/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version.h" #include #include "mongo/base/status.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version_documentation.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/feature_compatibility_version_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/optime.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_process.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_engine.h" #include "mongo/db/wire_version.h" #include "mongo/db/write_concern_options.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h" #include "mongo/transport/service_entry_point.h" #include "mongo/util/version/releases.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kCommand namespace mongo { using repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock; using GenericFCV = multiversion::GenericFCV; using FCV = multiversion::FeatureCompatibilityVersion; using namespace fmt::literals; namespace { /** * Utility class for recording permitted transitions between feature compatibility versions and * their on-disk representation as FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument objects. */ const class FCVTransitions { public: FCVTransitions() { auto makeFCVDoc = []( // What features we support during the transition. FCV effectiveVersion, // The transition's goal FCV. boost::optional targetVersion = boost::none, // The previous FCV while downgrading. boost::optional previousVersion = boost::none) { FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument fcvDoc; fcvDoc.setVersion(effectiveVersion); fcvDoc.setTargetVersion(targetVersion); fcvDoc.setPreviousVersion(previousVersion); return fcvDoc; }; // Steady states - they have FCV documents but no _transitions entries. for (auto fcv : std::vector{GenericFCV::kLastLTS, GenericFCV::kLastContinuous, GenericFCV::kLatest}) { _fcvDocuments[fcv] = makeFCVDoc(fcv); } for (auto [from, upgrading, to] : std::vector{std::make_tuple(GenericFCV::kLastLTS, GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLatest, GenericFCV::kLatest), std::make_tuple(GenericFCV::kLastContinuous, GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastContinuousToLatest, GenericFCV::kLatest)}) { for (auto isFromConfigServer : std::vector{false, true}) { // Start or complete upgrading to latest. If this release's lastContinuous == // lastLTS then the second loop iteration just overwrites the first. _transitions[{from, to, isFromConfigServer}] = upgrading; _transitions[{upgrading, to, isFromConfigServer}] = to; // allow downgrading->upgrading->latest path _transitions[{GenericFCV::kDowngradingFromLatestToLastLTS, GenericFCV::kLatest, isFromConfigServer}] = GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLatest; } _fcvDocuments[upgrading] = makeFCVDoc(from /* effective */, to /* target */); } if (GenericFCV::kLastLTS != GenericFCV::kLastContinuous) { // Only config servers may request an upgrade from lastLTS to lastContinuous. _transitions[{GenericFCV::kLastLTS, GenericFCV::kLastContinuous, true}] = GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous; _transitions[{GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous, GenericFCV::kLastContinuous, true}] = GenericFCV::kLastContinuous; _fcvDocuments[GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous] = makeFCVDoc( GenericFCV::kLastLTS /* effective */, GenericFCV::kLastContinuous /* target */); } for (auto [downgrading, to] : std::vector{std::make_tuple(GenericFCV::kDowngradingFromLatestToLastContinuous, GenericFCV::kLastContinuous), std::make_tuple(GenericFCV::kDowngradingFromLatestToLastLTS, GenericFCV::kLastLTS)}) { for (auto isFromConfigServer : std::vector{false, true}) { // Start or complete downgrade from latest. If this release's lastContinuous == // lastLTS then the second loop iteration just overwrites the first. _transitions[{GenericFCV::kLatest, to, isFromConfigServer}] = downgrading; _transitions[{downgrading, to, isFromConfigServer}] = to; } _fcvDocuments[downgrading] = makeFCVDoc(to /* effective */, to /* target */, GenericFCV::kLatest /* previous */ ); } } /** * True if a server in multiversion::FeatureCompatibilityVersion "fromVersion" can * transition to "newVersion". Different rules apply if the request is from a config server. */ bool permitsTransition(FCV fromVersion, FCV newVersion, bool isFromConfigServer) const { return _transitions.find({fromVersion, newVersion, isFromConfigServer}) != _transitions.end(); } /** * Get a feature compatibility version enum value from a document representing the * multiversion::FeatureCompatibilityVersion, or uassert if the document is invalid. */ FCV versionFromFCVDoc(const FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument& fcvDoc) const { auto it = std::find_if(_fcvDocuments.begin(), _fcvDocuments.end(), [&](const auto& value) { return value.second == fcvDoc; }); uassert(5147400, "invalid feature compatibility document", it != _fcvDocuments.end()); return it->first; } /** * Return an FCV representing the transition fromVersion -> newVersion. It may be transitional * (such as kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous) or not (such as kLastLTS). Different rules * apply if the upgrade/downgrade request is from a config server. */ FCV getTransitionalVersion(FCV fromVersion, FCV newVersion, bool isFromConfigServer) const { auto it = _transitions.find({fromVersion, newVersion, isFromConfigServer}); fassert(5147401, it != _transitions.end()); return it->second; } /** * Get the document representation of a (perhaps transitional) version. */ FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument getFCVDocument(FCV currentVersion) const { auto it = _fcvDocuments.find(currentVersion); fassert(5147402, it != _fcvDocuments.end()); return it->second; } private: stdx::unordered_map _fcvDocuments; // Map: (fromVersion, newVersion, isFromConfigServer) -> transitional version. stdx::unordered_map, FCV> _transitions; } fcvTransitions; /** * Taken in shared mode by any operations that need to ensure that the FCV does not change during * its execution. * * setFCV takes this lock in exclusive mode when changing the FCV value. */ Lock::ResourceMutex fcvDocumentLock("featureCompatibilityVersionDocumentLock"); // lastFCVUpdateTimestamp contains the latest oplog entry timestamp which updated the FCV. // It is reset on rollback. Timestamp lastFCVUpdateTimestamp; SimpleMutex lastFCVUpdateTimestampMutex; /** * Build update command for featureCompatibilityVersion document updates. */ void runUpdateCommand(OperationContext* opCtx, const FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument& fcvDoc) { DBDirectClient client(opCtx); NamespaceString nss(NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace); BSONObjBuilder updateCmd; updateCmd.append("update", nss.coll()); { BSONArrayBuilder updates(updateCmd.subarrayStart("updates")); { BSONObjBuilder updateSpec(updates.subobjStart()); { BSONObjBuilder queryFilter(updateSpec.subobjStart("q")); queryFilter.append("_id", multiversion::kParameterName); } { BSONObjBuilder updateMods(updateSpec.subobjStart("u")); fcvDoc.serialize(&updateMods); } updateSpec.appendBool("upsert", true); } } auto timeout = opCtx->getWriteConcern().isImplicitDefaultWriteConcern() ? WriteConcernOptions::kNoTimeout : opCtx->getWriteConcern().wTimeout; auto newWC = WriteConcernOptions( WriteConcernOptions::kMajority, WriteConcernOptions::SyncMode::UNSET, timeout); updateCmd.append(WriteConcernOptions::kWriteConcernField, newWC.toBSON()); // Update the featureCompatibilityVersion document stored in the server configuration // collection. BSONObj updateResult; client.runCommand(nss.db().toString(), updateCmd.obj(), updateResult); uassertStatusOK(getStatusFromWriteCommandReply(updateResult)); } } // namespace boost::optional FeatureCompatibilityVersion::findFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument( OperationContext* opCtx) { AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace, MODE_IX); invariant(autoColl.ensureDbExists(opCtx), NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace.ns()); const auto query = BSON("_id" << multiversion::kParameterName); const auto swFcv = repl::StorageInterface::get(opCtx)->findById( opCtx, NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace, query["_id"]); if (!swFcv.isOK()) { return boost::none; } return swFcv.getValue(); } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::validateSetFeatureCompatibilityVersionRequest( OperationContext* opCtx, const SetFeatureCompatibilityVersion& setFCVRequest, FCV fromVersion) { auto newVersion = setFCVRequest.getCommandParameter(); auto isFromConfigServer = setFCVRequest.getFromConfigServer().value_or(false); uassert( 5147403, "cannot set featureCompatibilityVersion to '{}' while featureCompatibilityVersion is '{}'"_format( multiversion::toString(newVersion), multiversion::toString(fromVersion)), fcvTransitions.permitsTransition(fromVersion, newVersion, isFromConfigServer)); auto setFCVPhase = setFCVRequest.getPhase(); if (!isFromConfigServer || !setFCVPhase) { return; } auto changeTimestamp = setFCVRequest.getChangeTimestamp(); invariant(changeTimestamp); auto fcvObj = findFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument(opCtx); auto fcvDoc = FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument::parse( IDLParserContext("featureCompatibilityVersionDocument"), fcvObj.value()); auto previousTimestamp = fcvDoc.getChangeTimestamp(); if (setFCVPhase == SetFCVPhaseEnum::kStart) { uassert( 5563501, "Shard received a timestamp for phase 1 of the 'setFeatureCompatibilityVersion' " "command which is too old, so the request is discarded. This may indicate that the " "request is related to a previous invocation of the 'setFeatureCompatibilityVersion' " "command which, for example, was temporarily stuck on network.", !previousTimestamp || previousTimestamp <= changeTimestamp); } else { uassert(5563601, "Cannot transition to fully upgraded or fully downgraded state if the shard is not " "in kUpgrading or kDowngrading state", serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isUpgradingOrDowngrading()); tassert(5563502, "Shard received a request for phase 2 of the 'setFeatureCompatibilityVersion' " "command that cannot be correlated with the previous one, so the request is " "discarded. This may indicate that the request for step 1 was not received or " "processed properly.", previousTimestamp); uassert(5563503, "Shard received a timestamp for phase 2 of the 'setFeatureCompatibilityVersion' " "command that does not match the one received for phase 1, so the request is " "discarded. This could indicate, for example, that the request is related to a " "previous invocation of the 'setFeatureCompatibilityVersion' command which, for " "example, was temporarily stuck on network.", previousTimestamp == changeTimestamp); } } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::updateFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument( OperationContext* opCtx, FCV fromVersion, FCV newVersion, bool isFromConfigServer, boost::optional changeTimestamp, bool setTargetVersion) { // We may have just stepped down, in which case we should not proceed. opCtx->checkForInterrupt(); // Only transition to fully upgraded or downgraded states when we // have completed all required upgrade/downgrade behavior. auto transitioningVersion = setTargetVersion && serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isUpgradingOrDowngrading(fromVersion) && // if kDowngradingFromLatestToLastLTS->kLatest, we want to get the transitional version // i.e. kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLatest !(fromVersion == GenericFCV::kDowngradingFromLatestToLastLTS && newVersion == GenericFCV::kLatest) ? fromVersion : fcvTransitions.getTransitionalVersion(fromVersion, newVersion, isFromConfigServer); FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument fcvDoc = fcvTransitions.getFCVDocument(transitioningVersion); fcvDoc.setChangeTimestamp(changeTimestamp); runUpdateCommand(opCtx, fcvDoc); } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::setIfCleanStartup(OperationContext* opCtx, repl::StorageInterface* storageInterface) { if (!hasNoReplicatedCollections(opCtx)) return; // If the server was not started with --shardsvr, the default featureCompatibilityVersion on // clean startup is the upgrade version. If it was started with --shardsvr, the default // featureCompatibilityVersion is the downgrade version, so that it can be safely added to a // downgrade version cluster. The config server will run setFeatureCompatibilityVersion as part // of addShard. const bool storeUpgradeVersion = serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::ShardServer; UnreplicatedWritesBlock unreplicatedWritesBlock(opCtx); NamespaceString nss(NamespaceString::kServerConfigurationNamespace); { CollectionOptions options; options.uuid = UUID::gen(); uassertStatusOK(storageInterface->createCollection(opCtx, nss, options)); } FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument fcvDoc; if (storeUpgradeVersion) { fcvDoc.setVersion(GenericFCV::kLatest); } else { fcvDoc.setVersion(GenericFCV::kLastLTS); } // We then insert the featureCompatibilityVersion document into the server configuration // collection. The server parameter will be updated on commit by the op observer. uassertStatusOK(storageInterface->insertDocument( opCtx, nss, repl::TimestampedBSONObj{fcvDoc.toBSON(), Timestamp()}, repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm)); // No timestamp or term because this write is not // replicated. } bool FeatureCompatibilityVersion::hasNoReplicatedCollections(OperationContext* opCtx) { StorageEngine* storageEngine = getGlobalServiceContext()->getStorageEngine(); std::vector dbNames = storageEngine->listDatabases(); auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); for (auto&& dbName : dbNames) { Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, dbName, MODE_S); for (auto&& collNss : catalog->getAllCollectionNamesFromDb(opCtx, dbName)) { if (collNss.isReplicated()) { return false; } } } return true; } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::updateMinWireVersion() { WireSpec& wireSpec = WireSpec::instance(); const auto currentFcv = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion(); if (currentFcv == GenericFCV::kLatest || (serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isUpgradingOrDowngrading() && currentFcv != GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous)) { // FCV == kLatest or FCV is upgrading/downgrading to or from kLatest. WireSpec::Specification newSpec = *wireSpec.get(); newSpec.incomingInternalClient.minWireVersion = LATEST_WIRE_VERSION; newSpec.outgoing.minWireVersion = LATEST_WIRE_VERSION; wireSpec.reset(std::move(newSpec)); } else if (currentFcv == GenericFCV::kUpgradingFromLastLTSToLastContinuous || currentFcv == GenericFCV::kLastContinuous) { // FCV == kLastContinuous or upgrading to kLastContinuous. WireSpec::Specification newSpec = *wireSpec.get(); newSpec.incomingInternalClient.minWireVersion = LAST_CONT_WIRE_VERSION; newSpec.outgoing.minWireVersion = LAST_CONT_WIRE_VERSION; wireSpec.reset(std::move(newSpec)); } else { invariant(currentFcv == GenericFCV::kLastLTS); WireSpec::Specification newSpec = *wireSpec.get(); newSpec.incomingInternalClient.minWireVersion = LAST_LTS_WIRE_VERSION; newSpec.outgoing.minWireVersion = LAST_LTS_WIRE_VERSION; wireSpec.reset(std::move(newSpec)); } } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::initializeForStartup(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Global write lock must be held. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isW()); auto featureCompatibilityVersion = findFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument(opCtx); if (!featureCompatibilityVersion) { serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.logFCVWithContext("startup"_sd); return; } // If the server configuration collection already contains a valid featureCompatibilityVersion // document, cache it in-memory as a server parameter. auto swVersion = FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser::parse(*featureCompatibilityVersion); // Note this error path captures all cases of an FCV document existing, but with any // unacceptable value. This includes unexpected cases with no path forward such as the FCV value // not being a string. if (!swVersion.isOK()) { uassertStatusOK({ErrorCodes::MustDowngrade, str::stream() << "UPGRADE PROBLEM: Found an invalid featureCompatibilityVersion " "document (ERROR: " << swVersion.getStatus() << "). If the current featureCompatibilityVersion is below " << multiversion::toString(multiversion::GenericFCV::kLastLTS) << ", see the documentation on upgrading at " << feature_compatibility_version_documentation::kUpgradeLink << "."}); } auto version = swVersion.getValue(); serverGlobalParams.mutableFeatureCompatibility.setVersion(version); FeatureCompatibilityVersion::updateMinWireVersion(); serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.logFCVWithContext("startup"_sd); // On startup, if the version is in an upgrading or downgrading state, print a warning. if (serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isUpgradingOrDowngrading()) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS( 4978301, {logv2::LogTag::kStartupWarnings}, "A featureCompatibilityVersion upgrade/downgrade did not complete. To fix this, use " "the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion command to resume the upgrade/downgrade", "currentfeatureCompatibilityVersion"_attr = multiversion::toString(version)); } } // Fatally asserts if the featureCompatibilityVersion document is not initialized, when required. void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::fassertInitializedAfterStartup(OperationContext* opCtx) { Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx); const auto replProcess = repl::ReplicationProcess::get(opCtx); const bool usingReplication = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx)->isReplEnabled(); // The node did not complete the last initial sync. If the initial sync flag is set and we are // part of a replica set, we expect the version to be initialized as part of initial sync after // startup. bool needInitialSync = usingReplication && replProcess && replProcess->getConsistencyMarkers()->getInitialSyncFlag(opCtx); if (needInitialSync) { return; } auto fcvDocument = findFeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument(opCtx); auto const storageEngine = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine(); auto dbNames = storageEngine->listDatabases(); bool nonLocalDatabases = std::any_of(dbNames.begin(), dbNames.end(), [](auto dbName) { return dbName.db() != NamespaceString::kLocalDb; }); // Fail to start up if there is no featureCompatibilityVersion document and there are non-local // databases present. if (!fcvDocument && nonLocalDatabases) { LOGV2_FATAL_NOTRACE(40652, "Unable to start up mongod due to missing featureCompatibilityVersion " "document. Please run with --repair to restore the document."); } // If we are part of a replica set and are started up with no data files, we do not set the // featureCompatibilityVersion until a primary is chosen. For this case, we expect the in-memory // featureCompatibilityVersion parameter to still be uninitialized until after startup. In // standalone mode, FCV is initialized during startup, even in read-only mode. bool isWriteableStorageEngine = storageGlobalParams.engine != "devnull"; if (isWriteableStorageEngine && (!usingReplication || nonLocalDatabases)) { invariant(serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isVersionInitialized()); } } Lock::ExclusiveLock FeatureCompatibilityVersion::enterFCVChangeRegion(OperationContext* opCtx) { invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); return Lock::ExclusiveLock(opCtx->lockState(), fcvDocumentLock); } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::advanceLastFCVUpdateTimestamp(Timestamp fcvUpdateTimestamp) { stdx::lock_guard lk(lastFCVUpdateTimestampMutex); if (fcvUpdateTimestamp > lastFCVUpdateTimestamp) { lastFCVUpdateTimestamp = fcvUpdateTimestamp; } } void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::clearLastFCVUpdateTimestamp() { stdx::lock_guard lk(lastFCVUpdateTimestampMutex); lastFCVUpdateTimestamp = Timestamp(); } void FeatureCompatibilityVersionParameter::append(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder& b, const std::string& name) { uassert(ErrorCodes::UnknownFeatureCompatibilityVersion, str::stream() << name << " is not yet known.", serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.isVersionInitialized()); BSONObjBuilder featureCompatibilityVersionBuilder(b.subobjStart(name)); auto version = serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion(); FeatureCompatibilityVersionDocument fcvDoc = fcvTransitions.getFCVDocument(version); featureCompatibilityVersionBuilder.appendElements(fcvDoc.toBSON().removeField("_id")); if (!fcvDoc.getTargetVersion()) { // If the FCV has been recently set to the fully upgraded FCV but is not part of the // majority snapshot, then if we do a binary upgrade, we may see the old FCV at startup. It // is not safe to do oplog application on the new binary at that point. So we make sure // that when we report the FCV, it is in the majority snapshot. // (The same consideration applies at downgrade, where if a recently-set fully downgraded // FCV is not part of the majority snapshot, the downgraded binary will see the upgrade FCV // and fail.) const auto replCoordinator = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); const bool isReplSet = replCoordinator && replCoordinator->getReplicationMode() == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet; auto neededMajorityTimestamp = [] { stdx::lock_guard lk(lastFCVUpdateTimestampMutex); return lastFCVUpdateTimestamp; }(); if (isReplSet && !neededMajorityTimestamp.isNull()) { auto status = replCoordinator->awaitTimestampCommitted(opCtx, neededMajorityTimestamp); // If majority reads are not supported, we will take a full snapshot on clean shutdown // and the new FCV will be included, so upgrade is possible. if (status.code() != ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupported) uassertStatusOK( status.withContext("Most recent 'featureCompatibilityVersion' was not in the " "majority snapshot on this node")); } } } Status FeatureCompatibilityVersionParameter::setFromString(const std::string&) { return {ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << name() << " cannot be set via setParameter. See " << feature_compatibility_version_documentation::kCompatibilityLink << "."}; } FixedFCVRegion::FixedFCVRegion(OperationContext* opCtx) : _lk([&] { invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); invariant(!opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); return Lock::SharedLock(opCtx->lockState(), fcvDocumentLock); }()) {} FixedFCVRegion::~FixedFCVRegion() = default; const ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility& FixedFCVRegion::operator*() const { return serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility; } const ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibility* FixedFCVRegion::operator->() const { return &serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility; } bool FixedFCVRegion::operator==(const FCV& other) const { return serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility.getVersion() == other; } bool FixedFCVRegion::operator!=(const FCV& other) const { return !(*this == other); } } // namespace mongo