/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /* @file db/client.h "Client" represents a connection to the database (the server-side) and corresponds to an open socket (or logical connection if pooling on sockets) from a client. todo: switch to asio...this will fit nicely with that. */ #pragma once #include #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h" #include "mongo/platform/random.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" #include "mongo/transport/session.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/concurrency/spin_lock.h" #include "mongo/util/decorable.h" #include "mongo/util/net/hostandport.h" #include "mongo/util/uuid.h" namespace mongo { class Locker; class OperationContext; class ThreadClient; typedef long long ConnectionId; /** * The database's concept of an outside "client". * */ class Client final : public Decorable { public: /** * Creates a Client object and stores it in TLS for the current thread. * * An unowned pointer to a transport::Session may optionally be provided. If 'session' * is non-null, then it will be used to augment the thread name, and for reporting purposes. * * If provided, session's ref count will be bumped by this Client. */ static void initThread(StringData desc, transport::SessionHandle session = nullptr); static void initThread(StringData desc, ServiceContext* serviceContext, transport::SessionHandle session); /** * Moves client into the thread_local for this thread. After this call, Client::getCurrent * and cc() will return client.get(). The client will be destroyed when the thread exits * or the ThreadClient RAII helper exits its scope. */ static void setCurrent(ServiceContext::UniqueClient client); /** * Releases the client being managed by the thread_local for this thread. After this call * cc() will crash the server and Client::getCurrent() will return nullptr until either * Client::initThread() or Client::setCurrent() is called. * * The client will be released to the caller. */ static ServiceContext::UniqueClient releaseCurrent(); static Client* getCurrent(); bool getIsLocalHostConnection() { if (!hasRemote()) { return false; } return getRemote().isLocalHost(); } bool hasRemote() const { return (_session != nullptr); } HostAndPort getRemote() const { verify(_session); return _session->remote(); } /** * Returns the ServiceContext that owns this client session context. */ ServiceContext* getServiceContext() const { return _serviceContext; } /** * Returns the Session to which this client is bound, if any. */ const transport::SessionHandle& session() const& { return _session; } boost::optional getSniNameForSession() const { return _session ? _session->getSniName() : boost::none; } transport::SessionHandle session() && { return std::move(_session); } std::string clientAddress(bool includePort = false) const; const std::string& desc() const { return _desc; } void reportState(BSONObjBuilder& builder); // Ensures stability of the client's OperationContext. When the client is locked, // the OperationContext and the Locker within it will not disappear. void lock() { _lock.lock(); } void unlock() { _lock.unlock(); } bool try_lock() { return _lock.try_lock(); } /** * Makes a new operation context representing an operation on this client. At most * one operation context may be in scope on a client at a time. * * If provided, the LogicalSessionId links this operation to a logical session. */ ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext makeOperationContext(); /** * Gets the operation context active on this client, or nullptr if there is no such context. * * It is an error to call this method on an unlocked client, or to use the value returned * by this method while the client is not locked. */ OperationContext* getOperationContext() { return _opCtx; } // TODO(spencer): SERVER-10228 SERVER-14779 Remove this/move it fully into OperationContext. bool isInDirectClient() const { return _inDirectClient; } void setInDirectClient(bool newVal) { _inDirectClient = newVal; } ConnectionId getConnectionId() const { return _connectionId; } bool isFromUserConnection() const { return _connectionId > 0; } bool isFromSystemConnection() const { return _connectionId == 0; } const auto& getUUID() const { return _uuid; } /** * Used to mark system operations that are allowed to be killed by the stepdown process. This * should only be called once per Client and only from system connections. The Client should be * locked by the caller. */ void setSystemOperationKillableByStepdown(WithLock) { // This can only be changed once for system operations. invariant(isFromSystemConnection()); invariant(!_systemOperationKillable); _systemOperationKillable = true; } /** * Used to determine whether a system operation is allowed to be killed by the stepdown process. * The Client should be locked by the caller. */ bool canKillSystemOperationInStepdown(WithLock) const { // Should only be called on system operations. invariant(isFromSystemConnection()); return _systemOperationKillable; } PseudoRandom& getPrng() { return _prng; } /** * Safely swaps the locker in the OperationContext, releasing the old locker to the caller. * Locks this Client to do this safely. */ std::unique_ptr swapLockState(std::unique_ptr locker); /** * Checks if there is an active currentOp associated with this client. * The definition of active varies between User and System connections. * Note that the caller must hold the client lock. */ bool hasAnyActiveCurrentOp() const; /** * Signal the client's OperationContext that it has been killed. * Any future OperationContext on this client will also receive a kill signal. */ void setKilled() noexcept; /** * Get the state for killing the client's OperationContext. */ bool getKilled() const noexcept { return _killed.loadRelaxed(); } /** * Whether this client supports the hello command, which indicates that the server * can return "not primary" error messages. */ bool supportsHello() const { return _supportsHello; } /** * Will be set to true if the client sent { helloOk: true } when opening a * connection to the server. Defaults to false. */ void setSupportsHello(bool newVal) { _supportsHello = newVal; } private: friend class ServiceContext; friend class ThreadClient; explicit Client(std::string desc, ServiceContext* serviceContext, transport::SessionHandle session); /** * Sets the active operation context on this client to "opCtx". */ void _setOperationContext(OperationContext* opCtx) { _opCtx = opCtx; } ServiceContext* const _serviceContext; const transport::SessionHandle _session; // Description for the client (e.g. conn8) const std::string _desc; // > 0 for things "conn", 0 otherwise const ConnectionId _connectionId; // Protects the contents of the Client (such as changing the OperationContext, etc) SpinLock _lock; // Whether this client is running as DBDirectClient bool _inDirectClient = false; // If != NULL, then contains the currently active OperationContext OperationContext* _opCtx = nullptr; // If the active system client operation is allowed to be killed. bool _systemOperationKillable = false; PseudoRandom _prng; AtomicWord _killed{false}; // Whether this client used { helloOk: true } when opening its connection, indicating that // it supports the hello command. bool _supportsHello = false; UUID _uuid; }; /** * RAII-style Client helper to manage its lifecycle. * Instantiates a client on the current thread, which remains bound to this thread so long as the * instance of ThreadClient is in scope. * * Swapping the managed Client by ThreadClient with AlternativeClientRegion is permitted so long as * the AlternativeClientRegion is not used beyond the scope of ThreadClient. * * Calling Client::releaseCurrent() is not permitted on a Client managed by the ThreadClient and * will invariant once ThreadClient goes out of scope. */ class ThreadClient { public: explicit ThreadClient(ServiceContext* serviceContext); explicit ThreadClient(StringData desc, ServiceContext* serviceContext, transport::SessionHandle session = nullptr); ~ThreadClient(); ThreadClient(const ThreadClient&) = delete; ThreadClient(ThreadClient&&) = delete; void operator=(const ThreadClient&) = delete; Client* get() const; Client* operator->() const { return get(); } Client& operator*() const { return *get(); } private: boost::intrusive_ptr _originalThreadName; }; /** * Utility class to temporarily swap which client is bound to the running thread. * * Use this class to bind a client to the current thread for the duration of the * AlternativeClientRegion's lifetime, restoring the prior client, if any, at the * end of the block. */ class AlternativeClientRegion { public: explicit AlternativeClientRegion(ServiceContext::UniqueClient& clientToUse) : _alternateClient(&clientToUse) { invariant(clientToUse); if (Client::getCurrent()) { _originalClient = Client::releaseCurrent(); } Client::setCurrent(std::move(*_alternateClient)); } ~AlternativeClientRegion() { *_alternateClient = Client::releaseCurrent(); if (_originalClient) { Client::setCurrent(std::move(_originalClient)); } } private: ServiceContext::UniqueClient _originalClient; ServiceContext::UniqueClient* const _alternateClient; }; /** get the Client object for this thread. */ Client& cc(); bool haveClient(); } // namespace mongo