/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/catalog_helper.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/database_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/operation_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeAutoGetCollectionLockFreeShardedStateAccess); namespace mongo { namespace { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(setAutoGetCollectionWait); /** * Performs some sanity checks on the collection and database. */ void verifyDbAndCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode modeColl, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUUID, const NamespaceString& resolvedNss, CollectionPtr& coll, Database* db) { invariant(!nsOrUUID.uuid() || coll, str::stream() << "Collection for " << resolvedNss.ns() << " disappeared after successfully resolving " << nsOrUUID.toString()); invariant(!nsOrUUID.uuid() || db, str::stream() << "Database for " << resolvedNss.ns() << " disappeared after successfully resolving " << nsOrUUID.toString()); // In most cases we expect modifications for system.views to upgrade MODE_IX to MODE_X before // taking the lock. One exception is a query by UUID of system.views in a transaction. Usual // queries of system.views (by name, not UUID) within a transaction are rejected. However, if // the query is by UUID we can't determine whether the namespace is actually system.views until // we take the lock here. So we have this one last assertion. uassert(51070, "Modifications to system.views must take an exclusive lock", !resolvedNss.isSystemDotViews() || modeColl != MODE_IX); if (!db || !coll) { return; } // If we are in a transaction, we cannot yield and wait when there are pending catalog changes. // Instead, we must return an error in such situations. We ignore this restriction for the // oplog, since it never has pending catalog changes. if (opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction() && resolvedNss != NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace) { if (auto minSnapshot = coll->getMinimumVisibleSnapshot()) { auto mySnapshot = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getPointInTimeReadTimestamp(opCtx).get_value_or( opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getCatalogConflictingTimestamp()); uassert( ErrorCodes::SnapshotUnavailable, str::stream() << "Unable to read from a snapshot due to pending collection catalog " "changes; please retry the operation. Snapshot timestamp is " << mySnapshot.toString() << ". Collection minimum is " << minSnapshot->toString(), mySnapshot.isNull() || mySnapshot >= minSnapshot.get()); } } } /** * Defines sorting order for NamespaceStrings based on what their ResourceId would be for locking. */ struct ResourceIdNssComparator { bool operator()(const NamespaceString& lhs, const NamespaceString& rhs) const { return ResourceId(RESOURCE_COLLECTION, lhs.ns()) < ResourceId(RESOURCE_COLLECTION, rhs.ns()); } }; /** * Fills the input 'collLocks' with CollectionLocks, acquiring locks on namespaces 'nsOrUUID' and * 'secondaryNssOrUUIDs' in ResourceId(RESOURCE_COLLECTION, nss.ns()) order. * * The namespaces will be resolved, the locks acquired, and then the namespaces will be checked for * changes in case there is a race with rename and a UUID no longer matches the locked namespace. * * Handles duplicate namespaces across 'nsOrUUID' and 'secondaryNssOrUUIDs'. Only one lock will be * taken on each namespace. */ void acquireCollectionLocksInResourceIdOrder( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUUID, LockMode modeColl, Date_t deadline, const std::vector& secondaryNssOrUUIDs, std::vector* collLocks) { invariant(collLocks->empty()); auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); // Use a set so that we can easily dedupe namespaces to avoid locking the same collection twice. std::set temp; std::set verifyTemp; do { // Clear the data structures when/if we loop more than once. collLocks->clear(); temp.clear(); verifyTemp.clear(); // Create a single set with all the resolved namespaces sorted by ascending // ResourceId(RESOURCE_COLLECTION, nss.ns()). temp.insert(catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, nsOrUUID)); for (const auto& secondaryNssOrUUID : secondaryNssOrUUIDs) { invariant(secondaryNssOrUUID.db() == nsOrUUID.db(), str::stream() << "Unable to acquire locks for collections across different databases (" << secondaryNssOrUUID << " vs " << nsOrUUID << ")"); temp.insert(catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, secondaryNssOrUUID)); } // Acquire all of the locks in order. for (auto& nss : temp) { collLocks->emplace_back(opCtx, nss, modeColl, deadline); } // Check that the namespaces have NOT changed after acquiring locks. It's possible to race // with a rename collection when the given NamespaceStringOrUUID is a UUID, and consequently // fail to lock the correct namespace. verifyTemp.insert(catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, nsOrUUID)); for (const auto& secondaryNssOrUUID : secondaryNssOrUUIDs) { verifyTemp.insert(catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, secondaryNssOrUUID)); } } while (temp != verifyTemp); } } // namespace // TODO SERVER-62923 Use DatabaseName obj to construct '_dbLock' and to pass to // DatabaseHolder::getDb(). AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData dbName, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) : _dbName(dbName), _dbLock(opCtx, DatabaseName(boost::none, dbName), mode, deadline), _db([&] { const DatabaseName tenantDbName(boost::none, dbName); auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx); return databaseHolder->getDb(opCtx, tenantDbName); }()) { // The 'primary' database must be version checked for sharding. catalog_helper::assertMatchingDbVersion(opCtx, _dbName); } Database* AutoGetDb::ensureDbExists(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (_db) { return _db; } auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx); const DatabaseName dbName(boost::none, _dbName); _db = databaseHolder->openDb(opCtx, dbName, nullptr); catalog_helper::assertMatchingDbVersion(opCtx, _dbName); return _db; } AutoGetCollection::AutoGetCollection( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUUID, LockMode modeColl, AutoGetCollectionViewMode viewMode, Date_t deadline, const std::vector& secondaryNssOrUUIDs) { invariant(!opCtx->isLockFreeReadsOp()); // Acquire the global/RSTL and all the database locks (may or may not be multiple // databases). _autoDb.emplace(opCtx, nsOrUUID.db(), isSharedLockMode(modeColl) ? MODE_IS : MODE_IX, deadline); // Out of an abundance of caution, force operations to acquire new snapshots after // acquiring exclusive collection locks. Operations that hold MODE_X locks make an // assumption that all writes are visible in their snapshot and no new writes will commit. // This may not be the case if an operation already has a snapshot open before acquiring an // exclusive lock. if (modeColl == MODE_X) { invariant(!opCtx->recoveryUnit()->isActive(), str::stream() << "Snapshot opened before acquiring X lock for " << nsOrUUID); } // Acquire the collection locks. If there's only one lock, then it can simply be taken. If // there are many, however, the locks must be taken in _ascending_ ResourceId order to avoid // deadlocks across threads. if (secondaryNssOrUUIDs.empty()) { uassertStatusOK(nsOrUUID.isNssValid()); _collLocks.emplace_back(opCtx, nsOrUUID, modeColl, deadline); } else { acquireCollectionLocksInResourceIdOrder( opCtx, nsOrUUID, modeColl, deadline, secondaryNssOrUUIDs, &_collLocks); } // Wait for a configured amount of time after acquiring locks if the failpoint is enabled setAutoGetCollectionWait.execute( [&](const BSONObj& data) { sleepFor(Milliseconds(data["waitForMillis"].numberInt())); }); auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); auto databaseHolder = DatabaseHolder::get(opCtx); // Check that the collections are all safe to use. _resolvedNss = catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, nsOrUUID); _coll = catalog->lookupCollectionByNamespace(opCtx, _resolvedNss); verifyDbAndCollection(opCtx, modeColl, nsOrUUID, _resolvedNss, _coll, _autoDb->getDb()); for (auto& secondaryNssOrUUID : secondaryNssOrUUIDs) { auto secondaryResolvedNss = catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, secondaryNssOrUUID); auto secondaryColl = catalog->lookupCollectionByNamespace(opCtx, secondaryResolvedNss); // TODO SERVER-64608 Use tenantID on NamespaceString to construct DatabaseName const DatabaseName secondaryDbName(boost::none, secondaryNssOrUUID.db()); verifyDbAndCollection(opCtx, MODE_IS, secondaryNssOrUUID, secondaryResolvedNss, secondaryColl, databaseHolder->getDb(opCtx, secondaryDbName)); } if (_coll) { // Fetch and store the sharding collection description data needed for use during the // operation. The shardVersion will be checked later if the shard filtering metadata is // fetched, ensuring both that the collection description info used here and the routing // table are consistent with the read request's shardVersion. // // Note: sharding versioning for an operation has no concept of multiple collections. auto css = CollectionShardingState::getSharedForLockFreeReads(opCtx, _resolvedNss); css->checkShardVersionOrThrow(opCtx); auto collDesc = css->getCollectionDescription(opCtx); if (collDesc.isSharded()) { _coll.setShardKeyPattern(collDesc.getKeyPattern()); } return; } const auto receivedShardVersion{ OperationShardingState::get(opCtx).getShardVersion(_resolvedNss)}; if ((_view = catalog->lookupView(opCtx, _resolvedNss))) { uassert(ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupportedOnView, str::stream() << "Taking " << _resolvedNss.ns() << " lock for timeseries is not allowed", viewMode == AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted || !_view->timeseries()); uassert(ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupportedOnView, str::stream() << "Namespace " << _resolvedNss.ns() << " is a view, not a collection", viewMode == AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted); uassert(StaleConfigInfo(_resolvedNss, *receivedShardVersion, ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED() /* wantedVersion */, ShardingState::get(opCtx)->shardId()), str::stream() << "Namespace " << _resolvedNss << " is a view therefore the shard " << "version attached to the request must be unset or UNSHARDED", !receivedShardVersion || *receivedShardVersion == ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); return; } // There is neither a collection nor a view for the namespace, so if we reached to this point // there are the following possibilities depending on the received shard version: // 1. ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED: The request comes from a router and the operation entails the // implicit creation of an unsharded collection. We can continue. // 2. ChunkVersion::IGNORED: The request comes from a router that broadcasted the same to all // shards, but this shard doesn't own any chunks for the collection. We can continue. // 3. boost::none: The request comes from client directly connected to the shard. We can // continue. // 4. Any other value: The request comes from a stale router on a collection or a view which // was deleted time ago (or the user manually deleted it from from underneath of sharding). // We return a stale config error so that the router recovers. uassert(StaleConfigInfo(_resolvedNss, *receivedShardVersion, boost::none /* wantedVersion */, ShardingState::get(opCtx)->shardId()), str::stream() << "No metadata for namespace " << _resolvedNss << " therefore the shard " << "version attached to the request must be unset, UNSHARDED or IGNORED", !receivedShardVersion || *receivedShardVersion == ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED() || *receivedShardVersion == ChunkVersion::IGNORED()); } Collection* AutoGetCollection::getWritableCollection(OperationContext* opCtx) { invariant(_collLocks.size() == 1); // Acquire writable instance if not already available if (!_writableColl) { auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); _writableColl = catalog->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForMetadataWrite(opCtx, _resolvedNss); // Makes the internal CollectionPtr Yieldable and resets the writable Collection when // the write unit of work finishes so we re-fetches and re-clones the Collection if a // new write unit of work is opened. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->registerChange( [this, opCtx](boost::optional commitTime) { _coll = CollectionPtr(opCtx, _coll.get(), LookupCollectionForYieldRestore(_coll->ns())); _writableColl = nullptr; }, [this, originalCollection = _coll.get(), opCtx]() { _coll = CollectionPtr(opCtx, originalCollection, LookupCollectionForYieldRestore(originalCollection->ns())); _writableColl = nullptr; }); // Set to writable collection. We are no longer yieldable. _coll = _writableColl; } return _writableColl; } AutoGetCollectionLockFree::AutoGetCollectionLockFree(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUUID, RestoreFromYieldFn restoreFromYield, AutoGetCollectionViewMode viewMode, Date_t deadline) : _lockFreeReadsBlock(opCtx), _globalLock( opCtx, MODE_IS, deadline, Lock::InterruptBehavior::kThrow, true /* skipRSTLLock */) { // Wait for a configured amount of time after acquiring locks if the failpoint is enabled setAutoGetCollectionWait.execute( [&](const BSONObj& data) { sleepFor(Milliseconds(data["waitForMillis"].numberInt())); }); auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); _resolvedNss = catalog->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID(opCtx, nsOrUUID); _collection = catalog->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForRead(opCtx, _resolvedNss); // When we restore from yield on this CollectionPtr we will update _collection above and use its // new pointer in the CollectionPtr _collectionPtr = CollectionPtr( opCtx, _collection.get(), [this, restoreFromYield = std::move(restoreFromYield)](OperationContext* opCtx, UUID uuid) { restoreFromYield(_collection, opCtx, uuid); return _collection.get(); }); // Check that the sharding database version matches our read. // Note: this must always be checked, regardless of whether the collection exists, so that the // dbVersion of this node or the caller gets updated quickly in case either is stale. catalog_helper::assertMatchingDbVersion(opCtx, _resolvedNss.db()); hangBeforeAutoGetCollectionLockFreeShardedStateAccess.executeIf( [&](auto&) { hangBeforeAutoGetCollectionLockFreeShardedStateAccess.pauseWhileSet(opCtx); }, [&](const BSONObj& data) { return opCtx->getLogicalSessionId() && opCtx->getLogicalSessionId()->getId() == UUID::fromCDR(data["lsid"].uuid()); }); if (_collection) { // Fetch and store the sharding collection description data needed for use during the // operation. The shardVersion will be checked later if the shard filtering metadata is // fetched, ensuring both that the collection description info fetched here and the routing // table are consistent with the read request's shardVersion. auto css = CollectionShardingState::getSharedForLockFreeReads(opCtx, _collection->ns()); auto collDesc = css->getCollectionDescription(opCtx); if (collDesc.isSharded()) { _collectionPtr.setShardKeyPattern(collDesc.getKeyPattern()); } // If the collection exists, there is no need to check for views. return; } _view = catalog->lookupView(opCtx, _resolvedNss); uassert( ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupportedOnView, str::stream() << "Taking " << _resolvedNss.ns() << " lock for timeseries is not allowed", !_view || viewMode == AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted || !_view->timeseries()); uassert(ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupportedOnView, str::stream() << "Namespace " << _resolvedNss.ns() << " is a view, not a collection", !_view || viewMode == AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted); if (_view) { // We are about to succeed setup as a view. No LockFree state was setup so do not mark the // OperationContext as LFR. _lockFreeReadsBlock.reset(); } } AutoGetCollectionMaybeLockFree::AutoGetCollectionMaybeLockFree( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& nsOrUUID, LockMode modeColl, AutoGetCollectionViewMode viewMode, Date_t deadline) { if (opCtx->isLockFreeReadsOp()) { _autoGetLockFree.emplace( opCtx, nsOrUUID, [](std::shared_ptr& collection, OperationContext* opCtx, UUID uuid) { LOGV2_FATAL(5342700, "This is a nested lock helper and there was an attempt to " "yield locks, which should be impossible"); }, viewMode, deadline); } else { _autoGet.emplace(opCtx, nsOrUUID, modeColl, viewMode, deadline); } } struct CollectionWriter::SharedImpl { SharedImpl(CollectionWriter* parent) : _parent(parent) {} CollectionWriter* _parent; std::function _writableCollectionInitializer; }; CollectionWriter::CollectionWriter(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& uuid) : _collection(&_storedCollection), _managed(true), _sharedImpl(std::make_shared(this)) { _storedCollection = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, uuid); _sharedImpl->_writableCollectionInitializer = [opCtx, uuid]() { return CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByUUIDForMetadataWrite(opCtx, uuid); }; } CollectionWriter::CollectionWriter(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss) : _collection(&_storedCollection), _managed(true), _sharedImpl(std::make_shared(this)) { _storedCollection = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespace(opCtx, nss); _sharedImpl->_writableCollectionInitializer = [opCtx, nss]() { return CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForMetadataWrite(opCtx, nss); }; } CollectionWriter::CollectionWriter(OperationContext* opCtx, AutoGetCollection& autoCollection) : _collection(&autoCollection.getCollection()), _managed(true), _sharedImpl(std::make_shared(this)) { _sharedImpl->_writableCollectionInitializer = [&autoCollection, opCtx]() { return autoCollection.getWritableCollection(opCtx); }; } CollectionWriter::CollectionWriter(Collection* writableCollection) : _collection(&_storedCollection), _storedCollection(writableCollection), _writableCollection(writableCollection), _managed(false) {} CollectionWriter::~CollectionWriter() { // Notify shared state that this instance is destroyed if (_sharedImpl) { _sharedImpl->_parent = nullptr; } } Collection* CollectionWriter::getWritableCollection(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Acquire writable instance lazily if not already available if (!_writableCollection) { _writableCollection = _sharedImpl->_writableCollectionInitializer(); // If we are using our stored Collection then we are not managed by an AutoGetCollection and // we need to manage lifetime here. if (_managed) { bool usingStoredCollection = *_collection == _storedCollection; auto rollbackCollection = usingStoredCollection ? std::move(_storedCollection) : CollectionPtr(); // Resets the writable Collection when the write unit of work finishes so we re-fetch // and re-clone the Collection if a new write unit of work is opened. Holds the back // pointer to the CollectionWriter explicitly so we can detect if the instance is // already destroyed. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->registerChange( [shared = _sharedImpl](boost::optional) { if (shared->_parent) shared->_parent->_writableCollection = nullptr; }, [shared = _sharedImpl, rollbackCollection = std::move(rollbackCollection)]() mutable { if (shared->_parent) { shared->_parent->_storedCollection = std::move(rollbackCollection); shared->_parent->_writableCollection = nullptr; } }); if (usingStoredCollection) { _storedCollection = _writableCollection; } } } return _writableCollection; } LockMode fixLockModeForSystemDotViewsChanges(const NamespaceString& nss, LockMode mode) { return nss.isSystemDotViews() ? MODE_X : mode; } ReadSourceScope::ReadSourceScope(OperationContext* opCtx, RecoveryUnit::ReadSource readSource, boost::optional provided) : _opCtx(opCtx), _originalReadSource(opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getTimestampReadSource()) { if (_originalReadSource == RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kProvided) { _originalReadTimestamp = *_opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getPointInTimeReadTimestamp(_opCtx); } _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->abandonSnapshot(); _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(readSource, provided); } ReadSourceScope::~ReadSourceScope() { _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->abandonSnapshot(); if (_originalReadSource == RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kProvided) { _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(_originalReadSource, _originalReadTimestamp); } else { _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(_originalReadSource); } } AutoGetOplog::AutoGetOplog(OperationContext* opCtx, OplogAccessMode mode, Date_t deadline) : _shouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock(opCtx->lockState()) { auto lockMode = (mode == OplogAccessMode::kRead) ? MODE_IS : MODE_IX; if (mode == OplogAccessMode::kLogOp) { // Invariant that global lock is already held for kLogOp mode. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); } else { _globalLock.emplace(opCtx, lockMode, deadline, Lock::InterruptBehavior::kThrow); } _oplogInfo = LocalOplogInfo::get(opCtx); _oplog = &_oplogInfo->getCollection(); } AutoGetChangeCollection::AutoGetChangeCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, AutoGetChangeCollection::AccessMode mode, boost::optional tenantId, Date_t deadline) { if (mode == AccessMode::kWriteInOplogContext) { // The global lock must already be held. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked()); } // TODO SERVER-66715 avoid taking 'AutoGetCollection' and remove // 'AllowLockAcquisitionOnTimestampedUnitOfWork'. AllowLockAcquisitionOnTimestampedUnitOfWork allowLockAcquisition(opCtx->lockState()); _coll.emplace(opCtx, NamespaceString::makeChangeCollectionNSS(tenantId), LockMode::MODE_IX, AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsForbidden, deadline); } const Collection* AutoGetChangeCollection::operator->() const { return _coll ? _coll->getCollection().get() : nullptr; } const CollectionPtr& AutoGetChangeCollection::operator*() const { return _coll->getCollection(); } AutoGetChangeCollection::operator bool() const { return _coll && _coll->getCollection().get(); } } // namespace mongo