/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_checks.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_session.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_uuid_mismatch.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/cqf/cqf_command_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/run_aggregate.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h" #include "mongo/db/cursor_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/disk_use_options_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/working_set_common.h" #include "mongo/db/fle_crud.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_real.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregation_request_helper.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/variables.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collator_factory_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.h" #include "mongo/db/query/explain.h" #include "mongo/db/query/find.h" #include "mongo/db/query/find_common.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_knobs_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/counters.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/resource_consumption_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/server_read_concern_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_engine.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_participant.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/get_status_from_command_result.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kQuery namespace mongo { namespace { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(allowExternalReadsForReverseOplogScanRule); const auto kTermField = "term"_sd; // Parses the command object to a FindCommandRequest. If the client request did not specify any // runtime constants, make them available to the query here. std::unique_ptr parseCmdObjectToFindCommandRequest(OperationContext* opCtx, NamespaceString nss, BSONObj cmdObj) { auto findCommand = query_request_helper::makeFromFindCommand( std::move(cmdObj), std::move(nss), APIParameters::get(opCtx).getAPIStrict().value_or(false)); // Rewrite any FLE find payloads that exist in the query if this is a FLE 2 query. if (shouldDoFLERewrite(findCommand)) { invariant(findCommand->getNamespaceOrUUID().nss()); processFLEFindD(opCtx, findCommand->getNamespaceOrUUID().nss().value(), findCommand.get()); } if (findCommand->getMirrored().value_or(false)) { const auto& invocation = CommandInvocation::get(opCtx); invocation->markMirrored(); } return findCommand; } boost::intrusive_ptr makeExpressionContext( OperationContext* opCtx, const FindCommandRequest& findCommand, boost::optional verbosity) { std::unique_ptr collator; if (!findCommand.getCollation().isEmpty()) { collator = uassertStatusOK(CollatorFactoryInterface::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) ->makeFromBSON(findCommand.getCollation())); } // Although both 'find' and 'aggregate' commands have an ExpressionContext, some of the data // members in the ExpressionContext are used exclusively by the aggregation subsystem. This // includes the following fields which here we simply initialize to some meaningless default // value: // - explain // - fromMongos // - needsMerge // - bypassDocumentValidation // - mongoProcessInterface // - resolvedNamespaces // - uuid // // As we change the code to make the find and agg systems more tightly coupled, it would make // sense to start initializing these fields for find operations as well. auto expCtx = make_intrusive( opCtx, verbosity, false, // fromMongos false, // needsMerge findCommand.getAllowDiskUse().value_or(allowDiskUseByDefault.load()), false, // bypassDocumentValidation false, // isMapReduceCommand findCommand.getNamespaceOrUUID().nss().value_or(NamespaceString()), findCommand.getLegacyRuntimeConstants(), std::move(collator), nullptr, // mongoProcessInterface StringMap{}, boost::none, // uuid findCommand.getLet(), // let CurOp::get(opCtx)->dbProfileLevel() > 0 // mayDbProfile ); if (opCtx->readOnly()) { // Disallow disk use if in read-only mode. expCtx->allowDiskUse = false; } expCtx->tempDir = storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp"; expCtx->startExpressionCounters(); return expCtx; } /** * Fills out the CurOp for "opCtx" with information about this query. */ void beginQueryOp(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& queryObj) { auto curOp = CurOp::get(opCtx); stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); curOp->setOpDescription_inlock(queryObj); curOp->setNS_inlock(nss.ns()); } /** * A command for running .find() queries. */ class FindCmd final : public Command { public: FindCmd() : Command("find") {} const std::set& apiVersions() const { return kApiVersions1; } std::unique_ptr parse(OperationContext* opCtx, const OpMsgRequest& opMsgRequest) override { // TODO: Parse into a QueryRequest here. return std::make_unique(this, opMsgRequest); } AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext* context) const override { return AllowedOnSecondary::kOptIn; } bool allowedWithSecurityToken() const final { return true; } bool maintenanceOk() const override { return false; } bool adminOnly() const override { return false; } std::string help() const override { return "query for documents"; } LogicalOp getLogicalOp() const override { return LogicalOp::opQuery; } ReadWriteType getReadWriteType() const override { return ReadWriteType::kRead; } std::size_t reserveBytesForReply() const override { return FindCommon::kInitReplyBufferSize; } /** * A find command does not increment the command counter, but rather increments the * query counter. */ bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const override { return false; } bool shouldAffectReadConcernCounter() const override { return true; } bool collectsResourceConsumptionMetrics() const override { return true; } bool allowedInTransactions() const final { return true; } class Invocation final : public CommandInvocation { public: Invocation(const FindCmd* definition, const OpMsgRequest& request) : CommandInvocation(definition), _request(request), _dbName(_request.getValidatedTenantId(), _request.getDatabase()) { invariant(_request.body.isOwned()); } private: bool supportsWriteConcern() const override { return false; } ReadConcernSupportResult supportsReadConcern(repl::ReadConcernLevel level, bool isImplicitDefault) const final { return ReadConcernSupportResult::allSupportedAndDefaultPermitted(); } bool supportsReadMirroring() const override { return true; } bool canIgnorePrepareConflicts() const override { return true; } bool allowsSpeculativeMajorityReads() const override { // Find queries are only allowed to use speculative behavior if the 'allowsSpeculative' // flag is passed. The find command will check for this flag internally and fail if // necessary. return true; } NamespaceString ns() const override { // TODO get the ns from the parsed QueryRequest. return NamespaceString(CommandHelpers::parseNsFromCommand(_dbName, _request.body)); } void doCheckAuthorization(OperationContext* opCtx) const final { AuthorizationSession* authSession = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()); uassert(ErrorCodes::Unauthorized, "Unauthorized", authSession->isAuthorizedToParseNamespaceElement(_request.body.firstElement())); const auto hasTerm = _request.body.hasField(kTermField); uassertStatusOK(auth::checkAuthForFind( authSession, CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID( opCtx, CommandHelpers::parseNsOrUUID(_dbName, _request.body)), hasTerm)); } void explain(OperationContext* opCtx, ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity, rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* result) override { // Acquire locks. The RAII object is optional, because in the case of a view, the locks // need to be released. boost::optional ctx; ctx.emplace(opCtx, CommandHelpers::parseNsCollectionRequired(_dbName, _request.body), AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted); const auto nss = ctx->getNss(); // Parse the command BSON to a FindCommandRequest. auto findCommand = parseCmdObjectToFindCommandRequest(opCtx, nss, _request.body); // Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a CanonicalQuery. const ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(opCtx, &nss); auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, verbosity); const bool isExplain = true; auto cq = uassertStatusOK( CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx, std::move(findCommand), isExplain, std::move(expCtx), extensionsCallback, MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures)); // If we are running a query against a view, or if we are trying to test the new // optimizer, redirect this query through the aggregation system. if (ctx->getView() || isEligibleForBonsai(*cq, opCtx, ctx->getCollection())) { // Relinquish locks. The aggregation command will re-acquire them. ctx.reset(); // Convert the find command into an aggregation using $match (and other stages, as // necessary), if possible. const auto& findCommand = cq->getFindCommandRequest(); auto viewAggregationCommand = uassertStatusOK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand)); auto viewAggCmd = OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName.db(), viewAggregationCommand).body; // Create the agg request equivalent of the find operation, with the explain // verbosity included. auto aggRequest = aggregation_request_helper::parseFromBSON( opCtx, nss, viewAggCmd, verbosity, APIParameters::get(opCtx).getAPIStrict().value_or(false)); try { // An empty PrivilegeVector is acceptable because these privileges are only // checked on getMore and explain will not open a cursor. uassertStatusOK(runAggregate( opCtx, nss, aggRequest, viewAggCmd, PrivilegeVector(), result)); } catch (DBException& error) { if (error.code() == ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator, str::stream() << "Unsupported in view pipeline: " << error.what()); } throw; } return; } // The collection may be NULL. If so, getExecutor() should handle it by returning an // execution tree with an EOFStage. const auto& collection = ctx->getCollection(); // Get the execution plan for the query. bool permitYield = true; auto exec = uassertStatusOK(getExecutorFind(opCtx, &collection, std::move(cq), nullptr /* extractAndAttachPipelineStages */, permitYield)); auto bodyBuilder = result->getBodyBuilder(); // Got the execution tree. Explain it. Explain::explainStages( exec.get(), collection, verbosity, BSONObj(), _request.body, &bodyBuilder); } /** * Runs a query using the following steps: * --Parsing. * --Acquire locks. * --Plan query, obtaining an executor that can run it. * --Generate the first batch. * --Save state for getMore, transferring ownership of the executor to a ClientCursor. * --Generate response to send to the client. */ void run(OperationContext* opCtx, rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* result) { CommandHelpers::handleMarkKillOnClientDisconnect(opCtx); // Although it is a command, a find command gets counted as a query. globalOpCounters.gotQuery(); const BSONObj& cmdObj = _request.body; // Parse the command BSON to a FindCommandRequest. Pass in the parsedNss in case cmdObj // does not have a UUID. auto parsedNss = ns(); const bool isExplain = false; const bool isOplogNss = (parsedNss == NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace); auto findCommand = parseCmdObjectToFindCommandRequest(opCtx, std::move(parsedNss), cmdObj); // Only allow speculative majority for internal commands that specify the correct flag. uassert(ErrorCodes::ReadConcernMajorityNotEnabled, "Majority read concern is not enabled.", !(repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).isSpeculativeMajority() && !findCommand->getAllowSpeculativeMajorityRead())); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "When using the find command by UUID, the collectionUUID parameter cannot also " "be specified", !findCommand->getNamespaceOrUUID().uuid() || !findCommand->getCollectionUUID()); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); const auto txnParticipant = TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "It is illegal to open a tailable cursor in a transaction", !(opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction() && findCommand->getTailable())); uassert(ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, "The 'readOnce' option is not supported within a transaction.", !txnParticipant || !opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction() || !findCommand->getReadOnce()); // Validate term before acquiring locks, if provided. auto term = findCommand->getTerm(); if (term) { // Note: updateTerm returns ok if term stayed the same. uassertStatusOK(replCoord->updateTerm(opCtx, *term)); } // The presence of a term in the request indicates that this is an internal replication // oplog read request. if (term && isOplogNss) { // We do not want to take tickets for internal (replication) oplog reads. Stalling // on ticket acquisition can cause complicated deadlocks. Primaries may depend on // data reaching secondaries in order to proceed; and secondaries may get stalled // replicating because of an inability to acquire a read ticket. opCtx->lockState()->skipAcquireTicket(); } // If this read represents a reverse oplog scan, we want to bypass oplog visibility // rules in the case of secondaries. We normally only read from these nodes at batch // boundaries, but in this specific case we should fetch all new entries, to be // consistent with any catalog changes that might be observable before the batch is // finalized. This special rule for reverse oplog scans is needed by replication // initial sync, for the purposes of calculating the stopTimestamp correctly. boost::optional pinReadSourceBlock; if (isOplogNss) { auto reverseScan = false; auto cmdSort = findCommand->getSort(); if (!cmdSort.isEmpty()) { BSONElement natural = cmdSort[query_request_helper::kNaturalSortField]; if (natural) { reverseScan = natural.safeNumberInt() < 0; } } auto isInternal = (opCtx->getClient()->session() && (opCtx->getClient()->session()->getTags() & transport::Session::kInternalClient)); if (MONGO_unlikely(allowExternalReadsForReverseOplogScanRule.shouldFail())) { isInternal = true; } if (reverseScan && isInternal) { pinReadSourceBlock.emplace(opCtx->recoveryUnit()); } } // Acquire locks. If the query is on a view, we release our locks and convert the query // request into an aggregation command. boost::optional ctx; ctx.emplace(opCtx, CommandHelpers::parseNsOrUUID(_dbName, _request.body), AutoGetCollectionViewMode::kViewsPermitted); const auto& nss = ctx->getNss(); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, str::stream() << "UUID " << findCommand->getNamespaceOrUUID().uuid().value() << " specified in query request not found", ctx || !findCommand->getNamespaceOrUUID().uuid()); checkCollectionUUIDMismatch( opCtx, nss, ctx->getCollection(), findCommand->getCollectionUUID()); // Set the namespace if a collection was found, as opposed to nothing or a view. if (ctx) { query_request_helper::refreshNSS(ctx->getNss(), findCommand.get()); } // Tailing a replicated capped clustered collection requires majority read concern. const auto coll = ctx->getCollection().get(); if (coll) { const bool isTailable = findCommand->getTailable(); const bool isMajorityReadConcern = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).getLevel() == repl::ReadConcernLevel::kMajorityReadConcern; const bool isClusteredCollection = coll->isClustered(); const bool isCapped = coll->isCapped(); const bool isReplicated = coll->ns().isReplicated(); if (isClusteredCollection && isCapped && isReplicated && isTailable) { uassert(ErrorCodes::Error(6049203), "A tailable cursor on a capped clustered collection requires majority " "read concern", isMajorityReadConcern); } } // Fill out curop information. beginQueryOp(opCtx, nss, _request.body); // Finish the parsing step by using the FindCommandRequest to create a CanonicalQuery. const ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(opCtx, &nss); auto expCtx = makeExpressionContext(opCtx, *findCommand, boost::none /* verbosity */); auto cq = uassertStatusOK( CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(opCtx, std::move(findCommand), isExplain, std::move(expCtx), extensionsCallback, MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures)); // If we are running a query against a view, or if we are trying to test the new // optimizer, redirect this query through the aggregation system. if (ctx->getView() || isEligibleForBonsai(*cq, opCtx, ctx->getCollection())) { // Relinquish locks. The aggregation command will re-acquire them. ctx.reset(); // Convert the find command into an aggregation using $match (and other stages, as // necessary), if possible. const auto& findCommand = cq->getFindCommandRequest(); auto viewAggregationCommand = uassertStatusOK(query_request_helper::asAggregationCommand(findCommand)); BSONObj aggResult = CommandHelpers::runCommandDirectly( opCtx, OpMsgRequest::fromDBAndBody(_dbName.db(), std::move(viewAggregationCommand))); auto status = getStatusFromCommandResult(aggResult); if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator) { uasserted(ErrorCodes::InvalidPipelineOperator, str::stream() << "Unsupported in view pipeline: " << status.reason()); } uassertStatusOK(status); result->getBodyBuilder().appendElements(aggResult); return; } if (!cq->getFindCommandRequest().getAllowDiskUse().value_or(true)) { allowDiskUseFalseCounter.increment(); } // Check whether we are allowed to read from this node after acquiring our locks. uassertStatusOK(replCoord->checkCanServeReadsFor( opCtx, nss, ReadPreferenceSetting::get(opCtx).canRunOnSecondary())); const auto& collection = ctx->getCollection(); if (cq->getFindCommandRequest().getReadOnce()) { // The readOnce option causes any storage-layer cursors created during plan // execution to assume read data will not be needed again and need not be cached. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setReadOnce(true); } // Get the execution plan for the query. bool permitYield = true; auto exec = uassertStatusOK(getExecutorFind(opCtx, &collection, std::move(cq), nullptr /* extractAndAttachPipelineStages */, permitYield)); // If the executor supports it, find operations will maintain the storage engine state // across commands. if (gMaintainValidCursorsAcrossReadCommands && !opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction() && repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).getLevel() != repl::ReadConcernLevel::kSnapshotReadConcern) { exec->enableSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsIfSupported(); } { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); CurOp::get(opCtx)->setPlanSummary_inlock(exec->getPlanExplainer().getPlanSummary()); } if (!collection) { // No collection. Just fill out curop indicating that there were zero results and // there is no ClientCursor id, and then return. const long long numResults = 0; const CursorId cursorId = 0; endQueryOp(opCtx, collection, *exec, numResults, cursorId); auto bodyBuilder = result->getBodyBuilder(); appendCursorResponseObject( cursorId, nss.ns(), BSONArray(), boost::none, &bodyBuilder); return; } FindCommon::waitInFindBeforeMakingBatch(opCtx, *exec->getCanonicalQuery()); const FindCommandRequest& originalFC = exec->getCanonicalQuery()->getFindCommandRequest(); // Stream query results, adding them to a BSONArray as we go. CursorResponseBuilder::Options options; options.isInitialResponse = true; if (!opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()) { options.atClusterTime = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx).getArgsAtClusterTime(); } CursorResponseBuilder firstBatch(result, options); BSONObj obj; PlanExecutor::ExecState state = PlanExecutor::ADVANCED; std::uint64_t numResults = 0; bool stashedResult = false; ResourceConsumption::DocumentUnitCounter docUnitsReturned; try { while (!FindCommon::enoughForFirstBatch(originalFC, numResults) && PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, nullptr))) { // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for // later. if (!FindCommon::haveSpaceForNext(obj, numResults, firstBatch.bytesUsed())) { exec->stashResult(obj); stashedResult = true; break; } // If this executor produces a postBatchResumeToken, add it to the response. firstBatch.setPostBatchResumeToken(exec->getPostBatchResumeToken()); // Add result to output buffer. firstBatch.append(obj); numResults++; docUnitsReturned.observeOne(obj.objsize()); } } catch (DBException& exception) { firstBatch.abandon(); auto&& explainer = exec->getPlanExplainer(); auto&& [stats, _] = explainer.getWinningPlanStats(ExplainOptions::Verbosity::kExecStats); LOGV2_WARNING(23798, "Plan executor error during find command: {error}, " "stats: {stats}, cmd: {cmd}", "Plan executor error during find command", "error"_attr = exception.toStatus(), "stats"_attr = redact(stats), "cmd"_attr = cmdObj); exception.addContext("Executor error during find command"); throw; } // For empty batches, or in the case where the final result was added to the batch // rather than being stashed, we update the PBRT to ensure that it is the most recent // available. if (!stashedResult) { firstBatch.setPostBatchResumeToken(exec->getPostBatchResumeToken()); } // Set up the cursor for getMore. CursorId cursorId = 0; if (shouldSaveCursor(opCtx, collection, state, exec.get())) { const bool stashResourcesForGetMore = exec->isSaveRecoveryUnitAcrossCommandsEnabled(); ClientCursorPin pinnedCursor = CursorManager::get(opCtx)->registerCursor( opCtx, {std::move(exec), nss, AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient())->getAuthenticatedUserName(), APIParameters::get(opCtx), opCtx->getWriteConcern(), repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx), ReadPreferenceSetting::get(opCtx), _request.body, {Privilege(ResourcePattern::forExactNamespace(nss), ActionType::find)}}); cursorId = pinnedCursor.getCursor()->cursorid(); invariant(!exec); PlanExecutor* cursorExec = pinnedCursor.getCursor()->getExecutor(); // State will be restored on getMore. cursorExec->saveState(); cursorExec->detachFromOperationContext(); // We assume that cursors created through a DBDirectClient are always used from // their original OperationContext, so we do not need to move time to and from the // cursor. if (!opCtx->getClient()->isInDirectClient()) { pinnedCursor.getCursor()->setLeftoverMaxTimeMicros( opCtx->getRemainingMaxTimeMicros()); } pinnedCursor.getCursor()->setNReturnedSoFar(numResults); pinnedCursor.getCursor()->incNBatches(); // Fill out curop based on the results. endQueryOp(opCtx, collection, *cursorExec, numResults, cursorId); if (stashResourcesForGetMore) { // Collect storage stats now before we stash the recovery unit. These stats are // normally collected in the service entry point layer just before a command // ends, but they must be collected before stashing the // RecoveryUnit. Otherwise, the service entry point layer will collect the // stats from the new RecoveryUnit, which wasn't actually used for the query. // // The stats collected here will not get overwritten, as the service entry // point layer will only set these stats when they're not empty. CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug().storageStats = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getOperationStatistics(); } } else { endQueryOp(opCtx, collection, *exec, numResults, cursorId); } // Generate the response object to send to the client. firstBatch.done(cursorId, nss.ns()); // Increment this metric once we have generated a response and we know it will return // documents. auto& metricsCollector = ResourceConsumption::MetricsCollector::get(opCtx); metricsCollector.incrementDocUnitsReturned(nss.ns(), docUnitsReturned); query_request_helper::validateCursorResponse(result->getBodyBuilder().asTempObj()); } void appendMirrorableRequest(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const override { // Filter the keys that can be mirrored static const auto kMirrorableKeys = [] { BSONObjBuilder keyBob; keyBob.append("find", 1); keyBob.append("filter", 1); keyBob.append("skip", 1); keyBob.append("limit", 1); keyBob.append("sort", 1); keyBob.append("hint", 1); keyBob.append("collation", 1); keyBob.append("min", 1); keyBob.append("max", 1); keyBob.append("shardVersion", 1); return keyBob.obj(); }(); _request.body.filterFieldsUndotted(bob, kMirrorableKeys, true); // Tell the find to only return a single batch bob->append("batchSize", 1); bob->append("singleBatch", true); } private: const OpMsgRequest _request; const DatabaseName _dbName; }; } findCmd; } // namespace } // namespace mongo