/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include // For UINT_MAX #include #include "mongo/db/concurrency/flow_control_ticketholder.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/lock_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/lock_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/stdx/thread.h" namespace mongo { /** * Interface for acquiring locks. One of those objects will have to be instantiated for each * request (transaction). * * Lock/unlock methods must always be called from a single thread. */ class Locker { Locker(const Locker&) = delete; Locker& operator=(const Locker&) = delete; friend class UninterruptibleLockGuard; public: virtual ~Locker() {} /** * Returns true if this is an instance of LockerNoop. Because LockerNoop doesn't implement many * methods, some users may need to check this first to find out what is safe to call. LockerNoop * is only used in unittests and for a brief period at startup, so you can assume you hold the * equivalent of a MODE_X lock when using it. * * TODO get rid of this once we kill LockerNoop. */ virtual bool isNoop() const { return false; } /** * Require global lock attempts to obtain tickets from 'reading' (for MODE_S and MODE_IS), * and from 'writing' (for MODE_IX), which must have static lifetimes. There is no throttling * for MODE_X, as there can only ever be a single locker using this mode. The throttling is * intended to defend against arge drops in throughput under high load due to too much * concurrency. */ static void setGlobalThrottling(class TicketHolder* reading, class TicketHolder* writing); /** * State for reporting the number of active and queued reader and writer clients. */ enum ClientState { kInactive, kActiveReader, kActiveWriter, kQueuedReader, kQueuedWriter }; /** * Return whether client is holding any locks (active), or is queued on any locks or waiting * for a ticket (throttled). */ virtual ClientState getClientState() const = 0; virtual LockerId getId() const = 0; /** * Get a platform-specific thread identifier of the thread which owns the this locker for * tracing purposes. */ virtual stdx::thread::id getThreadId() const = 0; /** * Updates any cached thread id values to represent the current thread. */ virtual void updateThreadIdToCurrentThread() = 0; /** * Clears any cached thread id values. */ virtual void unsetThreadId() = 0; /** * Indicate that shared locks should participate in two-phase locking for this Locker instance. */ virtual void setSharedLocksShouldTwoPhaseLock(bool sharedLocksShouldTwoPhaseLock) = 0; /** * This is useful to ensure that potential deadlocks do not occur. * * Overrides provided timeouts in lock requests with 'maxTimeout' if the provided timeout * is greater. Basically, no lock acquisition will take longer than 'maxTimeout'. * * If an UninterruptibleLockGuard is set during a lock request, the max timeout override will * be ignored. * * Future lock requests may throw LockTimeout errors if a lock request provides a Date_t::max() * deadline and 'maxTimeout' is reached. Presumably these callers do not expect to handle lock * acquisition failure, so this is done to ensure the caller does not proceed as if the lock * were successfully acquired. */ virtual void setMaxLockTimeout(Milliseconds maxTimeout) = 0; /** * Returns whether this Locker has a maximum lock timeout set. */ virtual bool hasMaxLockTimeout() = 0; /** * Clears the max lock timeout override set by setMaxLockTimeout() above. */ virtual void unsetMaxLockTimeout() = 0; /** * This should be the first method invoked for a particular Locker object. It acquires the * Global lock in the specified mode and effectively indicates the mode of the operation. * This is what the lock modes on the global lock mean: * * IX - Regular write operation * IS - Regular read operation * S - Stops all *write* activity. Used for administrative operations (repl, etc). * X - Stops all activity. Used for administrative operations (repl state changes, * shutdown, etc). * * This method can be called recursively, but each call to lockGlobal must be accompanied * by a call to unlockGlobal. * * @param opCtx OperationContext used to interrupt the lock waiting, if provided. * @param mode Mode in which the global lock should be acquired. Also indicates the intent * of the operation. * * It may throw an exception if it is interrupted. */ virtual void lockGlobal(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode mode) = 0; virtual void lockGlobal(LockMode mode) = 0; /** * Requests the global lock to be acquired in the specified mode. * * See the comments for lockBegin/Complete for more information on the semantics. The deadline * indicates the absolute time point when this lock acquisition will time out, if not yet * granted. The lockGlobalBegin method has a deadline for use with the TicketHolder, if there is * one. * * Returns LOCK_OK if the global lock is successfully acquired, * or LOCK_WAITING if the global lock is currently held by someone else. * * The ticket acquisition phase can be interrupted or time out, thus throwing an exception. */ virtual LockResult lockGlobalBegin(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) = 0; virtual LockResult lockGlobalBegin(LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) = 0; /** * Calling lockGlobalComplete without an OperationContext does not allow the lock acquisition * to be interrupted. * * It may throw an exception if it is interrupted. */ virtual void lockGlobalComplete(OperationContext* opCtx, Date_t deadline) = 0; virtual void lockGlobalComplete(Date_t deadline) = 0; /** * Decrements the reference count on the global lock. If the reference count on the * global lock hits zero, the transaction is over, and unlockGlobal unlocks all other locks * except for RESOURCE_MUTEX locks. * * @return true if this is the last endTransaction call (i.e., the global lock was * released); false if there are still references on the global lock. This value * should not be relied on and is only used for assertion purposes. * * @return false if the global lock is still held. */ virtual bool unlockGlobal() = 0; /** * Requests the RSTL to be acquired in the requested mode (typically mode X) . This should only * be called inside ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard. * * See the comments for lockBegin/Complete for more information on the semantics. */ virtual LockResult lockRSTLBegin(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode mode) = 0; /** * Waits for the completion of acquiring the RSTL. This should only be called inside * ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard. * * It may throw an exception if it is interrupted. */ virtual void lockRSTLComplete(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline) = 0; /** * Unlocks the RSTL when the transaction becomes prepared. This is used to bypass two-phase * locking and unlock the RSTL immediately, rather than at the end of the WUOW. * * @return true if the RSTL is unlocked; false if we fail to unlock the RSTL or if it was * already unlocked. */ virtual bool unlockRSTLforPrepare() = 0; /** * beginWriteUnitOfWork/endWriteUnitOfWork are called at the start and end of WriteUnitOfWorks. * They can be used to implement two-phase locking. Each call to begin or restore should be * matched with an eventual call to end or release. * * endWriteUnitOfWork, if not called in a nested WUOW, will release all two-phase locking held * lock resources. */ virtual void beginWriteUnitOfWork() = 0; virtual void endWriteUnitOfWork() = 0; virtual bool inAWriteUnitOfWork() const = 0; /** * Returns whether we have ever taken a global lock in X or IX mode in this operation. * Should only be called on the thread owning the locker. */ virtual bool wasGlobalLockTakenForWrite() const = 0; /** * Returns whether we have ever taken a global lock in S, X, or IX mode in this operation. */ virtual bool wasGlobalLockTakenInModeConflictingWithWrites() const = 0; /** * Returns whether we have ever taken a global lock in this operation. * Should only be called on the thread owning the locker. */ virtual bool wasGlobalLockTaken() const = 0; /** * Sets the mode bit in _globalLockMode. Once a mode bit is set, we won't clear it. Also sets * _wasGlobalLockTakenInModeConflictingWithWrites to true if the mode is S, X, or IX. */ virtual void setGlobalLockTakenInMode(LockMode mode) = 0; /** * Acquires lock on the specified resource in the specified mode and returns the outcome * of the operation. See the details for LockResult for more information on what the * different results mean. * * Each successful acquisition of a lock on a given resource increments the reference count * of the lock. Therefore, each call, which returns LOCK_OK must be matched with a * corresponding call to unlock. * * If setLockTimeoutMillis has been called, then a lock request with a Date_t::max() deadline * may throw a LockTimeout exception. See setMaxLockTimeout() above for details. * * @param opCtx If provided, will be used to interrupt a LOCK_WAITING state. * @param resId Id of the resource to be locked. * @param mode Mode in which the resource should be locked. Lock upgrades are allowed. * @param deadline How long to wait for the lock to be granted. * This parameter defaults to an infinite deadline. * If Milliseconds(0) is passed, the function will return immediately if the * request could be granted right away, or throws a LockTimeout exception * otherwise. * * It may throw an exception if it is interrupted. */ virtual void lock(OperationContext* opCtx, ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline = Date_t::max()) = 0; /** * Calling lock without an OperationContext does not allow LOCK_WAITING states to be * interrupted. */ virtual void lock(ResourceId resId, LockMode mode, Date_t deadline = Date_t::max()) = 0; /** * Downgrades the specified resource's lock mode without changing the reference count. */ virtual void downgrade(ResourceId resId, LockMode newMode) = 0; /** * Releases a lock previously acquired through a lock call. It is an error to try to * release lock which has not been previously acquired (invariant violation). * * @return true if the lock was actually released; false if only the reference count was * decremented, but the lock is still held. */ virtual bool unlock(ResourceId resId) = 0; /** * Retrieves the mode in which a lock is held or checks whether the lock held for a * particular resource covers the specified mode. * * For example isLockHeldForMode will return true for MODE_S, if MODE_X is already held, * because MODE_X covers MODE_S. */ virtual LockMode getLockMode(ResourceId resId) const = 0; virtual bool isLockHeldForMode(ResourceId resId, LockMode mode) const = 0; // These are shortcut methods for the above calls. They however check that the entire // hierarchy is properly locked and because of this they are very expensive to call. // Do not use them in performance critical code paths. virtual bool isDbLockedForMode(StringData dbName, LockMode mode) const = 0; virtual bool isCollectionLockedForMode(const NamespaceString& nss, LockMode mode) const = 0; /** * Returns the resource that this locker is waiting/blocked on (if any). If the locker is * not waiting for a resource the returned value will be invalid (isValid() == false). */ virtual ResourceId getWaitingResource() const = 0; /** * Describes a single lock acquisition for reporting/serialization purposes. */ struct OneLock { // What lock resource is held? ResourceId resourceId; // In what mode is it held? LockMode mode; // Reporting/serialization order is by resourceId, which is the canonical locking order bool operator<(const OneLock& rhs) const { return resourceId < rhs.resourceId; } }; /** * Returns information and locking statistics for this instance of the locker. Used to * support the db.currentOp view. This structure is not thread-safe and ideally should * be used only for obtaining the necessary information and then discarded instead of * reused. */ struct LockerInfo { // List of high-level locks held by this locker, sorted by ResourceId std::vector locks; // If isValid(), then what lock this particular locker is sleeping on ResourceId waitingResource; // Lock timing statistics SingleThreadedLockStats stats; }; /** * lockStatsBase is the snapshot of the lock stats taken at the point when the operation starts. * The precise lock stats of a sub-operation would be the stats from the locker info minus the * lockStatsBase. */ virtual void getLockerInfo( LockerInfo* lockerInfo, const boost::optional lockStatsBase) const = 0; /** * Returns boost::none if this is an instance of LockerNoop, or a populated LockerInfo * otherwise. */ virtual boost::optional getLockerInfo( const boost::optional lockStatsBase) const = 0; /** * LockSnapshot captures the state of all resources that are locked, what modes they're * locked in, and how many times they've been locked in that mode. */ struct LockSnapshot { // The global lock is handled differently from all other locks. LockMode globalMode; // The non-global locks held, sorted by granularity. That is, locks[i] is // coarser or as coarse as locks[i + 1]. std::vector locks; }; /** * WUOWLockSnapshot captures all resources that have pending unlocks when releasing the write * unit of work. If a lock has more than one pending unlock, it appears more than once here. */ struct WUOWLockSnapshot { // Nested WUOW can be released and restored all together. int wuowNestingLevel = 0; // The order of locks doesn't matter in this vector. std::vector unlockPendingLocks; }; /** * Retrieves all locks held by this transaction, other than RESOURCE_MUTEX locks, and what mode * they're held in. * Stores these locks in 'stateOut', destroying any previous state. Unlocks all locks * held by this transaction. This functionality is used for yielding, which is * voluntary/cooperative lock release and reacquisition in order to allow for interleaving * of otherwise conflicting long-running operations. * * This functionality is also used for releasing locks on databases and collections * when cursors are dormant and waiting for a getMore request. * * Returns true if locks are released. It is expected that restoreLockerImpl will be called * in the future. * * Returns false if locks are not released. restoreLockState(...) does not need to be * called in this case. */ virtual bool saveLockStateAndUnlock(LockSnapshot* stateOut) = 0; /** * Re-locks all locks whose state was stored in 'stateToRestore'. * @param opCtx An operation context that enables the restoration to be interrupted. */ virtual void restoreLockState(OperationContext* opCtx, const LockSnapshot& stateToRestore) = 0; virtual void restoreLockState(const LockSnapshot& stateToRestore) = 0; /** * releaseWriteUnitOfWorkAndUnlock opts out of two-phase locking and yields the locks after a * WUOW has been released. restoreWriteUnitOfWorkAndLock reacquires the locks and resumes the * two-phase locking behavior of WUOW. */ virtual bool releaseWriteUnitOfWorkAndUnlock(LockSnapshot* stateOut) = 0; virtual void restoreWriteUnitOfWorkAndLock(OperationContext* opCtx, const LockSnapshot& stateToRestore) = 0; /** * releaseWriteUnitOfWork opts out of two-phase locking of the current locks held but keeps * holding these locks. * restoreWriteUnitOfWork resumes the two-phase locking behavior of WUOW. */ virtual void releaseWriteUnitOfWork(WUOWLockSnapshot* stateOut) = 0; virtual void restoreWriteUnitOfWork(const WUOWLockSnapshot& stateToRestore) = 0; /** * Releases the ticket associated with the Locker. This allows locks to be held without * contributing to reader/writer throttling. */ virtual void releaseTicket() = 0; /** * Reacquires a ticket for the Locker. This must only be called after releaseTicket(). It * restores the ticket under its previous LockMode. * An OperationContext is required to interrupt the ticket acquisition to prevent deadlocks. * A dead lock is possible when a ticket is reacquired while holding a lock. */ virtual void reacquireTicket(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0; // // These methods are legacy from LockerImpl and will eventually go away or be converted to // calls into the Locker methods // virtual void dump() const = 0; virtual bool isW() const = 0; virtual bool isR() const = 0; virtual bool isLocked() const = 0; virtual bool isWriteLocked() const = 0; virtual bool isReadLocked() const = 0; virtual bool isRSTLExclusive() const = 0; virtual bool isRSTLLocked() const = 0; virtual bool isGlobalLockedRecursively() = 0; /** * Pending means we are currently trying to get a lock (could be the parallel batch writer * lock). */ virtual bool hasLockPending() const = 0; /** * If set to false, this opts out of conflicting with replication's use of the * ParallelBatchWriterMode lock. Code that opts-out must be ok with seeing an inconsistent view * of data because within a batch, secondaries apply operations in a different order than on the * primary. User operations should *never* opt out. */ void setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication(bool newValue) { _shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication = newValue; } bool shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication() const { return _shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication; } /** * If set to false, this opts out of the ticket mechanism. This should be used sparingly * for special purpose threads, such as FTDC. */ void setShouldAcquireTicket(bool newValue) { invariant(!isLocked() || isNoop()); _shouldAcquireTicket = newValue; } bool shouldAcquireTicket() const { return _shouldAcquireTicket; } /** * Acquire a flow control admission ticket into the system. Flow control is used as a * backpressure mechanism to limit replication majority point lag. */ virtual void getFlowControlTicket(OperationContext* opCtx, LockMode lockMode) {} /** * If tracked by an implementation, returns statistics on effort spent acquiring a flow control * ticket. */ virtual FlowControlTicketholder::CurOp getFlowControlStats() const { return FlowControlTicketholder::CurOp(); } /** * This function is for unit testing only. */ unsigned numResourcesToUnlockAtEndUnitOfWorkForTest() const { return _numResourcesToUnlockAtEndUnitOfWork; } std::string getDebugInfo() const { return _debugInfo; } void setDebugInfo(const std::string& info) { _debugInfo = info; } protected: Locker() {} /** * The number of callers that are guarding from lock interruptions. * When 0, all lock acquisitions are interruptible. When positive, no lock acquisitions are * interruptible or can time out. */ int _uninterruptibleLocksRequested = 0; /** * The number of LockRequests to unlock at the end of this WUOW. This is used for locks * participating in two-phase locking. */ unsigned _numResourcesToUnlockAtEndUnitOfWork = 0; private: bool _shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication = true; bool _shouldAcquireTicket = true; std::string _debugInfo; // Extra info about this locker for debugging purpose }; /** * This class prevents lock acquisitions from being interrupted when it is in scope. * The default behavior of acquisitions depends on the type of lock that is being requested. * Use this in the unlikely case that waiting for a lock can't be interrupted. * * Lock acquisitions can still return LOCK_TIMEOUT, just not if the parent operation * context is killed first. * * It is possible that multiple callers are requesting uninterruptible behavior, so the guard * increments a counter on the Locker class to indicate how may guards are active. */ class UninterruptibleLockGuard { public: /* * Accepts a Locker, and increments the _uninterruptibleLocksRequested. Decrements the * counter when destoyed. */ explicit UninterruptibleLockGuard(Locker* locker) : _locker(locker) { invariant(_locker); invariant(_locker->_uninterruptibleLocksRequested >= 0); invariant(_locker->_uninterruptibleLocksRequested < std::numeric_limits::max()); _locker->_uninterruptibleLocksRequested += 1; } ~UninterruptibleLockGuard() { invariant(_locker->_uninterruptibleLocksRequested > 0); _locker->_uninterruptibleLocksRequested -= 1; } private: Locker* const _locker; }; /** * RAII-style class to opt out of replication's use of the ParallelBatchWriterMode lock. */ class ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock { ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock( const ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock&) = delete; ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock& operator=( const ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock&) = delete; public: explicit ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock(Locker* lockState) : _lockState(lockState), _originalShouldConflict(_lockState->shouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication()) { _lockState->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication(false); } ~ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock() { _lockState->setShouldConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplication(_originalShouldConflict); } private: Locker* const _lockState; const bool _originalShouldConflict; }; } // namespace mongo