/* Copyright 2012 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, * then also delete it in the license file. */ /** * Unit tests of the UserDocumentParser type. */ #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/action_set.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/action_type.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/user_document_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #define ASSERT_NULL(EXPR) ASSERT_FALSE(EXPR) #define ASSERT_NON_NULL(EXPR) ASSERT_TRUE(EXPR) namespace mongo { namespace { using boost::scoped_ptr; class V1UserDocumentParsing : public ::mongo::unittest::Test { public: V1UserDocumentParsing() {} scoped_ptr user; scoped_ptr adminUser; V1UserDocumentParser v1parser; void setUp() { resetUsers(); } void resetUsers() { user.reset(new User(UserName("spencer", "test"))); adminUser.reset(new User(UserName("admin", "admin"))); } }; TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, testParsingV0UserDocuments) { BSONObj readWrite = BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "passwordHash"); BSONObj readOnly = BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "passwordHash" << "readOnly" << true); BSONObj readWriteAdmin = BSON("user" << "admin" << "pwd" << "passwordHash"); BSONObj readOnlyAdmin = BSON("user" << "admin" << "pwd" << "passwordHash" << "readOnly" << true); ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), readOnly, "test")); RoleNameIterator roles = user->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("read", "test"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); resetUsers(); ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), readWrite, "test")); roles = user->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("dbOwner", "test"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); resetUsers(); ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( adminUser.get(), readOnlyAdmin, "admin")); roles = adminUser->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("readAnyDatabase", "admin"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); resetUsers(); ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( adminUser.get(), readWriteAdmin, "admin")); roles = adminUser->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("root", "admin"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, VerifyRolesFieldMustBeAnArray) { ASSERT_NOT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << "read"), "test")); ASSERT_FALSE(user->getRoles().more()); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, VerifySemanticallyInvalidRolesStillParse) { ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read" << "frim")), "test")); RoleNameIterator roles = user->getRoles(); RoleName role = roles.next(); if (role == RoleName("read", "test")) { ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("frim", "test"), roles.next()); } else { ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("frim", "test"), role); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("read", "test"), roles.next()); } ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, VerifyOtherDBRolesMustBeAnObjectOfArraysOfStrings) { ASSERT_NOT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( adminUser.get(), BSON("user" << "admin" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read") << "otherDBRoles" << BSON_ARRAY("read")), "admin")); ASSERT_NOT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( adminUser.get(), BSON("user" << "admin" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read") << "otherDBRoles" << BSON("test2" << "read")), "admin")); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, VerifyCannotGrantPrivilegesOnOtherDatabasesNormally) { // Cannot grant roles on other databases, except from admin database. ASSERT_NOT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << BSONArrayBuilder().arr() << "otherDBRoles" << BSON("test2" << BSON_ARRAY("read"))), "test")); ASSERT_FALSE(user->getRoles().more()); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, GrantUserAdminOnTestViaAdmin) { // Grant userAdmin on test via admin. ASSERT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( adminUser.get(), BSON("user" << "admin" << "pwd" << "" << "roles" << BSONArrayBuilder().arr() << "otherDBRoles" << BSON("test" << BSON_ARRAY("userAdmin"))), "admin")); RoleNameIterator roles = adminUser->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("userAdmin", "test"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); } TEST_F(V1UserDocumentParsing, MixedV0V1UserDocumentsAreInvalid) { // Try to mix fields from V0 and V1 user documents and make sure it fails. ASSERT_NOT_OK(v1parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "passwordHash" << "readOnly" << false << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read")), "test")); ASSERT_FALSE(user->getRoles().more()); } class V2UserDocumentParsing : public ::mongo::unittest::Test { public: V2UserDocumentParsing() {} scoped_ptr user; scoped_ptr adminUser; V2UserDocumentParser v2parser; void setUp() { user.reset(new User(UserName("spencer", "test"))); adminUser.reset(new User(UserName("admin", "admin"))); } }; TEST_F(V2UserDocumentParsing, V2DocumentValidation) { BSONArray emptyArray = BSONArrayBuilder().arr(); // V1 documents don't work ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "pwd" << "a" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read")))); // Need name field ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << emptyArray))); // Need source field ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << emptyArray))); // Need credentials field ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "roles" << emptyArray))); // Need roles field ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a")))); // Empty roles arrays are OK ASSERT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << emptyArray))); // Need credentials of {external: true} if user's db is $external ASSERT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "$external" << "credentials" << BSON("external" << true) << "roles" << emptyArray))); // Roles must be objects ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read")))); // Role needs name ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("db" << "dbA"))))); // Role needs source ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA"))))); // Basic valid user document ASSERT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA"))))); // Multiple roles OK ASSERT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA") << BSON("role" << "roleB" << "db" << "dbB"))))); // Optional extraData field OK ASSERT_OK(v2parser.checkValidUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a") << "extraData" << BSON("foo" << "bar") << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA"))))); } TEST_F(V2UserDocumentParsing, V2CredentialExtraction) { // Old "pwd" field not valid ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "pwd" << ""))); // Credentials must be provided ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test"))); // Credentials must be object ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << "a"))); // Must specify credentials for MONGODB-CR ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("foo" << "bar")))); // Make sure extracting valid credentials works ASSERT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "test" << "credentials" << BSON("MONGODB-CR" << "a")))); ASSERT(user->getCredentials().password == "a"); ASSERT(!user->getCredentials().isExternal); // Credentials are {external:true if users's db is $external ASSERT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserCredentialsFromUserDocument( user.get(), BSON("user" << "spencer" << "db" << "$external" << "credentials" << BSON("external" << true)))); ASSERT(user->getCredentials().password.empty()); ASSERT(user->getCredentials().isExternal); } TEST_F(V2UserDocumentParsing, V2RoleExtraction) { // "roles" field must be provided ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer"), user.get())); // V1-style roles arrays no longer work ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY("read")), user.get())); // Roles must have "db" field ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSONObj())), user.get())); ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA"))), user.get())); ASSERT_NOT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("user" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA"))), user.get())); // Valid role names are extracted successfully ASSERT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA"))), user.get())); RoleNameIterator roles = user->getRoles(); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("roleA", "dbA"), roles.next()); ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); // Multiple roles OK ASSERT_OK(v2parser.initializeUserRolesFromUserDocument( BSON("user" << "spencer" << "roles" << BSON_ARRAY(BSON("role" << "roleA" << "db" << "dbA") << BSON("role" << "roleB" << "db" << "dbB"))), user.get())); roles = user->getRoles(); RoleName role = roles.next(); if (role == RoleName("roleA", "dbA")) { ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("roleB", "dbB"), roles.next()); } else { ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("roleB", "dbB"), role); ASSERT_EQUALS(RoleName("roleA", "dbA"), roles.next()); } ASSERT_FALSE(roles.more()); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo