/** * Copyright (C) 2022-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include "mongo/crypto/fle_crypto.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/fle2_compact.h" #include "mongo/db/fle_crud.h" #include "mongo/db/fle_query_interface_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_mock.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/storage_interface_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context_d_test_fixture.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" namespace mongo { namespace { constexpr auto kUserKeyId = "ABCDEFAB-1234-9876-1234-123456789012"_sd; static UUID userKeyId = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(kUserKeyId.toString())); const FLEUserKey& getUserKey() { static std::string userVec = hexblob::decode( "cbebdf05fe16099fef502a6d045c1cbb77d29d2fe19f51aec5079a81008305d8868358845d2e3ab38e4fa9cbffcd651a0fc07201d7c9ed9ca3279bfa7cd673ec37b362a0aaa92f95062405a999afd49e4b1f7f818f766c49715407011ac37fa9"_sd); static FLEUserKey userKey(KeyMaterial(userVec.begin(), userVec.end())); return userKey; } class TestKeyVault : public FLEKeyVault { public: TestKeyVault() : _random(123456) {} KeyMaterial getKey(const UUID& uuid) override; uint64_t getCount() const { return _dynamicKeys.size(); } private: PseudoRandom _random; stdx::unordered_map _dynamicKeys; }; KeyMaterial TestKeyVault::getKey(const UUID& uuid) { if (uuid == userKeyId) { return getUserKey().data; } else { if (_dynamicKeys.find(uuid) != _dynamicKeys.end()) { return _dynamicKeys[uuid]; } std::vector materialVector(96); _random.fill(&materialVector[0], materialVector.size()); KeyMaterial material(materialVector.begin(), materialVector.end()); _dynamicKeys.insert({uuid, material}); return material; } } UUID fieldNameToUUID(StringData field) { std::array buf; MurmurHash3_x86_128(field.rawData(), field.size(), 123456, buf.data()); return UUID::fromCDR(buf); } class FleCompactTest : public ServiceContextMongoDTest { public: struct ESCTestTokens { ESCDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorToken contentionDerived; ESCTwiceDerivedTagToken twiceDerivedTag; ESCTwiceDerivedValueToken twiceDerivedValue; }; struct ECCTestTokens { ECCDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorToken contentionDerived; ECCTwiceDerivedTagToken twiceDerivedTag; ECCTwiceDerivedValueToken twiceDerivedValue; }; struct InsertionState { uint64_t count{0}; uint64_t pos{0}; uint64_t toInsertCount{0}; std::vector> toDeleteRanges; std::map insertedIds; std::string value; }; protected: void setUp(); void tearDown(); void createCollection(const NamespaceString& ns); void assertDocumentCounts(uint64_t edc, uint64_t esc, uint64_t ecc, uint64_t ecoc); void assertESCDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t index, uint64_t count); void assertESCNullDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t position, uint64_t count); void assertECCDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t index, uint64_t start, uint64_t end); void assertECCNullDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t position); ESCTestTokens getTestESCTokens(BSONObj obj); ECCTestTokens getTestECCTokens(BSONObj obj); ECOCCompactionDocument generateTestECOCDocument(BSONObj obj); EncryptedFieldConfig generateEncryptedFieldConfig( const std::set& encryptedFieldNames); CompactStructuredEncryptionData generateCompactCommand( const std::set& encryptedFieldNames); std::vector generatePlaceholder(UUID keyId, BSONElement value); void doSingleInsert(int id, BSONObj encryptedFieldsObj); void doSingleDelete(int id, BSONObj encryptedFieldsObj); void insertFieldValues(StringData fieldName, std::map& values); void deleteFieldValues(StringData fieldName, std::map& values); protected: ServiceContext::UniqueOperationContext _opCtx; repl::StorageInterface* _storage{nullptr}; std::unique_ptr _queryImpl; std::unique_ptr _uwb; TestKeyVault _keyVault; EncryptedStateCollectionsNamespaces _namespaces; }; void FleCompactTest::setUp() { ServiceContextMongoDTest::setUp(); auto service = getServiceContext(); repl::ReplicationCoordinator::set(service, std::make_unique(service)); _opCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); _uwb = std::make_unique(_opCtx.get()); repl::StorageInterface::set(service, std::make_unique()); _storage = repl::StorageInterface::get(service); _queryImpl = std::make_unique(_opCtx.get(), _storage); _namespaces.edcNss = NamespaceString("test.edc"); _namespaces.escNss = NamespaceString("test.esc"); _namespaces.eccNss = NamespaceString("test.ecc"); _namespaces.ecocNss = NamespaceString("test.ecoc"); _namespaces.ecocRenameNss = NamespaceString("test.ecoc.compact"); createCollection(_namespaces.edcNss); createCollection(_namespaces.escNss); createCollection(_namespaces.eccNss); createCollection(_namespaces.ecocNss); } void FleCompactTest::tearDown() { _uwb.reset(nullptr); _opCtx.reset(nullptr); ServiceContextMongoDTest::tearDown(); } void FleCompactTest::createCollection(const NamespaceString& ns) { CollectionOptions collectionOptions; collectionOptions.uuid = UUID::gen(); auto statusCC = _storage->createCollection( _opCtx.get(), NamespaceString(ns.db(), ns.coll()), collectionOptions); ASSERT_OK(statusCC); } void FleCompactTest::assertDocumentCounts(uint64_t edc, uint64_t esc, uint64_t ecc, uint64_t ecoc) { ASSERT_EQ(_queryImpl->countDocuments(_namespaces.edcNss), edc); ASSERT_EQ(_queryImpl->countDocuments(_namespaces.escNss), esc); ASSERT_EQ(_queryImpl->countDocuments(_namespaces.eccNss), ecc); ASSERT_EQ(_queryImpl->countDocuments(_namespaces.ecocNss), ecoc); } void FleCompactTest::assertESCDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t index, uint64_t count) { auto tokens = getTestESCTokens(obj); auto doc = _queryImpl->getById(_namespaces.escNss, ESCCollection::generateId(tokens.twiceDerivedTag, index)); ASSERT_EQ(doc.isEmpty(), !exists); if (exists) { auto escDoc = uassertStatusOK(ESCCollection::decryptDocument(tokens.twiceDerivedValue, doc)); ASSERT_FALSE(escDoc.compactionPlaceholder); ASSERT_EQ(escDoc.position, 0); ASSERT_EQ(escDoc.count, count); } } void FleCompactTest::assertESCNullDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t pos, uint64_t count) { auto tokens = getTestESCTokens(obj); auto doc = _queryImpl->getById(_namespaces.escNss, ESCCollection::generateId(tokens.twiceDerivedTag, boost::none)); ASSERT_EQ(doc.isEmpty(), !exists); if (exists) { auto nullDoc = uassertStatusOK(ESCCollection::decryptNullDocument(tokens.twiceDerivedValue, doc)); ASSERT_EQ(nullDoc.position, pos); ASSERT_EQ(nullDoc.count, count); } } void FleCompactTest::assertECCDocument( BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t index, uint64_t start, uint64_t end) { auto tokens = getTestECCTokens(obj); auto doc = _queryImpl->getById(_namespaces.eccNss, ECCCollection::generateId(tokens.twiceDerivedTag, index)); ASSERT_EQ(doc.isEmpty(), !exists); if (exists) { auto eccDoc = uassertStatusOK(ECCCollection::decryptDocument(tokens.twiceDerivedValue, doc)); ASSERT(eccDoc.valueType == ECCValueType::kNormal); ASSERT_EQ(eccDoc.start, start); ASSERT_EQ(eccDoc.end, end); } } void FleCompactTest::assertECCNullDocument(BSONObj obj, bool exists, uint64_t pos) { auto tokens = getTestECCTokens(obj); auto doc = _queryImpl->getById(_namespaces.eccNss, ECCCollection::generateId(tokens.twiceDerivedTag, boost::none)); ASSERT_EQ(doc.isEmpty(), !exists); if (exists) { auto nullDoc = uassertStatusOK(ECCCollection::decryptNullDocument(tokens.twiceDerivedValue, doc)); ASSERT_EQ(nullDoc.position, pos); } } FleCompactTest::ESCTestTokens FleCompactTest::getTestESCTokens(BSONObj obj) { auto element = obj.firstElement(); auto indexKeyId = fieldNameToUUID(element.fieldNameStringData()); auto c1token = FLELevel1TokenGenerator::generateCollectionsLevel1Token( _keyVault.getIndexKeyById(indexKeyId).key); auto escToken = FLECollectionTokenGenerator::generateESCToken(c1token); auto eltCdr = ConstDataRange(element.value(), element.value() + element.valuesize()); auto escDataToken = FLEDerivedFromDataTokenGenerator::generateESCDerivedFromDataToken(escToken, eltCdr); FleCompactTest::ESCTestTokens tokens; tokens.contentionDerived = FLEDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorTokenGenerator:: generateESCDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorToken(escDataToken, 0); tokens.twiceDerivedValue = FLETwiceDerivedTokenGenerator::generateESCTwiceDerivedValueToken(tokens.contentionDerived); tokens.twiceDerivedTag = FLETwiceDerivedTokenGenerator::generateESCTwiceDerivedTagToken(tokens.contentionDerived); return tokens; } FleCompactTest::ECCTestTokens FleCompactTest::getTestECCTokens(BSONObj obj) { auto element = obj.firstElement(); auto indexKeyId = fieldNameToUUID(element.fieldNameStringData()); auto c1token = FLELevel1TokenGenerator::generateCollectionsLevel1Token( _keyVault.getIndexKeyById(indexKeyId).key); auto eccToken = FLECollectionTokenGenerator::generateECCToken(c1token); auto eltCdr = ConstDataRange(element.value(), element.value() + element.valuesize()); auto eccDataToken = FLEDerivedFromDataTokenGenerator::generateECCDerivedFromDataToken(eccToken, eltCdr); FleCompactTest::ECCTestTokens tokens; tokens.contentionDerived = FLEDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorTokenGenerator:: generateECCDerivedFromDataTokenAndContentionFactorToken(eccDataToken, 0); tokens.twiceDerivedValue = FLETwiceDerivedTokenGenerator::generateECCTwiceDerivedValueToken(tokens.contentionDerived); tokens.twiceDerivedTag = FLETwiceDerivedTokenGenerator::generateECCTwiceDerivedTagToken(tokens.contentionDerived); return tokens; } ECOCCompactionDocument FleCompactTest::generateTestECOCDocument(BSONObj obj) { ECOCCompactionDocument doc; doc.fieldName = obj.firstElementFieldName(); doc.esc = getTestESCTokens(obj).contentionDerived; doc.ecc = getTestECCTokens(obj).contentionDerived; return doc; } EncryptedFieldConfig FleCompactTest::generateEncryptedFieldConfig( const std::set& encryptedFieldNames) { BSONObjBuilder builder; EncryptedFieldConfig efc; std::vector encryptedFields; for (const auto& field : encryptedFieldNames) { EncryptedField ef; ef.setKeyId(fieldNameToUUID(field)); ef.setPath(field); ef.setBsonType("string"_sd); QueryTypeConfig q(QueryTypeEnum::Equality); auto x = ef.getQueries(); x = std::move(q); ef.setQueries(x); encryptedFields.push_back(std::move(ef)); } efc.setEscCollection(_namespaces.escNss.coll()); efc.setEccCollection(_namespaces.eccNss.coll()); efc.setEcocCollection(_namespaces.ecocNss.coll()); efc.setFields(std::move(encryptedFields)); return efc; } CompactStructuredEncryptionData FleCompactTest::generateCompactCommand( const std::set& encryptedFieldNames) { CompactStructuredEncryptionData cmd(_namespaces.edcNss); auto efc = generateEncryptedFieldConfig(encryptedFieldNames); auto compactionTokens = FLEClientCrypto::generateCompactionTokens(efc, &_keyVault); cmd.setCompactionTokens(compactionTokens); return cmd; } std::vector FleCompactTest::generatePlaceholder(UUID keyId, BSONElement value) { FLE2EncryptionPlaceholder ep; ep.setAlgorithm(mongo::Fle2AlgorithmInt::kEquality); ep.setUserKeyId(userKeyId); ep.setIndexKeyId(keyId); ep.setValue(value); ep.setType(mongo::Fle2PlaceholderType::kInsert); ep.setMaxContentionCounter(0); BSONObj obj = ep.toBSON(); std::vector v; v.resize(obj.objsize() + 1); v[0] = static_cast(EncryptedBinDataType::kFLE2Placeholder); std::copy(obj.objdata(), obj.objdata() + obj.objsize(), v.begin() + 1); return v; } void FleCompactTest::doSingleInsert(int id, BSONObj encryptedFieldsObj) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("_id", id); builder.append("plainText", "sample"); for (auto&& elt : encryptedFieldsObj) { UUID uuid = fieldNameToUUID(elt.fieldNameStringData()); auto buf = generatePlaceholder(uuid, elt); builder.appendBinData( elt.fieldNameStringData(), buf.size(), BinDataType::Encrypt, buf.data()); } auto clientDoc = builder.obj(); auto result = FLEClientCrypto::transformPlaceholders(clientDoc, &_keyVault); auto serverPayload = EDCServerCollection::getEncryptedFieldInfo(result); auto efc = generateEncryptedFieldConfig(encryptedFieldsObj.getFieldNames>()); uassertStatusOK(processInsert(_queryImpl.get(), _namespaces.edcNss, serverPayload, efc, kUninitializedTxnNumber, result, false)); } void FleCompactTest::doSingleDelete(int id, BSONObj encryptedFieldsObj) { auto efc = generateEncryptedFieldConfig(encryptedFieldsObj.getFieldNames>()); auto doc = EncryptionInformationHelpers::encryptionInformationSerializeForDelete( _namespaces.edcNss, efc, &_keyVault); auto ei = EncryptionInformation::parse(IDLParserErrorContext("test"), doc); write_ops::DeleteOpEntry entry; entry.setQ(BSON("_id" << id)); entry.setMulti(false); write_ops::DeleteCommandRequest deleteRequest(_namespaces.edcNss); deleteRequest.setDeletes({entry}); deleteRequest.getWriteCommandRequestBase().setEncryptionInformation(ei); std::unique_ptr collator; auto expCtx = make_intrusive(_opCtx.get(), std::move(collator), deleteRequest.getNamespace(), deleteRequest.getLegacyRuntimeConstants(), deleteRequest.getLet()); processDelete(_queryImpl.get(), expCtx, deleteRequest); } void FleCompactTest::insertFieldValues(StringData field, std::map& values) { static int insertId = 1; for (auto& [value, state] : values) { for (; state.toInsertCount > 0; state.toInsertCount--) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append(field, value); doSingleInsert(insertId, builder.obj()); ++state.pos; ++state.count; state.insertedIds[state.count] = insertId; ++insertId; } } } void FleCompactTest::deleteFieldValues(StringData field, std::map& values) { for (auto& [value, state] : values) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append(field, value); auto entry = builder.obj(); for (auto& range : state.toDeleteRanges) { for (auto ctr = range.first; ctr <= range.second; ctr++) { if (state.insertedIds.find(ctr) == state.insertedIds.end()) { continue; } doSingleDelete(state.insertedIds[ctr], entry); state.insertedIds.erase(ctr); } } } } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, GetUniqueECOCDocsFromEmptyECOC) { ECOCStats stats; std::set fieldSet = {"first", "ssn"}; auto cmd = generateCompactCommand(fieldSet); auto docs = getUniqueCompactionDocuments(_queryImpl.get(), cmd, _namespaces.ecocNss, &stats); ASSERT(docs.empty()); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, GetUniqueECOCDocsMultipleFieldsWithManyDuplicateValues) { ECOCStats stats; std::set fieldSet = {"first", "ssn", "city", "state", "zip"}; int numInserted = 0; int uniqueValuesPerField = 10; stdx::unordered_set expected; for (auto& field : fieldSet) { std::map values; for (int i = 1; i <= uniqueValuesPerField; i++) { auto val = "value_" + std::to_string(i); expected.insert(generateTestECOCDocument(BSON(field << val))); values[val].toInsertCount = i; numInserted += i; } insertFieldValues(field, values); } assertDocumentCounts(numInserted, numInserted, 0, numInserted); auto cmd = generateCompactCommand(fieldSet); auto docs = getUniqueCompactionDocuments(_queryImpl.get(), cmd, _namespaces.ecocNss, &stats); ASSERT(docs == expected); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithNonExistentESCAndECCEntries) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; auto testPair = BSON("first" << "brian"); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); assertDocumentCounts(0, 0, 0, 0); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); // nothing should have changed in the state collections assertDocumentCounts(0, 0, 0, 0); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithESCEntriesExcludingNullDoc) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; std::map values; constexpr auto key = "first"_sd; const std::string val1 = "roger"; const std::string val2 = "roderick"; values[val1].toInsertCount = 15; values[val2].toInsertCount = 1; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(16, 16, 0, 16); // compact the value with multiple entries auto testPair = BSON(key << val1); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(16, 2, 0, 16); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 15, 15); // compact the value with just a single entry testPair = BSON(key << val2); ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(16, 2, 0, 16); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 1, 1); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithESCEntriesIncludingNullDoc) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; std::map values; constexpr auto key = "first"_sd; const std::string val = "ruben"; auto testPair = BSON(key << val); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); values[val].toInsertCount = 34; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(34, 34, 0, 34); // compact once to get the null doc compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(34, 1, 0, 34); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 34, 34); // insert more values following the null doc values[val].toInsertCount = 16; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(50, 17, 0, 50); // compact again, but now with a null doc compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(50, 1, 0, 50); // null doc has pos value of 51 instead of 50 to account for the placeholder document assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 51, 50); // compact again, but now just the null doc compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(50, 1, 0, 50); // null doc's pos value bumped to 52 for the placeholder doc assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 52, 50); // insert one more, and compact values[val].toInsertCount = 1; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(51, 2, 0, 51); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(51, 1, 0, 51); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 54, 51); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithECCEntriesWithoutNullAndAllEntriesDeleted) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; std::map values; constexpr auto key = "first"_sd; const std::string val1 = "reginald"; const std::string val2 = "rudolph"; values[val1].toInsertCount = 1; values[val2].toInsertCount = 9; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(10, 10, 0, 10); // delete all entries values[val1].toDeleteRanges = {{1, 1}}; values[val2].toDeleteRanges = {{1, 9}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(0, 10, 10, 20); // compact should still insert null docs in ESC for each value // compact only inserts a null doc in ECC if a merge squashes entries (i.e. only for val2) auto testPair = BSON(key << val1); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(0, 10, 10, 20); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 1, 1); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, false, 0); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 1, 1, 1); testPair = BSON(key << val2); ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(0, 2, 3, 20); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 9, 9); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 9); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 11, 1, 9); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithECCEntriesWithNullAndAllEntriesDeleted) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; std::map values; constexpr auto key = "first"_sd; const std::string val = "silas"; auto testPair = BSON(key << val); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); // insert entries 1 to 10 values[val].toInsertCount = 10; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(10, 10, 0, 10); // delete entries 4, 5, and 1 (ECC inserts at pos 1 to 3) values[val].toDeleteRanges = {{4, 5}, {1, 1}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(7, 10, 3, 13); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 1, 4, 4); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 2, 5, 5); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 3, 1, 1); // first compact puts placeholder at pos 4 & merges deletes to {{1,1}, {4,5}} at pos 5 & 6 // null doc inserted with pos of 3 compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(7, 1, 3, 13); assertESCNullDocument(testPair, true, 10, 10); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 3); assertECCDocument(testPair, false, 4, 0, 0); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 5, 1, 1); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 6, 4, 5); // delete entries 8, 9, and 2 (ECC inserts at pos 7 to 9) values[val].toDeleteRanges = {{8, 9}, {2, 2}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(4, 1, 6, 16); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 7, 8, 8); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 8, 9, 9); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 9, 2, 2); // second compact puts placeholder at pos 10 & merges deletions to {{1,2}, {4,5}, {8,9}} // at pos 11-13. Null doc updated with pos 9. compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(4, 1, 4, 16); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 9); assertECCDocument(testPair, false, 10, 0, 0); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 11, 1, 2); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 12, 4, 5); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 13, 8, 9); // delete the remaining entries (ECC inserts at pos 14-17) values[val].toDeleteRanges = {{3, 3}, {6, 7}, {10, 10}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(0, 1, 8, 20); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 14, 3, 3); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 15, 6, 6); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 16, 7, 7); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 17, 10, 10); // final compact squashes ECC entries (inserts placeholder at 18, merged doc at 19) // and updates null doc compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(0, 1, 2, 20); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 17); assertECCDocument(testPair, false, 18, 0, 0); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 19, 1, 10); } TEST_F(FleCompactTest, CompactValueWithECCEntriesThatAreNotMergeable) { ECStats escStats, eccStats; std::map values; constexpr auto key = "first"_sd; const std::string val = "samson"; auto testPair = BSON(key << val); auto ecocDoc = generateTestECOCDocument(testPair); // insert entries 1 to 10 values[val].toInsertCount = 10; insertFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(10, 10, 0, 10); // delete odd numbered entries (ECC inserts at pos 1-5) values[val].toDeleteRanges = {{1, 1}, {3, 3}, {5, 5}, {7, 7}, {9, 9}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(5, 10, 5, 15); // compact is a no-op on ECC, hence no null doc was inserted compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(5, 1, 5, 15); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, false, 0); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 1, 1, 1); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 2, 3, 3); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 3, 5, 5); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 4, 7, 7); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 5, 9, 9); // delete 2,4,6 & 8 (ECC inserts at pos 6-9) values[val].toDeleteRanges = {{2, 2}, {4, 4}, {6, 6}, {8, 8}}; deleteFieldValues(key, values); assertDocumentCounts(1, 1, 9, 19); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 6, 2, 2); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 7, 4, 4); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 8, 6, 6); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 9, 8, 8); // compact puts placeholder at pos 10 & merges deletes to {{1,9}} at pos 11 // null doc inserted with pos 9 compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(1, 1, 2, 19); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 9); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 11, 1, 9); // running compact again is a no-op on ECC, so null doc is unchanged compactOneFieldValuePair(_queryImpl.get(), ecocDoc, _namespaces, &escStats, &eccStats); assertDocumentCounts(1, 1, 2, 19); assertECCNullDocument(testPair, true, 9); assertECCDocument(testPair, true, 11, 1, 9); } } // namespace } // namespace mongo