/* * Copyright (C) 2013 10gen, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kNetwork #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/client/sasl_sspi_options.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" #include "mongo/util/text.h" extern "C" int plain_client_plug_init(const sasl_utils_t* utils, int maxversion, int* out_version, sasl_client_plug_t** pluglist, int* plugcount); namespace mongo { namespace { /* * SSPI client plugin impl */ // The SSPI plugin implements the GSSAPI interface. char sspiPluginName[] = "GSSAPI"; // This structure is passed through each callback to us by the sasl glue code. struct SspiConnContext { CredHandle cred; bool haveCred; CtxtHandle ctx; bool haveCtxt; bool authComplete; std::wstring nameToken; std::string userPlusRealm; SspiConnContext() : haveCred(false), haveCtxt(false), authComplete(false) {} ~SspiConnContext() { if (haveCtxt) { DeleteSecurityContext(&ctx); } if (haveCred) { FreeCredentialsHandle(&cred); } } }; // Utility function for fetching error text from Windows API function calls. void HandleLastError(const sasl_utils_t* utils, DWORD errCode, const char* msg) { char* err; if (!FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPSTR)&err, 0, NULL)) { return; } std::string buffer(mongoutils::str::stream() << "SSPI: " << msg << ": " << err); utils->seterror(utils->conn, 0, "%s", buffer.c_str()); LocalFree(err); } int sspiClientMechNew(void* glob_context, sasl_client_params_t* cparams, void** conn_context) throw() { // Prepare auth identity to pass to AcquireCredentialsHandle SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY authIdentity; authIdentity.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE; // Fetch username@realm. sasl_getsimple_t* user_cb; void* user_context; int ret = cparams->utils->getcallback( cparams->utils->conn, SASL_CB_USER, (sasl_callback_ft*)&user_cb, &user_context); if (ret != SASL_OK) { cparams->utils->seterror(cparams->utils->conn, 0, "getcallback user failed"); return ret; } const char* rawUserPlusRealm; unsigned rawUserPlusRealmLength = 0; ret = user_cb(user_context, SASL_CB_USER, &rawUserPlusRealm, &rawUserPlusRealmLength); if (ret != SASL_OK) { cparams->utils->seterror(cparams->utils->conn, 0, "user callback failed"); return ret; } std::string userPlusRealm(rawUserPlusRealm, rawUserPlusRealmLength); // Parse out the username and realm. size_t atSign = userPlusRealm.find('@'); if (atSign == std::string::npos) { cparams->utils->seterror(cparams->utils->conn, 0, "no @REALM found in username"); return SASL_BADPARAM; } std::string utf8Username(userPlusRealm, 0, atSign); std::wstring utf16Username(toWideString(utf8Username.c_str())); authIdentity.UserLength = utf16Username.length(); authIdentity.User = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(utf16Username.c_str())); std::string utf8Domain(userPlusRealm, atSign + 1); std::wstring utf16Domain(toWideString(utf8Domain.c_str())); authIdentity.DomainLength = utf16Domain.length(); authIdentity.Domain = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(utf16Domain.c_str())); // Fetch password, if available. authIdentity.PasswordLength = 0; authIdentity.Password = NULL; std::wstring utf16Password; sasl_secret_t* password = NULL; sasl_getsecret_t* pass_cb; void* pass_context; ret = cparams->utils->getcallback( cparams->utils->conn, SASL_CB_PASS, (sasl_callback_ft*)&pass_cb, &pass_context); if ((ret == SASL_OK) && pass_cb) { ret = pass_cb(cparams->utils->conn, pass_context, SASL_CB_PASS, &password); if ((ret == SASL_OK) && password) { std::string utf8Password(reinterpret_cast(password->data), password->len); utf16Password = toWideString(utf8Password.c_str()); authIdentity.PasswordLength = utf16Password.length(); authIdentity.Password = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(utf16Password.c_str())); } } // Actually acquire the handle to the client credentials. std::unique_ptr pcctx(new SspiConnContext()); pcctx->userPlusRealm = userPlusRealm; TimeStamp ignored; SECURITY_STATUS status = AcquireCredentialsHandleW(NULL, // principal const_cast(L"kerberos"), SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, // LOGON id &authIdentity, // auth data NULL, // get key fn NULL, // get key arg &pcctx->cred, &ignored); if (status != SEC_E_OK) { HandleLastError(cparams->utils, status, "AcquireCredentialsHandle"); return SASL_FAIL; } pcctx->haveCred = true; // Compose target name token. First, verify that a hostname has been provided. if (cparams->serverFQDN == NULL || strlen(cparams->serverFQDN) == 0) { cparams->utils->seterror(cparams->utils->conn, 0, "SSPI: no serverFQDN"); return SASL_FAIL; } // Then obtain all potential FQDNs for the hostname. std::string canonName = cparams->serverFQDN; auto fqdns = getHostFQDNs(cparams->serverFQDN, saslSSPIGlobalParams.canonicalization); if (!fqdns.empty()) { // PTR records should point to the canonical name. If there's more than one, warn and // arbitrarily use the last entry. if (fqdns.size() > 1) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Found multiple PTR records while performing reverse DNS: [ "; for (const std::string& fqdn : fqdns) { ss << fqdn << " "; } ss << "]"; warning() << ss.str(); } canonName = std::move(fqdns.back()); fqdns.pop_back(); } else if (saslSSPIGlobalParams.canonicalization != HostnameCanonicalizationMode::kNone) { warning() << "Was unable to acquire an FQDN"; } pcctx->nameToken = toWideString(cparams->service) + L'/' + toWideString(canonName.c_str()); if (!saslSSPIGlobalParams.realmOverride.empty()) { pcctx->nameToken += L'@' + toWideString(saslSSPIGlobalParams.realmOverride.c_str()); } *conn_context = pcctx.release(); return SASL_OK; } int sspiValidateServerSecurityLayerOffering(SspiConnContext* pcctx, sasl_client_params_t* cparams, const char* serverin, unsigned serverinlen) { std::unique_ptr message(new char[serverinlen]); memcpy(message.get(), serverin, serverinlen); SecBuffer wrapBufs[2]; SecBufferDesc wrapBufDesc; wrapBufDesc.cBuffers = 2; wrapBufDesc.pBuffers = wrapBufs; wrapBufDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer = serverinlen; wrapBufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_STREAM; wrapBufs[0].pvBuffer = message.get(); wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer = 0; wrapBufs[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer = NULL; SECURITY_STATUS status = DecryptMessage(&pcctx->ctx, &wrapBufDesc, 0, NULL); if (status != SEC_E_OK) { HandleLastError(cparams->utils, status, "DecryptMessage"); return SASL_FAIL; } // Validate the server's plaintext message. // Length (as per RFC 4752) if (wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer < 4) { cparams->utils->seterror(cparams->utils->conn, 0, "SSPI: server message is too short"); return SASL_FAIL; } // First bit of first byte set, indicating that the client may elect to use no // security layer. As a client we are uninterested in any of the other features the // server offers and thus we ignore the other bits. if (!(static_cast(wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer)[0] & 1)) { cparams->utils->seterror( cparams->utils->conn, 0, "SSPI: server does not support the required security layer"); return SASL_BADAUTH; } return SASL_OK; } int sspiSendClientAuthzId(SspiConnContext* pcctx, sasl_client_params_t* cparams, const char* serverin, unsigned serverinlen, const char** clientout, unsigned* clientoutlen, sasl_out_params_t* oparams) { // Ensure server response is decryptable. int decryptStatus = sspiValidateServerSecurityLayerOffering(pcctx, cparams, serverin, serverinlen); if (decryptStatus != SASL_OK) { return decryptStatus; } // Fill in AUTHID and AUTHZID fields in oparams. int ret = cparams->canon_user(cparams->utils->conn, pcctx->userPlusRealm.c_str(), 0, SASL_CU_AUTHID | SASL_CU_AUTHZID, oparams); // Reply to server with security capability and authz name. SecPkgContext_Sizes sizes; SECURITY_STATUS status = QueryContextAttributes(&pcctx->ctx, SECPKG_ATTR_SIZES, &sizes); if (status != SEC_E_OK) { HandleLastError(cparams->utils, status, "QueryContextAttributes(sizes)"); return SASL_FAIL; } // See RFC4752. int plaintextMessageSize = 4 + pcctx->userPlusRealm.size(); std::unique_ptr message( new char[sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + plaintextMessageSize + sizes.cbBlockSize]); char* plaintextMessage = message.get() + sizes.cbSecurityTrailer; plaintextMessage[0] = 1; // LAYER_NONE plaintextMessage[1] = 0; plaintextMessage[2] = 0; plaintextMessage[3] = 0; memcpy(&plaintextMessage[4], pcctx->userPlusRealm.c_str(), pcctx->userPlusRealm.size()); SecBuffer wrapBufs[3]; SecBufferDesc wrapBufDesc; wrapBufDesc.cBuffers = 3; wrapBufDesc.pBuffers = wrapBufs; wrapBufDesc.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer = sizes.cbSecurityTrailer; wrapBufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; wrapBufs[0].pvBuffer = message.get(); wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer = plaintextMessageSize; wrapBufs[1].BufferType = SECBUFFER_DATA; wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer = message.get() + sizes.cbSecurityTrailer; wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer = sizes.cbBlockSize; wrapBufs[2].BufferType = SECBUFFER_PADDING; wrapBufs[2].pvBuffer = message.get() + sizes.cbSecurityTrailer + plaintextMessageSize; status = EncryptMessage(&pcctx->ctx, SECQOP_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT, &wrapBufDesc, 0); if (status != SEC_E_OK) { HandleLastError(cparams->utils, status, "EncryptMessage"); return SASL_FAIL; } // Create the message to send to server. *clientoutlen = wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer; char* newoutbuf = static_cast(cparams->utils->malloc(*clientoutlen)); memcpy(newoutbuf, wrapBufs[0].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer); memcpy(newoutbuf + wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer, wrapBufs[1].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer); memcpy(newoutbuf + wrapBufs[0].cbBuffer + wrapBufs[1].cbBuffer, wrapBufs[2].pvBuffer, wrapBufs[2].cbBuffer); *clientout = newoutbuf; return SASL_OK; } int sspiClientMechStep(void* conn_context, sasl_client_params_t* cparams, const char* serverin, unsigned serverinlen, sasl_interact_t** prompt_need, const char** clientout, unsigned* clientoutlen, sasl_out_params_t* oparams) throw() { SspiConnContext* pcctx = static_cast(conn_context); *clientout = NULL; *clientoutlen = 0; if (pcctx->authComplete) { return sspiSendClientAuthzId( pcctx, cparams, serverin, serverinlen, clientout, clientoutlen, oparams); } SecBufferDesc inbuf; SecBuffer inBufs[1]; SecBufferDesc outbuf; SecBuffer outBufs[1]; if (pcctx->haveCtxt) { // If we already have a context, we now have data to send. // Put this data in an inbuf. inbuf.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; inbuf.cBuffers = 1; inbuf.pBuffers = inBufs; inBufs[0].pvBuffer = const_cast(serverin); inBufs[0].cbBuffer = serverinlen; inBufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; } outbuf.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION; outbuf.cBuffers = 1; outbuf.pBuffers = outBufs; outBufs[0].pvBuffer = NULL; outBufs[0].cbBuffer = 0; outBufs[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN; ULONG contextAttr = 0; SECURITY_STATUS status = InitializeSecurityContextW(&pcctx->cred, pcctx->haveCtxt ? &pcctx->ctx : NULL, const_cast(pcctx->nameToken.c_str()), ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY | ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH, 0, SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP, (pcctx->haveCtxt ? &inbuf : NULL), 0, &pcctx->ctx, &outbuf, &contextAttr, NULL); if (status != SEC_E_OK && status != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { HandleLastError(cparams->utils, status, "InitializeSecurityContext"); return SASL_FAIL; } ON_BLOCK_EXIT(FreeContextBuffer, outbuf.pBuffers[0].pvBuffer); pcctx->haveCtxt = true; if (status == SEC_E_OK) { // Send back nothing and wait for the server to reply with the security capabilities *clientout = NULL; *clientoutlen = 0; pcctx->authComplete = true; return SASL_CONTINUE; } char* newoutbuf = static_cast(cparams->utils->malloc(outBufs[0].cbBuffer)); *clientoutlen = outBufs[0].cbBuffer; memcpy(newoutbuf, outBufs[0].pvBuffer, *clientoutlen); *clientout = newoutbuf; return SASL_CONTINUE; } void sspiClientMechDispose(void* conn_context, const sasl_utils_t* utils) { SspiConnContext* pcctx = static_cast(conn_context); delete pcctx; } void sspiClientMechFree(void* glob_context, const sasl_utils_t* utils) {} sasl_client_plug_t sspiClientPlugin[] = { {sspiPluginName, /* mechanism name */ 112, /* TODO: (taken from gssapi) best mech additional security layer strength factor */ SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT /* eam: copied from gssapi */ | SASL_SEC_NOACTIVE | SASL_SEC_NOANONYMOUS | SASL_SEC_MUTUAL_AUTH | SASL_SEC_PASS_CREDENTIALS, /* security_flags */ SASL_FEAT_NEEDSERVERFQDN | SASL_FEAT_WANT_CLIENT_FIRST | SASL_FEAT_ALLOWS_PROXY, NULL, /* required prompt ids, NULL = user/pass only */ NULL, /* global state for mechanism */ sspiClientMechNew, sspiClientMechStep, sspiClientMechDispose, sspiClientMechFree, NULL, NULL, NULL}}; int sspiClientPluginInit(const sasl_utils_t* utils, int max_version, int* out_version, sasl_client_plug_t** pluglist, int* plugcount) { if (max_version < SASL_CLIENT_PLUG_VERSION) { utils->seterror(utils->conn, 0, "Wrong SSPI version"); return SASL_BADVERS; } *out_version = SASL_CLIENT_PLUG_VERSION; *pluglist = sspiClientPlugin; *plugcount = 1; return SASL_OK; } /** * Registers the plugin at process initialization time. * Must be run after the AllocatorsAndMutexes are registered, but before the ClientContext is * created. */ MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(SaslSspiClientPlugin, ("CyrusSaslAllocatorsAndMutexes", "CyrusSaslClientContext")) (InitializerContext*) { int ret = sasl_client_add_plugin(sspiPluginName, sspiClientPluginInit); if (SASL_OK != ret) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, mongoutils::str::stream() << "could not add SASL Client SSPI plugin " << sspiPluginName << ": " << sasl_errstring(ret, NULL, NULL)); } return Status::OK(); } MONGO_INITIALIZER_WITH_PREREQUISITES(SaslPlainClientPlugin, ("CyrusSaslAllocatorsAndMutexes", "CyrusSaslClientContext")) (InitializerContext*) { int ret = sasl_client_add_plugin("PLAIN", plain_client_plug_init); if (SASL_OK != ret) { return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Could not add SASL Client PLAIN plugin " << sspiPluginName << ": " << sasl_errstring(ret, NULL, NULL)); } return Status::OK(); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo #endif // ifdef _WIN32