/** * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 MongoDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kCommand #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/assemble_response.h" #include "mongo/db/audit.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_session.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/cursor_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/fsync.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/db/curop_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/diag_log.h" #include "mongo/db/introspect.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/lasterror.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_exec.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_parsers.h" #include "mongo/db/query/find.h" #include "mongo/db/run_commands.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharded_connection_info.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/counters.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/top.h" #include "mongo/rpc/command_reply_builder.h" #include "mongo/rpc/command_request.h" #include "mongo/rpc/legacy_reply_builder.h" #include "mongo/rpc/legacy_request.h" #include "mongo/s/stale_exception.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point_service.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/net/message.h" namespace mongo { const HostAndPort kHostAndPortForDirectClient("", 0); MONGO_FP_DECLARE(rsStopGetMore); namespace { using logger::LogComponent; inline void opread(const Message& m) { if (_diaglog.getLevel() & 2) { _diaglog.readop(m.singleData().view2ptr(), m.header().getLen()); } } inline void opwrite(const Message& m) { if (_diaglog.getLevel() & 1) { _diaglog.writeop(m.singleData().view2ptr(), m.header().getLen()); } } void generateLegacyQueryErrorResponse(const AssertionException* exception, const QueryMessage& queryMessage, CurOp* curop, Message* response) { curop->debug().exceptionInfo = exception->getInfo(); log(LogComponent::kQuery) << "assertion " << exception->toString() << " ns:" << queryMessage.ns << " query:" << (queryMessage.query.valid(BSONVersion::kLatest) ? queryMessage.query.toString() : "query object is corrupt"); if (queryMessage.ntoskip || queryMessage.ntoreturn) { log(LogComponent::kQuery) << " ntoskip:" << queryMessage.ntoskip << " ntoreturn:" << queryMessage.ntoreturn; } const SendStaleConfigException* scex = (exception->getCode() == ErrorCodes::SendStaleConfig) ? static_cast(exception) : NULL; BSONObjBuilder err; exception->getInfo().append(err); if (scex) { err.append("ok", 0.0); err.append("ns", scex->getns()); scex->getVersionReceived().addToBSON(err, "vReceived"); scex->getVersionWanted().addToBSON(err, "vWanted"); } BSONObj errObj = err.done(); if (scex) { log(LogComponent::kQuery) << "stale version detected during query over " << queryMessage.ns << " : " << errObj; } BufBuilder bb; bb.skip(sizeof(QueryResult::Value)); bb.appendBuf((void*)errObj.objdata(), errObj.objsize()); // TODO: call replyToQuery() from here instead of this!!! see dbmessage.h QueryResult::View msgdata = bb.buf(); QueryResult::View qr = msgdata; qr.setResultFlags(ResultFlag_ErrSet); if (scex) qr.setResultFlags(qr.getResultFlags() | ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale); qr.msgdata().setLen(bb.len()); qr.msgdata().setOperation(opReply); qr.setCursorId(0); qr.setStartingFrom(0); qr.setNReturned(1); response->setData(bb.release()); } /** * Fills out CurOp / OpDebug with basic command info. */ void beginCommandOp(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& queryObj) { auto curop = CurOp::get(opCtx); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); curop->setQuery_inlock(queryObj); curop->setNS_inlock(nss.ns()); } DbResponse receivedCommand(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, Client& client, const Message& message) { invariant(nss.isCommand()); DbMessage dbMessage(message); QueryMessage queryMessage(dbMessage); CurOp* op = CurOp::get(opCtx); rpc::LegacyReplyBuilder builder{}; try { // This will throw if the request is on an invalid namespace. rpc::LegacyRequest request{&message}; // Auth checking for Commands happens later. int nToReturn = queryMessage.ntoreturn; beginCommandOp(opCtx, nss, request.getCommandArgs()); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); op->markCommand_inlock(); } uassert(16979, str::stream() << "bad numberToReturn (" << nToReturn << ") for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1", nToReturn == 1 || nToReturn == -1); runCommands(opCtx, request, &builder); op->debug().iscommand = true; } catch (const DBException& exception) { Command::generateErrorResponse(opCtx, &builder, exception); } auto response = builder.done(); op->debug().responseLength = response.header().dataLen(); return {std::move(response)}; } DbResponse receivedRpc(OperationContext* opCtx, Client& client, const Message& message) { invariant(message.operation() == dbCommand); rpc::CommandReplyBuilder replyBuilder{}; auto curOp = CurOp::get(opCtx); try { // database is validated here rpc::CommandRequest request{&message}; // We construct a legacy $cmd namespace so we can fill in curOp using // the existing logic that existed for OP_QUERY commands NamespaceString nss(request.getDatabase(), "$cmd"); beginCommandOp(opCtx, nss, request.getCommandArgs()); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); curOp->markCommand_inlock(); } runCommands(opCtx, request, &replyBuilder); curOp->debug().iscommand = true; } catch (const DBException& exception) { Command::generateErrorResponse(opCtx, &replyBuilder, exception); } auto response = replyBuilder.done(); curOp->debug().responseLength = response.header().dataLen(); return {std::move(response)}; } // In SERVER-7775 we reimplemented the pseudo-commands fsyncUnlock, inProg, and killOp // as ordinary commands. To support old clients for another release, this helper serves // to execute the real command from the legacy pseudo-command codepath. // TODO: remove after MongoDB 3.2 is released DbResponse receivedPseudoCommand(OperationContext* opCtx, Client& client, const Message& message, StringData realCommandName) { DbMessage originalDbm(message); auto originalNToSkip = originalDbm.pullInt(); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "invalid nToSkip - expected 0, but got " << originalNToSkip, originalNToSkip == 0); auto originalNToReturn = originalDbm.pullInt(); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "invalid nToReturn - expected -1 or 1, but got " << originalNToSkip, originalNToReturn == -1 || originalNToReturn == 1); auto cmdParams = originalDbm.nextJsObj(); Message interposed; // HACK: // legacy pseudo-commands could run on any database. The command replacements // can only run on 'admin'. To avoid breaking old shells and a multitude // of third-party tools, we rewrite the namespace. As auth is checked // later in Command::_checkAuthorizationImpl, we will still properly // reject the request if the client is not authorized. NamespaceString interposedNss("admin", "$cmd"); BSONObjBuilder cmdBob; cmdBob.append(realCommandName, 1); cmdBob.appendElements(cmdParams); auto cmd = cmdBob.done(); // TODO: use OP_COMMAND here instead of constructing // a legacy OP_QUERY style command BufBuilder cmdMsgBuf; int32_t flags = DataView(message.header().data()).read>(); cmdMsgBuf.appendNum(flags); cmdMsgBuf.appendStr(interposedNss.db(), false); // not including null byte cmdMsgBuf.appendStr(".$cmd"); cmdMsgBuf.appendNum(0); // ntoskip cmdMsgBuf.appendNum(1); // ntoreturn cmdMsgBuf.appendBuf(cmd.objdata(), cmd.objsize()); interposed.setData(dbQuery, cmdMsgBuf.buf(), cmdMsgBuf.len()); interposed.header().setId(message.header().getId()); return receivedCommand(opCtx, interposedNss, client, interposed); } DbResponse receivedQuery(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, Client& c, const Message& m) { invariant(!nss.isCommand()); globalOpCounters.gotQuery(); DbMessage d(m); QueryMessage q(d); CurOp& op = *CurOp::get(opCtx); DbResponse dbResponse; try { Client* client = opCtx->getClient(); Status status = AuthorizationSession::get(client)->checkAuthForFind(nss, false); audit::logQueryAuthzCheck(client, nss, q.query, status.code()); uassertStatusOK(status); dbResponse.exhaustNS = runQuery(opCtx, q, nss, dbResponse.response); } catch (const AssertionException& e) { // If we got a stale config, wait in case the operation is stuck in a critical section if (!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient() && e.getCode() == ErrorCodes::SendStaleConfig) { auto& sce = static_cast(e); ShardingState::get(opCtx)->onStaleShardVersion( opCtx, NamespaceString(sce.getns()), sce.getVersionReceived()); } dbResponse.response.reset(); generateLegacyQueryErrorResponse(&e, q, &op, &dbResponse.response); } op.debug().responseLength = dbResponse.response.header().dataLen(); return dbResponse; } void receivedKillCursors(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& m) { LastError::get(opCtx->getClient()).disable(); DbMessage dbmessage(m); int n = dbmessage.pullInt(); uassert(13659, "sent 0 cursors to kill", n != 0); massert(13658, str::stream() << "bad kill cursors size: " << m.dataSize(), m.dataSize() == 8 + (8 * n)); uassert(13004, str::stream() << "sent negative cursors to kill: " << n, n >= 1); if (n > 2000) { (n < 30000 ? warning() : error()) << "receivedKillCursors, n=" << n; verify(n < 30000); } const char* cursorArray = dbmessage.getArray(n); int found = CursorManager::eraseCursorGlobalIfAuthorized(opCtx, n, cursorArray); if (shouldLog(logger::LogSeverity::Debug(1)) || found != n) { LOG(found == n ? 1 : 0) << "killcursors: found " << found << " of " << n; } } void receivedInsert(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nsString, const Message& m) { auto insertOp = parseLegacyInsert(m); invariant(insertOp.ns == nsString); for (const auto& obj : insertOp.documents) { Status status = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient())->checkAuthForInsert(opCtx, nsString, obj); audit::logInsertAuthzCheck(opCtx->getClient(), nsString, obj, status.code()); uassertStatusOK(status); } performInserts(opCtx, insertOp); } void receivedUpdate(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nsString, const Message& m) { auto updateOp = parseLegacyUpdate(m); auto& singleUpdate = updateOp.updates[0]; invariant(updateOp.ns == nsString); Status status = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()) ->checkAuthForUpdate( opCtx, nsString, singleUpdate.query, singleUpdate.update, singleUpdate.upsert); audit::logUpdateAuthzCheck(opCtx->getClient(), nsString, singleUpdate.query, singleUpdate.update, singleUpdate.upsert, singleUpdate.multi, status.code()); uassertStatusOK(status); performUpdates(opCtx, updateOp); } void receivedDelete(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nsString, const Message& m) { auto deleteOp = parseLegacyDelete(m); auto& singleDelete = deleteOp.deletes[0]; invariant(deleteOp.ns == nsString); Status status = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()) ->checkAuthForDelete(opCtx, nsString, singleDelete.query); audit::logDeleteAuthzCheck(opCtx->getClient(), nsString, singleDelete.query, status.code()); uassertStatusOK(status); performDeletes(opCtx, deleteOp); } DbResponse receivedGetMore(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& m, CurOp& curop, bool* shouldLogOpDebug) { globalOpCounters.gotGetMore(); DbMessage d(m); const char* ns = d.getns(); int ntoreturn = d.pullInt(); uassert( 34419, str::stream() << "Invalid ntoreturn for OP_GET_MORE: " << ntoreturn, ntoreturn >= 0); long long cursorid = d.pullInt64(); curop.debug().ntoreturn = ntoreturn; curop.debug().cursorid = cursorid; { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); CurOp::get(opCtx)->setNS_inlock(ns); } bool exhaust = false; bool isCursorAuthorized = false; DbResponse dbresponse; try { const NamespaceString nsString(ns); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", nsString.isValid()); Status status = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()) ->checkAuthForGetMore(nsString, cursorid, false); audit::logGetMoreAuthzCheck(opCtx->getClient(), nsString, cursorid, status.code()); uassertStatusOK(status); while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(rsStopGetMore)) { sleepmillis(0); } dbresponse.response = getMore(opCtx, ns, ntoreturn, cursorid, &exhaust, &isCursorAuthorized); } catch (AssertionException& e) { if (isCursorAuthorized) { // If a cursor with id 'cursorid' was authorized, it may have been advanced // before an exception terminated processGetMore. Erase the ClientCursor // because it may now be out of sync with the client's iteration state. // SERVER-7952 // TODO Temporary code, see SERVER-4563 for a cleanup overview. CursorManager::eraseCursorGlobal(opCtx, cursorid); } BSONObjBuilder err; e.getInfo().append(err); BSONObj errObj = err.done(); curop.debug().exceptionInfo = e.getInfo(); dbresponse = replyToQuery(errObj, ResultFlag_ErrSet); curop.debug().responseLength = dbresponse.response.header().dataLen(); curop.debug().nreturned = 1; *shouldLogOpDebug = true; return dbresponse; } curop.debug().responseLength = dbresponse.response.header().dataLen(); auto queryResult = QueryResult::ConstView(dbresponse.response.buf()); curop.debug().nreturned = queryResult.getNReturned(); if (exhaust) { curop.debug().exhaust = true; dbresponse.exhaustNS = ns; } return dbresponse; } } // namespace DbResponse assembleResponse(OperationContext* opCtx, const Message& m, const HostAndPort& remote) { // before we lock... NetworkOp op = m.operation(); bool isCommand = false; DbMessage dbmsg(m); Client& c = *opCtx->getClient(); if (c.isInDirectClient()) { invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->inAWriteUnitOfWork()); } else { LastError::get(c).startRequest(); AuthorizationSession::get(c)->startRequest(opCtx); // We should not be holding any locks at this point invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); } const char* ns = dbmsg.messageShouldHaveNs() ? dbmsg.getns() : NULL; const NamespaceString nsString = ns ? NamespaceString(ns) : NamespaceString(); if (op == dbQuery) { if (nsString.isCommand()) { isCommand = true; opwrite(m); } // TODO: remove this entire code path after 3.2. Refs SERVER-7775 else if (nsString.isSpecialCommand()) { opwrite(m); if (nsString.coll() == "$cmd.sys.inprog") { return receivedPseudoCommand(opCtx, c, m, "currentOp"); } if (nsString.coll() == "$cmd.sys.killop") { return receivedPseudoCommand(opCtx, c, m, "killOp"); } if (nsString.coll() == "$cmd.sys.unlock") { return receivedPseudoCommand(opCtx, c, m, "fsyncUnlock"); } } else { opread(m); } } else if (op == dbGetMore) { opread(m); } else if (op == dbCommand) { isCommand = true; opwrite(m); } else { opwrite(m); } CurOp& currentOp = *CurOp::get(opCtx); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); // Commands handling code will reset this if the operation is a command // which is logically a basic CRUD operation like query, insert, etc. currentOp.setNetworkOp_inlock(op); currentOp.setLogicalOp_inlock(networkOpToLogicalOp(op)); } OpDebug& debug = currentOp.debug(); long long logThresholdMs = serverGlobalParams.slowMS; bool shouldLogOpDebug = shouldLog(logger::LogSeverity::Debug(1)); DbResponse dbresponse; if (op == dbQuery) { dbresponse = isCommand ? receivedCommand(opCtx, nsString, c, m) : receivedQuery(opCtx, nsString, c, m); } else if (op == dbCommand) { dbresponse = receivedRpc(opCtx, c, m); } else if (op == dbGetMore) { dbresponse = receivedGetMore(opCtx, m, currentOp, &shouldLogOpDebug); } else { // The remaining operations do not return any response. They are fire-and-forget. try { if (op == dbKillCursors) { currentOp.ensureStarted(); logThresholdMs = 10; receivedKillCursors(opCtx, m); } else if (op != dbInsert && op != dbUpdate && op != dbDelete) { log() << " operation isn't supported: " << static_cast(op); currentOp.done(); shouldLogOpDebug = true; } else { if (remote != kHostAndPortForDirectClient) { const ShardedConnectionInfo* connInfo = ShardedConnectionInfo::get(&c, false); uassert(18663, str::stream() << "legacy writeOps not longer supported for " << "versioned connections, ns: " << nsString.ns() << ", op: " << networkOpToString(op) << ", remote: " << remote.toString(), connInfo == NULL); } if (!nsString.isValid()) { uassert(16257, str::stream() << "Invalid ns [" << ns << "]", false); } else if (op == dbInsert) { receivedInsert(opCtx, nsString, m); } else if (op == dbUpdate) { receivedUpdate(opCtx, nsString, m); } else if (op == dbDelete) { receivedDelete(opCtx, nsString, m); } else { invariant(false); } } } catch (const UserException& ue) { LastError::get(c).setLastError(ue.getCode(), ue.getInfo().msg); LOG(3) << " Caught Assertion in " << networkOpToString(op) << ", continuing " << redact(ue); debug.exceptionInfo = ue.getInfo(); } catch (const AssertionException& e) { LastError::get(c).setLastError(e.getCode(), e.getInfo().msg); LOG(3) << " Caught Assertion in " << networkOpToString(op) << ", continuing " << redact(e); debug.exceptionInfo = e.getInfo(); shouldLogOpDebug = true; } } currentOp.ensureStarted(); currentOp.done(); debug.executionTimeMicros = currentOp.totalTimeMicros(); logThresholdMs += currentOp.getExpectedLatencyMs(); Top::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) .incrementGlobalLatencyStats( opCtx, currentOp.totalTimeMicros(), currentOp.getReadWriteType()); const bool shouldSample = serverGlobalParams.sampleRate == 1.0 ? true : c.getPrng().nextCanonicalDouble() < serverGlobalParams.sampleRate; if (shouldLogOpDebug || (shouldSample && debug.executionTimeMicros > logThresholdMs * 1000LL)) { Locker::LockerInfo lockerInfo; opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(&lockerInfo); log() << debug.report(&c, currentOp, lockerInfo.stats); } if (currentOp.shouldDBProfile(shouldSample)) { // Performance profiling is on if (opCtx->lockState()->isReadLocked()) { LOG(1) << "note: not profiling because recursive read lock"; } else if (lockedForWriting()) { // TODO SERVER-26825: Fix race condition where fsyncLock is acquired post // lockedForWriting() call but prior to profile collection lock acquisition. LOG(1) << "note: not profiling because doing fsync+lock"; } else if (storageGlobalParams.readOnly) { LOG(1) << "note: not profiling because server is read-only"; } else { profile(opCtx, op); } } recordCurOpMetrics(opCtx); return dbresponse; } } // namespace mongo