/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_session.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_key_validate.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/list_indexes.h" #include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/db/curop_failpoint_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/cursor_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/queued_data_stage.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/working_set.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_descriptor.h" #include "mongo/db/list_indexes_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/query/cursor_request.h" #include "mongo/db/query/cursor_response.h" #include "mongo/db/query/find_common.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor_factory.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/durable_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_engine.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/catalog_helper.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_index_schema_conversion_functions.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/uuid.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kCommand namespace mongo { namespace { // The allowed fields have to be in sync with those defined in 'src/mongo/db/list_indexes.idl'. static std::set allowedFieldNames = { ListIndexesReplyItem::k2dsphereIndexVersionFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kBackgroundFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kBitsFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kBucketSizeFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kBuildUUIDFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kClusteredFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kCoarsestIndexedLevelFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kCollationFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kDefault_languageFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kDropDupsFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kExpireAfterSecondsFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kFinestIndexedLevelFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kHiddenFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kIndexBuildInfoFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kKeyFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kLanguage_overrideFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kMaxFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kMinFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kNameFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kNsFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kOriginalSpecFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kPartialFilterExpressionFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kPrepareUniqueFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kSparseFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kSpecFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kStorageEngineFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kTextIndexVersionFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kUniqueFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kVFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kWeightsFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kWildcardProjectionFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kColumnstoreProjectionFieldName, ListIndexesReplyItem::kColumnstoreCompressorFieldName, }; /** * Returns index specs, with resolved namespace, from the catalog for this listIndexes request. */ using IndexSpecsWithNamespaceString = std::pair, NamespaceString>; IndexSpecsWithNamespaceString getIndexSpecsWithNamespaceString(OperationContext* opCtx, const ListIndexes& cmd) { const auto& origNssOrUUID = cmd.getNamespaceOrUUID(); bool buildUUID = cmd.getIncludeBuildUUIDs().value_or(false); bool indexBuildInfo = cmd.getIncludeIndexBuildInfo().value_or(false); invariant(!(buildUUID && indexBuildInfo)); ListIndexesInclude additionalInclude = buildUUID ? ListIndexesInclude::BuildUUID : indexBuildInfo ? ListIndexesInclude::IndexBuildInfo : ListIndexesInclude::Nothing; // Since time-series collections don't have UUIDs, we skip the time-series lookup // if the target collection is specified as a UUID. if (const auto& origNss = origNssOrUUID.nss()) { auto isCommandOnTimeseriesBucketNamespace = cmd.getIsTimeseriesNamespace() && *cmd.getIsTimeseriesNamespace(); if (auto timeseriesOptions = timeseries::getTimeseriesOptions( opCtx, *origNss, !isCommandOnTimeseriesBucketNamespace)) { auto bucketsNss = isCommandOnTimeseriesBucketNamespace ? *origNss : origNss->makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(); AutoGetCollectionForReadCommandMaybeLockFree autoColl(opCtx, bucketsNss); const CollectionPtr& coll = autoColl.getCollection(); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, str::stream() << "ns does not exist: " << bucketsNss.toStringForErrorMsg(), coll); return std::make_pair( timeseries::createTimeseriesIndexesFromBucketsIndexes( *timeseriesOptions, listIndexesInLock(opCtx, coll, bucketsNss, additionalInclude)), bucketsNss.getTimeseriesViewNamespace()); } } AutoGetCollectionForReadCommandMaybeLockFree autoColl(opCtx, origNssOrUUID); const auto& nss = autoColl.getNss(); const CollectionPtr& coll = autoColl.getCollection(); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, str::stream() << "ns does not exist: " << nss.toStringForErrorMsg(), coll); return std::make_pair(listIndexesInLock(opCtx, coll, nss, additionalInclude), nss); } /** * Lists the indexes for a given collection. * If 'includeBuildUUIDs' is true, then the index build uuid is also returned alongside the index * spec for in-progress index builds only. * If 'includeIndexBuildInfo' is true, then the index spec is returned in the spec subdocument, and * index build info is returned alongside the index spec for in-progress index builds only. * includeBuildUUIDs and includeIndexBuildInfo cannot both be set to true. * * Format: * { * listIndexes: , * includeBuildUUIDs: , * includeIndexBuildInfo: * } * * Return format: * { * indexes: [ * , * ... * ] * } * * Where '' is the index spec if either the index is ready or 'includeBuildUUIDs' is false. * If the index is in-progress and 'includeBuildUUIDs' is true then '' has the following * format: * { * spec: , * buildUUID: * } * * If 'includeIndexBuildInfo' is true, then for in-progress indexes, has the following * format: * { * spec: , * indexBuildInfo: { * buildUUID: * } * } * And for complete (not in-progress) indexes: * { * spec: * } */ class CmdListIndexes final : public ListIndexesCmdVersion1Gen { public: AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext*) const final { return AllowedOnSecondary::kOptIn; } bool maintenanceOk() const final { return false; } bool adminOnly() const final { return false; } bool collectsResourceConsumptionMetrics() const final { return true; } std::string help() const final { return "list indexes for a collection"; } bool allowedWithSecurityToken() const final { return true; } class Invocation final : public InvocationBaseGen { public: using InvocationBaseGen::InvocationBaseGen; bool supportsWriteConcern() const final { return false; } NamespaceString ns() const final { auto nss = request().getNamespaceOrUUID(); if (nss.uuid()) { // UUID requires opCtx to resolve, settle on just the dbname. return NamespaceString(request().getDbName()); } invariant(nss.nss()); return nss.nss().value(); } void doCheckAuthorization(OperationContext* opCtx) const final { AuthorizationSession* authzSession = AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()); auto& cmd = request(); uassert( ErrorCodes::Unauthorized, "Unauthorized", authzSession->isAuthorizedToParseNamespaceElement(request().getNamespaceOrUUID())); const auto nss = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->resolveNamespaceStringOrUUID( opCtx, cmd.getNamespaceOrUUID()); uassert(ErrorCodes::Unauthorized, str::stream() << "Not authorized to list indexes on collection:" << nss.toStringForErrorMsg(), authzSession->isAuthorizedForActionsOnResource( ResourcePattern::forExactNamespace(nss), ActionType::listIndexes)); } ListIndexesReply typedRun(OperationContext* opCtx) final { CommandHelpers::handleMarkKillOnClientDisconnect(opCtx); const auto& cmd = request(); bool buildUUID = cmd.getIncludeBuildUUIDs().value_or(false); bool indexBuildInfo = cmd.getIncludeIndexBuildInfo().value_or(false); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "The includeBuildUUIDs flag and includeBuildIndexInfo flag cannot both be set " "to true", !(buildUUID && indexBuildInfo)); auto indexSpecsWithNss = getIndexSpecsWithNamespaceString(opCtx, cmd); const auto& indexList = indexSpecsWithNss.first; const auto& nss = indexSpecsWithNss.second; return ListIndexesReply(_makeCursor(opCtx, indexList, nss)); } private: /** * Constructs a cursor that iterates the index specs found in 'indexSpecsWithNss'. * This function does not hold any locks because it does not access in-memory * or on-disk data. */ ListIndexesReplyCursor _makeCursor(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::list& indexList, const NamespaceString& nss) { auto& cmd = request(); // We need to copy the serialization context from the request to the reply object const auto serializationContext = cmd.getSerializationContext(); long long batchSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (cmd.getCursor() && cmd.getCursor()->getBatchSize()) { batchSize = *cmd.getCursor()->getBatchSize(); } auto expCtx = make_intrusive( opCtx, std::unique_ptr(nullptr), nss); auto ws = std::make_unique(); auto root = std::make_unique(expCtx.get(), ws.get()); for (auto&& indexSpec : indexList) { WorkingSetID id = ws->allocate(); WorkingSetMember* member = ws->get(id); member->keyData.clear(); member->recordId = RecordId(); member->resetDocument(SnapshotId(), indexSpec.getOwned()); member->transitionToOwnedObj(); root->pushBack(id); } auto exec = uassertStatusOK( plan_executor_factory::make(expCtx, std::move(ws), std::move(root), &CollectionPtr::null, PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy::NO_YIELD, false, /* whether returned BSON must be owned */ nss)); std::vector firstBatch; FindCommon::BSONArrayResponseSizeTracker responseSizeTracker; for (long long objCount = 0; objCount < batchSize; objCount++) { BSONObj nextDoc; PlanExecutor::ExecState state = exec->getNext(&nextDoc, nullptr); if (state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) { break; } invariant(state == PlanExecutor::ADVANCED); nextDoc = index_key_validate::repairIndexSpec(nss, nextDoc, allowedFieldNames); // If we can't fit this result inside the current batch, then we stash it for // later. if (!responseSizeTracker.haveSpaceForNext(nextDoc)) { exec->stashResult(nextDoc); break; } try { firstBatch.push_back(ListIndexesReplyItem::parse( IDLParserContext( "ListIndexesReplyItem", false /* apiStrict */, nss.tenantId(), SerializationContext::stateCommandReply(serializationContext)), nextDoc)); } catch (const DBException& exc) { LOGV2_ERROR(5254500, "Could not parse catalog entry while replying to listIndexes", "entry"_attr = nextDoc, "error"_attr = exc); uasserted(5254501, fmt::format("Could not parse catalog entry while replying to " "listIndexes. Entry: '{}'. Error: '{}'.", nextDoc.toString(), exc.toString())); } responseSizeTracker.add(nextDoc); } if (exec->isEOF()) { return ListIndexesReplyCursor( 0 /* cursorId */, nss, std::move(firstBatch), SerializationContext::stateCommandReply(serializationContext)); } exec->saveState(); exec->detachFromOperationContext(); // Global cursor registration must be done without holding any locks. auto pinnedCursor = CursorManager::get(opCtx)->registerCursor( opCtx, {std::move(exec), nss, AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient())->getAuthenticatedUserName(), APIParameters::get(opCtx), opCtx->getWriteConcern(), repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx), ReadPreferenceSetting::get(opCtx), cmd.toBSON({}), {Privilege(ResourcePattern::forExactNamespace(nss), ActionType::listIndexes)}}); pinnedCursor->incNBatches(); pinnedCursor->incNReturnedSoFar(firstBatch.size()); return ListIndexesReplyCursor( pinnedCursor.getCursor()->cursorid(), nss, std::move(firstBatch), SerializationContext::stateCommandReply(serializationContext)); } }; } cmdListIndexes; } // namespace } // namespace mongo