/* Copyright 2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/client/mongo_uri.h" #include "mongo/executor/task_executor.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/stdx/functional.h" #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { class BSONObj; class ReplicaSetMonitor; struct ReadPreferenceSetting; typedef std::shared_ptr ReplicaSetMonitorPtr; /** * Holds state about a replica set and provides a means to refresh the local view. * All methods perform the required synchronization to allow callers from multiple threads. */ class ReplicaSetMonitor : public std::enable_shared_from_this { MONGO_DISALLOW_COPYING(ReplicaSetMonitor); public: class Refresher; typedef stdx::function ConfigChangeHook; /** * Initializes local state. * * seeds must not be empty. */ ReplicaSetMonitor(StringData name, const std::set& seeds); ReplicaSetMonitor(const MongoURI& uri); /** * Schedules the initial refresh task into task executor. */ void init(); /** * Returns a host matching the given read preference or an error, if no host matches. * * @param readPref Read preference to match against * @param maxWait If no host is readily available, which matches the specified read preference, * wait for one to become available for up to the specified time and periodically refresh * the view of the set. The call may return with an error earlier than the specified value, * if none of the known hosts for the set are reachable within some number of attempts. * Note that if a maxWait of 0ms is specified, this method may still attempt to contact * every host in the replica set up to one time. * * Known errors are: * FailedToSatisfyReadPreference, if node cannot be found, which matches the read preference. */ StatusWith getHostOrRefresh(const ReadPreferenceSetting& readPref, Milliseconds maxWait = kDefaultFindHostTimeout); /** * Returns the host we think is the current master or uasserts. * * This is a thin wrapper around getHostOrRefresh so this will also refresh our view if we * don't think there is a master at first. The main difference is that this will uassert * rather than returning an empty HostAndPort. */ HostAndPort getMasterOrUassert(); /** * Returns a refresher object that can be used to update our view of the set. * If a refresh is currently in-progress, the returned Refresher will participate in the * current refresh round. */ Refresher startOrContinueRefresh(); /** * Notifies this Monitor that a host has failed because of the specified error 'status' and * should be considered down. * * Call this when you get a connection error. If you get an error while trying to refresh our * view of a host, call Refresher::failedHost instead because it bypasses taking the monitor's * mutex. */ void failedHost(const HostAndPort& host, const Status& status); /** * Returns true if this node is the master based ONLY on local data. Be careful, return may * be stale. */ bool isPrimary(const HostAndPort& host) const; /** * Returns true if host is part of this set and is considered up (meaning it can accept * queries). */ bool isHostUp(const HostAndPort& host) const; /** * Returns the minimum wire version supported across the replica set. */ int getMinWireVersion() const; /** * Returns the maximum wire version supported across the replica set. */ int getMaxWireVersion() const; /** * The name of the set. */ std::string getName() const; /** * Returns a std::string with the format name/server1,server2. * If name is empty, returns just comma-separated list of servers. */ std::string getServerAddress() const; /** * Is server part of this set? Uses only cached information. */ bool contains(const HostAndPort& server) const; /** * Writes information about our cached view of the set to a BSONObjBuilder. */ void appendInfo(BSONObjBuilder& b) const; /** * Returns true if the monitor knows a usable primary from it's interal view. */ bool isKnownToHaveGoodPrimary() const; /** * Marks the instance as removed to exit refresh sooner. */ void markAsRemoved(); /** * Creates a new ReplicaSetMonitor, if it doesn't already exist. */ static std::shared_ptr createIfNeeded(const std::string& name, const std::set& servers); static std::shared_ptr createIfNeeded(const MongoURI& uri); /** * gets a cached Monitor per name. If the monitor is not found and createFromSeed is false, * it will return none. If createFromSeed is true, it will try to look up the last known * servers list for this set and will create a new monitor using that as the seed list. */ static std::shared_ptr get(const std::string& name); /** * Removes the ReplicaSetMonitor for the given set name from _sets, which will delete it. * If clearSeedCache is true, then the cached seed std::string for this Replica Set will be * removed from _seedServers. */ static void remove(const std::string& name); /** * Sets the hook to be called whenever the config of any replica set changes. * Currently only 1 globally, so this asserts if one already exists. * * The hook will be called from a fresh thread. It is responsible for initializing any * thread-local state and ensuring that no exceptions escape. * * The hook must not be changed while the program has multiple threads. */ static void setAsynchronousConfigChangeHook(ConfigChangeHook hook); /** * Sets the hook to be called whenever the config of any replica set changes. * Currently only 1 globally, so this asserts if one already exists. * * The hook will be called inline while refreshing the ReplicaSetMonitor's view of the set * membership. It is important that the hook not block for long as it will be running under * the ReplicaSetMonitor's mutex. * * The hook must not be changed while the program has multiple threads. */ static void setSynchronousConfigChangeHook(ConfigChangeHook hook); /** * Permanently stops all monitoring on replica sets and clears all cached information * as well. As a consequence, NEVER call this if you have other threads that have a * DBClientReplicaSet instance. This method should be used for unit test only. */ static void cleanup(); /** * Use these to speed up tests by disabling the sleep-and-retry loops and cause errors to be * reported immediately. */ static void disableRefreshRetries_forTest(); /** * Permanently stops all monitoring on replica sets. */ static void shutdown(); /** * Returns the refresh period that is given to all new SetStates. */ static Seconds getDefaultRefreshPeriod(); // // internal types (defined in replica_set_monitor_internal.h) // struct IsMasterReply; struct ScanState; struct SetState; typedef std::shared_ptr ScanStatePtr; typedef std::shared_ptr SetStatePtr; /** * Allows tests to set initial conditions and introspect the current state. */ explicit ReplicaSetMonitor(const SetStatePtr& initialState) : _state(initialState) {} ~ReplicaSetMonitor(); /** * The default timeout, which will be used for finding a replica set host if the caller does * not explicitly specify it. */ static const Seconds kDefaultFindHostTimeout; /** * Defaults to false, meaning that if multiple hosts meet a criteria we pick one at random. * This is required by the replica set driver spec. Set this to true in tests that need host * selection to be deterministic. * * NOTE: Used by unit-tests only. */ static bool useDeterministicHostSelection; private: /** * Schedules a refresh via the task executor. (Task is automatically canceled in the d-tor.) */ void _scheduleRefresh(Date_t when); /** * This function refreshes the replica set and calls _scheduleRefresh() again. */ void _doScheduledRefresh(const executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle& currentHandle); // Serializes refresh and protects _refresherHandle stdx::mutex _mutex; executor::TaskExecutor::CallbackHandle _refresherHandle; const SetStatePtr _state; executor::TaskExecutor* _executor; AtomicBool _isRemovedFromManager{false}; }; /** * Refreshes the local view of a replica set. * * Use ReplicaSetMonitor::startOrContinueRefresh() to obtain a Refresher. * * Multiple threads can refresh a single set without any additional synchronization, however * they must each use their own Refresher object. * * All logic related to choosing the hosts to contact and updating the SetState based on replies * lives in this class. */ class ReplicaSetMonitor::Refresher { public: /** * Contact hosts in the set to refresh our view, but stop once a host matches criteria. * Returns the matching host or empty if none match after a refresh. * * This is called by ReplicaSetMonitor::getHostWithRefresh() */ HostAndPort refreshUntilMatches(const ReadPreferenceSetting& criteria); /** * Refresh all hosts. Equivalent to refreshUntilMatches with a criteria that never * matches. * * This is intended to be called periodically, possibly from a background thread. */ void refreshAll(); // // Remaining methods are only for testing and internal use. // Callers are responsible for holding SetState::mutex before calling any of these methods. // /** * Any passed-in pointers are shared with caller. * * If no scan is in-progress, this function is responsible for setting up a new scan. */ explicit Refresher(const SetStatePtr& setState); struct NextStep { enum StepKind { CONTACT_HOST, /// Contact the returned host WAIT, /// Wait on condition variable and try again. DONE, /// No more hosts to contact in this Refresh round }; explicit NextStep(StepKind step, const HostAndPort& host = HostAndPort()) : step(step), host(host) {} StepKind step; HostAndPort host; }; /** * Returns the next step to take. * * By calling this, you promise to call receivedIsMaster or failedHost if the NextStep is * CONTACT_HOST. */ NextStep getNextStep(); /** * Call this if a host returned from getNextStep successfully replied to an isMaster call. * Negative latencyMicros are ignored. */ void receivedIsMaster(const HostAndPort& from, int64_t latencyMicros, const BSONObj& reply); /** * Call this if a host returned from getNextStep failed to reply to an isMaster call. */ void failedHost(const HostAndPort& host, const Status& status); /** * Starts a new scan over the hosts in set. */ static ScanStatePtr startNewScan(const SetState* set); private: /** * First, checks that the "reply" is not from a stale primary by comparing the electionId of * "reply" to the maxElectionId recorded by the SetState and returns OK status if "reply" * belongs to a non-stale primary. Otherwise returns a failed status. * * The 'from' parameter specifies the node from which the response is received. * * Updates _set and _scan based on set-membership information from a master. * Applies _scan->unconfirmedReplies to confirmed nodes. * Does not update this host's node in _set->nodes. */ Status receivedIsMasterFromMaster(const HostAndPort& from, const IsMasterReply& reply); /** * Adjusts the _scan work queue based on information from this host. * This should only be called with replies from non-masters. * Does not update _set at all. */ void receivedIsMasterBeforeFoundMaster(const IsMasterReply& reply); /** * Shared implementation of refreshUntilMatches and refreshAll. * NULL criteria means refresh every host. * Handles own locking. */ HostAndPort _refreshUntilMatches(const ReadPreferenceSetting* criteria); // Both pointers are never NULL SetStatePtr _set; ScanStatePtr _scan; // May differ from _set->currentScan if a new scan has started. }; } // namespace mongo