* Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/db/auth/role_graph.h"
#include "mongo/db/auth/privilege.h"
#include "mongo/db/auth/role_name.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/unordered_set.h"
#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
namespace mongo {
namespace {
PrivilegeVector emptyPrivilegeVector;
} // namespace
void RoleGraph::swap(RoleGraph& other) {
using std::swap;
swap(this->_roleToSubordinates, other._roleToSubordinates);
swap(this->_roleToIndirectSubordinates, other._roleToIndirectSubordinates);
swap(this->_roleToMembers, other._roleToMembers);
swap(this->_directPrivilegesForRole, other._directPrivilegesForRole);
swap(this->_allPrivilegesForRole, other._allPrivilegesForRole);
swap(this->_directRestrictionsForRole, other._directRestrictionsForRole);
swap(this->_allRestrictionsForRole, other._allRestrictionsForRole);
swap(this->_allRoles, other._allRoles);
bool RoleGraph::roleExists(const RoleName& role) {
return _roleExistsDontCreateBuiltin(role);
bool RoleGraph::_roleExistsDontCreateBuiltin(const RoleName& role) {
EdgeSet::const_iterator edgeIt = _roleToSubordinates.find(role);
if (edgeIt == _roleToSubordinates.end())
return false;
edgeIt = _roleToMembers.find(role);
fassert(16825, edgeIt != _roleToMembers.end());
RolePrivilegeMap::const_iterator strIt = _directPrivilegesForRole.find(role);
if (strIt == _directPrivilegesForRole.end())
return false;
strIt = _allPrivilegesForRole.find(role);
fassert(16826, strIt != _allPrivilegesForRole.end());
return true;
Status RoleGraph::createRole(const RoleName& role) {
if (roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " already exists");
return Status::OK();
void RoleGraph::_createRoleDontCheckIfRoleExists(const RoleName& role) {
// Just reference the role in all the maps so that an entry gets created with empty
// containers for the value.
Status RoleGraph::deleteRole(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot delete built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
for (std::vector::iterator it = _roleToSubordinates[role].begin();
it != _roleToSubordinates[role].end();
++it) {
std::find(_roleToMembers[*it].begin(), _roleToMembers[*it].end(), role));
for (std::vector::iterator it = _roleToMembers[role].begin();
it != _roleToMembers[role].end();
++it) {
std::find(_roleToSubordinates[*it].begin(), _roleToSubordinates[*it].end(), role));
return Status::OK();
RoleNameIterator RoleGraph::getDirectSubordinates(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role))
return RoleNameIterator(NULL);
return makeRoleNameIteratorForContainer(_roleToSubordinates[role]);
RoleNameIterator RoleGraph::getIndirectSubordinates(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role))
return RoleNameIterator(NULL);
return makeRoleNameIteratorForContainer(_roleToIndirectSubordinates[role]);
RoleNameIterator RoleGraph::getDirectMembers(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role))
return RoleNameIterator(NULL);
return makeRoleNameIteratorForContainer(_roleToMembers[role]);
const PrivilegeVector& RoleGraph::getDirectPrivileges(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role))
return emptyPrivilegeVector;
return _directPrivilegesForRole.find(role)->second;
const PrivilegeVector& RoleGraph::getAllPrivileges(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role))
return emptyPrivilegeVector;
return _allPrivilegesForRole.find(role)->second;
Status RoleGraph::addRoleToRole(const RoleName& recipient, const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(recipient)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << recipient.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(recipient)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant roles to built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (std::find(_roleToSubordinates[recipient].begin(),
role) == _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end()) {
// Only add role if it's not already present
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::removeRoleFromRole(const RoleName& recipient, const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(recipient)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << recipient.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(recipient)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove roles from built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
std::vector::iterator itToRm =
std::find(_roleToMembers[role].begin(), _roleToMembers[role].end(), recipient);
if (itToRm != _roleToMembers[role].end()) {
} else {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RolesNotRelated,
mongoutils::str::stream() << recipient.getFullName() << " is not a member"
" of "
<< role.getFullName());
itToRm = std::find(
_roleToSubordinates[recipient].begin(), _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end(), role);
fassert(16827, itToRm != _roleToSubordinates[recipient].end());
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::removeAllRolesFromRole(const RoleName& victim) {
typedef std::vector RoleNameVector;
if (!roleExists(victim)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << victim.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(victim)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove roles from built-in role: "
<< victim.getFullName());
RoleNameVector& subordinatesOfVictim = _roleToSubordinates[victim];
for (RoleNameVector::const_iterator subordinateRole = subordinatesOfVictim.begin(),
end = subordinatesOfVictim.end();
subordinateRole != end;
++subordinateRole) {
RoleNameVector& membersOfSubordinate = _roleToMembers[*subordinateRole];
RoleNameVector::iterator toErase =
std::find(membersOfSubordinate.begin(), membersOfSubordinate.end(), victim);
fassert(17173, toErase != membersOfSubordinate.end());
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::addPrivilegeToRole(const RoleName& role, const Privilege& privilegeToAdd) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant privileges to built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
_addPrivilegeToRoleNoChecks(role, privilegeToAdd);
return Status::OK();
void RoleGraph::_addPrivilegeToRoleNoChecks(const RoleName& role, const Privilege& privilegeToAdd) {
Privilege::addPrivilegeToPrivilegeVector(&_directPrivilegesForRole[role], privilegeToAdd);
// NOTE: Current runtime of this is O(n*m) where n is the size of the current PrivilegeVector
// for the given role, and m is the size of the privilegesToAdd vector.
// If this was a PrivilegeSet (sorted on resource) rather than a PrivilegeVector, we
// could do this in O(n+m) instead.
Status RoleGraph::addPrivilegesToRole(const RoleName& role,
const PrivilegeVector& privilegesToAdd) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot grant privileges to built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
for (PrivilegeVector::const_iterator it = privilegesToAdd.begin(); it != privilegesToAdd.end();
++it) {
_addPrivilegeToRoleNoChecks(role, *it);
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::removePrivilegeFromRole(const RoleName& role,
const Privilege& privilegeToRemove) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove privileges from built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
PrivilegeVector& currentPrivileges = _directPrivilegesForRole[role];
for (PrivilegeVector::iterator it = currentPrivileges.begin(); it != currentPrivileges.end();
++it) {
Privilege& curPrivilege = *it;
if (curPrivilege.getResourcePattern() == privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern()) {
ActionSet curActions = curPrivilege.getActions();
if (!curActions.isSupersetOf(privilegeToRemove.getActions())) {
// Didn't possess all the actions being removed.
return Status(
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not contain a privilege on "
<< privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern().toString()
<< " with actions: "
<< privilegeToRemove.getActions().toString());
if (curPrivilege.getActions().empty()) {
return Status::OK();
return Status(ErrorCodes::PrivilegeNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not "
"contain any privileges on "
<< privilegeToRemove.getResourcePattern().toString());
Status RoleGraph::removePrivilegesFromRole(const RoleName& role,
const PrivilegeVector& privilegesToRemove) {
for (PrivilegeVector::const_iterator it = privilegesToRemove.begin();
it != privilegesToRemove.end();
++it) {
Status status = removePrivilegeFromRole(role, *it);
if (!status.isOK()) {
return status;
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::removeAllPrivilegesFromRole(const RoleName& role) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove privileges from built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::replaceRestrictionsForRole(const RoleName& role,
SharedRestrictionDocument restrictions) {
if (!roleExists(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << role.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
if (isBuiltinRole(role)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidRoleModification,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Cannot remove restrictions from built-in role: "
<< role.getFullName());
_directRestrictionsForRole[role] = std::move(restrictions);
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::replaceRole(const RoleName& roleName,
const std::vector& roles,
const PrivilegeVector& privileges,
SharedRestrictionDocument restrictions) {
Status status = removeAllPrivilegesFromRole(roleName);
if (status == ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound) {
fassert(17168, createRole(roleName));
} else if (!status.isOK()) {
return status;
fassert(17169, removeAllRolesFromRole(roleName));
fassert(40556, replaceRestrictionsForRole(roleName, restrictions));
for (size_t i = 0; i < roles.size(); ++i) {
const RoleName& grantedRole = roles[i];
status = createRole(grantedRole);
fassert(17170, status.isOK() || status == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey);
fassert(17171, addRoleToRole(roleName, grantedRole));
fassert(17172, addPrivilegesToRole(roleName, privileges));
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::recomputePrivilegeData() {
* This method is used to recompute the "allPrivileges" vector for each node in the graph,
* as well as look for cycles. It is implemented by performing a depth-first traversal of
* the dependency graph, once for each node. "visitedRoles" tracks the set of role names
* ever visited, and it is used to prune each DFS. A node that has been visited once on any
* DFS is never visited again. Complexity of this implementation is O(n+m) where "n" is the
* number of nodes and "m" is the number of prerequisite edges. Space complexity is O(n),
* in both stack space and size of the "visitedRoles" set.
* "inProgressRoles" is used to detect and report cycles, as well as to keep track of roles
* we started visiting before realizing they had children that needed visiting first, so
* we can get back to them after visiting their children.
stdx::unordered_set visitedRoles;
for (EdgeSet::const_iterator it = _roleToSubordinates.begin(); it != _roleToSubordinates.end();
++it) {
Status status = _recomputePrivilegeDataHelper(it->first, visitedRoles);
if (!status.isOK()) {
return status;
return Status::OK();
Status RoleGraph::_recomputePrivilegeDataHelper(const RoleName& startingRole,
stdx::unordered_set& visitedRoles) {
if (visitedRoles.count(startingRole)) {
return Status::OK();
std::vector inProgressRoles;
while (inProgressRoles.size()) {
const RoleName currentRole = inProgressRoles.back();
fassert(17277, !visitedRoles.count(currentRole));
if (!roleExists(currentRole)) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::RoleNotFound,
mongoutils::str::stream() << "Role: " << currentRole.getFullName()
<< " does not exist");
// Check for cycles
const std::vector::const_iterator begin = inProgressRoles.begin();
// The currentRole will always be last so don't look there.
const std::vector::const_iterator end = --inProgressRoles.end();
const std::vector::const_iterator firstOccurence =
std::find(begin, end, currentRole);
if (firstOccurence != end) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "Cycle in dependency graph: ";
for (std::vector::const_iterator it = firstOccurence; it != end; ++it) {
os << it->getFullName() << " -> ";
os << currentRole.getFullName();
return Status(ErrorCodes::GraphContainsCycle, os.str());
// Make sure we've already visited all subordinate roles before worrying about this one.
const std::vector& currentRoleDirectRoles = _roleToSubordinates[currentRole];
std::vector::const_iterator roleIt;
for (roleIt = currentRoleDirectRoles.begin(); roleIt != currentRoleDirectRoles.end();
++roleIt) {
const RoleName& childRole = *roleIt;
if (!visitedRoles.count(childRole)) {
// If roleIt didn't reach the end of currentRoleDirectRoles that means we found a child
// of currentRole that we haven't visited yet.
if (roleIt != currentRoleDirectRoles.end()) {
// At this point, we know that we've already visited all child roles of currentRole
// and thus their "all privileges" sets are correct and can be added to currentRole's
// "all privileges" set
// Need to clear out the "all privileges" vector for the current role, and re-fill it
// with just the direct privileges for this role.
PrivilegeVector& currentRoleAllPrivileges = _allPrivilegesForRole[currentRole];
currentRoleAllPrivileges = _directPrivilegesForRole[currentRole];
// Need to do the same thing for the indirect roles
stdx::unordered_set& currentRoleIndirectRoles =
for (const auto& role : currentRoleDirectRoles) {
// Also clear the "all restrictions" to rebuild in loop
auto& currentRoleAllRestrictions = _allRestrictionsForRole[currentRole];
auto& currentRoleDirectRestrictions = _directRestrictionsForRole[currentRole];
if (currentRoleDirectRestrictions) {
// Recursively add children's privileges to current role's "all privileges" vector, and
// children's roles to current roles's "indirect roles" vector.
for (const auto& childRole : currentRoleDirectRoles) {
// At this point, we already know that the "all privilege" set for the child is
// correct, so add those privileges to our "all privilege" set.
for (const auto& priv : _allPrivilegesForRole[childRole]) {
Privilege::addPrivilegeToPrivilegeVector(¤tRoleAllPrivileges, priv);
// We also know that the "indirect roles" for the child is also correct, so we can
// add those roles to our "indirect roles" set.
const auto& childAllRolesToIndirectSubordinates =
// Similarly, "indirect restrictions" are ready to append
const auto& childAllRestrictionsForRole = _allRestrictionsForRole[childRole];
return Status::OK();
RoleNameIterator RoleGraph::getRolesForDatabase(const std::string& dbname) {
std::set::const_iterator lower = _allRoles.lower_bound(RoleName("", dbname));
std::string afterDB = dbname;
std::set::const_iterator upper = _allRoles.lower_bound(RoleName("", afterDB));
return makeRoleNameIterator(lower, upper);
} // namespace mongo