/* @file db/client.h
"Client" represents a connection to the database (the server-side) and corresponds
to an open socket (or logical connection if pooling on sockets) from a client.
todo: switch to asio...this will fit nicely with that.
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#pragma once
#include "mongo/pch.h"
#include "mongo/db/client_basic.h"
#include "mongo/db/d_concurrency.h"
#include "mongo/db/lasterror.h"
#include "mongo/db/lockstate.h"
#include "mongo/db/stats/top.h"
#include "mongo/util/concurrency/rwlock.h"
#include "mongo/util/concurrency/threadlocal.h"
#include "mongo/util/paths.h"
namespace mongo {
extern class ReplSet *theReplSet;
class AuthenticationInfo;
class Database;
class CurOp;
class Command;
class Client;
class AbstractMessagingPort;
class LockCollectionForReading;
class PageFaultRetryableSection;
TSP_DECLARE(Client, currentClient)
typedef long long ConnectionId;
/** the database's concept of an outside "client" */
class Client : public ClientBasic {
// always be in clientsMutex when manipulating this. killop stuff uses these.
static set& clients;
static mongo::mutex& clientsMutex;
static int getActiveClientCount( int& writers , int& readers );
class Context;
static int recommendedYieldMicros( int * writers = 0 , int * readers = 0,
bool needExact = false );
/** each thread which does db operations has a Client object in TLS.
* call this when your thread starts.
static Client& initThread(const char *desc, AbstractMessagingPort *mp = 0);
static void initThreadIfNotAlready(const char *desc) {
if( currentClient.get() )
* Allows detaching a thread from a Client object. Use for testing and for the creation
* of non-connection clients.
static void resetThread( const StringData& origThreadName );
/** this has to be called as the client goes away, but before thread termination
* @return true if anything was done
bool shutdown();
string clientAddress(bool includePort=false) const;
CurOp* curop() const { return _curOp; }
Context* getContext() const { return _context; }
Database* database() const { return _context ? _context->db() : 0; }
const char *ns() const { return _context->ns(); }
const StringData desc() const { return _desc; }
void setLastOp( OpTime op ) { _lastOp = op; }
OpTime getLastOp() const { return _lastOp; }
/** caution -- use Context class instead */
void setContext(Context *c) { _context = c; }
/* report what the last operation was. used by getlasterror */
void appendLastOp( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const;
bool isGod() const { return _god; } /* this is for map/reduce writes */
string toString() const;
void gotHandshake( const BSONObj& o );
BSONObj getRemoteID() const { return _remoteId; }
BSONObj getHandshake() const { return _handshake; }
ConnectionId getConnectionId() const { return _connectionId; }
bool inPageFaultRetryableSection() const { return _pageFaultRetryableSection != 0; }
PageFaultRetryableSection* getPageFaultRetryableSection() const { return _pageFaultRetryableSection; }
bool hasWrittenThisPass() const { return _hasWrittenThisPass; }
void writeHappened() { _hasWrittenThisPass = true; }
void newTopLevelRequest() { _hasWrittenThisPass = false; }
bool allowedToThrowPageFaultException() const;
LockState& lockState() { return _ls; }
Client(const std::string& desc, AbstractMessagingPort *p = 0);
friend class CurOp;
ConnectionId _connectionId; // > 0 for things "conn", 0 otherwise
string _threadId; // "" on non support systems
CurOp * _curOp;
Context * _context;
bool _shutdown; // to track if Client::shutdown() gets called
std::string _desc;
bool _god;
OpTime _lastOp;
BSONObj _handshake;
BSONObj _remoteId;
bool _hasWrittenThisPass;
PageFaultRetryableSection *_pageFaultRetryableSection;
LockState _ls;
friend class PageFaultRetryableSection; // TEMP
friend class NoPageFaultsAllowed; // TEMP
/* set _god=true temporarily, safely */
class GodScope {
bool _prev;
//static void assureDatabaseIsOpen(const string& ns, string path=dbpath);
/** "read lock, and set my context, all in one operation"
* This handles (if not recursively locked) opening an unopened database.
class ReadContext : boost::noncopyable {
ReadContext(const std::string& ns, const std::string& path=dbpath);
Context& ctx() { return *c.get(); }
scoped_ptr lk;
scoped_ptr c;
/* Set database we want to use, then, restores when we finish (are out of scope)
Note this is also helpful if an exception happens as the state if fixed up.
class Context : boost::noncopyable {
/** this is probably what you want */
Context(const string& ns, const std::string& path=dbpath, bool doVersion=true);
/** note: this does not call finishInit -- i.e., does not call
shardVersionOk() for example.
see also: reset().
Context(const std::string& ns , Database * db);
// used by ReadContext
Context(const string& path, const string& ns, Database *db);
Client* getClient() const { return _client; }
Database* db() const { return _db; }
const char * ns() const { return _ns.c_str(); }
bool equals( const string& ns , const string& path=dbpath ) const { return _ns == ns && _path == path; }
/** @return if the db was created by this Context */
bool justCreated() const { return _justCreated; }
/** @return true iff the current Context is using db/path */
bool inDB( const string& db , const string& path=dbpath ) const;
void _clear() { // this is sort of an "early destruct" indication, _ns can never be uncleared
_db = 0;
/** call before unlocking, so clear any non-thread safe state
* _db gets restored on the relock
void unlocked() { _db = 0; }
/** call after going back into the lock, will re-establish non-thread safe stuff */
void relocked() { _finishInit(); }
friend class CurOp;
void _finishInit();
void checkNotStale() const;
void checkNsAccess( bool doauth );
void checkNsAccess( bool doauth, int lockState );
Client * const _client;
Context * const _oldContext;
const string _path;
bool _justCreated;
bool _doVersion;
const string _ns;
Database * _db;
Timer _timer;
}; // class Client::Context
class WriteContext : boost::noncopyable {
WriteContext(const string& ns, const std::string& path=dbpath);
Context& ctx() { return _c; }
Lock::DBWrite _lk;
Context _c;
}; // class Client
/** get the Client object for this thread. */
inline Client& cc() {
Client * c = currentClient.get();
verify( c );
return *c;
inline Client::GodScope::GodScope() {
_prev = cc()._god;
cc()._god = true;
inline Client::GodScope::~GodScope() { cc()._god = _prev; }
inline bool haveClient() { return currentClient.get() > 0; }