/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/base/status_with.h" #include "mongo/base/string_data.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/damage_vector.h" #include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_operation_source.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_options.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/logical_session_id.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/record_id.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/oplog.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/bson_collection_catalog_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/capped_callback.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/record_store.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/snapshot.h" #include "mongo/db/yieldable.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log_attr.h" #include "mongo/platform/mutex.h" #include "mongo/stdx/condition_variable.h" #include "mongo/util/decorable.h" namespace mongo { class CappedCallback; class CollectionPtr; class IndexCatalog; class IndexCatalogEntry; class MatchExpression; class OpDebug; class OperationContext; class RecordCursor; /** * Holds information update an update operation. */ struct CollectionUpdateArgs { enum class StoreDocOption { None, PreImage, PostImage }; std::vector stmtIds = {kUninitializedStmtId}; // The document before modifiers were applied. boost::optional preImageDoc; // Fully updated document with damages (update modifiers) applied. BSONObj updatedDoc; // Document describing the update. BSONObj update; // Document containing the _id field of the doc being updated. BSONObj criteria; // Type of update. See OperationSource definition for more details. OperationSource source = OperationSource::kStandard; StoreDocOption storeDocOption = StoreDocOption::None; bool preImageRecordingEnabledForCollection = false; bool changeStreamPreAndPostImagesEnabledForCollection = false; // Set if OpTimes were reserved for the update ahead of time. std::vector oplogSlots; }; /** * Queries with the awaitData option use this notifier object to wait for more data to be * inserted into the capped collection. */ class CappedInsertNotifier { public: /** * Wakes up all threads waiting. */ void notifyAll() const; /** * Waits until 'deadline', or until notifyAll() is called to indicate that new * data is available in the capped collection. * * NOTE: Waiting threads can be signaled by calling kill or notify* methods. */ void waitUntil(uint64_t prevVersion, Date_t deadline) const; /** * Returns the version for use as an additional wake condition when used above. */ uint64_t getVersion() const { return _version; } /** * Cancels the notifier if the collection is dropped/invalidated, and wakes all waiting. */ void kill(); /** * Returns true if no new insert notification will occur. */ bool isDead(); private: // Signalled when a successful insert is made into a capped collection. mutable stdx::condition_variable _notifier; // Mutex used with '_notifier'. Protects access to '_version'. mutable Mutex _mutex = MONGO_MAKE_LATCH("CappedInsertNotifier::_mutex"); // A counter, incremented on insertion of new data into the capped collection. // // The condition which '_cappedNewDataNotifier' is being notified of is an increment of this // counter. Access to this counter is synchronized with '_mutex'. mutable uint64_t _version = 0; // True once the notifier is dead. bool _dead = false; }; /** * A decorable object that is shared across all Collection instances for the same collection. There * may be several Collection instances simultaneously in existence representing different versions * of a collection's persisted state. A single instance of SharedCollectionDecorations will be * associated with all of the Collection instances for a collection, sharing whatever data may * decorate it across all point in time views of the collection. */ class SharedCollectionDecorations : public Decorable { public: SharedCollectionDecorations() = default; SharedCollectionDecorations(const SharedCollectionDecorations&) = delete; SharedCollectionDecorations& operator=(const SharedCollectionDecorations&) = delete; }; class Collection : public Decorable { public: enum class StoreDeletedDoc { Off, On }; /** * Direction of collection scan plan executor returned by makePlanExecutor(). */ enum class ScanDirection { kForward = 1, kBackward = -1, }; /** * A Collection::Factory is a factory class that constructs Collection objects. */ class Factory { public: Factory() = default; virtual ~Factory() = default; static Factory* get(ServiceContext* service); static Factory* get(OperationContext* opCtx); static void set(ServiceContext* service, std::unique_ptr factory); /** * Constructs a Collection object. This does not persist any state to the storage engine, * only constructs an in-memory representation of what already exists on disk. */ virtual std::shared_ptr make(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, RecordId catalogId, const CollectionOptions& options, std::unique_ptr rs) const = 0; /** * Constructs a Collection object. This does not persist any state to the storage engine, * only constructs an in-memory representation of what already exists on disk. */ virtual std::shared_ptr make( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, RecordId catalogId, std::shared_ptr metadata, std::unique_ptr rs) const = 0; }; /** * A Collection::Validator represents a filter that is applied to all documents that are * inserted. Enforcement of Validators being well formed is done lazily, so the 'Validator' * class may represent a validator which is not well formed. */ struct Validator { /** * Returns whether the validator's filter is well formed. */ bool isOK() const { return filter.isOK(); } /** * Returns OK or the error encounter when parsing the validator. */ Status getStatus() const { return filter.getStatus(); } /** * Empty means no validator. This must outlive 'filter'. */ BSONObj validatorDoc; /** * A special ExpressionContext used to evaluate the filter match expression. This should * outlive 'filter'. */ boost::intrusive_ptr expCtxForFilter; /** * The collection validator MatchExpression. This is stored as a StatusWith, as we lazily * enforce that collection validators are well formed. * * -A non-OK Status indicates that the validator is not well formed, and any attempts to * enforce the validator should error. * * -A value of Status::OK/nullptr indicates that there is no validator. * * -Anything else indicates a well formed validator. The MatchExpression will maintain * pointers into _validatorDoc. * * Note: this is shared state across cloned Collection instances */ StatusWith> filter = {nullptr}; }; /** * Callback function for callers of insertDocumentForBulkLoader(). */ using OnRecordInsertedFn = std::function; Collection() = default; virtual ~Collection() = default; /** * Clones this Collection instance. Some members are deep copied and some are shallow copied. * This should only be be called from the CollectionCatalog when it needs a writable collection. */ virtual std::shared_ptr clone() const = 0; /** * Fetches the shared state across Collection instances for the a collection. Returns an object * decorated by state shared across Collection instances for the same namespace. Its decorations * are unversioned (not associated with any point in time view of the collection) data related * to the collection. */ virtual SharedCollectionDecorations* getSharedDecorations() const = 0; virtual void init(OperationContext* opCtx) {} virtual bool isCommitted() const { return true; } /** * Update the visibility of this collection in the Collection Catalog. Updates to this value * are not idempotent, as successive updates with the same `val` should not occur. */ virtual void setCommitted(bool val) {} virtual bool isInitialized() const { return false; } virtual const NamespaceString& ns() const = 0; /** * Sets a new namespace on this Collection, in the case that the Collection is being renamed. * In general, reads and writes to Collection objects are synchronized using locks from the lock * manager. However, there is special synchronization for ns() and rename() so that the * CollectionCatalog can perform UUID to namespace lookup without holding a Collection lock. See * CollectionCatalog::onCollectionRename(). */ virtual Status rename(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, bool stayTemp) = 0; virtual RecordId getCatalogId() const = 0; virtual UUID uuid() const = 0; virtual const IndexCatalog* getIndexCatalog() const = 0; virtual IndexCatalog* getIndexCatalog() = 0; virtual RecordStore* getRecordStore() const = 0; /** * Fetches the Ident for this collection. */ virtual std::shared_ptr getSharedIdent() const = 0; virtual const BSONObj getValidatorDoc() const = 0; /** * Returns a non-ok Status if the document does not pass this collection's schema validator. */ virtual Status checkValidation(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& document) const = 0; virtual bool requiresIdIndex() const = 0; virtual Snapshotted docFor(OperationContext* opCtx, RecordId loc) const = 0; /** * @param out - contents set to the right docs if exists, or nothing. * @return true iff loc exists */ virtual bool findDoc(OperationContext* opCtx, RecordId loc, Snapshotted* out) const = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr getCursor(OperationContext* opCtx, bool forward = true) const = 0; /** * Deletes the document with the given RecordId from the collection. For a description of the * parameters, see the overloaded function below. */ virtual void deleteDocument(OperationContext* opCtx, StmtId stmtId, RecordId loc, OpDebug* opDebug, bool fromMigrate = false, bool noWarn = false, StoreDeletedDoc storeDeletedDoc = StoreDeletedDoc::Off) const = 0; /** * Deletes the document from the collection. * * 'doc' the document to be deleted. * 'fromMigrate' indicates whether the delete was induced by a chunk migration, and * so should be ignored by the user as an internal maintenance operation and not a * real delete. * 'loc' key to uniquely identify a record in a collection. * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics. * 'noWarn' if unindexing the record causes an error, if noWarn is true the error * will not be logged. */ virtual void deleteDocument(OperationContext* opCtx, Snapshotted doc, StmtId stmtId, RecordId loc, OpDebug* opDebug, bool fromMigrate = false, bool noWarn = false, StoreDeletedDoc storeDeletedDoc = StoreDeletedDoc::Off) const = 0; /* * Inserts all documents inside one WUOW. * Caller should ensure vector is appropriately sized for this. * If any errors occur (including WCE), caller should retry documents individually. * * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics. */ virtual Status insertDocuments(OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end, OpDebug* opDebug, bool fromMigrate = false) const = 0; /** * this does NOT modify the doc before inserting * i.e. will not add an _id field for documents that are missing it * * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics. */ virtual Status insertDocument(OperationContext* opCtx, const InsertStatement& doc, OpDebug* opDebug, bool fromMigrate = false) const = 0; /** * Callers must ensure no document validation is performed for this collection when calling * this method. */ virtual Status insertDocumentsForOplog(OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector* records, const std::vector& timestamps) const = 0; /** * Inserts a document into the record store for a bulk loader that manages the index building * outside this Collection. The bulk loader is notified with the RecordId of the document * inserted into the RecordStore. * * NOTE: It is up to caller to commit the indexes. */ virtual Status insertDocumentForBulkLoader( OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& doc, const OnRecordInsertedFn& onRecordInserted) const = 0; /** * Updates the document @ oldLocation with newDoc. * * If the document fits in the old space, it is put there; if not, it is moved. * Sets 'args.updatedDoc' to the updated version of the document with damages applied, on * success. * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics. * @return the post update location of the doc (may or may not be the same as oldLocation) */ virtual RecordId updateDocument(OperationContext* opCtx, RecordId oldLocation, const Snapshotted& oldDoc, const BSONObj& newDoc, bool indexesAffected, OpDebug* opDebug, CollectionUpdateArgs* args) const = 0; virtual bool updateWithDamagesSupported() const = 0; /** * Not allowed to modify indexes. * Illegal to call if updateWithDamagesSupported() returns false. * Sets 'args.updatedDoc' to the updated version of the document with damages applied, on * success. * @return the contents of the updated record. */ virtual StatusWith updateDocumentWithDamages( OperationContext* opCtx, RecordId loc, const Snapshotted& oldRec, const char* damageSource, const mutablebson::DamageVector& damages, CollectionUpdateArgs* args) const = 0; // ----------- /** * removes all documents as fast as possible * indexes before and after will be the same * as will other characteristics. * * The caller should hold a collection X lock and ensure there are no index builds in progress * on the collection. */ virtual Status truncate(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Truncate documents newer than the document at 'end' from the capped * collection. The collection cannot be completely emptied using this * function. An assertion will be thrown if that is attempted. * @param inclusive - Truncate 'end' as well iff true * * The caller should hold a collection X lock and ensure there are no index builds in progress * on the collection. */ virtual void cappedTruncateAfter(OperationContext* opCtx, RecordId end, bool inclusive) const = 0; /** * Returns a non-ok Status if validator is not legal for this collection. */ virtual Validator parseValidator(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& validator, MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet allowedFeatures, boost::optional maxFeatureCompatibilityVersion) const = 0; /** * Sets the validator for this collection. * * An empty validator removes all validation. * Requires an exclusive lock on the collection. */ virtual void setValidator(OperationContext* opCtx, Validator validator) = 0; virtual Status setValidationLevel(OperationContext* opCtx, ValidationLevelEnum newLevel) = 0; virtual Status setValidationAction(OperationContext* opCtx, ValidationActionEnum newAction) = 0; virtual boost::optional getValidationLevel() const = 0; virtual boost::optional getValidationAction() const = 0; virtual Status updateValidator(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObj newValidator, boost::optional newLevel, boost::optional newAction) = 0; virtual Status checkValidatorAPIVersionCompatability(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; virtual bool getRecordPreImages() const = 0; virtual void setRecordPreImages(OperationContext* opCtx, bool val) = 0; virtual bool isChangeStreamPreAndPostImagesEnabled() const = 0; virtual void setChangeStreamPreAndPostImages(OperationContext* opCtx, ChangeStreamPreAndPostImagesOptions val) = 0; /** * Returns true if this is a temporary collection. */ virtual bool isTemporary() const = 0; /** * Returns true if the time-series collection may have mixed-schema data. * * If FCV < 5.2 or if this is not a time-series collection, returns boost::none. */ virtual boost::optional getTimeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData() const = 0; /** * Sets the 'timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData' catalog entry flag to 'setting' for this * collection. * * Throws if this is not a time-series collection. */ virtual void setTimeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData(OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional setting) = 0; /** * Returns true if the passed in time-series bucket document contains mixed-schema data. */ virtual bool doesTimeseriesBucketsDocContainMixedSchemaData( const BSONObj& bucketsDoc) const = 0; /* * Returns true if this collection is clustered. That is, its RecordIds store the value of the * cluster key. If the collection is clustered on _id, there is no separate _id index. */ virtual bool isClustered() const = 0; virtual boost::optional getClusteredInfo() const = 0; /** * Updates the expireAfterSeconds setting for a clustered TTL index in this Collection and the * durable catalog. */ virtual void updateClusteredIndexTTLSetting(OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional expireAfterSeconds) = 0; virtual Status updateCappedSize(OperationContext* opCtx, long long newCappedSize) = 0; // // Index // /** * Checks that the metadata for the index exists and matches the given spec. * Returns offset in metadata on success. */ virtual StatusWith checkMetaDataForIndex(const std::string& indexName, const BSONObj& spec) const = 0; /* * Updates the expireAfterSeconds field of the given index to the value in newExpireSecs. * The specified index must already contain an expireAfterSeconds field, and the value in * that field and newExpireSecs must both be numeric. */ virtual void updateTTLSetting(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData idxName, long long newExpireSeconds) = 0; /* * Hide or unhide the given index. A hidden index will not be considered for use by the * query planner. */ virtual void updateHiddenSetting(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData idxName, bool hidden) = 0; /* * Converts the the given index to be unique. * This is a one-way transformation - the uniqueness constraint cannot be removed. */ virtual void updateUniqueSetting(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData idxName) = 0; /** * Removes invalid index options on all indexes in this collection. Returns a list of index * names that contained invalid index options. */ virtual std::vector removeInvalidIndexOptions(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Updates the 'temp' setting for this collection. */ virtual void setIsTemp(OperationContext* opCtx, bool isTemp) = 0; /** * Removes the index 'indexName' from the persisted collection catalog entry identified by * 'catalogId'. */ virtual void removeIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData indexName) = 0; /** * Updates the persisted catalog entry for 'ns' with the new index and creates the index on * disk. * * A passed 'buildUUID' implies that the index is part of a two-phase index build. */ virtual Status prepareForIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const IndexDescriptor* spec, boost::optional buildUUID, bool isBackgroundSecondaryBuild) = 0; /** * Returns a UUID if the index is being built with the two-phase index build procedure. */ virtual boost::optional getIndexBuildUUID(StringData indexName) const = 0; /** * Returns true if the index identified by 'indexName' is multikey, and returns false otherwise. * * If the 'multikeyPaths' pointer is non-null, then it must point to an empty vector. If this * index type supports tracking path-level multikey information in the catalog, then this * function sets 'multikeyPaths' as the path components that cause this index to be multikey. * * In particular, if this function returns false and the index supports tracking path-level * multikey information, then 'multikeyPaths' is initialized as a vector with size equal to the * number of elements in the index key pattern of empty sets. */ virtual bool isIndexMultikey(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData indexName, MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths, int indexOffset = -1) const = 0; /** * Sets the index identified by 'indexName' to be multikey. * * If 'multikeyPaths' is non-empty, then it must be a vector with size equal to the number of * elements in the index key pattern. Additionally, at least one path component of the indexed * fields must cause this index to be multikey. * * This function returns true if the index metadata has changed, and returns false otherwise. */ virtual bool setIndexIsMultikey(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData indexName, const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths, int indexOffset = -1) const = 0; /** * Sets the index to be multikey with the provided paths. This performs minimal validation of * the inputs and is intended to be used internally to "correct" multikey metadata that drifts * from the underlying collection data. * * When isMultikey is false, ignores multikeyPaths and resets the metadata appropriately based * on the index descriptor. Otherwise, overwrites the existing multikeyPaths with the ones * provided. This only writes multikey paths if the index type supports path-level tracking, and * only sets the multikey boolean flag otherwise. */ virtual void forceSetIndexIsMultikey(OperationContext* opCtx, const IndexDescriptor* desc, bool isMultikey, const MultikeyPaths& multikeyPaths) const = 0; virtual int getTotalIndexCount() const = 0; virtual int getCompletedIndexCount() const = 0; virtual BSONObj getIndexSpec(StringData indexName) const = 0; virtual void getAllIndexes(std::vector* names) const = 0; virtual void getReadyIndexes(std::vector* names) const = 0; virtual bool isIndexPresent(StringData indexName) const = 0; virtual bool isIndexReady(StringData indexName) const = 0; virtual void replaceMetadata(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr md) = 0; // // Stats // virtual bool isCapped() const = 0; virtual long long getCappedMaxDocs() const = 0; virtual long long getCappedMaxSize() const = 0; /** * Returns a pointer to a capped callback object. * The storage engine interacts with capped collections through a CappedCallback interface. */ virtual CappedCallback* getCappedCallback() = 0; virtual const CappedCallback* getCappedCallback() const = 0; /** * Get a pointer to a capped insert notifier object. The caller can wait on this object * until it is notified of a new insert into the capped collection. * * It is invalid to call this method unless the collection is capped. */ virtual std::shared_ptr getCappedInsertNotifier() const = 0; virtual long long numRecords(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; virtual long long dataSize(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; /** * Returns true if the collection does not contain any records. */ virtual bool isEmpty(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; virtual int averageObjectSize(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; virtual uint64_t getIndexSize(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* details = nullptr, int scale = 1) const = 0; /** * Returns the number of unused, free bytes used by all indexes on disk. */ virtual uint64_t getIndexFreeStorageBytes(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0; /** * If return value is not boost::none, reads with majority read concern using an older snapshot * must error. */ virtual boost::optional getMinimumVisibleSnapshot() const = 0; virtual void setMinimumVisibleSnapshot(Timestamp name) = 0; /** * Returns the time-series options for this buckets collection, or boost::none if not a * time-series buckets collection. */ virtual boost::optional getTimeseriesOptions() const = 0; /** * Sets the time-series options for this buckets collection. */ virtual void setTimeseriesOptions(OperationContext* opCtx, const TimeseriesOptions& tsOptions) = 0; /** * Get a pointer to the collection's default collator. The pointer must not be used after this * Collection is destroyed. */ virtual const CollatorInterface* getDefaultCollator() const = 0; /** * Returns a cached version of the Collection MetaData that matches the version of this * Collection instance. */ virtual const CollectionOptions& getCollectionOptions() const = 0; /** * Fills in each index specification with collation information from this collection and returns * the new index specifications. * * The returned index specifications will not be equivalent to the ones specified in * 'indexSpecs' if any missing collation information were filled in; however, the returned index * specifications will match the form stored in the IndexCatalog should any of these indexes * already exist. */ virtual StatusWith> addCollationDefaultsToIndexSpecsForCreate( OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector& indexSpecs) const = 0; /** * Returns a plan executor for a collection scan over this collection. */ virtual std::unique_ptr makePlanExecutor( OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& yieldableCollection, PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy yieldPolicy, ScanDirection scanDirection, boost::optional resumeAfterRecordId = boost::none) const = 0; virtual void indexBuildSuccess(OperationContext* opCtx, IndexCatalogEntry* index) = 0; /** * Use this Collection as the new cached pointer to the local oplog. * * Called by catalog::openCatalog() to re-establish the oplog collection pointer while holding * onto the global lock in exclusive mode. */ virtual void establishOplogCollectionForLogging(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; /** * Called when this Collection is deregistered from the catalog */ virtual void onDeregisterFromCatalog(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; friend auto logAttrs(const Collection& col) { return logv2::multipleAttrs(col.ns(), col.uuid()); } }; /** * Smart-pointer'esque type to handle yielding of Collection lock that may invalidate pointers when * resuming. CollectionPtr will re-load the Collection from the Catalog when restoring from a yield * that dropped locks. The yield and restore behavior can be disabled by constructing this type from * a writable Collection or by specifying NoYieldTag. */ class CollectionPtr : public Yieldable { public: static CollectionPtr null; // Function for the implementation on how we load a new Collection pointer when restoring from // yield using RestoreFn = std::function; CollectionPtr(); // Creates a Yieldable CollectionPtr that reloads the Collection pointer from the catalog when // restoring from yield CollectionPtr(OperationContext* opCtx, const Collection* collection, RestoreFn restoreFn); // Creates non-yieldable CollectionPtr, performing yield/restore will be a no-op. struct NoYieldTag {}; CollectionPtr(const Collection* collection, NoYieldTag); CollectionPtr(Collection* collection); CollectionPtr(const CollectionPtr&) = delete; CollectionPtr(CollectionPtr&&); ~CollectionPtr(); CollectionPtr& operator=(const CollectionPtr&) = delete; CollectionPtr& operator=(CollectionPtr&&); explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast(_collection); } bool operator==(const CollectionPtr& other) const { return get() == other.get(); } bool operator!=(const CollectionPtr& other) const { return !operator==(other); } const Collection* operator->() const { return _collection; } const Collection* get() const { return _collection; } void reset() { *this = CollectionPtr(); } void yield() const override; void restore() const override; RestoreFn detachRestoreFn() { return std::move(_restoreFn); } void attachRestoreFn(RestoreFn newRestoreFn) { _restoreFn = std::move(newRestoreFn); } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CollectionPtr& coll); void setShardKeyPattern(const BSONObj& shardKeyPattern) { _shardKeyPattern = shardKeyPattern.getOwned(); } const BSONObj& getShardKeyPattern() const; bool isSharded() const { return static_cast(_shardKeyPattern); } private: bool _canYield() const; // These members needs to be mutable so the yield/restore interface can be const. We don't want // yield/restore to require a non-const instance when it otherwise could be const. mutable const Collection* _collection; // If the collection is currently in the 'yielded' state (i.e. yield() has been called), this // field will contain what was the UUID of the collection at the time of yield. mutable boost::optional _yieldedUUID; OperationContext* _opCtx; RestoreFn _restoreFn; // Stores a consistent view of shard key with the collection that will be needed during the // operation. If _shardKeyPattern is set, that indicates that the collection is sharded. boost::optional _shardKeyPattern = boost::none; }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CollectionPtr& coll) { os << coll.get(); return os; } inline ValidationActionEnum validationActionOrDefault( boost::optional action) { return action.value_or(ValidationActionEnum::error); } inline ValidationLevelEnum validationLevelOrDefault(boost::optional level) { return level.value_or(ValidationLevelEnum::strict); } } // namespace mongo