# -*- mode: python -*- # List describing the ActionTypes that should be created. # Please note that the order of the elements is not guaranteed to be the same across versions. # This means that the integer value assigned to each ActionType and used internally in ActionSet # also may change between versions. ["addShard", "anyAction", # Special ActionType that represents *all* actions "appendOplogNote", "applicationMessage", "auditLogRotate", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "authCheck", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the authorization-checking event in logs. "authenticate", # Not used for permission checks, but to id authentication events in logs. "authSchemaUpgrade", "bypassDocumentValidation", "changeCustomData", "changePassword", "changeOwnPassword", "changeOwnCustomData", "cleanupOrphaned", "closeAllDatabases", # Deprecated, needs to stay around for backwards compatibility "collMod", "collStats", "compact", "connPoolStats", "connPoolSync", "convertToCapped", "cpuProfiler", "createCollection", "createDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "createIndex", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "createRole", "createUser", "dbHash", "dbStats", "diagLogging", "dropAllRolesFromDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "dropAllUsersFromDatabase", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "dropCollection", "dropDatabase", "dropIndex", "dropRole", "dropUser", "emptycapped", "enableProfiler", "enableSharding", "find", "flushRouterConfig", "fsync", "getCmdLineOpts", "getLog", "getParameter", "getShardMap", "getShardVersion", "grantRole", "grantPrivilegesToRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "grantRolesToRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "grantRolesToUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "hostInfo", "impersonate", "indexStats", "inprog", "insert", "internal", # Special action type that represents internal actions "invalidateUserCache", "killCursors", "killop", "listCollections", "listDatabases", "listIndexes", "listShards", "logRotate", "moveChunk", "netstat", "planCacheIndexFilter", # view/update index filters "planCacheRead", # view contents of plan cache "planCacheWrite", # clear cache, drop cache entry, pin/unpin/shun plans "reIndex", "remove", "removeShard", "renameCollection", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "renameCollectionSameDB", "repairDatabase", "replSetConfigure", "replSetGetConfig", "replSetGetStatus", "replSetHeartbeat", "replSetReconfig", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "replSetStateChange", "resync", "revokeRole", "revokePrivilegesFromRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "revokeRolesFromRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "revokeRolesFromUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "serverStatus", "setParameter", "shardCollection", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "shardingState", "shutdown", "splitChunk", "splitVector", "storageDetails", "top", "touch", "unlock", "update", "updateRole", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "updateUser", # Not used for permissions checks, but to id the event in logs. "validate", "viewRole", "viewUser"]