/** * Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kCommand #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/mr.h" #include "mongo/client/connpool.h" #include "mongo/client/parallel.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_session.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog_entry.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/document_validation.h" #include "mongo/db/clientcursor.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/db.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_descriptor.h" #include "mongo/db/instance.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/matcher.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context_impl.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/query/query_planner.h" #include "mongo/db/range_preserver.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_global.h" #include "mongo/s/catalog/catalog_cache.h" #include "mongo/s/chunk_manager.h" #include "mongo/s/collection_metadata.h" #include "mongo/s/config.h" #include "mongo/s/d_state.h" #include "mongo/s/grid.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_key_pattern.h" #include "mongo/s/stale_exception.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine.h" #include "mongo/stdx/mutex.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/scopeguard.h" namespace mongo { using std::endl; using std::set; using std::shared_ptr; using std::string; using std::stringstream; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace mr { AtomicUInt32 Config::JOB_NUMBER; JSFunction::JSFunction(const std::string& type, const BSONElement& e) { _type = type; _code = e._asCode(); if (e.type() == CodeWScope) _wantedScope = e.codeWScopeObject(); } void JSFunction::init(State* state) { _scope = state->scope(); verify(_scope); _scope->init(&_wantedScope); _func = _scope->createFunction(_code.c_str()); uassert(13598, str::stream() << "couldn't compile code for: " << _type, _func); // install in JS scope so that it can be called in JS mode _scope->setFunction(_type.c_str(), _code.c_str()); } void JSMapper::init(State* state) { _func.init(state); _params = state->config().mapParams; } /** * Applies the map function to an object, which should internally call emit() */ void JSMapper::map(const BSONObj& o) { Scope* s = _func.scope(); verify(s); if (s->invoke(_func.func(), &_params, &o, 0, true)) uasserted(9014, str::stream() << "map invoke failed: " << s->getError()); } /** * Applies the finalize function to a tuple obj (key, val) * Returns tuple obj {_id: key, value: newval} */ BSONObj JSFinalizer::finalize(const BSONObj& o) { Scope* s = _func.scope(); Scope::NoDBAccess no = s->disableDBAccess("can't access db inside finalize"); s->invokeSafe(_func.func(), &o, 0); // don't want to use o.objsize() to size b // since there are many cases where the point of finalize // is converting many fields to 1 BSONObjBuilder b; b.append(o.firstElement()); s->append(b, "value", "__returnValue"); return b.obj(); } void JSReducer::init(State* state) { _func.init(state); } /** * Reduces a list of tuple objects (key, value) to a single tuple {"0": key, "1": value} */ BSONObj JSReducer::reduce(const BSONList& tuples) { if (tuples.size() <= 1) return tuples[0]; BSONObj key; int endSizeEstimate = 16; _reduce(tuples, key, endSizeEstimate); BSONObjBuilder b(endSizeEstimate); b.appendAs(key.firstElement(), "0"); _func.scope()->append(b, "1", "__returnValue"); return b.obj(); } /** * Reduces a list of tuple object (key, value) to a single tuple {_id: key, value: val} * Also applies a finalizer method if present. */ BSONObj JSReducer::finalReduce(const BSONList& tuples, Finalizer* finalizer) { BSONObj res; BSONObj key; if (tuples.size() == 1) { // 1 obj, just use it key = tuples[0]; BSONObjBuilder b(key.objsize()); BSONObjIterator it(key); b.appendAs(it.next(), "_id"); b.appendAs(it.next(), "value"); res = b.obj(); } else { // need to reduce int endSizeEstimate = 16; _reduce(tuples, key, endSizeEstimate); BSONObjBuilder b(endSizeEstimate); b.appendAs(key.firstElement(), "_id"); _func.scope()->append(b, "value", "__returnValue"); res = b.obj(); } if (finalizer) { res = finalizer->finalize(res); } return res; } /** * actually applies a reduce, to a list of tuples (key, value). * After the call, tuples will hold a single tuple {"0": key, "1": value} */ void JSReducer::_reduce(const BSONList& tuples, BSONObj& key, int& endSizeEstimate) { uassert(10074, "need values", tuples.size()); int sizeEstimate = (tuples.size() * tuples.begin()->getField("value").size()) + 128; // need to build the reduce args: ( key, [values] ) BSONObjBuilder reduceArgs(sizeEstimate); std::unique_ptr valueBuilder; unsigned n = 0; for (; n < tuples.size(); n++) { BSONObjIterator j(tuples[n]); BSONElement keyE = j.next(); if (n == 0) { reduceArgs.append(keyE); key = keyE.wrap(); valueBuilder.reset(new BSONArrayBuilder(reduceArgs.subarrayStart("tuples"))); } BSONElement ee = j.next(); uassert(13070, "value too large to reduce", ee.size() < (BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2)); // If adding this element to the array would cause it to be too large, break. The // remainder of the tuples will be processed recursively at the end of this // function. if (valueBuilder->len() + ee.size() > BSONObjMaxUserSize) { verify(n > 1); // if not, inf. loop break; } valueBuilder->append(ee); } verify(valueBuilder); valueBuilder->done(); BSONObj args = reduceArgs.obj(); Scope* s = _func.scope(); s->invokeSafe(_func.func(), &args, 0); ++numReduces; if (s->type("__returnValue") == Array) { uasserted(10075, "reduce -> multiple not supported yet"); return; } endSizeEstimate = key.objsize() + (args.objsize() / tuples.size()); if (n == tuples.size()) return; // the input list was too large, add the rest of elmts to new tuples and reduce again // note: would be better to use loop instead of recursion to avoid stack overflow BSONList x; for (; n < tuples.size(); n++) { x.push_back(tuples[n]); } BSONObjBuilder temp(endSizeEstimate); temp.append(key.firstElement()); s->append(temp, "1", "__returnValue"); x.push_back(temp.obj()); _reduce(x, key, endSizeEstimate); } Config::Config(const string& _dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj) { dbname = _dbname; ns = dbname + "." + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe(); verbose = cmdObj["verbose"].trueValue(); jsMode = cmdObj["jsMode"].trueValue(); splitInfo = 0; if (cmdObj.hasField("splitInfo")) { splitInfo = cmdObj["splitInfo"].Int(); } jsMaxKeys = 500000; reduceTriggerRatio = 10.0; maxInMemSize = 500 * 1024; uassert(13602, "outType is no longer a valid option", cmdObj["outType"].eoo()); outputOptions = parseOutputOptions(dbname, cmdObj); shardedFirstPass = false; if (cmdObj.hasField("shardedFirstPass") && cmdObj["shardedFirstPass"].trueValue()) { massert(16054, "shardedFirstPass should only use replace outType", outputOptions.outType == REPLACE); shardedFirstPass = true; } if (outputOptions.outType != INMEMORY) { // setup temp collection name tempNamespace = str::stream() << (outputOptions.outDB.empty() ? dbname : outputOptions.outDB) << ".tmp.mr." << cmdObj.firstElement().String() << "_" << JOB_NUMBER.fetchAndAdd(1); incLong = tempNamespace + "_inc"; } { // scope and code if (cmdObj["scope"].type() == Object) scopeSetup = cmdObj["scope"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); mapper.reset(new JSMapper(cmdObj["map"])); reducer.reset(new JSReducer(cmdObj["reduce"])); if (cmdObj["finalize"].type() && cmdObj["finalize"].trueValue()) finalizer.reset(new JSFinalizer(cmdObj["finalize"])); if (cmdObj["mapparams"].type() == Array) { mapParams = cmdObj["mapparams"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); } } { // query options BSONElement q = cmdObj["query"]; if (q.type() == Object) filter = q.embeddedObjectUserCheck(); else uassert(13608, "query has to be blank or an Object", !q.trueValue()); BSONElement s = cmdObj["sort"]; if (s.type() == Object) sort = s.embeddedObjectUserCheck(); else uassert(13609, "sort has to be blank or an Object", !s.trueValue()); if (cmdObj["limit"].isNumber()) limit = cmdObj["limit"].numberLong(); else limit = 0; } } /** * Clean up the temporary and incremental collections */ void State::dropTempCollections() { _db.dropCollection(_config.tempNamespace); // Always forget about temporary namespaces, so we don't cache lots of them ShardConnection::forgetNS(_config.tempNamespace); if (_useIncremental) { // We don't want to log the deletion of incLong as it isn't replicated. While // harmless, this would lead to a scary looking warning on the secondaries. bool shouldReplicateWrites = _txn->writesAreReplicated(); _txn->setReplicatedWrites(false); ON_BLOCK_EXIT(&OperationContext::setReplicatedWrites, _txn, shouldReplicateWrites); ScopedTransaction scopedXact(_txn, MODE_IX); Lock::DBLock lk(_txn->lockState(), nsToDatabaseSubstring(_config.incLong), MODE_X); if (Database* db = dbHolder().get(_txn, _config.incLong)) { WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_txn); db->dropCollection(_txn, _config.incLong); wunit.commit(); } ShardConnection::forgetNS(_config.incLong); } } /** * Create temporary collection, set up indexes */ void State::prepTempCollection() { if (!_onDisk) return; dropTempCollections(); if (_useIncremental) { // Create the inc collection and make sure we have index on "0" key. // Intentionally not replicating the inc collection to secondaries. bool shouldReplicateWrites = _txn->writesAreReplicated(); _txn->setReplicatedWrites(false); ON_BLOCK_EXIT(&OperationContext::setReplicatedWrites, _txn, shouldReplicateWrites); OldClientWriteContext incCtx(_txn, _config.incLong); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(_txn); Collection* incColl = incCtx.getCollection(); invariant(!incColl); CollectionOptions options; options.setNoIdIndex(); options.temp = true; incColl = incCtx.db()->createCollection(_txn, _config.incLong, options); invariant(incColl); BSONObj indexSpec = BSON("key" << BSON("0" << 1) << "ns" << _config.incLong << "name" << "_temp_0"); Status status = incColl->getIndexCatalog()->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(_txn, indexSpec); if (!status.isOK()) { uasserted(17305, str::stream() << "createIndex failed for mr incLong ns: " << _config.incLong << " err: " << status.code()); } wuow.commit(); } CollectionOptions finalOptions; vector indexesToInsert; { // copy indexes and collection options into temporary storage OldClientWriteContext finalCtx(_txn, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace); Collection* const finalColl = finalCtx.getCollection(); if (finalColl) { finalOptions = finalColl->getCatalogEntry()->getCollectionOptions(_txn); IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii = finalColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator(_txn, true); // Iterate over finalColl's indexes. while (ii.more()) { IndexDescriptor* currIndex = ii.next(); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("ns", _config.tempNamespace); // Copy over contents of the index descriptor's infoObj. BSONObjIterator j(currIndex->infoObj()); while (j.more()) { BSONElement e = j.next(); if (str::equals(e.fieldName(), "_id") || str::equals(e.fieldName(), "ns")) continue; b.append(e); } indexesToInsert.push_back(b.obj()); } } } { // create temp collection and insert the indexes from temporary storage OldClientWriteContext tempCtx(_txn, _config.tempNamespace); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(_txn); NamespaceString tempNss(_config.tempNamespace); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotMaster, "no longer master", repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesFor(tempNss)); Collection* tempColl = tempCtx.getCollection(); invariant(!tempColl); CollectionOptions options = finalOptions; options.temp = true; tempColl = tempCtx.db()->createCollection(_txn, _config.tempNamespace, options); for (vector::iterator it = indexesToInsert.begin(); it != indexesToInsert.end(); ++it) { Status status = tempColl->getIndexCatalog()->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(_txn, *it); if (!status.isOK()) { if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::IndexAlreadyExists) { continue; } uassertStatusOK(status); } // Log the createIndex operation. string logNs = nsToDatabase(_config.tempNamespace) + ".system.indexes"; getGlobalServiceContext()->getOpObserver()->onCreateIndex(_txn, logNs, *it); } wuow.commit(); } } /** * For inline mode, appends results to output object. * Makes sure (key, value) tuple is formatted as {_id: key, value: val} */ void State::appendResults(BSONObjBuilder& final) { if (_onDisk) { if (!_config.outputOptions.outDB.empty()) { BSONObjBuilder loc; if (!_config.outputOptions.outDB.empty()) loc.append("db", _config.outputOptions.outDB); if (!_config.outputOptions.collectionName.empty()) loc.append("collection", _config.outputOptions.collectionName); final.append("result", loc.obj()); } else { if (!_config.outputOptions.collectionName.empty()) final.append("result", _config.outputOptions.collectionName); } if (_config.splitInfo > 0) { // add split points, used for shard BSONObj res; BSONObj idKey = BSON("_id" << 1); if (!_db.runCommand("admin", BSON("splitVector" << _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace << "keyPattern" << idKey << "maxChunkSizeBytes" << _config.splitInfo), res)) { uasserted(15921, str::stream() << "splitVector failed: " << res); } if (res.hasField("splitKeys")) final.append(res.getField("splitKeys")); } return; } if (_jsMode) { ScriptingFunction getResult = _scope->createFunction( "var map = _mrMap;" "var result = [];" "for (key in map) {" " result.push({_id: key, value: map[key]});" "}" "return result;"); _scope->invoke(getResult, 0, 0, 0, false); BSONObj obj = _scope->getObject("__returnValue"); final.append("results", BSONArray(obj)); return; } uassert(13604, "too much data for in memory map/reduce", _size < BSONObjMaxUserSize); BSONArrayBuilder b((int)(_size * 1.2)); // _size is data size, doesn't count overhead and keys for (InMemory::iterator i = _temp->begin(); i != _temp->end(); ++i) { BSONObj key = i->first; BSONList& all = i->second; verify(all.size() == 1); BSONObjIterator vi(all[0]); vi.next(); BSONObjBuilder temp(b.subobjStart()); temp.appendAs(key.firstElement(), "_id"); temp.appendAs(vi.next(), "value"); temp.done(); } BSONArray res = b.arr(); final.append("results", res); } /** * Does post processing on output collection. * This may involve replacing, merging or reducing. */ long long State::postProcessCollection(OperationContext* txn, CurOp* op, ProgressMeterHolder& pm) { if (_onDisk == false || _config.outputOptions.outType == Config::INMEMORY) return numInMemKeys(); if (_config.outputOptions.outNonAtomic) return postProcessCollectionNonAtomic(txn, op, pm); invariant(!txn->lockState()->isLocked()); ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lock( txn->lockState()); // TODO(erh): this is how it was, but seems it doesn't need to be global return postProcessCollectionNonAtomic(txn, op, pm); } // // For SERVER-6116 - can't handle version errors in count currently // /** * Runs count and disables version errors. * * TODO: make count work with versioning */ unsigned long long _safeCount(Client* client, // Can't be const b/c count isn't /* const */ DBDirectClient& db, const string& ns, const BSONObj& query = BSONObj(), int options = 0, int limit = 0, int skip = 0) { ShardForceVersionOkModeBlock ignoreVersion(client); // ignore versioning here return db.count(ns, query, options, limit, skip); } // // End SERVER-6116 // long long State::postProcessCollectionNonAtomic(OperationContext* txn, CurOp* op, ProgressMeterHolder& pm) { auto client = txn->getClient(); if (_config.outputOptions.finalNamespace == _config.tempNamespace) return _safeCount(client, _db, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace); if (_config.outputOptions.outType == Config::REPLACE || _safeCount(client, _db, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace) == 0) { ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lock(txn->lockState()); // TODO(erh): why global??? // replace: just rename from temp to final collection name, dropping previous collection _db.dropCollection(_config.outputOptions.finalNamespace); BSONObj info; if (!_db.runCommand("admin", BSON("renameCollection" << _config.tempNamespace << "to" << _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace << "stayTemp" << _config.shardedFirstPass), info)) { uasserted(10076, str::stream() << "rename failed: " << info); } _db.dropCollection(_config.tempNamespace); } else if (_config.outputOptions.outType == Config::MERGE) { // merge: upsert new docs into old collection { const auto count = _safeCount(client, _db, _config.tempNamespace, BSONObj()); stdx::lock_guard lk(*txn->getClient()); op->setMessage_inlock( "m/r: merge post processing", "M/R Merge Post Processing Progress", count); } unique_ptr cursor = _db.query(_config.tempNamespace, BSONObj()); while (cursor->more()) { ScopedTransaction scopedXact(_txn, MODE_IX); Lock::DBLock lock(_txn->lockState(), nsToDatabaseSubstring(_config.outputOptions.finalNamespace), MODE_X); BSONObj o = cursor->nextSafe(); Helpers::upsert(_txn, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace, o); pm.hit(); } _db.dropCollection(_config.tempNamespace); pm.finished(); } else if (_config.outputOptions.outType == Config::REDUCE) { // reduce: apply reduce op on new result and existing one BSONList values; { const auto count = _safeCount(client, _db, _config.tempNamespace, BSONObj()); stdx::lock_guard lk(*txn->getClient()); op->setMessage_inlock( "m/r: reduce post processing", "M/R Reduce Post Processing Progress", count); } unique_ptr cursor = _db.query(_config.tempNamespace, BSONObj()); while (cursor->more()) { ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_X); Lock::GlobalWrite lock(txn->lockState()); // TODO(erh) why global? BSONObj temp = cursor->nextSafe(); BSONObj old; bool found; { const std::string& finalNamespace = _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace; OldClientContext tx(txn, finalNamespace); Collection* coll = getCollectionOrUassert(tx.db(), finalNamespace); found = Helpers::findOne(_txn, coll, temp["_id"].wrap(), old, true); } if (found) { // need to reduce values.clear(); values.push_back(temp); values.push_back(old); Helpers::upsert(_txn, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace, _config.reducer->finalReduce(values, _config.finalizer.get())); } else { Helpers::upsert(_txn, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace, temp); } pm.hit(); } pm.finished(); } return _safeCount(txn->getClient(), _db, _config.outputOptions.finalNamespace); } /** * Insert doc in collection. This should be replicated. */ void State::insert(const string& ns, const BSONObj& o) { verify(_onDisk); OldClientWriteContext ctx(_txn, ns); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(_txn); NamespaceString nss(ns); uassert(ErrorCodes::NotMaster, "no longer master", repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesFor(nss)); Collection* coll = getCollectionOrUassert(ctx.db(), ns); BSONObjBuilder b; if (!o.hasField("_id")) { b.appendOID("_id", NULL, true); } b.appendElements(o); BSONObj bo = b.obj(); uassertStatusOK(coll->insertDocument(_txn, bo, true).getStatus()); wuow.commit(); } /** * Insert doc into the inc collection. This should not be replicated. */ void State::_insertToInc(BSONObj& o) { verify(_onDisk); OldClientWriteContext ctx(_txn, _config.incLong); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(_txn); Collection* coll = getCollectionOrUassert(ctx.db(), _config.incLong); bool shouldReplicateWrites = _txn->writesAreReplicated(); _txn->setReplicatedWrites(false); ON_BLOCK_EXIT(&OperationContext::setReplicatedWrites, _txn, shouldReplicateWrites); uassertStatusOK(coll->insertDocument(_txn, o, true, false).getStatus()); wuow.commit(); } State::State(OperationContext* txn, const Config& c) : _config(c), _db(txn), _useIncremental(true), _txn(txn), _size(0), _dupCount(0), _numEmits(0) { _temp.reset(new InMemory()); _onDisk = _config.outputOptions.outType != Config::INMEMORY; } bool State::sourceExists() { return _db.exists(_config.ns); } long long State::incomingDocuments() { return _safeCount(_txn->getClient(), _db, _config.ns, _config.filter, QueryOption_SlaveOk, (unsigned)_config.limit); } State::~State() { if (_onDisk) { try { dropTempCollections(); } catch (std::exception& e) { error() << "couldn't cleanup after map reduce: " << e.what() << endl; } } if (_scope && !_scope->isKillPending() && _scope->getError().empty()) { // cleanup js objects try { ScriptingFunction cleanup = _scope->createFunction("delete _emitCt; delete _keyCt; delete _mrMap;"); _scope->invoke(cleanup, 0, 0, 0, true); } catch (const DBException&) { // not important because properties will be reset if scope is reused LOG(1) << "MapReduce terminated during state destruction" << endl; } } } /** * Initialize the mapreduce operation, creating the inc collection */ void State::init() { // setup js const string userToken = AuthorizationSession::get(ClientBasic::getCurrent())->getAuthenticatedUserNamesToken(); _scope.reset(globalScriptEngine->getPooledScope(_txn, _config.dbname, "mapreduce" + userToken) .release()); if (!_config.scopeSetup.isEmpty()) _scope->init(&_config.scopeSetup); _config.mapper->init(this); _config.reducer->init(this); if (_config.finalizer) _config.finalizer->init(this); _scope->setBoolean("_doFinal", _config.finalizer.get() != 0); switchMode(_config.jsMode); // set up js-mode based on Config // global JS map/reduce hashmap // we use a standard JS object which means keys are only simple types // we could also add a real hashmap from a library and object comparison methods // for increased performance, we may want to look at v8 Harmony Map support // _scope->setObject("_mrMap", BSONObj(), false); ScriptingFunction init = _scope->createFunction( "_emitCt = 0;" "_keyCt = 0;" "_dupCt = 0;" "_redCt = 0;" "if (typeof(_mrMap) === 'undefined') {" " _mrMap = {};" "}"); _scope->invoke(init, 0, 0, 0, true); // js function to run reduce on all keys // redfunc = _scope->createFunction("for (var key in hashmap) { print('Key is ' + key); list = // hashmap[key]; ret = reduce(key, list); print('Value is ' + ret); };"); _reduceAll = _scope->createFunction( "var map = _mrMap;" "var list, ret;" "for (var key in map) {" " list = map[key];" " if (list.length != 1) {" " ret = _reduce(key, list);" " map[key] = [ret];" " ++_redCt;" " }" "}" "_dupCt = 0;"); massert(16717, "error initializing JavaScript reduceAll function", _reduceAll != 0); _reduceAndEmit = _scope->createFunction( "var map = _mrMap;" "var list, ret;" "for (var key in map) {" " list = map[key];" " if (list.length == 1)" " ret = list[0];" " else {" " ret = _reduce(key, list);" " ++_redCt;" " }" " emit(key, ret);" "}" "delete _mrMap;"); massert(16718, "error initializing JavaScript reduce/emit function", _reduceAndEmit != 0); _reduceAndFinalize = _scope->createFunction( "var map = _mrMap;" "var list, ret;" "for (var key in map) {" " list = map[key];" " if (list.length == 1) {" " if (!_doFinal) { continue; }" " ret = list[0];" " }" " else {" " ret = _reduce(key, list);" " ++_redCt;" " }" " if (_doFinal)" " ret = _finalize(key, ret);" " map[key] = ret;" "}"); massert(16719, "error creating JavaScript reduce/finalize function", _reduceAndFinalize != 0); _reduceAndFinalizeAndInsert = _scope->createFunction( "var map = _mrMap;" "var list, ret;" "for (var key in map) {" " list = map[key];" " if (list.length == 1)" " ret = list[0];" " else {" " ret = _reduce(key, list);" " ++_redCt;" " }" " if (_doFinal)" " ret = _finalize(key, ret);" " _nativeToTemp({_id: key, value: ret});" "}"); massert(16720, "error initializing JavaScript functions", _reduceAndFinalizeAndInsert != 0); } void State::switchMode(bool jsMode) { _jsMode = jsMode; if (jsMode) { // emit function that stays in JS _scope->setFunction("emit", "function(key, value) {" " if (typeof(key) === 'object') {" " _bailFromJS(key, value);" " return;" " }" " ++_emitCt;" " var map = _mrMap;" " var list = map[key];" " if (!list) {" " ++_keyCt;" " list = [];" " map[key] = list;" " }" " else" " ++_dupCt;" " list.push(value);" "}"); _scope->injectNative("_bailFromJS", _bailFromJS, this); } else { // emit now populates C++ map _scope->injectNative("emit", fast_emit, this); } } void State::bailFromJS() { LOG(1) << "M/R: Switching from JS mode to mixed mode" << endl; // reduce and reemit into c++ switchMode(false); _scope->invoke(_reduceAndEmit, 0, 0, 0, true); // need to get the real number emitted so far _numEmits = _scope->getNumberInt("_emitCt"); _config.reducer->numReduces = _scope->getNumberInt("_redCt"); } Collection* State::getCollectionOrUassert(Database* db, StringData ns) { Collection* out = db ? db->getCollection(ns) : NULL; uassert(18697, "Collection unexpectedly disappeared: " + ns.toString(), out); return out; } /** * Applies last reduce and finalize on a list of tuples (key, val) * Inserts single result {_id: key, value: val} into temp collection */ void State::finalReduce(BSONList& values) { if (!_onDisk || values.size() == 0) return; BSONObj res = _config.reducer->finalReduce(values, _config.finalizer.get()); insert(_config.tempNamespace, res); } BSONObj _nativeToTemp(const BSONObj& args, void* data) { State* state = (State*)data; BSONObjIterator it(args); state->insert(state->_config.tempNamespace, it.next().Obj()); return BSONObj(); } // BSONObj _nativeToInc( const BSONObj& args, void* data ) { // State* state = (State*) data; // BSONObjIterator it(args); // const BSONObj& obj = it.next().Obj(); // state->_insertToInc(const_cast(obj)); // return BSONObj(); // } /** * Applies last reduce and finalize. * After calling this method, the temp collection will be completed. * If inline, the results will be in the in memory map */ void State::finalReduce(CurOp* op, ProgressMeterHolder& pm) { if (_jsMode) { // apply the reduce within JS if (_onDisk) { _scope->injectNative("_nativeToTemp", _nativeToTemp, this); _scope->invoke(_reduceAndFinalizeAndInsert, 0, 0, 0, true); return; } else { _scope->invoke(_reduceAndFinalize, 0, 0, 0, true); return; } } if (!_onDisk) { // all data has already been reduced, just finalize if (_config.finalizer) { long size = 0; for (InMemory::iterator i = _temp->begin(); i != _temp->end(); ++i) { BSONObj key = i->first; BSONList& all = i->second; verify(all.size() == 1); BSONObj res = _config.finalizer->finalize(all[0]); all.clear(); all.push_back(res); size += res.objsize(); } _size = size; } return; } // use index on "0" to pull sorted data verify(_temp->size() == 0); BSONObj sortKey = BSON("0" << 1); { OldClientWriteContext incCtx(_txn, _config.incLong); WriteUnitOfWork wuow(_txn); Collection* incColl = getCollectionOrUassert(incCtx.db(), _config.incLong); bool foundIndex = false; IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii = incColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator(_txn, true); // Iterate over incColl's indexes. while (ii.more()) { IndexDescriptor* currIndex = ii.next(); BSONObj x = currIndex->infoObj(); if (sortKey.woCompare(x["key"].embeddedObject()) == 0) { foundIndex = true; break; } } verify(foundIndex); wuow.commit(); } unique_ptr ctx(new AutoGetCollectionForRead(_txn, _config.incLong)); BSONObj prev; BSONList all; { const auto count = _db.count(_config.incLong, BSONObj(), QueryOption_SlaveOk); stdx::lock_guard lk(*_txn->getClient()); verify(pm == op->setMessage_inlock("m/r: (3/3) final reduce to collection", "M/R: (3/3) Final Reduce Progress", count)); } const NamespaceString nss(_config.incLong); const WhereCallbackReal whereCallback(_txn, nss.db()); auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize(_config.incLong, BSONObj(), sortKey, BSONObj(), whereCallback); verify(statusWithCQ.isOK()); std::unique_ptr cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue()); Collection* coll = getCollectionOrUassert(ctx->getDb(), _config.incLong); invariant(coll); PlanExecutor* rawExec; verify(getExecutor(_txn, coll, cq.release(), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec, QueryPlannerParams::NO_TABLE_SCAN).isOK()); unique_ptr exec(rawExec); // iterate over all sorted objects BSONObj o; PlanExecutor::ExecState state; while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&o, NULL))) { o = o.getOwned(); // we will be accessing outside of the lock pm.hit(); if (o.woSortOrder(prev, sortKey) == 0) { // object is same as previous, add to array all.push_back(o); if (pm->hits() % 100 == 0) { _txn->checkForInterrupt(); } continue; } exec->saveState(); ctx.reset(); // reduce a finalize array finalReduce(all); ctx.reset(new AutoGetCollectionForRead(_txn, _config.incLong)); all.clear(); prev = o; all.push_back(o); if (!exec->restoreState(_txn)) { break; } _txn->checkForInterrupt(); } ctx.reset(); // reduce and finalize last array finalReduce(all); ctx.reset(new AutoGetCollectionForRead(_txn, _config.incLong)); pm.finished(); } /** * Attempts to reduce objects in the memory map. * A new memory map will be created to hold the results. * If applicable, objects with unique key may be dumped to inc collection. * Input and output objects are both {"0": key, "1": val} */ void State::reduceInMemory() { if (_jsMode) { // in js mode the reduce is applied when writing to collection return; } unique_ptr n(new InMemory()); // for new data long nSize = 0; _dupCount = 0; for (InMemory::iterator i = _temp->begin(); i != _temp->end(); ++i) { BSONList& all = i->second; if (all.size() == 1) { // only 1 value for this key if (_onDisk) { // this key has low cardinality, so just write to collection _insertToInc(*(all.begin())); } else { // add to new map nSize += _add(n.get(), all[0]); } } else if (all.size() > 1) { // several values, reduce and add to map BSONObj res = _config.reducer->reduce(all); nSize += _add(n.get(), res); } } // swap maps _temp.reset(n.release()); _size = nSize; } /** * Dumps the entire in memory map to the inc collection. */ void State::dumpToInc() { if (!_onDisk) return; for (InMemory::iterator i = _temp->begin(); i != _temp->end(); i++) { BSONList& all = i->second; if (all.size() < 1) continue; for (BSONList::iterator j = all.begin(); j != all.end(); j++) _insertToInc(*j); } _temp->clear(); _size = 0; } /** * Adds object to in memory map */ void State::emit(const BSONObj& a) { _numEmits++; _size += _add(_temp.get(), a); } int State::_add(InMemory* im, const BSONObj& a) { BSONList& all = (*im)[a]; all.push_back(a); if (all.size() > 1) { ++_dupCount; } return a.objsize() + 16; } void State::reduceAndSpillInMemoryStateIfNeeded() { // Make sure no DB locks are held, because this method manages its own locking and // write units of work. invariant(!_txn->lockState()->isLocked()); if (_jsMode) { // try to reduce if it is beneficial int dupCt = _scope->getNumberInt("_dupCt"); int keyCt = _scope->getNumberInt("_keyCt"); if (keyCt > _config.jsMaxKeys) { // too many keys for JS, switch to mixed _bailFromJS(BSONObj(), this); // then fall through to check map size } else if (dupCt > (keyCt * _config.reduceTriggerRatio)) { // reduce now to lower mem usage Timer t; _scope->invoke(_reduceAll, 0, 0, 0, true); LOG(3) << " MR - did reduceAll: keys=" << keyCt << " dups=" << dupCt << " newKeys=" << _scope->getNumberInt("_keyCt") << " time=" << t.millis() << "ms" << endl; return; } } if (_jsMode) return; if (_size > _config.maxInMemSize || _dupCount > (_temp->size() * _config.reduceTriggerRatio)) { // attempt to reduce in memory map, if memory is too high or we have many duplicates long oldSize = _size; Timer t; reduceInMemory(); LOG(3) << " MR - did reduceInMemory: size=" << oldSize << " dups=" << _dupCount << " newSize=" << _size << " time=" << t.millis() << "ms" << endl; // if size is still high, or values are not reducing well, dump if (_onDisk && (_size > _config.maxInMemSize || _size > oldSize / 2)) { dumpToInc(); LOG(3) << " MR - dumping to db" << endl; } } } /** * emit that will be called by js function */ BSONObj fast_emit(const BSONObj& args, void* data) { uassert(10077, "fast_emit takes 2 args", args.nFields() == 2); uassert(13069, "an emit can't be more than half max bson size", args.objsize() < (BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2)); State* state = (State*)data; if (args.firstElement().type() == Undefined) { BSONObjBuilder b(args.objsize()); b.appendNull(""); BSONObjIterator i(args); i.next(); b.append(i.next()); state->emit(b.obj()); } else { state->emit(args); } return BSONObj(); } /** * function is called when we realize we cant use js mode for m/r on the 1st key */ BSONObj _bailFromJS(const BSONObj& args, void* data) { State* state = (State*)data; state->bailFromJS(); // emit this particular key if there is one if (!args.isEmpty()) { fast_emit(args, data); } return BSONObj(); } /** * This class represents a map/reduce command executed on a single server */ class MapReduceCommand : public Command { public: MapReduceCommand() : Command("mapReduce", false, "mapreduce") {} virtual bool slaveOk() const { return repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->getReplicationMode() != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet; } virtual bool slaveOverrideOk() const { return true; } virtual void help(stringstream& help) const { help << "Run a map/reduce operation on the server.\n"; help << "Note this is used for aggregation, not querying, in MongoDB.\n"; help << "http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/mapreduce"; } virtual bool isWriteCommandForConfigServer() const { return false; } virtual void addRequiredPrivileges(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj, std::vector* out) { addPrivilegesRequiredForMapReduce(this, dbname, cmdObj, out); } bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmd, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result) { Timer t; boost::optional maybeDisableValidation; if (shouldBypassDocumentValidationForCommand(cmd)) maybeDisableValidation.emplace(txn); auto client = txn->getClient(); if (client->isInDirectClient()) { return appendCommandStatus( result, Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "Cannot run mapReduce command from eval()")); } CurOp* op = CurOp::get(txn); Config config(dbname, cmd); LOG(1) << "mr ns: " << config.ns << endl; uassert(16149, "cannot run map reduce without the js engine", globalScriptEngine); CollectionMetadataPtr collMetadata; // Prevent sharding state from changing during the MR. unique_ptr rangePreserver; { AutoGetCollectionForRead ctx(txn, config.ns); Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection(); if (collection) { rangePreserver.reset(new RangePreserver(collection)); } // Get metadata before we check our version, to make sure it doesn't increment // in the meantime. Need to do this in the same lock scope as the block. if (shardingState.needCollectionMetadata(client, config.ns)) { collMetadata = shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(config.ns); } } bool shouldHaveData = false; BSONObjBuilder countsBuilder; BSONObjBuilder timingBuilder; State state(txn, config); if (!state.sourceExists()) { errmsg = "ns doesn't exist"; return false; } if (state.isOnDisk()) { // this means that it will be doing a write operation, make sure we are on Master // ideally this check should be in slaveOk(), but at that point config is not known NamespaceString nss(config.ns); if (!repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->canAcceptWritesFor(nss)) { errmsg = "not master"; return false; } } try { state.init(); state.prepTempCollection(); ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ(state, &State::dropTempCollections); int progressTotal = 0; bool showTotal = true; if (state.config().filter.isEmpty()) { progressTotal = state.incomingDocuments(); } else { showTotal = false; // Set an arbitrary total > 0 so the meter will be activated. progressTotal = 1; } stdx::unique_lock lk(*txn->getClient()); ProgressMeter& progress(op->setMessage_inlock( "m/r: (1/3) emit phase", "M/R: (1/3) Emit Progress", progressTotal)); lk.unlock(); progress.showTotal(showTotal); ProgressMeterHolder pm(progress); // See cast on next line to 32 bit unsigned wassert(config.limit < 0x4000000); long long mapTime = 0; long long reduceTime = 0; long long numInputs = 0; { // We've got a cursor preventing migrations off, now re-establish our // useful cursor. const NamespaceString nss(config.ns); // Need lock and context to use it unique_ptr scopedXact(new ScopedTransaction(txn, MODE_IS)); unique_ptr scopedAutoDb(new AutoGetDb(txn, nss.db(), MODE_S)); const WhereCallbackReal whereCallback(txn, nss.db()); auto statusWithCQ = CanonicalQuery::canonicalize( config.ns, config.filter, config.sort, BSONObj(), whereCallback); if (!statusWithCQ.isOK()) { uasserted(17238, "Can't canonicalize query " + config.filter.toString()); return 0; } std::unique_ptr cq = std::move(statusWithCQ.getValue()); Database* db = scopedAutoDb->getDb(); Collection* coll = state.getCollectionOrUassert(db, config.ns); invariant(coll); PlanExecutor* rawExec; if (!getExecutor(txn, coll, cq.release(), PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO, &rawExec) .isOK()) { uasserted(17239, "Can't get executor for query " + config.filter.toString()); return 0; } unique_ptr exec(rawExec); Timer mt; // go through each doc BSONObj o; while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == exec->getNext(&o, NULL)) { // check to see if this is a new object we don't own yet // because of a chunk migration if (collMetadata) { ShardKeyPattern kp(collMetadata->getKeyPattern()); if (!collMetadata->keyBelongsToMe(kp.extractShardKeyFromDoc(o))) { continue; } } // do map if (config.verbose) mt.reset(); config.mapper->map(o); if (config.verbose) mapTime += mt.micros(); // Check if the state accumulated so far needs to be written to a // collection. This may yield the DB lock temporarily and then // acquire it again. // numInputs++; if (numInputs % 100 == 0) { Timer t; // TODO: As an optimization, we might want to do the save/restore // state and yield inside the reduceAndSpillInMemoryState method, so // it only happens if necessary. exec->saveState(); scopedAutoDb.reset(); scopedXact.reset(); state.reduceAndSpillInMemoryStateIfNeeded(); scopedXact.reset(new ScopedTransaction(txn, MODE_IS)); scopedAutoDb.reset(new AutoGetDb(txn, nss.db(), MODE_S)); exec->restoreState(txn); // Need to reload the database, in case it was dropped after we // released the lock db = scopedAutoDb->getDb(); if (db == NULL) { // Database was deleted after we freed the lock StringBuilder sb; sb << "Database " << nss.db() << " was deleted in the middle of the reduce job."; uasserted(28523, sb.str()); } reduceTime += t.micros(); txn->checkForInterrupt(); } pm.hit(); if (config.limit && numInputs >= config.limit) break; } } pm.finished(); txn->checkForInterrupt(); // update counters countsBuilder.appendNumber("input", numInputs); countsBuilder.appendNumber("emit", state.numEmits()); if (state.numEmits()) shouldHaveData = true; timingBuilder.appendNumber("mapTime", mapTime / 1000); timingBuilder.append("emitLoop", t.millis()); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*txn->getClient()); op->setMessage_inlock("m/r: (2/3) final reduce in memory", "M/R: (2/3) Final In-Memory Reduce Progress"); } Timer rt; // do reduce in memory // this will be the last reduce needed for inline mode state.reduceInMemory(); // if not inline: dump the in memory map to inc collection, all data is on disk state.dumpToInc(); // final reduce state.finalReduce(op, pm); reduceTime += rt.micros(); countsBuilder.appendNumber("reduce", state.numReduces()); timingBuilder.appendNumber("reduceTime", reduceTime / 1000); timingBuilder.append("mode", state.jsMode() ? "js" : "mixed"); long long finalCount = state.postProcessCollection(txn, op, pm); state.appendResults(result); timingBuilder.appendNumber("total", t.millis()); result.appendNumber("timeMillis", t.millis()); countsBuilder.appendNumber("output", finalCount); if (config.verbose) result.append("timing", timingBuilder.obj()); result.append("counts", countsBuilder.obj()); if (finalCount == 0 && shouldHaveData) { result.append("cmd", cmd); errmsg = "there were emits but no data!"; return false; } } catch (SendStaleConfigException& e) { log() << "mr detected stale config, should retry" << causedBy(e) << endl; throw e; } // TODO: The error handling code for queries is v. fragile, // *requires* rethrow AssertionExceptions - should probably fix. catch (AssertionException& e) { log() << "mr failed, removing collection" << causedBy(e) << endl; throw e; } catch (std::exception& e) { log() << "mr failed, removing collection" << causedBy(e) << endl; throw e; } catch (...) { log() << "mr failed for unknown reason, removing collection" << endl; throw; } return true; } } mapReduceCommand; /** * This class represents a map/reduce command executed on the output server of a sharded env */ class MapReduceFinishCommand : public Command { public: void help(stringstream& h) const { h << "internal"; } MapReduceFinishCommand() : Command("mapreduce.shardedfinish") {} virtual bool slaveOk() const { return repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator()->getReplicationMode() != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet; } virtual bool slaveOverrideOk() const { return true; } virtual bool isWriteCommandForConfigServer() const { return false; } virtual void addRequiredPrivileges(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj, std::vector* out) { ActionSet actions; actions.addAction(ActionType::internal); out->push_back(Privilege(ResourcePattern::forClusterResource(), actions)); } bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result) { boost::optional maybeDisableValidation; if (shouldBypassDocumentValidationForCommand(cmdObj)) maybeDisableValidation.emplace(txn); ShardedConnectionInfo::addHook(); // legacy name string shardedOutputCollection = cmdObj["shardedOutputCollection"].valuestrsafe(); verify(shardedOutputCollection.size() > 0); string inputNS; if (cmdObj["inputDB"].type() == String) { inputNS = cmdObj["inputDB"].String() + "." + shardedOutputCollection; } else { inputNS = dbname + "." + shardedOutputCollection; } CurOp* op = CurOp::get(txn); Config config(dbname, cmdObj.firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck()); State state(txn, config); state.init(); // no need for incremental collection because records are already sorted state._useIncremental = false; config.incLong = config.tempNamespace; BSONObj shardCounts = cmdObj["shardCounts"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); BSONObj counts = cmdObj["counts"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); stdx::unique_lock lk(*txn->getClient()); ProgressMeterHolder pm(op->setMessage_inlock("m/r: merge sort and reduce", "M/R Merge Sort and Reduce Progress")); lk.unlock(); set servers; { // parse per shard results BSONObjIterator i(shardCounts); while (i.more()) { BSONElement e = i.next(); servers.insert(e.fieldName()); } } state.prepTempCollection(); ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ(state, &State::dropTempCollections); BSONList values; if (!config.outputOptions.outDB.empty()) { BSONObjBuilder loc; if (!config.outputOptions.outDB.empty()) loc.append("db", config.outputOptions.outDB); if (!config.outputOptions.collectionName.empty()) loc.append("collection", config.outputOptions.collectionName); result.append("result", loc.obj()); } else { if (!config.outputOptions.collectionName.empty()) result.append("result", config.outputOptions.collectionName); } auto status = grid.catalogCache()->getDatabase(dbname); if (!status.isOK()) { return appendCommandStatus(result, status.getStatus()); } shared_ptr confOut = status.getValue(); vector chunks; if (confOut->isSharded(config.outputOptions.finalNamespace)) { ChunkManagerPtr cm = confOut->getChunkManager(config.outputOptions.finalNamespace); // Fetch result from other shards 1 chunk at a time. It would be better to do // just one big $or query, but then the sorting would not be efficient. const string shardName = shardingState.getShardName(); const ChunkMap& chunkMap = cm->getChunkMap(); for (ChunkMap::const_iterator it = chunkMap.begin(); it != chunkMap.end(); ++it) { ChunkPtr chunk = it->second; if (chunk->getShardId() == shardName) { chunks.push_back(chunk); } } } long long inputCount = 0; unsigned int index = 0; BSONObj query; BSONArrayBuilder chunkSizes; while (true) { ChunkPtr chunk; if (chunks.size() > 0) { chunk = chunks[index]; BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendAs(chunk->getMin().firstElement(), "$gte"); b.appendAs(chunk->getMax().firstElement(), "$lt"); query = BSON("_id" << b.obj()); // chunkSizes.append(min); } // reduce from each shard for a chunk BSONObj sortKey = BSON("_id" << 1); ParallelSortClusteredCursor cursor( servers, inputNS, Query(query).sort(sortKey), QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout); cursor.init(); int chunkSize = 0; while (cursor.more() || !values.empty()) { BSONObj t; if (cursor.more()) { t = cursor.next().getOwned(); ++inputCount; if (values.size() == 0) { values.push_back(t); continue; } if (t.woSortOrder(*(values.begin()), sortKey) == 0) { values.push_back(t); continue; } } BSONObj res = config.reducer->finalReduce(values, config.finalizer.get()); chunkSize += res.objsize(); if (state.isOnDisk()) state.insert(config.tempNamespace, res); else state.emit(res); values.clear(); if (!t.isEmpty()) values.push_back(t); } if (chunk) { chunkSizes.append(chunk->getMin()); chunkSizes.append(chunkSize); } if (++index >= chunks.size()) break; } // Forget temporary input collection, if output is sharded collection ShardConnection::forgetNS(inputNS); result.append("chunkSizes", chunkSizes.arr()); long long outputCount = state.postProcessCollection(txn, op, pm); state.appendResults(result); BSONObjBuilder countsB(32); countsB.append("input", inputCount); countsB.append("reduce", state.numReduces()); countsB.append("output", outputCount); result.append("counts", countsB.obj()); return 1; } } mapReduceFinishCommand; } }