnection(Date_t now, const ConnectionInfo& connInfo) const {
const Date_t expirationDate = connInfo.creationDate + kMaxConnectionAge;
if (expirationDate <= now) {
return false;
return true;
void ConnectionPool::closeAllInUseConnections() {
stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex);
for (ConnectionList::iterator iter = _inUseConnections.begin(); iter != _inUseConnections.end();
++iter) {
void ConnectionPool::_cleanUpStaleHosts_inlock(Date_t now) {
if (now > _lastCleanUpTime + kCleanUpInterval) {
for (HostLastUsedMap::iterator itr = _lastUsedHosts.begin(); itr != _lastUsedHosts.end();
itr++) {
if (itr->second <= _lastCleanUpTime) {
ConnectionList connList = _connections.find(itr->first)->second;
_cleanUpOlderThan_inlock(now, &connList);
itr->second = kNeverTooStale;
_lastCleanUpTime = now;
ConnectionPool::ConnectionList::iterator ConnectionPool::acquireConnection(
const HostAndPort& target, Date_t now, Milliseconds timeout) {
stdx::unique_lock lk(_mutex);
// Clean up connections on stale/unused hosts
for (HostConnectionMap::iterator hostConns;
(hostConns = _connections.find(target)) != _connections.end();) {
// Clean up the requested host to remove stale/unused connections
_cleanUpOlderThan_inlock(now, &hostConns->second);
if (hostConns->second.empty()) {
// prevent host from causing unnecessary cleanups
_lastUsedHosts[hostConns->first] = kNeverTooStale;
_inUseConnections.begin(), hostConns->second, hostConns->second.begin());
const ConnectionList::iterator candidate = _inUseConnections.begin();
try {
if (candidate->conn->isStillConnected()) {
// setSoTimeout takes a double representing the number of seconds for send and
// receive timeouts. Thus, we must express 'timeout' in milliseconds and divide by
// 1000.0 to get the number of seconds with a fractional part.
candidate->conn->setSoTimeout(durationCount(timeout) / 1000.0);
return candidate;
} catch (...) {
_destroyConnection_inlock(&_inUseConnections, candidate);
_destroyConnection_inlock(&_inUseConnections, candidate);
// No idle connection in the pool; make a new one.
std::unique_ptr conn;
if (_hook) {
conn.reset(new DBClientConnection(
false, // auto reconnect
0, // socket timeout
{}, // MongoURI
[this, target](const executor::RemoteCommandResponse& isMasterReply) {
return _hook->validateHost(target, BSONObj(), isMasterReply);
} else {
conn.reset(new DBClientConnection());
// setSoTimeout takes a double representing the number of seconds for send and receive
// timeouts. Thus, we must express 'timeout' in milliseconds and divide by 1000.0 to get
// the number of seconds with a fractional part.
conn->setSoTimeout(durationCount(timeout) / 1000.0);
uassertStatusOK(conn->connect(target, StringData()));
if (isInternalAuthSet()) {
if (_hook) {
auto postConnectRequest = uassertStatusOK(_hook->makeRequest(target));
// We might not have a postConnectRequest
if (postConnectRequest != boost::none) {
auto start = Date_t::now();
auto reply =
auto rcr = executor::RemoteCommandResponse(reply->getCommandReply().getOwned(),
Date_t::now() - start);
uassertStatusOK(_hook->handleReply(target, std::move(rcr)));
return _inUseConnections.insert(_inUseConnections.begin(), ConnectionInfo(conn.release(), now));
void ConnectionPool::releaseConnection(ConnectionList::iterator iter, const Date_t now) {
stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex);
if (!_shouldKeepConnection(now, *iter)) {
_destroyConnection_inlock(&_inUseConnections, iter);
ConnectionList& hostConns = _connections[iter->conn->getServerHostAndPort()];
_cleanUpOlderThan_inlock(now, &hostConns);
hostConns.splice(hostConns.begin(), _inUseConnections, iter);
_lastUsedHosts[iter->conn->getServerHostAndPort()] = now;
void ConnectionPool::destroyConnection(ConnectionList::iterator iter) {
stdx::lock_guard lk(_mutex);
_destroyConnection_inlock(&_inUseConnections, iter);
void ConnectionPool::_destroyConnection_inlock(ConnectionList* connList,
ConnectionList::iterator iter) {
delete iter->conn;
// ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr::ConnectionPtr(ConnectionPool* pool,
const HostAndPort& target,
Date_t now,
Milliseconds timeout)
: _pool(pool), _connInfo(pool->acquireConnection(target, now, timeout)) {}
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr::~ConnectionPtr() {
if (_pool) {
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr::ConnectionPtr(ConnectionPtr&& other)
: _pool(std::move(other._pool)), _connInfo(std::move(other._connInfo)) {
other._pool = nullptr;
ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr& ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr::operator=(ConnectionPtr&& other) {
_pool = std::move(other._pool);
_connInfo = std::move(other._connInfo);
other._pool = nullptr;
return *this;
void ConnectionPool::ConnectionPtr::done(Date_t now) {
_pool->releaseConnection(_connInfo, now);
_pool = NULL;
} // namespace mongo