/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/base/checked_cast.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/bson/mutable/element.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_operation_source.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/document_validation.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/update_metrics.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/write_commands_common.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/fle_crud.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/doc_validation_error.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_real.h" #include "mongo/db/namespace_string.h" #include "mongo/db/not_primary_error_tracker.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/delete_request_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/parsed_delete.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/parsed_update.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops.h" #include "mongo/db/ops/write_ops_exec.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/aggregate_command_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/lite_parsed_pipeline.h" #include "mongo/db/query/explain.h" #include "mongo/db/query/get_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/repl_client_info.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_access_blocker_registry.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_access_blocker_util.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_conflict_info.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/tenant_migration_decoration.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/operation_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/counters.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/duplicate_key_error_info.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/bucket_compression.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_constants.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_extended_range.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_options.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/retryable_writes_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/transaction/transaction_participant.h" #include "mongo/db/write_concern.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/logv2/redaction.h" #include "mongo/s/stale_exception.h" #include "mongo/util/fail_point.h" #include "mongo/util/string_map.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kDefault namespace mongo { namespace { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangWriteBeforeWaitingForMigrationDecision); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangInsertBeforeWrite); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeCommit); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeWrite); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failUnorderedTimeseriesInsert); void redactTooLongLog(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj, StringData fieldName) { namespace mmb = mutablebson; mmb::Element root = cmdObj->root(); mmb::Element field = root.findFirstChildNamed(fieldName); // If the cmdObj is too large, it will be a "too big" message given by CachedBSONObj.get() if (!field.ok()) { return; } // Redact the log if there are more than one documents or operations. if (field.countChildren() > 1) { field.setValueInt(field.countChildren()).transitional_ignore(); } } bool shouldSkipOutput(OperationContext* opCtx) { const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern = opCtx->getWriteConcern(); return writeConcern.isUnacknowledged() && (writeConcern.syncMode == WriteConcernOptions::SyncMode::NONE || writeConcern.syncMode == WriteConcernOptions::SyncMode::UNSET); } /** * Returns true if 'ns' is a time-series collection. That is, this namespace is backed by a * time-series buckets collection. */ template bool isTimeseries(OperationContext* opCtx, const Request& request) { uassert(5916400, "'isTimeseriesNamespace' parameter can only be set when the request is sent on " "system.buckets namespace", !request.getIsTimeseriesNamespace() || request.getNamespace().isTimeseriesBucketsCollection()); const auto bucketNss = request.getIsTimeseriesNamespace() ? request.getNamespace() : request.getNamespace().makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(); // If the buckets collection exists now, the time-series insert path will check for the // existence of the buckets collection later on with a lock. // If this check is concurrent with the creation of a time-series collection and the buckets // collection does not yet exist, this check may return false unnecessarily. As a result, an // insert attempt into the time-series namespace will either succeed or fail, depending on who // wins the race. return CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx) ->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForRead(opCtx, bucketNss) .get(); } NamespaceString makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(const NamespaceString& nss) { return nss.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection() ? nss : nss.makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(); } /** * Transforms a single time-series insert to an update request on an existing bucket. */ write_ops::UpdateOpEntry makeTimeseriesUpdateOpEntry( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata) { BSONObjBuilder updateBuilder; { if (!batch->min().isEmpty() || !batch->max().isEmpty()) { BSONObjBuilder controlBuilder(updateBuilder.subobjStart( str::stream() << doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix << "control")); if (!batch->min().isEmpty()) { controlBuilder.append( str::stream() << doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix << "min", batch->min()); } if (!batch->max().isEmpty()) { controlBuilder.append( str::stream() << doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix << "max", batch->max()); } } } { // doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix + => {: ..., : ...} StringDataMap dataFieldBuilders; auto metadataElem = metadata.firstElement(); DecimalCounter count(batch->numPreviouslyCommittedMeasurements()); for (const auto& doc : batch->measurements()) { for (const auto& elem : doc) { auto key = elem.fieldNameStringData(); if (metadataElem && key == metadataElem.fieldNameStringData()) { continue; } auto& builder = dataFieldBuilders[key]; builder.appendAs(elem, count); } ++count; } // doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix + BSONObjBuilder dataBuilder(updateBuilder.subobjStart("sdata")); BSONObjBuilder newDataFieldsBuilder; for (auto& pair : dataFieldBuilders) { // Existing 'data' fields with measurements require different treatment from fields // not observed before (missing from control.min and control.max). if (batch->newFieldNamesToBeInserted().count(pair.first)) { newDataFieldsBuilder.append(pair.first, pair.second.obj()); } } auto newDataFields = newDataFieldsBuilder.obj(); if (!newDataFields.isEmpty()) { dataBuilder.append(doc_diff::kInsertSectionFieldName, newDataFields); } for (auto& pair : dataFieldBuilders) { // Existing 'data' fields with measurements require different treatment from fields // not observed before (missing from control.min and control.max). if (!batch->newFieldNamesToBeInserted().count(pair.first)) { dataBuilder.append(doc_diff::kSubDiffSectionFieldPrefix + pair.first.toString(), BSON(doc_diff::kInsertSectionFieldName << pair.second.obj())); } } } write_ops::UpdateModification::DiffOptions options; options.mustCheckExistenceForInsertOperations = static_cast(repl::tenantMigrationInfo(opCtx)); write_ops::UpdateModification u( updateBuilder.obj(), write_ops::UpdateModification::DeltaTag{}, options); write_ops::UpdateOpEntry update(BSON("_id" << batch->bucket().id), std::move(u)); invariant(!update.getMulti(), batch->bucket().id.toString()); invariant(!update.getUpsert(), batch->bucket().id.toString()); return update; } /** * Transforms a single time-series insert to an update request on an existing bucket. */ write_ops::UpdateOpEntry makeTimeseriesCompressionOpEntry( OperationContext* opCtx, const OID& bucketId, write_ops::UpdateModification::TransformFunc compressionFunc) { write_ops::UpdateModification u(std::move(compressionFunc)); write_ops::UpdateOpEntry update(BSON("_id" << bucketId), std::move(u)); invariant(!update.getMulti(), bucketId.toString()); invariant(!update.getUpsert(), bucketId.toString()); return update; } /** * Returns the document for inserting a new bucket. */ BSONObj makeTimeseriesInsertDocument(std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata) { using namespace timeseries; auto metadataElem = metadata.firstElement(); StringDataMap dataBuilders; DecimalCounter count; for (const auto& doc : batch->measurements()) { for (const auto& elem : doc) { auto key = elem.fieldNameStringData(); if (metadataElem && key == metadataElem.fieldNameStringData()) { continue; } dataBuilders[key].appendAs(elem, count); } ++count; } BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("_id", batch->bucket().id); { BSONObjBuilder bucketControlBuilder(builder.subobjStart("control")); bucketControlBuilder.append(kBucketControlVersionFieldName, kTimeseriesControlDefaultVersion); bucketControlBuilder.append(kBucketControlMinFieldName, batch->min()); bucketControlBuilder.append(kBucketControlMaxFieldName, batch->max()); if (feature_flags::gTimeseriesScalabilityImprovements.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { bucketControlBuilder.append(kBucketControlClosedFieldName, false); } } if (metadataElem) { builder.appendAs(metadataElem, kBucketMetaFieldName); } { BSONObjBuilder bucketDataBuilder(builder.subobjStart(kBucketDataFieldName)); for (auto& dataBuilder : dataBuilders) { bucketDataBuilder.append(dataBuilder.first, dataBuilder.second.obj()); } } return builder.obj(); } /** * Returns true if the time-series write is retryable. */ bool isTimeseriesWriteRetryable(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (!opCtx->getTxnNumber()) { return false; } if (opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()) { return false; } return true; } void getOpTimeAndElectionId(OperationContext* opCtx, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId) { auto* replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()); const auto replMode = replCoord->getReplicationMode(); *opTime = replMode != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeNone ? boost::make_optional(repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()).getLastOp()) : boost::none; *electionId = replMode == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet ? boost::make_optional(replCoord->getElectionId()) : boost::none; } boost::optional> checkFailUnorderedTimeseriesInsertFailPoint( const BSONObj& metadata) { bool canContinue = true; if (MONGO_unlikely(failUnorderedTimeseriesInsert.shouldFail( [&metadata, &canContinue](const BSONObj& data) { BSONElementComparator comp(BSONElementComparator::FieldNamesMode::kIgnore, nullptr); if (auto continueElem = data["canContinue"]) { canContinue = data["canContinue"].trueValue(); } return comp.compare(data["metadata"], metadata.firstElement()) == 0; }))) { return std::make_pair( Status(ErrorCodes::FailPointEnabled, "Failed unordered time-series insert due to failUnorderedTimeseriesInsert fail " "point"), canContinue); } return boost::none; } boost::optional generateError(OperationContext* opCtx, const Status& status, int index, size_t numErrors) { if (status.isOK()) { return boost::none; } boost::optional overwrittenStatus; if (status == ErrorCodes::TenantMigrationConflict) { hangWriteBeforeWaitingForMigrationDecision.pauseWhileSet(opCtx); overwrittenStatus.emplace( tenant_migration_access_blocker::handleTenantMigrationConflict(opCtx, status)); // Interruption errors encountered during batch execution fail the entire batch, so throw on // such errors here for consistency. if (ErrorCodes::isInterruption(*overwrittenStatus)) { uassertStatusOK(*overwrittenStatus); } // Tenant migration errors, similarly to migration errors consume too much space in the // ordered:false responses and get truncated. Since the call to // 'handleTenantMigrationConflict' above replaces the original status, we need to manually // truncate the new reason if the original 'status' was also truncated. if (status.reason().empty()) { overwrittenStatus = overwrittenStatus->withReason(""); } } constexpr size_t kMaxErrorReasonsToReport = 1; constexpr size_t kMaxErrorSizeToReportAfterMaxReasonsReached = 1024 * 1024; if (numErrors > kMaxErrorReasonsToReport) { size_t errorSize = overwrittenStatus ? overwrittenStatus->reason().size() : status.reason().size(); if (errorSize > kMaxErrorSizeToReportAfterMaxReasonsReached) overwrittenStatus = overwrittenStatus ? overwrittenStatus->withReason("") : status.withReason(""); } if (overwrittenStatus) return write_ops::WriteError(index, std::move(*overwrittenStatus)); else return write_ops::WriteError(index, status); } template boost::optional generateError(OperationContext* opCtx, const StatusWith& result, int index, size_t numErrors) { return generateError(opCtx, result.getStatus(), index, numErrors); } /** * Contains hooks that are used by 'populateReply' method. */ struct PopulateReplyHooks { // Called for each 'SingleWriteResult' processed by 'populateReply' method. std::function singleWriteResultHandler; // Called after all 'SingleWriteResult' processing is completed by 'populateReply' method. // This is called as the last method. std::function postProcessHandler; }; /** * Method to populate a write command reply message. It takes 'result' parameter as an input * source and populate the fields of 'cmdReply'. */ template void populateReply(OperationContext* opCtx, bool continueOnError, size_t opsInBatch, write_ops_exec::WriteResult result, CommandReplyType* cmdReply, boost::optional hooks = boost::none) { invariant(cmdReply); if (shouldSkipOutput(opCtx)) return; if (continueOnError) { invariant(!result.results.empty()); const auto& lastResult = result.results.back(); if (lastResult == ErrorCodes::StaleDbVersion || ErrorCodes::isStaleShardVersionError(lastResult.getStatus()) || ErrorCodes::isTenantMigrationError(lastResult.getStatus())) { // For ordered:false commands we need to duplicate these error results for all ops // after we stopped. See handleError() in write_ops_exec.cpp for more info. // // Omit the reason from the duplicate unordered responses so it doesn't consume BSON // object space result.results.resize(opsInBatch, lastResult.getStatus().withReason("")); } } long long nVal = 0; std::vector errors; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.results.size(); ++i) { if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, result.results[i], i, errors.size())) { errors.emplace_back(std::move(*error)); continue; } const auto& opResult = result.results[i].getValue(); nVal += opResult.getN(); // Always there. // Handle custom processing of each result. if (hooks && hooks->singleWriteResultHandler) hooks->singleWriteResultHandler(opResult, i); } auto& replyBase = cmdReply->getWriteCommandReplyBase(); replyBase.setN(nVal); if (!result.retriedStmtIds.empty()) { replyBase.setRetriedStmtIds(std::move(result.retriedStmtIds)); } if (!errors.empty()) { replyBase.setWriteErrors(std::move(errors)); } // writeConcernError field is handled by command processor. { // Undocumented repl fields that mongos depends on. auto* replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()); const auto replMode = replCoord->getReplicationMode(); if (replMode != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeNone) { replyBase.setOpTime(repl::ReplClientInfo::forClient(opCtx->getClient()).getLastOp()); if (replMode == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet) { replyBase.setElectionId(replCoord->getElectionId()); } } } if (hooks && hooks->postProcessHandler) hooks->postProcessHandler(); } void transactionChecks(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& ns) { if (!opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()) return; uassert(50791, str::stream() << "Cannot write to system collection " << ns.toString() << " within a transaction.", !ns.isSystem() || ns.isPrivilegeCollection() || ns.isTimeseriesBucketsCollection()); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); uassert(50790, str::stream() << "Cannot write to unreplicated collection " << ns.toString() << " within a transaction.", !replCoord->isOplogDisabledFor(opCtx, ns)); } class CmdInsert final : public write_ops::InsertCmdVersion1Gen { public: AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext*) const final { return AllowedOnSecondary::kNever; } bool allowedWithSecurityToken() const final { return true; } void snipForLogging(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj) const final { redactTooLongLog(cmdObj, "documents"); } std::string help() const final { return "insert documents"; } ReadWriteType getReadWriteType() const final { return Command::ReadWriteType::kWrite; } bool collectsResourceConsumptionMetrics() const final { return true; } bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const final { return false; } bool supportsRetryableWrite() const final { return true; } bool allowedInTransactions() const final { return true; } class Invocation final : public InvocationBaseGen { public: Invocation(OperationContext* opCtx, const Command* command, const OpMsgRequest& opMsgRequest) : InvocationBaseGen(opCtx, command, opMsgRequest) { InsertOp::validate(request()); } bool supportsWriteConcern() const final { return true; } NamespaceString ns() const final { return request().getNamespace(); } write_ops::InsertCommandReply typedRun(OperationContext* opCtx) final try { transactionChecks(opCtx, ns()); if (request().getEncryptionInformation().has_value() && !request().getEncryptionInformation()->getCrudProcessed()) { write_ops::InsertCommandReply insertReply; auto batch = processFLEInsert(opCtx, request(), &insertReply); if (batch == FLEBatchResult::kProcessed) { return insertReply; } } if (isTimeseries(opCtx, request())) { // Re-throw parsing exceptions to be consistent with CmdInsert::Invocation's // constructor. try { return _performTimeseriesWrites(opCtx); } catch (DBException& ex) { ex.addContext(str::stream() << "time-series insert failed: " << ns().ns()); throw; } } if (hangInsertBeforeWrite.shouldFail([&](const BSONObj& data) { const auto ns = data.getStringField("ns"); return ns == request().getNamespace().toString(); })) { hangInsertBeforeWrite.pauseWhileSet(); } auto reply = write_ops_exec::performInserts(opCtx, request()); write_ops::InsertCommandReply insertReply; populateReply(opCtx, !request().getWriteCommandRequestBase().getOrdered(), request().getDocuments().size(), std::move(reply), &insertReply); return insertReply; } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } private: using TimeseriesBatches = std::vector, size_t>>; using TimeseriesStmtIds = stdx::unordered_map, OID::Hasher>; struct TimeseriesSingleWriteResult { StatusWith result; bool canContinue = true; }; void doCheckAuthorization(OperationContext* opCtx) const final try { auth::checkAuthForInsertCommand(AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()), request().getBypassDocumentValidation(), request()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients _canCombineTimeseriesInsertWithOtherClients(OperationContext* opCtx) const { return isTimeseriesWriteRetryable(opCtx) || request().getOrdered() ? BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients::kDisallow : BucketCatalog::CombineWithInsertsFromOtherClients::kAllow; } TimeseriesSingleWriteResult _getTimeseriesSingleWriteResult( write_ops_exec::WriteResult&& reply) const { invariant(reply.results.size() == 1, str::stream() << "Unexpected number of results (" << reply.results.size() << ") for insert on time-series collection " << ns()); return {std::move(reply.results[0]), reply.canContinue}; } write_ops::WriteCommandRequestBase _makeTimeseriesWriteOpBase( std::vector&& stmtIds) const { write_ops::WriteCommandRequestBase base; // The schema validation configured in the bucket collection is intended for direct // operations by end users and is not applicable here. base.setBypassDocumentValidation(true); if (!stmtIds.empty()) { base.setStmtIds(std::move(stmtIds)); } return base; } write_ops::InsertCommandRequest _makeTimeseriesInsertOp( std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata, std::vector&& stmtIds) const { write_ops::InsertCommandRequest op{makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(ns()), {makeTimeseriesInsertDocument(batch, metadata)}}; op.setWriteCommandRequestBase(_makeTimeseriesWriteOpBase(std::move(stmtIds))); return op; } write_ops::UpdateCommandRequest _makeTimeseriesUpdateOp( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata, std::vector&& stmtIds) const { write_ops::UpdateCommandRequest op( makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(ns()), {makeTimeseriesUpdateOpEntry(opCtx, batch, metadata)}); op.setWriteCommandRequestBase(_makeTimeseriesWriteOpBase(std::move(stmtIds))); return op; } write_ops::UpdateCommandRequest _makeTimeseriesCompressionOp( OperationContext* opCtx, const OID& bucketId, write_ops::UpdateModification::TransformFunc compressionFunc) const { write_ops::UpdateCommandRequest op( makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(ns()), {makeTimeseriesCompressionOpEntry(opCtx, bucketId, std::move(compressionFunc))}); write_ops::WriteCommandRequestBase base; // The schema validation configured in the bucket collection is intended for direct // operations by end users and is not applicable here. base.setBypassDocumentValidation(true); // Timeseries compression operation is not a user operation and should not use a // statement id from any user op. Set to Uninitialized to bypass. base.setStmtIds(std::vector{kUninitializedStmtId}); op.setWriteCommandRequestBase(std::move(base)); return op; } /** * Returns the status and whether the request can continue. */ TimeseriesSingleWriteResult _performTimeseriesInsert( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata, std::vector&& stmtIds) const { if (auto status = checkFailUnorderedTimeseriesInsertFailPoint(metadata)) { return {status->first, status->second}; } return _getTimeseriesSingleWriteResult(write_ops_exec::performInserts( opCtx, _makeTimeseriesInsertOp(batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds)), OperationSource::kTimeseriesInsert)); } /** * Returns the status and whether the request can continue. */ TimeseriesSingleWriteResult _performTimeseriesUpdate( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr batch, const BSONObj& metadata, std::vector&& stmtIds) const { if (auto status = checkFailUnorderedTimeseriesInsertFailPoint(metadata)) { return {status->first, status->second}; } return _getTimeseriesSingleWriteResult(write_ops_exec::performUpdates( opCtx, _makeTimeseriesUpdateOp(opCtx, batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds)), OperationSource::kTimeseriesInsert)); } TimeseriesSingleWriteResult _performTimeseriesBucketCompression( OperationContext* opCtx, const BucketCatalog::ClosedBucket& closedBucket) const { if (!feature_flags::gTimeseriesBucketCompression.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { return {SingleWriteResult(), true}; } // Buckets with just a single measurement is not worth compressing. if (closedBucket.numMeasurements <= 1) { return {SingleWriteResult(), true}; } bool validateCompression = gValidateTimeseriesCompression.load(); boost::optional beforeSize; TimeseriesStats::CompressedBucketInfo compressionStats; auto bucketCompressionFunc = [&](const BSONObj& bucketDoc) -> boost::optional { beforeSize = bucketDoc.objsize(); // Reset every time we run to ensure we never use a stale value compressionStats = {}; auto compressed = timeseries::compressBucket(bucketDoc, closedBucket.timeField, ns(), closedBucket.eligibleForReopening, validateCompression); if (compressed.compressedBucket) { // If compressed object size is larger than uncompressed, skip compression // update. if (compressed.compressedBucket->objsize() >= *beforeSize) { LOGV2_DEBUG(5857802, 1, "Skipping time-series bucket compression, compressed object is " "larger than original", "originalSize"_attr = bucketDoc.objsize(), "compressedSize"_attr = compressed.compressedBucket->objsize()); return boost::none; } compressionStats.size = compressed.compressedBucket->objsize(); compressionStats.numInterleaveRestarts = compressed.numInterleavedRestarts; } else if (compressed.decompressionFailed) { compressionStats.decompressionFailed = true; } return compressed.compressedBucket; }; auto compressionOp = _makeTimeseriesCompressionOp(opCtx, closedBucket.bucketId, bucketCompressionFunc); auto result = _getTimeseriesSingleWriteResult( write_ops_exec::performUpdates(opCtx, compressionOp, OperationSource::kStandard)); // Report stats, if we fail before running the transform function then just skip // reporting. if (beforeSize) { compressionStats.result = result.result.getStatus(); // Report stats for the bucket collection auto coll = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForRead( opCtx, compressionOp.getNamespace()); if (coll) { const auto& stats = TimeseriesStats::get(coll.get()); stats.onBucketClosed(*beforeSize, compressionStats); } } return result; } /** * Returns whether the request can continue. */ bool _commitTimeseriesBucket(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr batch, size_t start, size_t index, std::vector&& stmtIds, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, std::vector* docsToRetry) const try { auto& bucketCatalog = BucketCatalog::get(opCtx); auto metadata = bucketCatalog.getMetadata(batch->bucket()); auto status = bucketCatalog.prepareCommit(batch); if (!status.isOK()) { invariant(batch->finished()); docsToRetry->push_back(index); return true; } hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeWrite.pauseWhileSet(); const auto docId = batch->bucket().id; const bool performInsert = batch->numPreviouslyCommittedMeasurements() == 0; if (performInsert) { const auto output = _performTimeseriesInsert(opCtx, batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds)); if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, output.result, start + index, errors->size())) { errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); bucketCatalog.abort(batch, output.result.getStatus()); return output.canContinue; } invariant(output.result.getValue().getN() == 1, str::stream() << "Expected 1 insertion of document with _id '" << docId << "', but found " << output.result.getValue().getN() << "."); } else { const auto output = _performTimeseriesUpdate(opCtx, batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds)); if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, output.result, start + index, errors->size())) { errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); bucketCatalog.abort(batch, output.result.getStatus()); return output.canContinue; } invariant(output.result.getValue().getNModified() == 1, str::stream() << "Expected 1 update of document with _id '" << docId << "', but found " << output.result.getValue().getNModified() << "."); } getOpTimeAndElectionId(opCtx, opTime, electionId); auto closedBucket = bucketCatalog.finish(batch, BucketCatalog::CommitInfo{*opTime, *electionId}); if (closedBucket) { // If this write closed a bucket, compress the bucket auto output = _performTimeseriesBucketCompression(opCtx, *closedBucket); if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, output.result, start + index, errors->size())) { errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); return output.canContinue; } } return true; } catch (const DBException& ex) { BucketCatalog::get(opCtx).abort(batch, ex.toStatus()); throw; } enum struct TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult { kSuccess, kContinuableError, kNonContinuableError, }; TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult _commitTimeseriesBucketsAtomically( OperationContext* opCtx, TimeseriesBatches* batches, TimeseriesStmtIds&& stmtIds, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId) const { auto& bucketCatalog = BucketCatalog::get(opCtx); std::vector>> batchesToCommit; for (auto& [batch, _] : *batches) { if (batch->claimCommitRights()) { batchesToCommit.push_back(batch); } } if (batchesToCommit.empty()) { return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kSuccess; } // Sort by bucket so that preparing the commit for each batch cannot deadlock. std::sort(batchesToCommit.begin(), batchesToCommit.end(), [](auto left, auto right) { return left.get()->bucket().id < right.get()->bucket().id; }); Status abortStatus = Status::OK(); ScopeGuard batchGuard{[&] { for (auto batch : batchesToCommit) { if (batch.get()) { bucketCatalog.abort(batch, abortStatus); } } }}; try { std::vector insertOps; std::vector updateOps; for (auto batch : batchesToCommit) { auto metadata = bucketCatalog.getMetadata(batch.get()->bucket()); auto prepareCommitStatus = bucketCatalog.prepareCommit(batch); if (!prepareCommitStatus.isOK()) { abortStatus = prepareCommitStatus; return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kContinuableError; } if (batch.get()->numPreviouslyCommittedMeasurements() == 0) { insertOps.push_back(_makeTimeseriesInsertOp( batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds[batch.get()->bucket().id]))); } else { updateOps.push_back(_makeTimeseriesUpdateOp( opCtx, batch, metadata, std::move(stmtIds[batch.get()->bucket().id]))); } } hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeWrite.pauseWhileSet(); auto result = write_ops_exec::performAtomicTimeseriesWrites(opCtx, insertOps, updateOps); if (!result.isOK()) { abortStatus = result; return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kContinuableError; } getOpTimeAndElectionId(opCtx, opTime, electionId); bool compressClosedBuckets = true; for (auto batch : batchesToCommit) { auto closedBucket = bucketCatalog.finish( batch, BucketCatalog::CommitInfo{*opTime, *electionId}); batch.get().reset(); if (!closedBucket || !compressClosedBuckets) { continue; } // If this write closed a bucket, compress the bucket auto ret = _performTimeseriesBucketCompression(opCtx, *closedBucket); if (!ret.result.isOK()) { // Don't try to compress any other buckets if we fail. We're not allowed to // do more write operations. compressClosedBuckets = false; } if (!ret.canContinue) { abortStatus = ret.result.getStatus(); return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kNonContinuableError; } } } catch (const DBException& ex) { abortStatus = ex.toStatus(); throw; } batchGuard.dismiss(); return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kSuccess; } // For sharded time-series collections, we need to use the granularity from the config // server (through shard filtering information) as the source of truth for the current // granularity value, due to the possible inconsistency in the process of granularity // updates. static void _rebuildOptionsWithGranularityFromConfigServer( OperationContext* opCtx, TimeseriesOptions& timeSeriesOptions, const NamespaceString& bucketsNs) { AutoGetCollectionForRead coll(opCtx, bucketsNs); auto collDesc = CollectionShardingState::get(opCtx, bucketsNs)->getCollectionDescription(opCtx); if (collDesc.isSharded()) { tassert(6102801, "Sharded time-series buckets collection is missing time-series fields", collDesc.getTimeseriesFields()); auto granularity = collDesc.getTimeseriesFields()->getGranularity(); auto bucketSpan = timeseries::getMaxSpanSecondsFromGranularity(granularity); timeSeriesOptions.setGranularity(granularity); timeSeriesOptions.setBucketMaxSpanSeconds(bucketSpan); } } std::tuple _insertIntoBucketCatalog(OperationContext* opCtx, size_t start, size_t numDocs, const std::vector& indices, std::vector* errors, bool* containsRetry) const { auto& bucketCatalog = BucketCatalog::get(opCtx); auto bucketsNs = makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(ns()); // Holding this shared pointer to the collection guarantees that the collator is not // invalidated. auto bucketsColl = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForRead(opCtx, bucketsNs); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "Could not find time-series buckets collection for write", bucketsColl); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "Time-series buckets collection is missing time-series options", bucketsColl->getTimeseriesOptions()); auto timeSeriesOptions = *bucketsColl->getTimeseriesOptions(); boost::optional rebuildOptionsError; try { _rebuildOptionsWithGranularityFromConfigServer(opCtx, timeSeriesOptions, bucketsNs); } catch (const ExceptionForCat& ex) { // This could occur when the shard version attached to the request is for the time // series namespace (unsharded), which is compared to the shard version of the // bucket namespace. Consequently, every single entry fails but the whole operation // succeeds. rebuildOptionsError = ex.toStatus(); auto& oss{OperationShardingState::get(opCtx)}; oss.setShardingOperationFailedStatus(ex.toStatus()); } TimeseriesBatches batches; TimeseriesStmtIds stmtIds; bool canContinue = true; auto insert = [&](size_t index) { invariant(start + index < request().getDocuments().size()); if (rebuildOptionsError) { const auto error{ generateError(opCtx, *rebuildOptionsError, start + index, errors->size())}; errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); return false; } auto stmtId = request().getStmtIds() ? request().getStmtIds()->at(start + index) : request().getStmtId().value_or(0) + start + index; if (isTimeseriesWriteRetryable(opCtx) && TransactionParticipant::get(opCtx).checkStatementExecutedNoOplogEntryFetch( opCtx, stmtId)) { RetryableWritesStats::get(opCtx)->incrementRetriedStatementsCount(); *containsRetry = true; return true; } auto result = bucketCatalog.insert( opCtx, ns().isTimeseriesBucketsCollection() ? ns().getTimeseriesViewNamespace() : ns(), bucketsColl->getDefaultCollator(), timeSeriesOptions, request().getDocuments()[start + index], _canCombineTimeseriesInsertWithOtherClients(opCtx)); if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, result, start + index, errors->size())) { errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); return false; } else { const auto& batch = result.getValue().batch; batches.emplace_back(batch, index); if (isTimeseriesWriteRetryable(opCtx)) { stmtIds[batch->bucket().id].push_back(stmtId); } } // If this insert closed buckets, rewrite to be a compressed column. If we cannot // perform write operations at this point the bucket will be left uncompressed. for (const auto& closedBucket : result.getValue().closedBuckets) { if (!canContinue) { break; } // If this write closed a bucket, compress the bucket auto ret = _performTimeseriesBucketCompression(opCtx, closedBucket); if (auto error = generateError(opCtx, ret.result, start + index, errors->size())) { // Bucket compression only fail when we may not try to perform any other // write operation. When handleError() inside write_ops_exec.cpp return // false. errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); canContinue = false; return false; } canContinue = ret.canContinue; } return true; }; if (!indices.empty()) { std::for_each(indices.begin(), indices.end(), insert); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { if (!insert(i) && request().getOrdered()) { return {std::move(batches), std::move(stmtIds), i, canContinue}; } } } return {std::move(batches), std::move(stmtIds), request().getDocuments().size(), canContinue}; } void _getTimeseriesBatchResults(OperationContext* opCtx, const TimeseriesBatches& batches, size_t start, size_t indexOfLastProcessedBatch, bool canContinue, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, std::vector* docsToRetry = nullptr) const { boost::optional lastError; if (!errors->empty()) { lastError = errors->back(); } for (size_t itr = 0; itr < batches.size(); ++itr) { const auto& [batch, index] = batches[itr]; if (!batch) { continue; } // If there are any unprocessed batches, we mark them as error with the last known // error. if (itr > indexOfLastProcessedBatch && batch->claimCommitRights()) { BucketCatalog::get(opCtx).abort(batch, lastError->getStatus()); errors->emplace_back(start + index, lastError->getStatus()); continue; } auto swCommitInfo = batch->getResult(); if (swCommitInfo.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::TimeseriesBucketCleared) { tassert(6023102, "the 'docsToRetry' cannot be null", docsToRetry); docsToRetry->push_back(index); continue; } if (auto error = generateError( opCtx, swCommitInfo.getStatus(), start + index, errors->size())) { errors->emplace_back(std::move(*error)); continue; } const auto& commitInfo = swCommitInfo.getValue(); if (commitInfo.opTime) { *opTime = std::max(opTime->value_or(repl::OpTime()), *commitInfo.opTime); } if (commitInfo.electionId) { *electionId = std::max(electionId->value_or(OID()), *commitInfo.electionId); } } // If we cannot continue the request, we should convert all the 'docsToRetry' into an // error. if (!canContinue && docsToRetry) { for (auto&& index : *docsToRetry) { errors->emplace_back(start + index, lastError->getStatus()); } docsToRetry->clear(); } } TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult _performOrderedTimeseriesWritesAtomically( OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, bool* containsRetry) const { auto [batches, stmtIds, numInserted, canContinue] = _insertIntoBucketCatalog( opCtx, 0, request().getDocuments().size(), {}, errors, containsRetry); if (!canContinue) { return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kNonContinuableError; } hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeCommit.pauseWhileSet(); auto result = _commitTimeseriesBucketsAtomically( opCtx, &batches, std::move(stmtIds), errors, opTime, electionId); if (result != TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kSuccess) { return result; } _getTimeseriesBatchResults( opCtx, batches, 0, batches.size(), true, errors, opTime, electionId); return TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kSuccess; } /** * Returns the number of documents that were inserted. */ size_t _performOrderedTimeseriesWrites(OperationContext* opCtx, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, bool* containsRetry) const { auto result = _performOrderedTimeseriesWritesAtomically( opCtx, errors, opTime, electionId, containsRetry); switch (result) { case TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kSuccess: return request().getDocuments().size(); case TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kNonContinuableError: // If we can't continue, we know that 0 were inserted since this function should // guarantee that the inserts are atomic. return 0; case TimeseriesAtomicWriteResult::kContinuableError: break; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } for (size_t i = 0; i < request().getDocuments().size(); ++i) { _performUnorderedTimeseriesWritesWithRetries( opCtx, i, 1, errors, opTime, electionId, containsRetry); if (!errors->empty()) { return i; } } return request().getDocuments().size(); } /** * Writes to the underlying system.buckets collection. Returns the indices, of the batch * which were attempted in an update operation, but found no bucket to update. These indices * can be passed as the 'indices' parameter in a subsequent call to this function, in order * to to be retried. */ std::vector _performUnorderedTimeseriesWrites( OperationContext* opCtx, size_t start, size_t numDocs, const std::vector& indices, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, bool* containsRetry) const { auto [batches, bucketStmtIds, _, canContinue] = _insertIntoBucketCatalog(opCtx, start, numDocs, indices, errors, containsRetry); hangTimeseriesInsertBeforeCommit.pauseWhileSet(); std::vector docsToRetry; if (!canContinue) { return docsToRetry; } size_t itr = 0; for (; itr < batches.size(); ++itr) { auto& [batch, index] = batches[itr]; if (batch->claimCommitRights()) { auto stmtIds = isTimeseriesWriteRetryable(opCtx) ? std::move(bucketStmtIds[batch->bucket().id]) : std::vector{}; canContinue = _commitTimeseriesBucket(opCtx, batch, start, index, std::move(stmtIds), errors, opTime, electionId, &docsToRetry); batch.reset(); if (!canContinue) { break; } } } _getTimeseriesBatchResults( opCtx, batches, 0, itr, canContinue, errors, opTime, electionId, &docsToRetry); tassert(6023101, "the 'docsToRetry' cannot exist when the request cannot be continued", canContinue || docsToRetry.empty()); return docsToRetry; } void _performUnorderedTimeseriesWritesWithRetries( OperationContext* opCtx, size_t start, size_t numDocs, std::vector* errors, boost::optional* opTime, boost::optional* electionId, bool* containsRetry) const { std::vector docsToRetry; do { docsToRetry = _performUnorderedTimeseriesWrites( opCtx, start, numDocs, docsToRetry, errors, opTime, electionId, containsRetry); } while (!docsToRetry.empty()); } write_ops::InsertCommandReply _performTimeseriesWrites(OperationContext* opCtx) const { auto& curOp = *CurOp::get(opCtx); ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { // This is the only part of finishCurOp we need to do for inserts because they reuse // the top-level curOp. The rest is handled by the top-level entrypoint. curOp.done(); Top::get(opCtx->getServiceContext()) .record(opCtx, ns().ns(), LogicalOp::opInsert, Top::LockType::WriteLocked, durationCount(curOp.elapsedTimeExcludingPauses()), curOp.isCommand(), curOp.getReadWriteType()); }); uassert( ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, str::stream() << "Cannot insert into a time-series collection in a multi-document " "transaction: " << ns(), !opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()); { stdx::lock_guard lk(*opCtx->getClient()); curOp.setNS_inlock(ns().ns()); curOp.setLogicalOp_inlock(LogicalOp::opInsert); curOp.ensureStarted(); curOp.debug().additiveMetrics.ninserted = 0; } { // Check if any of the measurements have dates outside the standard range. We need // to do this before we start doing any inserts so we can mark the collection as // requiring extended range support before the measurements land. (Other threads // could potentially commit our inserts for us.) // // If our writes end up erroring out or getting rolled back, then this flag will // stay set. This is okay though, as it only disables some query optimizations and // won't result in any correctness issues if the flag is set when it doesn't need to // be (as opposed to NOT being set when it DOES need to be -- that will cause // correctness issues). Additionally, if the user tried to insert measurements with // dates outside the standard range, chances are they will do so again, and we will // have just set the flag a little early. auto bucketsNs = makeTimeseriesBucketsNamespace(ns()); auto bucketsColl = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByNamespaceForRead(opCtx, bucketsNs); auto timeSeriesOptions = *bucketsColl->getTimeseriesOptions(); if (auto currentSetting = bucketsColl->getRequiresTimeseriesExtendedRangeSupport(); !currentSetting && timeseries::measurementsHaveDateOutsideStandardRange( timeSeriesOptions, request().getDocuments())) { bucketsColl->setRequiresTimeseriesExtendedRangeSupport(opCtx); } } std::vector errors; boost::optional opTime; boost::optional electionId; bool containsRetry = false; write_ops::InsertCommandReply insertReply; auto& baseReply = insertReply.getWriteCommandReplyBase(); if (request().getOrdered()) { baseReply.setN(_performOrderedTimeseriesWrites( opCtx, &errors, &opTime, &electionId, &containsRetry)); } else { _performUnorderedTimeseriesWritesWithRetries(opCtx, 0, request().getDocuments().size(), &errors, &opTime, &electionId, &containsRetry); baseReply.setN(request().getDocuments().size() - errors.size()); } if (!errors.empty()) { baseReply.setWriteErrors(std::move(errors)); } if (opTime) { baseReply.setOpTime(*opTime); } if (electionId) { baseReply.setElectionId(*electionId); } if (containsRetry) { RetryableWritesStats::get(opCtx)->incrementRetriedCommandsCount(); } curOp.debug().additiveMetrics.ninserted = baseReply.getN(); globalOpCounters.gotInserts(baseReply.getN()); return insertReply; } }; } cmdInsert; class CmdUpdate final : public write_ops::UpdateCmdVersion1Gen { public: AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext*) const final { return AllowedOnSecondary::kNever; } bool allowedWithSecurityToken() const final { return true; } void snipForLogging(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj) const final { redactTooLongLog(cmdObj, "updates"); } std::string help() const final { return "update documents"; } ReadWriteType getReadWriteType() const final { return Command::ReadWriteType::kWrite; } bool collectsResourceConsumptionMetrics() const final { return true; } bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const final { return false; } bool supportsRetryableWrite() const final { return true; } bool allowedInTransactions() const final { return true; } class Invocation final : public InvocationBaseGen { public: Invocation(OperationContext* opCtx, const Command* command, const OpMsgRequest& opMsgRequest) : InvocationBaseGen(opCtx, command, opMsgRequest), _commandObj(opMsgRequest.body) { UpdateOp::validate(request()); invariant(_commandObj.isOwned()); // Extend the lifetime of `updates` to allow asynchronous mirroring. if (auto seq = opMsgRequest.getSequence("updates"_sd); seq && !seq->objs.empty()) { // Current design ignores contents of `updates` array except for the first entry. // Assuming identical collation for all elements in `updates`, future design could // use the disjunction primitive (i.e, `$or`) to compile all queries into a single // filter. Such a design also requires a sound way of combining hints. invariant(seq->objs.front().isOwned()); _updateOpObj = seq->objs.front(); } } bool supportsWriteConcern() const final { return true; } NamespaceString ns() const final { return request().getNamespace(); } bool getBypass() const { return request().getBypassDocumentValidation(); } bool supportsReadMirroring() const override { return true; } void appendMirrorableRequest(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const override { auto extractQueryDetails = [](const BSONObj& update, BSONObjBuilder* bob) -> void { // "filter", "hint", and "collation" fields are optional. if (update.isEmpty()) return; // The constructor verifies the following. invariant(update.isOwned()); if (update.hasField("q")) bob->append("filter", update["q"].Obj()); if (update.hasField("hint") && !update["hint"].Obj().isEmpty()) bob->append("hint", update["hint"].Obj()); if (update.hasField("collation") && !update["collation"].Obj().isEmpty()) bob->append("collation", update["collation"].Obj()); }; invariant(!_commandObj.isEmpty()); if (const auto& shardVersion = _commandObj.getField("shardVersion"); !shardVersion.eoo()) { bob->append(shardVersion); } bob->append("find", _commandObj["update"].String()); extractQueryDetails(_updateOpObj, bob); bob->append("batchSize", 1); bob->append("singleBatch", true); } write_ops::UpdateCommandReply typedRun(OperationContext* opCtx) final try { transactionChecks(opCtx, ns()); write_ops::UpdateCommandReply updateReply; OperationSource source = OperationSource::kStandard; if (request().getEncryptionInformation().has_value() && !request().getEncryptionInformation().value().getCrudProcessed()) { return processFLEUpdate(opCtx, request()); } if (isTimeseries(opCtx, request())) { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "Time-series updates are not enabled", feature_flags::gTimeseriesUpdatesAndDeletes.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)); uassert(ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, str::stream() << "Cannot perform a multi-document transaction on a " "time-series collection: " << ns(), !opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()); source = OperationSource::kTimeseriesUpdate; } long long nModified = 0; // Tracks the upserted information. The memory of this variable gets moved in the // 'postProcessHandler' and should not be accessed afterwards. std::vector upsertedInfoVec; auto reply = write_ops_exec::performUpdates(opCtx, request(), source); // Handler to process each 'SingleWriteResult'. auto singleWriteHandler = [&](const SingleWriteResult& opResult, int index) { nModified += opResult.getNModified(); BSONSizeTracker upsertInfoSizeTracker; if (auto idElement = opResult.getUpsertedId().firstElement()) upsertedInfoVec.emplace_back(write_ops::Upserted(index, idElement)); }; // Handler to do the post-processing. auto postProcessHandler = [&]() { updateReply.setNModified(nModified); if (!upsertedInfoVec.empty()) updateReply.setUpserted(std::move(upsertedInfoVec)); }; populateReply(opCtx, !request().getWriteCommandRequestBase().getOrdered(), request().getUpdates().size(), std::move(reply), &updateReply, PopulateReplyHooks{singleWriteHandler, postProcessHandler}); // Collect metrics. for (auto&& update : request().getUpdates()) { // If this was a pipeline style update, record that pipeline-style was used and // which stages were being used. auto& updateMod = update.getU(); if (updateMod.type() == write_ops::UpdateModification::Type::kPipeline) { AggregateCommandRequest aggCmd(request().getNamespace(), updateMod.getUpdatePipeline()); LiteParsedPipeline pipeline(aggCmd); pipeline.tickGlobalStageCounters(); CmdUpdate::updateMetrics.incrementExecutedWithAggregationPipeline(); } // If this command had arrayFilters option, record that it was used. if (update.getArrayFilters()) { CmdUpdate::updateMetrics.incrementExecutedWithArrayFilters(); } } return updateReply; } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } private: void doCheckAuthorization(OperationContext* opCtx) const final try { auth::checkAuthForUpdateCommand(AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()), request().getBypassDocumentValidation(), request()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } void explain(OperationContext* opCtx, ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity, rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* result) override { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidLength, "explained write batches must be of size 1", request().getUpdates().size() == 1); UpdateRequest updateRequest(request().getUpdates()[0]); updateRequest.setNamespaceString(request().getNamespace()); if (shouldDoFLERewrite(request())) { updateRequest.setQuery( processFLEWriteExplainD(opCtx, write_ops::collationOf(request().getUpdates()[0]), request(), updateRequest.getQuery())); } updateRequest.setLegacyRuntimeConstants(request().getLegacyRuntimeConstants().value_or( Variables::generateRuntimeConstants(opCtx))); updateRequest.setLetParameters(request().getLet()); updateRequest.setYieldPolicy(PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy::YIELD_AUTO); updateRequest.setExplain(verbosity); const ExtensionsCallbackReal extensionsCallback(opCtx, &updateRequest.getNamespaceString()); ParsedUpdate parsedUpdate(opCtx, &updateRequest, extensionsCallback); uassertStatusOK(parsedUpdate.parseRequest()); // Explains of write commands are read-only, but we take write locks so that timing // info is more accurate. AutoGetCollection collection(opCtx, request().getNamespace(), MODE_IX); auto exec = uassertStatusOK(getExecutorUpdate(&CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug(), &collection.getCollection(), &parsedUpdate, verbosity)); auto bodyBuilder = result->getBodyBuilder(); Explain::explainStages(exec.get(), collection.getCollection(), verbosity, BSONObj(), _commandObj, &bodyBuilder); } BSONObj _commandObj; // Holds a shared pointer to the first entry in `updates` array. BSONObj _updateOpObj; }; // Update related command execution metrics. static UpdateMetrics updateMetrics; } cmdUpdate; UpdateMetrics CmdUpdate::updateMetrics{"update"}; class CmdDelete final : public write_ops::DeleteCmdVersion1Gen { public: AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext*) const final { return AllowedOnSecondary::kNever; } bool allowedWithSecurityToken() const final { return true; } void snipForLogging(mutablebson::Document* cmdObj) const final { redactTooLongLog(cmdObj, "deletes"); } std::string help() const final { return "delete documents"; } ReadWriteType getReadWriteType() const final { return Command::ReadWriteType::kWrite; } bool collectsResourceConsumptionMetrics() const final { return true; } bool shouldAffectCommandCounter() const final { return false; } bool supportsRetryableWrite() const final { return true; } bool allowedInTransactions() const final { return true; } class Invocation final : public InvocationBaseGen { public: Invocation(OperationContext* opCtx, const Command* command, const OpMsgRequest& opMsgRequest) : InvocationBaseGen(opCtx, command, opMsgRequest), _commandObj(opMsgRequest.body) { DeleteOp::validate(request()); } bool supportsWriteConcern() const final { return true; } NamespaceString ns() const final { return request().getNamespace(); } write_ops::DeleteCommandReply typedRun(OperationContext* opCtx) final try { transactionChecks(opCtx, ns()); write_ops::DeleteCommandReply deleteReply; OperationSource source = OperationSource::kStandard; if (request().getEncryptionInformation().has_value()) { return processFLEDelete(opCtx, request()); } if (isTimeseries(opCtx, request())) { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "Time-series deletes are not enabled", feature_flags::gTimeseriesUpdatesAndDeletes.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)); uassert(ErrorCodes::OperationNotSupportedInTransaction, str::stream() << "Cannot perform a multi-document transaction on a " "time-series collection: " << ns(), !opCtx->inMultiDocumentTransaction()); source = OperationSource::kTimeseriesDelete; } auto reply = write_ops_exec::performDeletes(opCtx, request(), source); populateReply(opCtx, !request().getWriteCommandRequestBase().getOrdered(), request().getDeletes().size(), std::move(reply), &deleteReply); return deleteReply; } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } private: void doCheckAuthorization(OperationContext* opCtx) const final try { auth::checkAuthForDeleteCommand(AuthorizationSession::get(opCtx->getClient()), request().getBypassDocumentValidation(), request()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { NotPrimaryErrorTracker::get(opCtx->getClient()).recordError(ex.code()); throw; } void explain(OperationContext* opCtx, ExplainOptions::Verbosity verbosity, rpc::ReplyBuilderInterface* result) override { uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidLength, "explained write batches must be of size 1", request().getDeletes().size() == 1); auto deleteRequest = DeleteRequest{}; deleteRequest.setNsString(request().getNamespace()); deleteRequest.setLegacyRuntimeConstants(request().getLegacyRuntimeConstants().value_or( Variables::generateRuntimeConstants(opCtx))); deleteRequest.setLet(request().getLet()); BSONObj query = request().getDeletes()[0].getQ(); if (shouldDoFLERewrite(request())) { query = processFLEWriteExplainD( opCtx, write_ops::collationOf(request().getDeletes()[0]), request(), query); } deleteRequest.setQuery(std::move(query)); deleteRequest.setCollation(write_ops::collationOf(request().getDeletes()[0])); deleteRequest.setMulti(request().getDeletes()[0].getMulti()); deleteRequest.setYieldPolicy(PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy::YIELD_AUTO); deleteRequest.setHint(request().getDeletes()[0].getHint()); deleteRequest.setIsExplain(true); ParsedDelete parsedDelete(opCtx, &deleteRequest); uassertStatusOK(parsedDelete.parseRequest()); // Explains of write commands are read-only, but we take write locks so that timing // info is more accurate. AutoGetCollection collection(opCtx, request().getNamespace(), MODE_IX); // Explain the plan tree. auto exec = uassertStatusOK(getExecutorDelete(&CurOp::get(opCtx)->debug(), &collection.getCollection(), &parsedDelete, verbosity)); auto bodyBuilder = result->getBodyBuilder(); Explain::explainStages(exec.get(), collection.getCollection(), verbosity, BSONObj(), _commandObj, &bodyBuilder); } const BSONObj& _commandObj; }; } cmdDelete; } // namespace } // namespace mongo