// btree.h
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#include "../pch.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "diskloc.h"
#include "pdfile.h"
#include "key.h"
namespace mongo {
* Our btree implementation generally follows the standard btree algorithm,
* which is described in many places. The nodes of our btree are referred to
* as buckets below. These buckets are of size BucketSize and their body is
* an ordered array of pairs, where disk loc is the disk
* location of a document and bson key is a projection of this document into
* the schema of the index for this btree. Ordering is determined on the
* basis of bson key first and then disk loc in case of a tie. All bson keys
* for a btree have identical schemas with empty string field names and may
* not have an objsize() exceeding KeyMax. The btree's buckets are
* themselves organized into an ordered tree. Although there are exceptions,
* generally buckets with n keys have n+1 children and the body of a bucket is
* at least lowWaterMark bytes. A more strictly enforced requirement is that
* a non root bucket must have at least one key except in certain transient
* states.
* Our btrees support the following primary read operations: finding a
* specified key; iterating from a starting key to the next or previous
* ordered key; and skipping from a starting key to another specified key
* without checking every intermediate key. The primary write operations
* are insertion and deletion of keys. Insertion may trigger a bucket split
* if necessary to avoid bucket overflow. In such a case, subsequent splits
* will occur recursively as necessary. Deletion may trigger a bucket
* rebalance, in which a size deficient bucket is filled with keys from an
* adjacent bucket. In this case, splitting may potentially occur in the
* parent. Deletion may alternatively trigger a merge, in which the keys
* from two buckets and a key from their shared parent are combined into the
* same bucket. In such a case, rebalancing or merging may proceed
* recursively from the parent.
* While the btree data format has been relatively constant over time, btrees
* initially created by versions of mongo earlier than the current version
* may embody different properties than freshly created btrees (while
* following the same data format). These older btrees are referred to
* below as legacy btrees.
const int OldBucketSize = 8192;
#pragma pack(1)
template< class Version > class BucketBasics;
* This is the fixed width data component for storage of a key within a
* bucket. It contains an offset pointer to the variable width bson
* data component. A _KeyNode may be 'unused', please see below.
template< class Loc >
struct __KeyNode {
/** Signals that we are writing this _KeyNode and casts away const */
__KeyNode & writing() const;
* The 'left' child bucket of this key. If this is the i-th key, it
* points to the i index child bucket.
Loc prevChildBucket;
/** The location of the record associated with this key. */
Loc recordLoc;
short keyDataOfs() const { return (short) _kdo; }
/** Offset within current bucket of the variable width bson key for this _KeyNode. */
unsigned short _kdo;
void setKeyDataOfs(short s) {
_kdo = s;
/** Seems to be redundant. */
void setKeyDataOfsSavingUse(short s) {
_kdo = s;
* Unused keys are not returned by read operations. Keys may be marked
* as unused in cases where it is difficult to delete them while
* maintaining the constraints required of a btree.
* Setting ofs to odd is the sentinel for unused, as real recordLoc's
* are always even numbers. Note we need to keep its value basically
* the same as we use the recordLoc as part of the key in the index
* (to handle duplicate keys efficiently).
* Flagging keys as unused is a feature that is being phased out in favor
* of deleting the keys outright. The current btree implementation is
* not expected to mark a key as unused in a non legacy btree.
void setUnused() {
recordLoc.GETOFS() |= 1;
void setUsed() { recordLoc.GETOFS() &= ~1; }
int isUnused() const {
return recordLoc.getOfs() & 1;
int isUsed() const {
return !isUnused();
* This structure represents header data for a btree bucket. An object of
* this type is typically allocated inside of a buffer of size BucketSize,
* resulting in a full bucket with an appropriate header.
* The body of a btree bucket contains an array of _KeyNode objects starting
* from its lowest indexed bytes and growing to higher indexed bytes. The
* body also contains variable width bson keys, which are allocated from the
* highest indexed bytes toward lower indexed bytes.
* |hhhh|kkkkkkk--------bbbbbbbbbbbuuubbbuubbb|
* h = header data
* k = KeyNode data
* - = empty space
* b = bson key data
* u = unused (old) bson key data, that may be garbage collected
class BtreeData_V0 {
/** Parent bucket of this bucket, which isNull() for the root bucket. */
DiskLoc parent;
/** Given that there are n keys, this is the n index child. */
DiskLoc nextChild;
/** can be reused, value is 8192 in current pdfile version Apr2010 */
unsigned short _wasSize;
/** zero */
unsigned short _reserved1;
int flags;
void _init() {
_reserved1 = 0;
_wasSize = BucketSize;
reserved = 0;
/** basicInsert() assumes the next three members are consecutive and in this order: */
/** Size of the empty region. */
int emptySize;
/** Size used for bson storage, including storage of old keys. */
int topSize;
/* Number of keys in the bucket. */
int n;
int reserved;
/* Beginning of the bucket's body */
char data[4];
typedef __KeyNode _KeyNode;
typedef DiskLoc Loc;
typedef KeyBson Key;
typedef KeyBson KeyOwned;
enum { BucketSize = 8192 };
// largest key size we allow. note we very much need to support bigger keys (somehow) in the future.
static const int KeyMax = OldBucketSize / 10;
// a a a ofs ofs ofs ofs
class DiskLoc56Bit {
int ofs;
unsigned char _a[3];
unsigned long long Z() const {
// endian
return *((unsigned long long*)this) & 0x00ffffffffffffffULL;
enum {
// first bit of offsets used in _KeyNode we don't use -1 here.
OurNullOfs = -2
template< class V >
const BtreeBucket * btree() const {
return DiskLoc(*this).btree();
template< class V >
BtreeBucket * btreemod() const {
return DiskLoc(*this).btreemod();
operator const DiskLoc() const {
// endian
if( isNull() ) return DiskLoc();
unsigned a = *((unsigned *) (_a-1));
return DiskLoc(a >> 8, ofs);
int& GETOFS() { return ofs; }
int getOfs() const { return ofs; }
bool operator<(const DiskLoc56Bit& rhs) const {
// the orderering of dup keys in btrees isn't too critical, but we'd like to put items that are
// close together on disk close together in the tree, so we do want the file # to be the most significant
// bytes
return Z() < rhs.Z();
int compare(const DiskLoc56Bit& rhs) const {
unsigned long long a = Z();
unsigned long long b = rhs.Z();
if( a < b ) return -1;
return a == b ? 0 : 1;
bool operator==(const DiskLoc56Bit& rhs) const { return Z() == rhs.Z(); }
bool operator!=(const DiskLoc56Bit& rhs) const { return Z() != rhs.Z(); }
bool operator==(const DiskLoc& rhs) const {
return DiskLoc(*this) == rhs;
bool operator!=(const DiskLoc& rhs) const { return !(*this==rhs); }
bool isNull() const { return ofs < 0; }
void Null() {
ofs = OurNullOfs;
_a[0] = _a[1] = _a[2] = 0;
string toString() const { return DiskLoc(*this).toString(); }
void operator=(const DiskLoc& loc) {
ofs = loc.getOfs();
int la = loc.a();
assert( la <= 0xffffff ); // must fit in 3 bytes
if( la < 0 ) {
assert( la == -1 );
la = 0;
ofs = OurNullOfs;
memcpy(_a, &la, 3); // endian
dassert( ofs != 0 );
DiskLoc56Bit& writing() const {
return *((DiskLoc56Bit*) getDur().writingPtr((void*)this, 7));
class BtreeData_V1 {
typedef DiskLoc56Bit Loc;
//typedef DiskLoc Loc;
typedef __KeyNode _KeyNode;
typedef KeyV1 Key;
typedef KeyV1Owned KeyOwned;
enum { BucketSize = 8192-16 }; // leave room for Record header
// largest key size we allow. note we very much need to support bigger keys (somehow) in the future.
static const int KeyMax = 1024;
/** Parent bucket of this bucket, which isNull() for the root bucket. */
Loc parent;
/** Given that there are n keys, this is the n index child. */
Loc nextChild;
unsigned short flags;
/** basicInsert() assumes the next three members are consecutive and in this order: */
/** Size of the empty region. */
unsigned short emptySize;
/** Size used for bson storage, including storage of old keys. */
unsigned short topSize;
/* Number of keys in the bucket. */
unsigned short n;
/* Beginning of the bucket's body */
char data[4];
void _init() { }
typedef BtreeData_V0 V0;
typedef BtreeData_V1 V1;
* This class adds functionality to BtreeData for managing a single bucket.
* The following policies are used in an attempt to encourage simplicity:
* Const member functions of this class are those which may be called on
* an object for which writing has not been signaled. Non const member
* functions may only be called on objects for which writing has been
* signaled. Note that currently some const functions write to the
* underlying memory representation of this bucket using optimized methods
* to signal write operations.
* DiskLoc parameters that may shadow references within the btree should
* be passed by value rather than by reference to non const member
* functions or to const member functions which may perform writes. This way
* a callee need not worry that write operations will change or invalidate
* its arguments.
* The current policy for dealing with bson arguments is the opposite of
* what is described above for DiskLoc arguments. We do not want to copy
* bson into memory as an intermediate step for btree changes, and if bson
* is to be moved it must be copied to the new location before the old
* location is invalidated. Care should be taken in cases where that invalid
* memory may be implicitly referenced by function arguments.
* A number of functions below require a thisLoc argument, which must be the
* disk location of the bucket mapped to 'this'.
template< class Version >
class BucketBasics : public Version {
template friend class BtreeBuilder;
typedef typename Version::Key Key;
typedef typename Version::_KeyNode _KeyNode;
typedef typename Version::Loc Loc;
int getN() const { return this->n; }
* This is an in memory wrapper for a _KeyNode, and not itself part of btree
* storage. This object and its BSONObj 'key' will become invalid if the
* _KeyNode data that generated it is moved within the btree. In general,
* a KeyNode should not be expected to be valid after a write.
class KeyNode {
KeyNode(const BucketBasics& bb, const _KeyNode &k);
const Loc& prevChildBucket;
const Loc& recordLoc;
/* Points to the bson key storage for a _KeyNode */
Key key;
friend class KeyNode;
/** Assert write intent declared for this bucket already. */
void assertWritable();
void assertValid(const Ordering &order, bool force = false) const;
void assertValid(const BSONObj &orderObj, bool force = false) const { return assertValid(Ordering::make(orderObj),force); }
* @return KeyNode for key at index i. The KeyNode will become invalid
* if the key is moved or reassigned, or if the node is packed. In general
* a KeyNode should not be expected to be valid after a write.
const KeyNode keyNode(int i) const {
if ( i >= this->n ) {
massert( 13000 , (string)"invalid keyNode: " + BSON( "i" << i << "n" << this->n ).jsonString() , i < this->n );
return KeyNode(*this, k(i));
static int headerSize() {
const BucketBasics *d = 0;
return (char*)&(d->data) - (char*)&(d->parent);
static int bodySize() { return Version::BucketSize - headerSize(); }
static int lowWaterMark() { return bodySize() / 2 - Version::KeyMax - sizeof( _KeyNode ) + 1; } // see comment in btree.cpp
// for testing
int nKeys() const { return this->n; }
const DiskLoc getNextChild() const { return this->nextChild; }
char * dataAt(short ofs) { return this->data + ofs; }
/** Initialize the header for a new node. */
void init();
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= keypos <= n
* - If key is inserted at position keypos, the bucket's keys will still be
* in order.
* Postconditions:
* - If key can fit in the bucket, the bucket may be packed and keypos
* may be decreased to reflect deletion of earlier indexed keys during
* packing, the key will be inserted at the updated keypos index with
* a null prevChildBucket, the subsequent keys shifted to the right,
* and the function will return true.
* - If key cannot fit in the bucket, the bucket will be packed and
* the function will return false.
* Although this function is marked const, it modifies the underlying
* btree representation through an optimized write intent mechanism.
bool basicInsert(const DiskLoc thisLoc, int &keypos, const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering &order) const;
* Preconditions:
* - key / recordLoc are > all existing keys
* - The keys in prevChild and their descendents are between all existing
* keys and 'key'.
* Postconditions:
* - If there is space for key without packing, it is inserted as the
* last key with specified prevChild and true is returned.
* Importantly, nextChild is not updated!
* - Otherwise false is returned and there is no change.
bool _pushBack(const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering &order, const DiskLoc prevChild);
void pushBack(const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering &order, const DiskLoc prevChild) {
bool ok = _pushBack( recordLoc , key , order , prevChild );
* This is a special purpose function used by BtreeBuilder. The
* interface is quite dangerous if you're not careful. The bson key
* returned here points to bucket memory that has been invalidated but
* not yet reclaimed.
* TODO Maybe this could be replaced with two functions, one which
* returns the last key without deleting it and another which simply
* deletes the last key. Then the caller would have enough control to
* ensure proper memory integrity.
* Preconditions:
* - bucket is not empty
* - last key of bucket is used (not unused)
* - nextChild isNull()
* - _unalloc will work correctly as used - see code
* Postconditions:
* - The last key of the bucket is removed, and its key and recLoc are
* returned. As mentioned above, the key points to unallocated memory.
void popBack(DiskLoc& recLoc, Key &key);
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= keypos < n
* - there is no child bucket at keypos
* - n > 1
* - if mayEmpty == false or nextChild.isNull(), n > 0
* Postconditions:
* - The key at keypos is removed, and remaining keys are shifted over.
* - The bucket becomes unpacked.
* - if mayEmpty is true and nextChild.isNull(), the bucket may have no keys.
void _delKeyAtPos(int keypos, bool mayEmpty = false);
/* !Packed means there is deleted fragment space within the bucket.
We "repack" when we run out of space before considering the node
to be full.
enum Flags { Packed=1 };
/** n == 0 is ok */
const Loc& childForPos(int p) const { return p == this->n ? this->nextChild : k(p).prevChildBucket; }
Loc& childForPos(int p) { return p == this->n ? this->nextChild : k(p).prevChildBucket; }
/** Same as bodySize(). */
int totalDataSize() const;
* @return true when a key may be dropped by pack()
* @param index index of the key that may be dropped
* @param refPos index of a particular key of interest, which must not
* be dropped; = 0 to safely ignore
bool mayDropKey( int index, int refPos ) const;
* Pack the bucket to reclaim space from invalidated memory.
* @refPos is an index in the bucket which may be updated if we
* delete keys from the bucket
* This function may cast away const and perform a write.
* Preconditions: none
* Postconditions:
* - Bucket will be packed
* - Some unused nodes may be dropped, but not ones at index 0 or refPos
* - Some used nodes may be moved
* - If refPos is the index of an existing key, it will be updated to that
* key's new index if the key is moved.
void _pack(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const Ordering &order, int &refPos) const;
/** Pack when already writable */
void _packReadyForMod(const Ordering &order, int &refPos);
/** @return the size the bucket's body would have if we were to call pack() */
int packedDataSize( int refPos ) const;
void setNotPacked() { this->flags &= ~Packed; }
void setPacked() { this->flags |= Packed; }
* Preconditions: 'bytes' is <= emptySize
* Postconditions: A buffer of size 'bytes' is allocated on the top side,
* and its offset is returned.
int _alloc(int bytes);
* This function can be used to deallocate the lowest byte index bson
* buffer in the top region, which in some but not all cases is for the
* n - 1 index key. This function only works correctly in certain
* special cases, please be careful.
* Preconditions: 'bytes' <= topSize
* Postconditions: The top region is decreased
void _unalloc(int bytes);
* Preconditions: 'N' <= n
* Postconditions:
* - All keys after the N index key are dropped.
* - Then bucket is packed, without dropping refPos if < refPos N.
void truncateTo(int N, const Ordering &order, int &refPos);
* Preconditions:
* - 'nDrop' < n
* - for now, refPos should be zero.
* Postconditions:
* - All keys before the nDrop index key are dropped.
* - The bucket is packed.
void dropFront(int nDrop, const Ordering &order, int &refPos);
* Preconditions: 0 <= keypos < n
* Postconditions: keypos indexed key is marked unused.
void markUnused(int keypos);
* BtreeBuilder uses the parent var as a temp place to maintain a linked list chain.
* we use tempNext() when we do that to be less confusing. (one might have written a union in C)
DiskLoc tempNext() const { return this->parent; }
void setTempNext(DiskLoc l) { this->parent = l; }
void _shape(int level, stringstream&) const;
int Size() const;
/** @return i-indexed _KeyNode, without bounds checking */
const _KeyNode& k(int i) const { return ((const _KeyNode*)this->data)[i]; }
_KeyNode& _k(int i) { return ((_KeyNode*)this->data)[i]; }
_KeyNode& k(int i) { return ((_KeyNode*)this->data)[i]; }
* Preconditions: 'this' is packed
* @return the key index to be promoted on split
* @param keypos The requested index of a key to insert, which may affect
* the choice of split position.
int splitPos( int keypos ) const;
* Preconditions: nAdd * sizeof( _KeyNode ) <= emptySize
* Postconditions:
* - Increases indexes of existing _KeyNode objects by nAdd, reserving
* space for additional _KeyNode objects at front.
* - Does not initialize ofs values for the bson data of these
* _KeyNode objects.
void reserveKeysFront( int nAdd );
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= i < n
* - The bson 'key' must fit in the bucket without packing.
* - If 'key' and 'prevChildBucket' are set at index i, the btree
* ordering properties will be maintained.
* Postconditions:
* - The specified key is set at index i, replacing the existing
* _KeyNode data and without shifting any other _KeyNode objects.
void setKey( int i, const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key, const DiskLoc prevChildBucket );
template< class V>
struct Continuation;
* This class adds functionality for manipulating buckets that are assembled
* in a tree. The requirements for const and non const functions and
* arguments are generally the same as in BtreeBucket. Because this class
* deals with tree structure, some functions that are marked const may
* trigger modification of another node in the btree or potentially of the
* current node. In such cases, the function's implementation explicitly
* casts away const when indicating an intent to write to the durability
* layer. The DiskLocs provided to such functions should be passed by
* value if they shadow pointers within the btree.
* To clarify enforcement of referential integrity in this implementation,
* we use the following pattern when deleting data we have a persistent
* pointer to. The pointer is cleared or removed explicitly, then the data
* it pointed to is cleaned up with a helper function.
* TODO It might make sense to put some of these functions in a class
* representing a full btree instead of a single btree bucket. That would
* allow us to use the const qualifier in a manner more consistent with
* standard usage. Right now the interface is for both a node and a tree,
* so assignment of const is sometimes nonideal.
* TODO There are several cases in which the 'this' pointer is invalidated
* as a result of deallocation. A seperate class representing a btree would
* alleviate some fragile cases where the implementation must currently
* behave correctly if the 'this' pointer is suddenly invalidated by a
* callee.
template< class V >
class BtreeBucket : public BucketBasics {
friend class BtreeCursor;
friend struct Continuation;
// make compiler happy:
typedef typename V::Key Key;
typedef typename V::KeyOwned KeyOwned;
typedef typename BucketBasics::KeyNode KeyNode;
typedef typename BucketBasics::_KeyNode _KeyNode;
typedef typename BucketBasics::Loc Loc;
const _KeyNode& k(int i) const { return static_cast< const BucketBasics * >(this)->k(i); }
_KeyNode& k(int i) { return static_cast< BucketBasics * >(this)->_k(i); }
const KeyNode keyNode(int i) const { return static_cast< const BucketBasics * >(this)->keyNode(i); }
bool isHead() const { return this->parent.isNull(); }
void dumpTree(const DiskLoc &thisLoc, const BSONObj &order) const;
long long fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const BSONObj &order, long long *unusedCount = 0, bool strict = false, unsigned depth=0) const; /* traverses everything */
bool isUsed( int i ) const { return this->k(i).isUsed(); }
string bucketSummary() const;
void dump(unsigned depth=0) const;
* @return true if key exists in index
* @order - indicates order of keys in the index. this is basically the index's key pattern, e.g.:
* BSONObj order = ((IndexDetails&)idx).keyPattern();
* likewise below in bt_insert() etc.
bool exists(const IndexDetails& idx, const DiskLoc &thisLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering& order) const;
* @param self - Don't complain about ourself already being in the index case.
* @return true = There is a duplicate used key.
bool wouldCreateDup(
const IndexDetails& idx, const DiskLoc &thisLoc,
const Key& key, const Ordering& order,
const DiskLoc &self) const;
* Preconditions: none
* Postconditions: @return a new bucket allocated from pdfile storage
* and init()-ed. This bucket is suitable to for use as a new root
* or any other new node in the tree.
static DiskLoc addBucket(const IndexDetails&);
* Preconditions: none
* Postconditions:
* - Some header values in this bucket are cleared, and the bucket is
* deallocated from pdfile storage.
* - The memory at thisLoc is invalidated, and 'this' is invalidated.
void deallocBucket(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const IndexDetails &id);
* Preconditions:
* - 'key' has a valid schema for this index.
* - All other paramenters are valid and consistent with this index if applicable.
* Postconditions:
* - If key is bigger than KeyMax, @return 2 or 3 and no change.
* - If key / recordLoc exist in the btree as an unused key, set them
* as used and @return 0
* - If key / recordLoc exist in the btree as a used key, @throw
* exception 10287 and no change.
* - If key / recordLoc do not exist in the btree, they are inserted
* and @return 0. The root of the btree may be changed, so
* 'this'/thisLoc may no longer be the root upon return.
int bt_insert(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const DiskLoc recordLoc,
const BSONObj& key, const Ordering &order, bool dupsAllowed,
IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel = true) const;
/** does the insert in two steps - can then use an upgradable lock for step 1, which
is the part which may have page faults. also that step is most of the computational work.
void twoStepInsert(DiskLoc thisLoc, Continuation &c, bool dupsAllowed) const;
* Preconditions:
* - 'key' has a valid schema for this index, and may have objsize() > KeyMax.
* Postconditions:
* - If key / recordLoc are in the btree, they are removed (possibly
* by being marked as an unused key), @return true, and potentially
* invalidate 'this' / thisLoc and change the head.
* - If key / recordLoc are not in the btree, @return false and do nothing.
bool unindex(const DiskLoc thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, const BSONObj& key, const DiskLoc recordLoc) const;
* locate may return an "unused" key that is just a marker. so be careful.
* looks for a key:recordloc pair.
* @found - returns true if exact match found. note you can get back a position
* result even if found is false.
DiskLoc locate(const IndexDetails &idx , const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const BSONObj& key, const Ordering &order,
int& pos, bool& found, const DiskLoc &recordLoc, int direction=1) const;
DiskLoc locate(const IndexDetails &idx , const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering &order,
int& pos, bool& found, const DiskLoc &recordLoc, int direction=1) const;
* find the first instance of the key
* does not handle dups
* WARNING: findSingle may not be compound index safe. this may need to change. see notes in
* findSingle code.
* @return the record location of the first match
DiskLoc findSingle( const IndexDetails &indexdetails , const DiskLoc& thisLoc, const BSONObj& key ) const;
* Advance to next or previous key in the index.
* @param direction to advance.
DiskLoc advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller) const;
/** Advance in specified direction to the specified key */
void advanceTo(DiskLoc &thisLoc, int &keyOfs, const BSONObj &keyBegin, int keyBeginLen, bool afterKey, const vector< const BSONElement * > &keyEnd, const vector< bool > &keyEndInclusive, const Ordering &order, int direction ) const;
/** Locate a key with fields comprised of a combination of keyBegin fields and keyEnd fields. */
static void customLocate(DiskLoc &locInOut, int &keyOfs, const BSONObj &keyBegin, int keyBeginLen, bool afterKey, const vector< const BSONElement * > &keyEnd, const vector< bool > &keyEndInclusive, const Ordering &order, int direction, pair< DiskLoc, int > &bestParent ) ;
/** @return head of the btree by traversing from current bucket. */
const DiskLoc getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc) const;
/** get tree shape */
void shape(stringstream&) const;
static void a_test(IndexDetails&);
static int getKeyMax();
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= firstIndex <= n
* - -1 <= lastIndex <= n ( -1 is equivalent to n )
* Postconditions:
* - Any children at indexes firstIndex through lastIndex (inclusive)
* will have their parent pointers set to thisLoc.
void fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc thisLoc, int firstIndex = 0, int lastIndex = -1) const;
* Preconditions:
* - thisLoc is not the btree head.
* - n == 0 is ok
* Postconditions:
* - All cursors pointing to this bucket will be updated.
* - This bucket's parent's child pointer is set to null.
* - This bucket is deallocated from pdfile storage.
* - 'this' and thisLoc are invalidated.
void delBucket(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const IndexDetails&);
* Preconditions: 0 <= p < n
* Postconditions:
* - The key at index p is removed from the btree.
* - 'this' and thisLoc may be invalidated.
* - The tree head may change.
void delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p, const Ordering &order);
* Preconditions:
* - n == 0 is ok
* Postconditions:
* - If thisLoc is head, or if its body has at least lowWaterMark bytes,
* return false and do nothing.
* - Otherwise, if thisLoc has left or right neighbors, either balance
* or merge with them and return true. Also, 'this' and thisLoc may
* be invalidated and the tree head may change.
bool mayBalanceWithNeighbors(const DiskLoc thisLoc, IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order) const;
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= leftIndex < n
* - The child at leftIndex or the child at leftIndex + 1 contains
* fewer than lowWaterMark bytes.
* Postconditions:
* - If the child bucket at leftIndex can merge with the child index
* at leftIndex + 1, do nothing and return false.
* - Otherwise, balance keys between the leftIndex child and the
* leftIndex + 1 child, return true, and possibly change the tree head.
bool tryBalanceChildren( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int leftIndex, IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order ) const;
* Preconditions:
* - All preconditions of tryBalanceChildren.
* - The leftIndex child and leftIndex + 1 child cannot be merged.
* Postconditions:
* - Keys are moved between the leftIndex child and the leftIndex + 1
* child such that neither child has fewer than lowWaterMark bytes.
* The tree head may change.
void doBalanceChildren( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int leftIndex, IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order );
* Preconditions:
* - All preconditions of doBalanceChildren
* - The leftIndex and leftIndex + 1 children are packed.
* - The leftIndex + 1 child has fewer than lowWaterMark bytes.
* - split returned by rebalancedSeparatorPos()
* Postconditions:
* - The key in lchild at index split is set as thisLoc's key at index
* leftIndex, which may trigger a split and change the tree head.
* The previous key in thisLoc at index leftIndex and all keys with
* indexes greater than split in lchild are moved to rchild.
void doBalanceLeftToRight( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int leftIndex, int split,
BtreeBucket *l, const DiskLoc lchild,
BtreeBucket *r, const DiskLoc rchild,
IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order );
* Preconditions:
* - All preconditions of doBalanceChildren
* - The leftIndex and leftIndex + 1 children are packed.
* - The leftIndex child has fewer than lowWaterMark bytes.
* - split returned by rebalancedSeparatorPos()
* Postconditions:
* - The key in rchild at index split - l->n - 1 is set as thisLoc's key
* at index leftIndex, which may trigger a split and change the tree
* head. The previous key in thisLoc at index leftIndex and all keys
* with indexes less than split - l->n - 1 in rchild are moved to
* lchild.
void doBalanceRightToLeft( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int leftIndex, int split,
BtreeBucket *l, const DiskLoc lchild,
BtreeBucket *r, const DiskLoc rchild,
IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order );
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= leftIndex < n
* - this->canMergeChildren( thisLoc, leftIndex ) == true
* Postconditions:
* - All of the above mentioned keys will be placed in the left child.
* - The tree may be updated recursively, resulting in 'this' and
* thisLoc being invalidated and the tree head being changed.
void doMergeChildren( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int leftIndex, IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order);
* Preconditions:
* - n == 0
* - !nextChild.isNull()
* Postconditions:
* - 'this' and thisLoc are deallocated (and invalidated), any cursors
* to them are updated, and the tree head may change.
* - nextChild replaces thisLoc in the btree structure.
void replaceWithNextChild( const DiskLoc thisLoc, IndexDetails &id );
* @return true iff the leftIndex and leftIndex + 1 children both exist,
* and if their body sizes when packed and the thisLoc key at leftIndex
* would fit in a single bucket body.
bool canMergeChildren( const DiskLoc &thisLoc, int leftIndex ) const;
* Preconditions:
* - leftIndex and leftIndex + 1 children are packed
* - leftIndex or leftIndex + 1 child is below lowWaterMark
* @return index of the rebalanced separator; the index value is
* determined as if we had a bucket with body
* .push( ).concat( )
* and called splitPos( 0 ) on it.
int rebalancedSeparatorPos( const DiskLoc &thisLoc, int leftIndex ) const;
* Preconditions: thisLoc has a parent
* @return parent's index of thisLoc.
int indexInParent( const DiskLoc &thisLoc ) const;
Key keyAt(int i) const {
if( i >= this->n )
return Key();
return Key(this->data + k(i).keyDataOfs());
* Preconditions:
* - This bucket is packed.
* - Cannot add a key of size KeyMax to this bucket.
* - 0 <= keypos <= n is the position of a new key that will be inserted
* - lchild is equal to the existing child at index keypos.
* Postconditions:
* - The thisLoc bucket is split into two packed buckets, possibly
* invalidating the initial position of keypos, with a split key
* promoted to the parent. The new key key/recordLoc will be inserted
* into one of the split buckets, and lchild/rchild set appropriately.
* Splitting may occur recursively, possibly changing the tree head.
void split(const DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key,
const Ordering& order, const DiskLoc lchild, const DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails& idx);
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= keypos <= n
* - If key / recordLoc are inserted at position keypos, with provided
* lchild and rchild, the btree ordering requirements will be
* maintained.
* - lchild is equal to the existing child at index keypos.
* - n == 0 is ok.
* Postconditions:
* - The key / recordLoc are inserted at position keypos, and the
* bucket is split if necessary, which may change the tree head.
* - The bucket may be packed or split, invalidating the specified value
* of keypos.
* This function will always modify thisLoc, but it's marked const because
* it commonly relies on the specialized writ]e intent mechanism of basicInsert().
void insertHere(const DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key& key, const Ordering &order,
const DiskLoc lchild, const DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails &idx) const;
/** bt_insert() is basically just a wrapper around this. */
int _insert(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const DiskLoc recordLoc,
const Key& key, const Ordering &order, bool dupsAllowed,
const DiskLoc lChild, const DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails &idx) const;
void insertStepOne(DiskLoc thisLoc, Continuation& c, bool dupsAllowed) const;
bool find(const IndexDetails& idx, const Key& key, const DiskLoc &recordLoc, const Ordering &order, int& pos, bool assertIfDup) const;
static bool customFind( int l, int h, const BSONObj &keyBegin, int keyBeginLen, bool afterKey, const vector< const BSONElement * > &keyEnd, const vector< bool > &keyEndInclusive, const Ordering &order, int direction, DiskLoc &thisLoc, int &keyOfs, pair< DiskLoc, int > &bestParent ) ;
static void findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey);
static int customBSONCmp( const BSONObj &l, const BSONObj &rBegin, int rBeginLen, bool rSup, const vector< const BSONElement * > &rEnd, const vector< bool > &rEndInclusive, const Ordering &o, int direction );
/** If child is non null, set its parent to thisLoc */
static void fix(const DiskLoc thisLoc, const DiskLoc child);
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= keypos < n
* - If the specified key and recordLoc are placed in keypos of thisLoc,
* and lchild and rchild are set, the btree ordering properties will
* be maintained.
* - rchild == childForPos( keypos + 1 )
* - childForPos( keypos ) is referenced elsewhere if nonnull.
* Postconditions:
* - The key at keypos will be replaced with the specified key and
* lchild, potentially splitting this bucket and changing the tree
* head.
* - childForPos( keypos ) will be orphaned.
void setInternalKey( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos,
const DiskLoc recordLoc, const Key &key, const Ordering &order,
const DiskLoc lchild, const DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails &idx);
* Preconditions:
* - 0 <= keypos < n
* - The keypos or keypos+1 indexed child is non null.
* Postconditions:
* - The specified key is deleted by replacing it with another key if
* possible. This replacement may cause a split and change the tree
* head. The replacement key will be deleted from its original
* location, potentially causing merges and splits that may invalidate
* 'this' and thisLoc and change the tree head.
* - If the key cannot be replaced, it will be marked as unused. This
* is only expected in legacy btrees.
void deleteInternalKey( const DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos, IndexDetails &id, const Ordering &order );
/** simply builds and returns a dup key error message string */
static string dupKeyError( const IndexDetails& idx , const Key& key );
#pragma pack()
class FieldRangeVector;
class FieldRangeVectorIterator;
class BtreeCursor : public Cursor {
BtreeCursor( NamespaceDetails *_d, int _idxNo, const IndexDetails&, const BSONObj &startKey, const BSONObj &endKey, bool endKeyInclusive, int direction );
BtreeCursor( NamespaceDetails *_d, int _idxNo, const IndexDetails& _id, const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > &_bounds, int _direction );
virtual ~BtreeCursor();
/** makes an appropriate subclass depending on the index version */
static BtreeCursor* make( NamespaceDetails *_d, const IndexDetails&, const BSONObj &startKey, const BSONObj &endKey, bool endKeyInclusive, int direction );
static BtreeCursor* make( NamespaceDetails *_d, const IndexDetails& _id, const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > &_bounds, int _direction );
static BtreeCursor* make( NamespaceDetails *_d, int _idxNo, const IndexDetails&, const BSONObj &startKey, const BSONObj &endKey, bool endKeyInclusive, int direction );
static BtreeCursor* make( NamespaceDetails *_d, int _idxNo, const IndexDetails& _id, const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > &_bounds, int _direction );
virtual bool ok() { return !bucket.isNull(); }
virtual bool advance();
virtual void noteLocation(); // updates keyAtKeyOfs...
virtual void checkLocation() = 0;
virtual bool supportGetMore() { return true; }
virtual bool supportYields() { return true; }
* used for multikey index traversal to avoid sending back dups. see Matcher::matches().
* if a multikey index traversal:
* if loc has already been sent, returns true.
* otherwise, marks loc as sent.
* @return false if the loc has not been seen
virtual bool getsetdup(DiskLoc loc) {
if( _multikey ) {
pair::iterator, bool> p = _dups.insert(loc);
return !p.second;
return false;
virtual bool modifiedKeys() const { return _multikey; }
virtual bool isMultiKey() const { return _multikey; }
/*const _KeyNode& _currKeyNode() const {
assert( !bucket.isNull() );
const _KeyNode& kn = keyNode(keyOfs);
assert( kn.isUsed() );
return kn;
/** returns BSONObj() if ofs is out of range */
virtual BSONObj keyAt(int ofs) const = 0;
virtual BSONObj currKey() const = 0;
virtual BSONObj indexKeyPattern() { return indexDetails.keyPattern(); }
virtual void aboutToDeleteBucket(const DiskLoc& b) {
if ( bucket == b )
keyOfs = -1;
virtual DiskLoc currLoc() = 0; // { return !bucket.isNull() ? _currKeyNode().recordLoc : DiskLoc(); }
virtual DiskLoc refLoc() { return currLoc(); }
virtual Record* _current() { return currLoc().rec(); }
virtual BSONObj current() { return BSONObj(_current()); }
virtual string toString();
BSONObj prettyKey( const BSONObj &key ) const {
return key.replaceFieldNames( indexDetails.keyPattern() ).clientReadable();
virtual BSONObj prettyIndexBounds() const;
virtual CoveredIndexMatcher *matcher() const { return _matcher.get(); }
virtual shared_ptr< CoveredIndexMatcher > matcherPtr() const { return _matcher; }
virtual void setMatcher( shared_ptr< CoveredIndexMatcher > matcher ) { _matcher = matcher; }
virtual long long nscanned() { return _nscanned; }
/** for debugging only */
const DiskLoc getBucket() const { return bucket; }
int getKeyOfs() const { return keyOfs; }
// just for unit tests
virtual bool curKeyHasChild() = 0;
* Our btrees may (rarely) have "unused" keys when items are deleted.
* Skip past them.
virtual bool skipUnusedKeys() = 0;
bool skipOutOfRangeKeysAndCheckEnd();
void skipAndCheck();
void checkEnd();
/** selective audits on construction */
void audit();
virtual void _audit() = 0;
virtual DiskLoc _locate(const BSONObj& key, const DiskLoc& loc) = 0;
virtual DiskLoc _advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller) = 0;
virtual void _advanceTo(DiskLoc &thisLoc, int &keyOfs, const BSONObj &keyBegin, int keyBeginLen, bool afterKey, const vector< const BSONElement * > &keyEnd, const vector< bool > &keyEndInclusive, const Ordering &order, int direction ) = 0;
/** set initial bucket */
void initWithoutIndependentFieldRanges();
/** if afterKey is true, we want the first key with values of the keyBegin fields greater than keyBegin */
void advanceTo( const BSONObj &keyBegin, int keyBeginLen, bool afterKey, const vector< const BSONElement * > &keyEnd, const vector< bool > &keyEndInclusive );
set _dups;
NamespaceDetails * const d;
const int idxNo;
BSONObj startKey;
BSONObj endKey;
bool _endKeyInclusive;
bool _multikey; // this must be updated every getmore batch in case someone added a multikey
const IndexDetails& indexDetails;
const BSONObj _order;
const Ordering _ordering;
DiskLoc bucket;
int keyOfs;
const int _direction; // 1=fwd,-1=reverse
BSONObj keyAtKeyOfs; // so we can tell if things moved around on us between the query and the getMore call
DiskLoc locAtKeyOfs;
const shared_ptr< FieldRangeVector > _bounds;
auto_ptr< FieldRangeVectorIterator > _boundsIterator;
shared_ptr< CoveredIndexMatcher > _matcher;
bool _independentFieldRanges;
long long _nscanned;
template< class V >
struct Continuation {
//Continuation(const typename V::Key & k);
Continuation(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc _recordLoc, const BSONObj &_key,
Ordering _order, IndexDetails& _idx) :
bLoc(thisLoc), recordLoc(_recordLoc), key(_key), order(_order), idx(_idx) {
op = Nothing;
DiskLoc bLoc;
DiskLoc recordLoc;
typename V::KeyOwned key;
const Ordering order;
IndexDetails& idx;
enum Op { Nothing, SetUsed, InsertHere } op;
int pos;
const BtreeBucket *b;
void stepTwo() {
if( op == Nothing )
else if( op == SetUsed ) {
const typename V::_KeyNode& kn = b->k(pos);
else {
b->insertHere(bLoc, pos, recordLoc, key, order, DiskLoc(), DiskLoc(), idx);
/** Renames the index namespace for this btree's index. */
void renameIndexNamespace(const char *oldNs, const char *newNs);
* give us a writable version of the btree bucket (declares write intent).
* note it is likely more efficient to declare write intent on something smaller when you can.
template< class V >
BtreeBucket * DiskLoc::btreemod() const {
assert( _a != -1 );
BtreeBucket *b = const_cast< BtreeBucket * >( btree() );
return static_cast< BtreeBucket* >( getDur().writingPtr( b, V::BucketSize ) );
template< class V >
BucketBasics::KeyNode::KeyNode(const BucketBasics& bb, const _KeyNode &k) :
recordLoc(k.recordLoc), key(bb.data+k.keyDataOfs())
{ }
} // namespace mongo;