# -*- mode: python -*- # List describing the ActionTypes that should be created. # Please note that the order of the elements is not guaranteed to be the same across versions. # This means that the integer value assigned to each ActionType and used internally in ActionSet # also may change between versions. ["addShard", "advanceClusterTime", "anyAction", # Special ActionType that represents *all* actions "appendOplogNote", "applicationMessage", "auditLogRotate", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "authCheck", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the authorization-checking event in logs. "authenticate", # Not used for permission checks, but to id authentication events in logs. "authSchemaUpgrade", "bypassDocumentValidation", "changeCustomData", "changePassword", "changeOwnPassword", "changeOwnCustomData", "changeStream", "checkFreeMonitoringStatus", "cleanupOrphaned", "clearJumboFlag", "closeAllDatabases", # Deprecated, needs to stay around for backwards compatibility "collMod", "collStats", "compact", "connPoolStats", "connPoolSync", "convertToCapped", "cpuProfiler", "createCollection", "createDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "createIndex", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "createRole", "createUser", "dbHash", "dbStats", "dropAllRolesFromDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "dropAllUsersFromDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "dropCollection", "dropConnections", "dropDatabase", "dropIndex", "dropRole", "dropUser", "emptycapped", "enableProfiler", "enableSharding", "find", "flushRouterConfig", "forceUUID", "fsync", "getDatabaseVersion", "getCmdLineOpts", "getLog", "getParameter", "getShardMap", "getShardVersion", "grantRole", "grantPrivilegesToRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "grantRolesToRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "grantRolesToUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "hostInfo", "impersonate", "indexStats", "inprog", "insert", "internal", # Special action type that represents internal actions "invalidateUserCache", "killAnyCursor", "killAnySession", "killCursors", # Deprecated in favor of killAnyCursor "killop", "listCachedAndActiveUsers", "listCollections", "listCursors", "listDatabases", "listIndexes", "listSessions", "listShards", "logRotate", "moveChunk", "netstat", "planCacheIndexFilter", # view/update index filters "planCacheRead", # view contents of plan cache "planCacheWrite", # clear cache, drop cache entry, pin/unpin/shun plans "refineCollectionShardKey", "reIndex", "remove", "removeShard", "renameCollection", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "renameCollectionSameDB", "repairDatabase", # Deprecated, needs to stay around for backwards compatibility "replSetConfigure", "replSetGetConfig", "replSetGetStatus", "replSetHeartbeat", "replSetReconfig", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "replSetResizeOplog", "replSetStateChange", "resync", "revokeRole", "revokePrivilegesFromRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "revokeRolesFromRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "revokeRolesFromUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "runAsLessPrivilegedUser", "serverStatus", "setAuthenticationRestriction", "setFeatureCompatibilityVersion", "setFreeMonitoring", "setParameter", "shardCollection", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "shardingState", "shutdown", "splitChunk", "splitVector", "storageDetails", "top", "touch", "trafficRecord", "unlock", "useUUID", "update", "updateRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "updateUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "validate", "viewRole", "viewUser"]