/** @file dbclient_rs.h Connect to a Replica Set, from C++ */
/* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
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* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects
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#pragma once
#include "mongo/client/dbclientinterface.h"
#include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h"
namespace mongo {
class ReplicaSetMonitor;
class TagSet;
struct ReadPreferenceSetting;
typedef std::shared_ptr ReplicaSetMonitorPtr;
/** Use this class to connect to a replica set of servers. The class will manage
checking for which server in a replica set is master, and do failover automatically.
This can also be used to connect to replica pairs since pairs are a subset of sets
On a failover situation, expect at least one operation to return an error (throw
an exception) before the failover is complete. Operations are not retried.
class DBClientReplicaSet : public DBClientBase {
using DBClientBase::query;
using DBClientBase::update;
using DBClientBase::remove;
/** Call connect() after constructing. autoReconnect is always on for DBClientReplicaSet
* connections. */
DBClientReplicaSet(const std::string& name,
const std::vector& servers,
double so_timeout = 0);
virtual ~DBClientReplicaSet();
* Returns false if no member of the set were reachable. This object
* can still be used even when false was returned as it will try to
* reconnect when you use it later.
bool connect();
* Logs out the connection for the given database.
* @param dbname the database to logout from.
* @param info the result object for the logout command (provided for backwards
* compatibility with mongo shell)
virtual void logout(const std::string& dbname, BSONObj& info);
// ----------- simple functions --------------
/** throws userassertion "no master found" */
virtual std::unique_ptr query(const std::string& ns,
Query query,
int nToReturn = 0,
int nToSkip = 0,
const BSONObj* fieldsToReturn = 0,
int queryOptions = 0,
int batchSize = 0);
/** throws userassertion "no master found" */
virtual BSONObj findOne(const std::string& ns,
const Query& query,
const BSONObj* fieldsToReturn = 0,
int queryOptions = 0);
virtual void insert(const std::string& ns, BSONObj obj, int flags = 0);
/** insert multiple objects. Note that single object insert is asynchronous, so this version
is only nominally faster and not worth a special effort to try to use. */
virtual void insert(const std::string& ns, const std::vector& v, int flags = 0);
virtual void remove(const std::string& ns, Query obj, int flags);
virtual void update(const std::string& ns, Query query, BSONObj obj, int flags);
virtual void killCursor(long long cursorID);
// ---- access raw connections ----
* WARNING: this method is very dangerous - this object can decide to free the
* returned master connection any time.
* @return the reference to the address that points to the master connection.
DBClientConnection& masterConn();
* WARNING: this method is very dangerous - this object can decide to free the
* returned master connection any time. This can also unpin the cached
* slaveOk/read preference connection.
* @return the reference to the address that points to a secondary connection.
DBClientConnection& slaveConn();
// ---- callback pieces -------
virtual void say(Message& toSend, bool isRetry = false, std::string* actualServer = 0);
virtual bool recv(Message& toRecv);
virtual void checkResponse(const char* data,
int nReturned,
bool* retry = NULL,
std::string* targetHost = NULL);
/* this is the callback from our underlying connections to notify us that we got a "not master"
* error.
void isntMaster();
/* this is used to indicate we got a "not master or secondary" error from a secondary.
void isntSecondary();
// ----- status ------
virtual bool isFailed() const {
return !_master || _master->isFailed();
bool isStillConnected();
// ----- informational ----
* Gets the replica set name of the set we are connected to.
const std::string& getSetName() const {
return _setName;
* Returns the HostAndPort of the server this connection believes belongs to the primary,
* or returns an empty HostAndPort if it doesn't know about a current primary.
HostAndPort getSuspectedPrimaryHostAndPort() const;
double getSoTimeout() const {
return _so_timeout;
std::string toString() const {
return getServerAddress();
std::string getServerAddress() const;
virtual ConnectionString::ConnectionType type() const {
return ConnectionString::SET;
virtual bool lazySupported() const {
return true;
rpc::UniqueReply runCommandWithMetadata(StringData database,
StringData command,
const BSONObj& metadata,
const BSONObj& commandArgs) final;
void setRequestMetadataWriter(rpc::RequestMetadataWriter writer) final;
void setReplyMetadataReader(rpc::ReplyMetadataReader reader) final;
int getMinWireVersion() final;
int getMaxWireVersion() final;
// ---- low level ------
virtual bool call(Message& toSend, Message& response, bool assertOk, std::string* actualServer);
* Returns whether a query or command can be sent to secondaries based on the query object
* and options.
* @param ns the namespace of the query.
* @param queryObj the query object to check.
* @param queryOptions the query options
* @return true if the query/cmd could potentially be sent to a secondary, false otherwise
static bool isSecondaryQuery(const std::string& ns, const BSONObj& queryObj, int queryOptions);
* Performs a "soft reset" by clearing all states relating to secondary nodes and
* returning secondary connections to the pool.
virtual void reset();
* @bool setting if true, DBClientReplicaSet connections will make sure that secondary
* connections are authenticated and log them before returning them to the pool.
static void setAuthPooledSecondaryConn(bool setting);
/** Authorize. Authorizes all nodes as needed
virtual void _auth(const BSONObj& params);
* Used to simplify slave-handling logic on errors
* @return back the passed cursor
* @throws DBException if the directed node cannot accept the query because it
* is not a master
std::unique_ptr checkSlaveQueryResult(std::unique_ptr result);
DBClientConnection* checkMaster();
* Helper method for selecting a node based on the read preference. Will advance
* the tag tags object if it cannot find a node that matches the current tag.
* @param readPref the preference to use for selecting a node.
* @return a pointer to the new connection object if it can find a good connection.
* Otherwise it returns NULL.
* @throws DBException when an error occurred either when trying to connect to
* a node that was thought to be ok or when an assertion happened.
DBClientConnection* selectNodeUsingTags(std::shared_ptr readPref);
* @return true if the last host used in the last slaveOk query is still in the
* set and can be used for the given read preference.
bool checkLastHost(const ReadPreferenceSetting* readPref);
* Destroys all cached information about the last slaveOk operation.
void invalidateLastSlaveOkCache();
void _authConnection(DBClientConnection* conn);
* Calls logout on the connection for all known database this DBClientRS instance has
* logged in.
void logoutAll(DBClientConnection* conn);
* Clears the master connection.
void resetMaster();
* Clears the slaveOk connection and returns it to the pool if not the same as _master.
void resetSlaveOkConn();
* Maximum number of retries to make for auto-retry logic when performing a slave ok
* operation.
static const size_t MAX_RETRY;
// TODO: remove this when processes other than mongos uses the driver version.
static bool _authPooledSecondaryConn;
// Throws a DBException if the monitor doesn't exist and there isn't a cached seed to use.
ReplicaSetMonitorPtr _getMonitor() const;
std::string _setName;
HostAndPort _masterHost;
std::unique_ptr _master;
// Last used host in a slaveOk query (can be a primary).
HostAndPort _lastSlaveOkHost;
// Last used connection in a slaveOk query (can be a primary).
// Connection can either be owned here or returned to the connection pool. Note that
// if connection is primary, it is owned by _master so it is incorrect to return
// it to the pool.
std::unique_ptr _lastSlaveOkConn;
std::shared_ptr _lastReadPref;
double _so_timeout;
// we need to store so that when we connect to a new node on failure
// we can re-auth
// this could be a security issue, as the password is stored in memory
// not sure if/how we should handle
std::map _auths; // dbName -> auth parameters
* for storing (non-threadsafe) information between lazy calls
class LazyState {
LazyState() : _lastClient(NULL), _lastOp(-1), _secondaryQueryOk(false), _retries(0) {}
DBClientConnection* _lastClient;
int _lastOp;
bool _secondaryQueryOk;
int _retries;
} _lazyState;