* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/db/auth/user_name.h"
#include "mongo/db/cursor_id.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/logical_session_id.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor.h"
#include "mongo/db/record_id.h"
#include "mongo/db/repl/read_concern_level.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/functional.h"
namespace mongo {
class Collection;
class CursorManager;
class RecoveryUnit;
* Parameters used for constructing a ClientCursor. Makes an owned copy of 'originatingCommandObj'
* to be used across getMores.
* ClientCursors cannot be constructed in isolation, but rather must be
* constructed and managed using a CursorManager. See cursor_manager.h for more details.
struct ClientCursorParams {
ClientCursorParams(std::unique_ptr planExecutor,
NamespaceString nss,
UserNameIterator authenticatedUsersIter,
repl::ReadConcernLevel readConcernLevel,
BSONObj originatingCommandObj)
: exec(std::move(planExecutor)),
? exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getQueryRequest().getOptions()
: 0),
originatingCommandObj(originatingCommandObj.getOwned()) {
while (authenticatedUsersIter.more()) {
void setTailable(bool tailable) {
if (tailable)
queryOptions |= QueryOption_CursorTailable;
queryOptions &= ~QueryOption_CursorTailable;
void setAwaitData(bool awaitData) {
if (awaitData)
queryOptions |= QueryOption_AwaitData;
queryOptions &= ~QueryOption_AwaitData;
std::unique_ptr exec;
const NamespaceString nss;
std::vector authenticatedUsers;
const repl::ReadConcernLevel readConcernLevel;
int queryOptions = 0;
BSONObj originatingCommandObj;
* A ClientCursor is the server-side state associated with a particular cursor id. A cursor id is a
* handle that we return to the client for queries which require results to be returned in multiple
* batches. The client can manage the server-side cursor state by passing the cursor id back to the
* server for certain supported operations.
* For instance, a client can retrieve the next batch of results from the cursor by issuing a
* getMore on this cursor id. It can also request that server-side resources be freed by issuing a
* killCursors on a particular cursor id. This is useful if the client wishes to abandon the cursor
* without retrieving all results.
* ClientCursors cannot exist in isolation and must be created, accessed, and destroyed via a
* CursorManager. See cursor_manager.h for more details. Unless the ClientCursor is marked by the
* caller as "no timeout", it will be automatically destroyed by its cursor manager after a period
* of inactivity.
class ClientCursor {
CursorId cursorid() const {
return _cursorid;
const NamespaceString& nss() const {
return _nss;
UserNameIterator getAuthenticatedUsers() const {
return makeUserNameIterator(_authenticatedUsers.begin(), _authenticatedUsers.end());
boost::optional getSessionId() const {
return _lsid;
boost::optional getTxnNumber() const {
return _txnNumber;
repl::ReadConcernLevel getReadConcernLevel() const {
return _readConcernLevel;
* Returns a pointer to the underlying query plan executor. All cursors manage a PlanExecutor,
* so this method never returns a null pointer.
PlanExecutor* getExecutor() const {
return _exec.get();
* Returns the query options bitmask. If you'd like to know if the cursor is tailable or
* awaitData, prefer using the specific methods isTailable() and isAwaitData() over using this
* method.
int queryOptions() const {
return _queryOptions;
bool isTailable() const {
return _queryOptions & QueryOption_CursorTailable;
bool isAwaitData() const {
return _queryOptions & QueryOption_AwaitData;
const BSONObj& getOriginatingCommandObj() const {
return _originatingCommand;
* Returns the total number of query results returned by the cursor so far.
long long pos() const {
return _pos;
* Increments the cursor's tracked number of query results returned so far by 'n'.
void incPos(long long n) {
_pos += n;
* Sets the cursor's tracked number of query results returned so far to 'n'.
void setPos(long long n) {
_pos = n;
// Timing.
* Returns the amount of time execution time available to this cursor. Only valid at the
* beginning of a getMore request, and only really for use by the maxTime tracking code.
* Microseconds::max() == infinity, values less than 1 mean no time left.
Microseconds getLeftoverMaxTimeMicros() const {
return _leftoverMaxTimeMicros;
* Sets the amount of execution time available to this cursor. This is only called when an
* operation that uses a cursor is finishing, to update its remaining time.
* Microseconds::max() == infinity, values less than 1 mean no time left.
void setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros(Microseconds leftoverMaxTimeMicros) {
_leftoverMaxTimeMicros = leftoverMaxTimeMicros;
* Returns the server-wide the count of living cursors. Such a cursor is called an "open
* cursor".
static long long totalOpen();
friend std::size_t partitionOf(const ClientCursor* cursor) {
return cursor->cursorid();
friend class CursorManager;
friend class ClientCursorPin;
* Since the client cursor destructor is private, this is needed for using client cursors with
* smart pointers.
struct Deleter {
void operator()(ClientCursor* cursor) {
delete cursor;
* Constructs a ClientCursor. Since cursors must come into being registered and pinned, this is
* private. See cursor_manager.h for more details.
ClientCursor(ClientCursorParams params,
CursorManager* cursorManager,
CursorId cursorId,
OperationContext* operationUsingCursor,
Date_t now);
* Destroys a ClientCursor. This is private, since only the CursorManager or the ClientCursorPin
* is allowed to destroy a cursor.
* Cursors must be unpinned and deregistered from the CursorManager before they can be
* destroyed.
* Marks this cursor as killed, so any future uses will return 'killStatus'. It is an error to
* call this method with Status::OK.
void markAsKilled(Status killStatus);
* Disposes this ClientCursor's PlanExecutor. Must be called before deleting a ClientCursor to
* ensure it has a chance to clean up any resources it is using. Can be called multiple times.
* It is an error to call any other method after calling dispose().
void dispose(OperationContext* opCtx);
bool isNoTimeout() const {
return (_queryOptions & QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout);
// The ID of the ClientCursor. A value of 0 is used to mean that no cursor id has been assigned.
const CursorId _cursorid = 0;
// Threads may read from this field even if they don't have the cursor pinned, as long as they
// have the correct partition of the CursorManager locked (just like _authenticatedUsers).
const NamespaceString _nss;
// The set of authenticated users when this cursor was created. Threads may read from this
// field (using the getter) even if they don't have the cursor pinned as long as they hold the
// correct partition's lock in the CursorManager. They must hold the lock to prevent the cursor
// from being freed by another thread during the read.
const std::vector _authenticatedUsers;
// A logical session id for this cursor, if it is running inside of a session.
const boost::optional _lsid;
// A transaction number for this cursor, if it was provided in the originating command.
const boost::optional _txnNumber;
const repl::ReadConcernLevel _readConcernLevel;
CursorManager* _cursorManager;
// Tracks whether dispose() has been called, to make sure it happens before destruction. It is
// an error to use a ClientCursor once it has been disposed.
bool _disposed = false;
// Tracks the number of results returned by this cursor so far.
long long _pos = 0;
// Holds an owned copy of the command specification received from the client.
const BSONObj _originatingCommand;
// See the QueryOptions enum in dbclientinterface.h.
const int _queryOptions = 0;
// Unused maxTime budget for this cursor.
Microseconds _leftoverMaxTimeMicros = Microseconds::max();
// The underlying query execution machinery. Must be non-null.
std::unique_ptr _exec;
// The following fields are used by the CursorManager and the ClientCursorPin. In most
// conditions, they can only be used while holding the CursorManager's mutex. Exceptions
// include:
// - If the ClientCursor is pinned, the CursorManager will never change '_isPinned' until
// asked to by the ClientCursorPin.
// - It is safe to read '_killed' while holding a collection lock, which must be held when
// interacting with a ClientCursorPin.
// - A ClientCursorPin can access these members after deregistering the cursor from the
// CursorManager, at which point it has sole ownership of the ClientCursor.
// While a cursor is being used by a client, it is marked as "pinned" by setting
// _operationUsingCursor to the current OperationContext.
// Cursors always come into existence in a pinned state (this must be non-null at construction).
// To write to this field one of the following must be true:
// 1) You have a lock on the appropriate partition in CursorManager and the cursor is unpinned
// (the field is null).
// 2) You own the cursor and the cursor manager it was associated with is gone (this can only
// happen in ClientCursorPin). In this case, nobody else will try to pin the cursor.
// To read this field one of the following must be true:
// 1) You have a lock on the appropriate partition in CursorManager.
// 2) You know you have the cursor pinned.
OperationContext* _operationUsingCursor;
Date_t _lastUseDate;
* ClientCursorPin is an RAII class which must be used in order to access a cursor. On
* construction, the ClientCursorPin marks its cursor as in use, which is called "pinning" the
* cursor. On destruction, the ClientCursorPin marks its cursor as no longer in use, which is
* called "unpinning" the cursor. Pinning is used to prevent multiple concurrent uses of the same
* cursor--- pinned cursors cannot be deleted or timed out and cannot be used concurrently by other
* operations such as getMore. They can however, be marked as interrupted and instructed to destroy
* themselves through killCursors.
* A pin is obtained using the CursorManager. See cursor_manager.h for more details.
* A pin extends the lifetime of a ClientCursor object until the pin's release. Pinned ClientCursor
* objects cannot not be killed due to inactivity, and cannot be immediately erased by user kill
* requests (though they can be marked as interrupted). When a CursorManager is destroyed (e.g. by
* a collection drop), ownership of any still-pinned ClientCursor objects is transferred to their
* managing ClientCursorPin objects.
* Example usage:
* {
* StatusWith pin = cursorManager->pinCursor(opCtx, cursorid);
* if (!pin.isOK()) {
* // No cursor with id 'cursorid' exists, or it was killed while inactive. Handle the error
* here.
* return pin.getStatus();
* }
* ClientCursor* cursor = pin.getValue().getCursor();
* // Use cursor. Pin automatically released on block exit.
* }
* Clients that wish to access ClientCursor objects owned by collection cursor managers must hold
* the collection lock while calling any pin method, including pin acquisition by the RAII
* constructor and pin release by the RAII destructor. This guards from a collection drop (which
* requires an exclusive lock on the collection) occurring concurrently with the pin request or
* unpin request.
* Clients that wish to access ClientCursor objects owned by the global cursor manager need not
* hold any locks; the global cursor manager can only be destroyed by a process exit.
class ClientCursorPin {
* Moves 'other' into 'this'. The 'other' pin must have a pinned cursor. Moving an empty pin
* into 'this' is illegal.
ClientCursorPin(ClientCursorPin&& other);
* Moves 'other' into 'this'. 'other' must have a pinned cursor and 'this' must have no pinned
* cursor.
ClientCursorPin& operator=(ClientCursorPin&& other);
* Calls release().
* Releases the pin. It does not delete the underlying cursor unless ownership has passed
* to us after kill. Turns into a no-op if release() or deleteUnderlying() have already
* been called on this pin.
void release();
* Deletes the underlying cursor. Cannot be called if release() or deleteUnderlying() have
* already been called on this pin.
void deleteUnderlying();
* Returns a pointer to the pinned cursor.
ClientCursor* getCursor() const;
friend class CursorManager;
ClientCursorPin(OperationContext* opCtx, ClientCursor* cursor);
OperationContext* _opCtx = nullptr;
ClientCursor* _cursor = nullptr;
void startClientCursorMonitor();
} // namespace mongo