// dbclient.cpp - connect to a Mongo database as a database, from C++ /** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/client/dbclient_cursor.h" #include "mongo/client/connpool.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/dbmessage.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.h" #include "mongo/db/query/getmore_request.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_request.h" #include "mongo/rpc/factory.h" #include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata.h" #include "mongo/rpc/object_check.h" #include "mongo/s/stale_exception.h" #include "mongo/stdx/memory.h" #include "mongo/util/bufreader.h" #include "mongo/util/debug_util.h" #include "mongo/util/destructor_guard.h" #include "mongo/util/exit.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" namespace mongo { using std::unique_ptr; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace { Message assembleCommandRequest(DBClientBase* cli, StringData database, int legacyQueryOptions, BSONObj legacyQuery) { auto request = rpc::upconvertRequest(database, std::move(legacyQuery), legacyQueryOptions); if (cli->getRequestMetadataWriter()) { BSONObjBuilder bodyBob(std::move(request.body)); auto opCtx = (haveClient() ? cc().getOperationContext() : nullptr); uassertStatusOK(cli->getRequestMetadataWriter()(opCtx, &bodyBob)); request.body = bodyBob.obj(); } return rpc::messageFromOpMsgRequest( cli->getClientRPCProtocols(), cli->getServerRPCProtocols(), std::move(request)); } } // namespace int DBClientCursor::nextBatchSize() { if (nToReturn == 0) return batchSize; if (batchSize == 0) return nToReturn; return batchSize < nToReturn ? batchSize : nToReturn; } Message DBClientCursor::_assembleInit() { if (cursorId) { return _assembleGetMore(); } // If we haven't gotten a cursorId yet, we need to issue a new query or command. if (_isCommand) { // HACK: // Unfortunately, this code is used by the shell to run commands, // so we need to allow the shell to send invalid options so that we can // test that the server rejects them. Thus, to allow generating commands with // invalid options, we validate them here, and fall back to generating an OP_QUERY // through assembleQueryRequest if the options are invalid. bool hasValidNToReturnForCommand = (nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1); bool hasValidFlagsForCommand = !(opts & mongo::QueryOption_Exhaust); bool hasInvalidMaxTimeMs = query.hasField("$maxTimeMS"); if (hasValidNToReturnForCommand && hasValidFlagsForCommand && !hasInvalidMaxTimeMs) { return assembleCommandRequest(_client, ns.db(), opts, query); } } else if (_useFindCommand) { // The caller supplies a 'query' object which may have $-prefixed directives in the format // expected for a legacy OP_QUERY. Therefore, we use the legacy parsing code supplied by // QueryRequest. When actually issuing the request to the remote node, we will assemble a // find command. auto qr = QueryRequest::fromLegacyQuery(_nsOrUuid, query, fieldsToReturn ? *fieldsToReturn : BSONObj(), nToSkip, nextBatchSize(), opts); if (qr.isOK() && !qr.getValue()->isExplain()) { if (query.getBoolField("$readOnce")) { // Legacy queries don't handle readOnce. qr.getValue()->setReadOnce(true); } BSONObj cmd = _nsOrUuid.uuid() ? qr.getValue()->asFindCommandWithUuid() : qr.getValue()->asFindCommand(); if (auto readPref = query["$readPreference"]) { // QueryRequest doesn't handle $readPreference. cmd = BSONObjBuilder(std::move(cmd)).append(readPref).obj(); } return assembleCommandRequest(_client, ns.db(), opts, std::move(cmd)); } // else use legacy OP_QUERY request. // Legacy OP_QUERY request does not support UUIDs. if (_nsOrUuid.uuid()) { // If there was a problem building the query request, report that. uassertStatusOK(qr.getStatus()); // Otherwise it must have been explain. uasserted(50937, "Query by UUID is not supported for explain queries."); } } _useFindCommand = false; // Make sure we handle the reply correctly. Message toSend; assembleQueryRequest(ns.ns(), query, nextBatchSize(), nToSkip, fieldsToReturn, opts, toSend); return toSend; } Message DBClientCursor::_assembleGetMore() { invariant(cursorId); if (_useFindCommand) { std::int64_t batchSize = nextBatchSize(); auto gmr = GetMoreRequest(ns, cursorId, boost::make_optional(batchSize != 0, batchSize), boost::none, // awaitDataTimeout boost::none, // term boost::none); // lastKnownCommittedOptime auto msg = assembleCommandRequest(_client, ns.db(), opts, gmr.toBSON()); // Set the exhaust flag if needed. if (opts & QueryOption_Exhaust && msg.operation() == dbMsg) { OpMsg::setFlag(&msg, OpMsg::kExhaustSupported); } return msg; } else { // Assemble a legacy getMore request. return makeGetMoreMessage(ns.ns(), cursorId, nextBatchSize(), opts); } } bool DBClientCursor::init() { invariant(!_connectionHasPendingReplies); Message toSend = _assembleInit(); verify(_client); Message reply; if (!_client->call(toSend, reply, false, &_originalHost)) { // log msg temp? log() << "DBClientCursor::init call() failed" << endl; return false; } if (reply.empty()) { // log msg temp? log() << "DBClientCursor::init message from call() was empty" << endl; return false; } dataReceived(reply); return true; } void DBClientCursor::initLazy(bool isRetry) { massert(15875, "DBClientCursor::initLazy called on a client that doesn't support lazy", _client->lazySupported()); Message toSend = _assembleInit(); _client->say(toSend, isRetry, &_originalHost); _lastRequestId = toSend.header().getId(); _connectionHasPendingReplies = true; } bool DBClientCursor::initLazyFinish(bool& retry) { invariant(_connectionHasPendingReplies); Message reply; bool recvd = _client->recv(reply, _lastRequestId); _connectionHasPendingReplies = false; // If we get a bad response, return false if (!recvd || reply.empty()) { if (!recvd) log() << "DBClientCursor::init lazy say() failed" << endl; if (reply.empty()) log() << "DBClientCursor::init message from say() was empty" << endl; _client->checkResponse({}, true, &retry, &_lazyHost); return false; } dataReceived(reply, retry, _lazyHost); return !retry; } void DBClientCursor::requestMore() { // For exhaust queries, once the stream has been initiated we get data blasted to us // from the remote server, without a need to send any more 'getMore' requests. const auto isExhaust = opts & QueryOption_Exhaust; if (isExhaust && (!_useFindCommand || _connectionHasPendingReplies)) { return exhaustReceiveMore(); } invariant(!_connectionHasPendingReplies); verify(cursorId && batch.pos == batch.objs.size()); if (haveLimit) { nToReturn -= batch.objs.size(); verify(nToReturn > 0); } auto doRequestMore = [&] { Message toSend = _assembleGetMore(); Message response; _client->call(toSend, response); dataReceived(response); }; if (_client) return doRequestMore(); invariant(_scopedHost.size()); DBClientBase::withConnection_do_not_use(_scopedHost, [&](DBClientBase* conn) { ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&, origClient = _client ] { _client = origClient; }); _client = conn; doRequestMore(); }); } /** * With QueryOption_Exhaust, the server just blasts data at us. The end of a stream is marked with a * cursor id of 0. */ void DBClientCursor::exhaustReceiveMore() { verify(cursorId); verify(batch.pos == batch.objs.size()); uassert(40675, "Cannot have limit for exhaust query", !haveLimit); Message response; verify(_client); if (!_client->recv(response, _lastRequestId)) { uasserted(16465, "recv failed while exhausting cursor"); } dataReceived(response); } BSONObj DBClientCursor::commandDataReceived(const Message& reply) { int op = reply.operation(); invariant(op == opReply || op == dbMsg); // Check if the reply indicates that it is part of an exhaust stream. const auto isExhaust = OpMsg::isFlagSet(reply, OpMsg::kMoreToCome); _connectionHasPendingReplies = isExhaust; if (isExhaust) { _lastRequestId = reply.header().getId(); } auto commandReply = _client->parseCommandReplyMessage(_client->getServerAddress(), reply); auto commandStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(commandReply->getCommandReply()); if (commandStatus == ErrorCodes::StaleConfig) { uassertStatusOK( commandStatus.withContext("stale config in DBClientCursor::dataReceived()")); } else if (!commandStatus.isOK()) { wasError = true; } auto opCtx = haveClient() ? cc().getOperationContext() : nullptr; if (_client->getReplyMetadataReader()) { uassertStatusOK(_client->getReplyMetadataReader()( opCtx, commandReply->getCommandReply(), _client->getServerAddress())); } return commandReply->getCommandReply().getOwned(); } void DBClientCursor::dataReceived(const Message& reply, bool& retry, string& host) { batch.objs.clear(); batch.pos = 0; // If this is a reply to our initial command request. if (_isCommand && cursorId == 0) { batch.objs.push_back(commandDataReceived(reply)); return; } if (_useFindCommand) { cursorId = 0; // Don't try to kill cursor if we get back an error. auto cr = uassertStatusOK(CursorResponse::parseFromBSON(commandDataReceived(reply))); cursorId = cr.getCursorId(); uassert(50935, "Received a getMore response with a cursor id of 0 and the moreToCome flag set.", !(_connectionHasPendingReplies && cursorId == 0)); ns = cr.getNSS(); // Unlike OP_REPLY, find command can change the ns to use for getMores. batch.objs = cr.releaseBatch(); return; } QueryResult::View qr = reply.singleData().view2ptr(); resultFlags = qr.getResultFlags(); if (qr.getResultFlags() & ResultFlag_ErrSet) { wasError = true; } if (qr.getResultFlags() & ResultFlag_CursorNotFound) { // cursor id no longer valid at the server. invariant(qr.getCursorId() == 0); if (!(opts & QueryOption_CursorTailable)) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::CursorNotFound, str::stream() << "cursor id " << cursorId << " didn't exist on server."); } // 0 indicates no longer valid (dead) cursorId = 0; } if (cursorId == 0 || !(opts & QueryOption_CursorTailable)) { // only set initially: we don't want to kill it on end of data // if it's a tailable cursor cursorId = qr.getCursorId(); } if (opts & QueryOption_Exhaust) { // With exhaust mode, each reply after the first claims to be a reply to the previous one // rather than the initial request. _connectionHasPendingReplies = (cursorId != 0); _lastRequestId = reply.header().getId(); } batch.objs.reserve(qr.getNReturned()); BufReader data(qr.data(), qr.dataLen()); while (static_cast(batch.objs.size()) < qr.getNReturned()) { if (serverGlobalParams.objcheck) { batch.objs.push_back(data.read>()); } else { batch.objs.push_back(data.read()); } batch.objs.back().shareOwnershipWith(reply.sharedBuffer()); } uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidBSON, "Got invalid reply from external server while reading from cursor", data.atEof()); _client->checkResponse(batch.objs, false, &retry, &host); // watches for "not master" if (qr.getResultFlags() & ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale) { BSONObj error; verify(peekError(&error)); uasserted(StaleConfigInfo::parseFromCommandError(error), "stale config on lazy receive"); } /* this assert would fire the way we currently work: verify( nReturned || cursorId == 0 ); */ } /** If true, safe to call next(). Requests more from server if necessary. */ bool DBClientCursor::more() { if (!_putBack.empty()) return true; if (haveLimit && static_cast(batch.pos) >= nToReturn) return false; if (batch.pos < batch.objs.size()) return true; if (cursorId == 0) return false; requestMore(); return batch.pos < batch.objs.size(); } BSONObj DBClientCursor::next() { if (!_putBack.empty()) { BSONObj ret = _putBack.top(); _putBack.pop(); return ret; } uassert( 13422, "DBClientCursor next() called but more() is false", batch.pos < batch.objs.size()); /* todo would be good to make data null at end of batch for safety */ return std::move(batch.objs[batch.pos++]); } BSONObj DBClientCursor::nextSafe() { BSONObj o = next(); // Only convert legacy errors ($err) to exceptions. Otherwise, just return the response and the // caller will interpret it as a command error. if (wasError && strcmp(o.firstElementFieldName(), "$err") == 0) { uassertStatusOK(getStatusFromCommandResult(o)); } return o; } void DBClientCursor::peek(vector& v, int atMost) { auto end = atMost >= static_cast(batch.objs.size() - batch.pos) ? batch.objs.end() : batch.objs.begin() + batch.pos + atMost; v.insert(v.end(), batch.objs.begin() + batch.pos, end); } BSONObj DBClientCursor::peekFirst() { vector v; peek(v, 1); if (v.size() > 0) return v[0]; else return BSONObj(); } bool DBClientCursor::peekError(BSONObj* error) { if (!wasError) return false; vector v; peek(v, 1); verify(v.size() == 1); // We check both the legacy error format, and the new error format. hasErrField checks for // $err, and getStatusFromCommandResult checks for modern errors of the form '{ok: 0.0, code: // <...>, errmsg: ...}'. verify(hasErrField(v[0]) || !getStatusFromCommandResult(v[0]).isOK()); if (error) *error = v[0].getOwned(); return true; } void DBClientCursor::attach(AScopedConnection* conn) { verify(_scopedHost.size() == 0); verify(conn); verify(conn->get()); if (conn->get()->type() == ConnectionString::SET) { if (_lazyHost.size() > 0) _scopedHost = _lazyHost; else if (_client) _scopedHost = _client->getServerAddress(); else massert(14821, "No client or lazy client specified, cannot store multi-host connection.", false); } else { _scopedHost = conn->getHost(); } conn->done(); _client = 0; _lazyHost = ""; } DBClientCursor::DBClientCursor(DBClientBase* client, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUuid, const BSONObj& query, int nToReturn, int nToSkip, const BSONObj* fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions, int batchSize) : DBClientCursor(client, nsOrUuid, query, 0, // cursorId nToReturn, nToSkip, fieldsToReturn, queryOptions, batchSize, {}) {} DBClientCursor::DBClientCursor(DBClientBase* client, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUuid, long long cursorId, int nToReturn, int queryOptions, std::vector initialBatch) : DBClientCursor(client, nsOrUuid, BSONObj(), // query cursorId, nToReturn, 0, // nToSkip nullptr, // fieldsToReturn queryOptions, 0, std::move(initialBatch)) {} // batchSize DBClientCursor::DBClientCursor(DBClientBase* client, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUuid, const BSONObj& query, long long cursorId, int nToReturn, int nToSkip, const BSONObj* fieldsToReturn, int queryOptions, int batchSize, std::vector initialBatch) : batch{std::move(initialBatch)}, _client(client), _originalHost(_client->getServerAddress()), _nsOrUuid(nsOrUuid), ns(nsOrUuid.nss() ? *nsOrUuid.nss() : NamespaceString(nsOrUuid.dbname())), _isCommand(ns.isCommand()), query(query), nToReturn(nToReturn), haveLimit(nToReturn > 0 && !(queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable)), nToSkip(nToSkip), fieldsToReturn(fieldsToReturn), opts(queryOptions & ~QueryOptionLocal_forceOpQuery), batchSize(batchSize == 1 ? 2 : batchSize), resultFlags(0), cursorId(cursorId), _ownCursor(true), wasError(false), _enabledBSONVersion(Validator::enabledBSONVersion()) { if (queryOptions & QueryOptionLocal_forceOpQuery) { // Legacy OP_QUERY does not support UUIDs. invariant(!_nsOrUuid.uuid()); _useFindCommand = false; } } DBClientCursor::~DBClientCursor() { kill(); } void DBClientCursor::kill() { DESTRUCTOR_GUARD({ if (cursorId && _ownCursor && !globalInShutdownDeprecated()) { auto killCursor = [&](auto&& conn) { if (_useFindCommand) { conn->killCursor(ns, cursorId); } else { auto toSend = makeKillCursorsMessage(cursorId); conn->say(toSend); } }; if (_client && !_connectionHasPendingReplies) { killCursor(_client); } else { // Use a side connection to send the kill cursor request. verify(_scopedHost.size() || (_client && _connectionHasPendingReplies)); DBClientBase::withConnection_do_not_use( _client ? _client->getServerAddress() : _scopedHost, killCursor); } } }); // Mark this cursor as dead since we can't do any getMores. cursorId = 0; } } // namespace mongo