/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ // CHECK_LOG_REDACTION #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kDefault #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include #include "mongo/bson/mutable/document.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/authorization_manager.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/server_status_metric.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/d_concurrency.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/locker.h" #include "mongo/db/json.h" #include "mongo/db/prepare_conflict_tracker.h" #include "mongo/db/profile_filter.h" #include "mongo/db/query/getmore_request.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_summary_stats.h" #include "mongo/db/stats/resource_consumption_metrics.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/client_metadata.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/client_metadata_ismaster.h" #include "mongo/rpc/metadata/impersonated_user_metadata.h" #include "mongo/util/hex.h" #include "mongo/util/log_with_sampling.h" #include "mongo/util/net/socket_utils.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/system_tick_source.h" #include namespace mongo { using std::string; namespace { // Lists the $-prefixed query options that can be passed alongside a wrapped query predicate for // OP_QUERY find. The $orderby field is omitted because "orderby" (no dollar sign) is also allowed, // and this requires special handling. const std::vector kDollarQueryModifiers = { "$hint", "$comment", "$max", "$min", "$returnKey", "$showDiskLoc", "$snapshot", "$maxTimeMS", }; TimerStats oplogGetMoreStats; ServerStatusMetricField displayBatchesReceived("repl.network.oplogGetMoresProcessed", &oplogGetMoreStats); } // namespace BSONObj upconvertQueryEntry(const BSONObj& query, const NamespaceString& nss, int ntoreturn, int ntoskip) { BSONObjBuilder bob; bob.append("find", nss.coll()); // Whether or not the query predicate is wrapped inside a "query" or "$query" field so that // other options can be passed alongside the predicate. bool predicateIsWrapped = false; // Extract the query predicate. BSONObj filter; if (query["query"].isABSONObj()) { predicateIsWrapped = true; bob.appendAs(query["query"], "filter"); } else if (query["$query"].isABSONObj()) { predicateIsWrapped = true; bob.appendAs(query["$query"], "filter"); } else if (!query.isEmpty()) { bob.append("filter", query); } if (ntoskip) { bob.append("skip", ntoskip); } if (ntoreturn) { bob.append("ntoreturn", ntoreturn); } // The remainder of the query options are only available if the predicate is passed in wrapped // form. If the predicate is not wrapped, we're done. if (!predicateIsWrapped) { return bob.obj(); } // Extract the sort. if (auto elem = query["orderby"]) { bob.appendAs(elem, "sort"); } else if (auto elem = query["$orderby"]) { bob.appendAs(elem, "sort"); } // Add $-prefixed OP_QUERY modifiers, like $hint. for (auto modifier : kDollarQueryModifiers) { if (auto elem = query[modifier]) { // Use "+ 1" to omit the leading dollar sign. bob.appendAs(elem, modifier + 1); } } return bob.obj(); } BSONObj upconvertGetMoreEntry(const NamespaceString& nss, CursorId cursorId, int ntoreturn) { return GetMoreRequest(nss, cursorId, ntoreturn, boost::none, // awaitDataTimeout boost::none, // term boost::none // lastKnownCommittedOpTime ) .toBSON(); } /** * This type decorates a Client object with a stack of active CurOp objects. * * It encapsulates the nesting logic for curops attached to a Client, along with * the notion that there is always a root CurOp attached to a Client. * * The stack itself is represented in the _parent pointers of the CurOp class. */ class CurOp::CurOpStack { CurOpStack(const CurOpStack&) = delete; CurOpStack& operator=(const CurOpStack&) = delete; public: CurOpStack() : _base(nullptr, this) {} /** * Returns the top of the CurOp stack. */ CurOp* top() const { return _top; } /** * Adds "curOp" to the top of the CurOp stack for a client. Called by CurOp's constructor. */ void push(OperationContext* opCtx, CurOp* curOp) { invariant(opCtx); if (_opCtx) { invariant(_opCtx == opCtx); } else { _opCtx = opCtx; } stdx::lock_guard lk(*_opCtx->getClient()); push_nolock(curOp); } void push_nolock(CurOp* curOp) { invariant(!curOp->_parent); curOp->_parent = _top; _top = curOp; } /** * Pops the top off the CurOp stack for a Client. Called by CurOp's destructor. */ CurOp* pop() { // It is not necessary to lock when popping the final item off of the curop stack. This // is because the item at the base of the stack is owned by the stack itself, and is not // popped until the stack is being destroyed. By the time the stack is being destroyed, // no other threads can be observing the Client that owns the stack, because it has been // removed from its ServiceContext's set of owned clients. Further, because the last // item is popped in the destructor of the stack, and that destructor runs during // destruction of the owning client, it is not safe to access other member variables of // the client during the final pop. const bool shouldLock = _top->_parent; if (shouldLock) { invariant(_opCtx); _opCtx->getClient()->lock(); } invariant(_top); CurOp* retval = _top; _top = _top->_parent; if (shouldLock) { _opCtx->getClient()->unlock(); } return retval; } const OperationContext* opCtx() { return _opCtx; } private: OperationContext* _opCtx = nullptr; // Top of the stack of CurOps for a Client. CurOp* _top = nullptr; // The bottom-most CurOp for a client. const CurOp _base; }; const OperationContext::Decoration CurOp::_curopStack = OperationContext::declareDecoration(); CurOp* CurOp::get(const OperationContext* opCtx) { return get(*opCtx); } CurOp* CurOp::get(const OperationContext& opCtx) { return _curopStack(opCtx).top(); } void CurOp::reportCurrentOpForClient(OperationContext* opCtx, Client* client, bool truncateOps, bool backtraceMode, BSONObjBuilder* infoBuilder) { invariant(client); OperationContext* clientOpCtx = client->getOperationContext(); infoBuilder->append("type", "op"); const std::string hostName = getHostNameCachedAndPort(); infoBuilder->append("host", hostName); client->reportState(*infoBuilder); const auto& clientMetadata = ClientMetadataIsMasterState::get(client).getClientMetadata(); if (clientMetadata) { auto appName = clientMetadata.get().getApplicationName(); if (!appName.empty()) { infoBuilder->append("appName", appName); } auto clientMetadataDocument = clientMetadata.get().getDocument(); infoBuilder->append("clientMetadata", clientMetadataDocument); } // Fill out the rest of the BSONObj with opCtx specific details. infoBuilder->appendBool("active", client->hasAnyActiveCurrentOp()); infoBuilder->append("currentOpTime", opCtx->getServiceContext()->getPreciseClockSource()->now().toString()); auto authSession = AuthorizationSession::get(client); // Depending on whether the authenticated user is the same user which ran the command, // this might be "effectiveUsers" or "runBy". const auto serializeAuthenticatedUsers = [&](StringData name) { if (authSession->isAuthenticated()) { BSONArrayBuilder users(infoBuilder->subarrayStart(name)); for (auto userIt = authSession->getAuthenticatedUserNames(); userIt.more(); userIt.next()) { userIt->serializeToBSON(&users); } } }; auto maybeImpersonationData = rpc::getImpersonatedUserMetadata(clientOpCtx); if (maybeImpersonationData) { BSONArrayBuilder users(infoBuilder->subarrayStart("effectiveUsers")); for (const auto& user : maybeImpersonationData->getUsers()) { user.serializeToBSON(&users); } users.doneFast(); serializeAuthenticatedUsers("runBy"_sd); } else { serializeAuthenticatedUsers("effectiveUsers"_sd); } if (clientOpCtx) { infoBuilder->append("opid", static_cast(clientOpCtx->getOpID())); if (auto opKey = clientOpCtx->getOperationKey()) { opKey->appendToBuilder(infoBuilder, "operationKey"); } if (clientOpCtx->isKillPending()) { infoBuilder->append("killPending", true); } if (auto lsid = clientOpCtx->getLogicalSessionId()) { BSONObjBuilder lsidBuilder(infoBuilder->subobjStart("lsid")); lsid->serialize(&lsidBuilder); } CurOp::get(clientOpCtx)->reportState(clientOpCtx, infoBuilder, truncateOps); } #ifndef MONGO_CONFIG_USE_RAW_LATCHES if (auto diagnostic = DiagnosticInfo::get(*client)) { BSONObjBuilder waitingForLatchBuilder(infoBuilder->subobjStart("waitingForLatch")); waitingForLatchBuilder.append("timestamp", diagnostic->getTimestamp()); waitingForLatchBuilder.append("captureName", diagnostic->getCaptureName()); if (backtraceMode) { BSONArrayBuilder backtraceBuilder(waitingForLatchBuilder.subarrayStart("backtrace")); /** This branch becomes useful again with SERVER-44091 for (const auto& frame : diagnostic->makeStackTrace().frames) { BSONObjBuilder backtraceObj(backtraceBuilder.subobjStart()); backtraceObj.append("addr", unsignedHex(frame.instructionOffset)); backtraceObj.append("path", frame.objectPath); } */ } } #endif } void CurOp::setGenericCursor_inlock(GenericCursor gc) { _genericCursor = std::move(gc); } CurOp::CurOp(OperationContext* opCtx) : CurOp(opCtx, &_curopStack(opCtx)) { // If this is a sub-operation, we store the snapshot of lock stats as the base lock stats of the // current operation. if (_parent != nullptr) _lockStatsBase = opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(boost::none)->stats; } CurOp::CurOp(OperationContext* opCtx, CurOpStack* stack) : _stack(stack) { _tickSource = SystemTickSource::get(); if (opCtx) { _stack->push(opCtx, this); } else { _stack->push_nolock(this); } } CurOp::~CurOp() { if (parent() != nullptr) parent()->yielded(_numYields.load()); invariant(this == _stack->pop()); } void CurOp::setGenericOpRequestDetails(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const Command* command, BSONObj cmdObj, NetworkOp op) { // Set the _isCommand flags based on network op only. For legacy writes on mongoS, we resolve // them to OpMsgRequests and then pass them into the Commands path, so having a valid Command* // here does not guarantee that the op was issued from the client using a command protocol. const bool isCommand = (op == dbMsg || (op == dbQuery && nss.isCommand())); auto logicalOp = (command ? command->getLogicalOp() : networkOpToLogicalOp(op)); stdx::lock_guard clientLock(*opCtx->getClient()); _isCommand = _debug.iscommand = isCommand; _logicalOp = _debug.logicalOp = logicalOp; _networkOp = _debug.networkOp = op; _opDescription = cmdObj; _command = command; _ns = nss.ns(); } void CurOp::setMessage_inlock(StringData message) { if (_progressMeter.isActive()) { LOGV2_ERROR(20527, "Changing message from {old} to {new}", "Updating message", "old"_attr = redact(_message), "new"_attr = redact(message)); verify(!_progressMeter.isActive()); } _message = message.toString(); // copy } ProgressMeter& CurOp::setProgress_inlock(StringData message, unsigned long long progressMeterTotal, int secondsBetween) { setMessage_inlock(message); _progressMeter.reset(progressMeterTotal, secondsBetween); _progressMeter.setName(message); return _progressMeter; } void CurOp::setNS_inlock(StringData ns) { _ns = ns.toString(); } TickSource::Tick CurOp::startTime() { // It is legal for this function to get called multiple times, but all of those calls should be // from the same thread, which should be the thread that "owns" this CurOp object. We define // ownership here in terms of the Client object: each thread is associated with a Client // (accessed by 'Client::getCurrent()'), which should be the same as the Client associated with // this CurOp (by way of the OperationContext). Note that, if this is the "base" CurOp on the // CurOpStack, then we don't yet hava an initialized pointer to the OperationContext, and we // cannot perform this check. That is a rare case, however. invariant(!_stack->opCtx() || Client::getCurrent() == _stack->opCtx()->getClient()); auto start = _start.load(); if (start != 0) { return start; } // The '_start' value is initialized to 0 and gets assigned on demand the first time it gets // accessed. The above thread ownership requirement ensures that there will never be concurrent // calls to this '_start' assignment, but we use compare-exchange anyway as an additional check // that writes to '_start' never race. TickSource::Tick unassignedStart = 0; invariant(_start.compare_exchange_strong(unassignedStart, _tickSource->getTicks())); return _start.load(); } void CurOp::done() { // As documented in the 'CurOp::startTime()' member function, it is legal for this function to // be called multiple times, but all calls must be in in the thread that "owns" this CurOp // object. invariant(!_stack->opCtx() || Client::getCurrent() == _stack->opCtx()->getClient()); _end = _tickSource->getTicks(); } Microseconds CurOp::computeElapsedTimeTotal(TickSource::Tick startTime, TickSource::Tick endTime) const { invariant(startTime != 0); if (!endTime) { // This operation is ongoing. return _tickSource->ticksTo(_tickSource->getTicks() - startTime); } return _tickSource->ticksTo(endTime - startTime); } void CurOp::enter_inlock(const char* ns, int dbProfileLevel) { ensureStarted(); _ns = ns; raiseDbProfileLevel(dbProfileLevel); } void CurOp::raiseDbProfileLevel(int dbProfileLevel) { _dbprofile = std::max(dbProfileLevel, _dbprofile); } static constexpr size_t appendMaxElementSize = 50 * 1024; bool CurOp::completeAndLogOperation(OperationContext* opCtx, logv2::LogComponent component, boost::optional responseLength, boost::optional slowMsOverride, bool forceLog) { const long long slowMs = slowMsOverride.value_or(serverGlobalParams.slowMS); // Record the size of the response returned to the client, if applicable. if (responseLength) { _debug.responseLength = *responseLength; } // Obtain the total execution time of this operation. done(); _debug.executionTime = duration_cast(elapsedTimeExcludingPauses()); const auto executionTimeMillis = durationCount(_debug.executionTime); if (_debug.isReplOplogGetMore) { oplogGetMoreStats.recordMillis(executionTimeMillis); } bool shouldLogSlowOp, shouldProfileAtLevel1; if (auto filter = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx).getDatabaseProfileSettings(getNSS().db()).filter) { bool passesFilter = filter->matches(opCtx, _debug, *this); shouldLogSlowOp = passesFilter; shouldProfileAtLevel1 = passesFilter; } else { // Log the operation if it is eligible according to the current slowMS and sampleRate // settings. bool shouldSample; std::tie(shouldLogSlowOp, shouldSample) = shouldLogSlowOpWithSampling( opCtx, component, Milliseconds(executionTimeMillis), Milliseconds(slowMs)); shouldProfileAtLevel1 = shouldLogSlowOp && shouldSample; } if (forceLog || shouldLogSlowOp) { auto lockerInfo = opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(_lockStatsBase); if (_debug.storageStats == nullptr && opCtx->lockState()->wasGlobalLockTaken() && opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()) { // Do not fetch operation statistics again if we have already got them (for instance, // as a part of stashing the transaction). // Take a lock before calling into the storage engine to prevent racing against a // shutdown. Any operation that used a storage engine would have at-least held a // global lock at one point, hence we limit our lock acquisition to such operations. // We can get here and our lock acquisition be timed out or interrupted, log a // message if that happens. try { // Retrieving storage stats should not be blocked by oplog application. ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock shouldNotConflictBlock( opCtx->lockState()); Lock::GlobalLock lk(opCtx, MODE_IS, Date_t::now() + Milliseconds(500), Lock::InterruptBehavior::kLeaveUnlocked); if (lk.isLocked()) { _debug.storageStats = opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getOperationStatistics(); } else { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS( 20525, {component}, "Failed to gather storage statistics for {opId} due to {reason}", "Failed to gather storage statistics for slow operation", "opId"_attr = opCtx->getOpID(), "error"_attr = "lock acquire timeout"_sd); } } catch (const ExceptionForCat& ex) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS( 20526, {component}, "Failed to gather storage statistics for {opId} due to {reason}", "Failed to gather storage statistics for slow operation", "opId"_attr = opCtx->getOpID(), "error"_attr = redact(ex)); } } // Gets the time spent blocked on prepare conflicts. auto prepareConflictDurationMicros = PrepareConflictTracker::get(opCtx).getPrepareConflictDuration(); _debug.prepareConflictDurationMillis = duration_cast(prepareConflictDurationMicros); logv2::DynamicAttributes attr; _debug.report(opCtx, (lockerInfo ? &lockerInfo->stats : nullptr), &attr); auto& metricsCollector = ResourceConsumption::MetricsCollector::get(opCtx); if (ResourceConsumption::get(opCtx).isMetricsCollectionEnabled() && !metricsCollector.getDbName().empty()) { metricsCollector.getMetrics().report(&attr); } LOGV2_OPTIONS(51803, {component}, "Slow query", attr); } // Return 'true' if this operation should also be added to the profiler. if (_dbprofile >= 2) return true; if (_dbprofile <= 0) return false; return shouldProfileAtLevel1; } Command::ReadWriteType CurOp::getReadWriteType() const { if (_command) { return _command->getReadWriteType(); } switch (_logicalOp) { case LogicalOp::opGetMore: case LogicalOp::opQuery: return Command::ReadWriteType::kRead; case LogicalOp::opUpdate: case LogicalOp::opInsert: case LogicalOp::opDelete: return Command::ReadWriteType::kWrite; default: return Command::ReadWriteType::kCommand; } } namespace { BSONObj appendCommentField(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& cmdObj) { return opCtx->getComment() && !cmdObj["comment"] ? cmdObj.addField(*opCtx->getComment()) : cmdObj; } /** * Appends {: obj} to the provided builder. If obj is greater than maxSize, appends a string * summary of obj as { : { $truncated: "obj" } }. If a comment parameter is present, add it to * the truncation object. */ void appendAsObjOrString(StringData name, const BSONObj& obj, const boost::optional maxSize, BSONObjBuilder* builder) { if (!maxSize || static_cast(obj.objsize()) <= *maxSize) { builder->append(name, obj); } else { // Generate an abbreviated serialization for the object, by passing false as the "full" // argument to obj.toString(). Remove "comment" field from the object, if present, since // this will be promoted to a top-level field in the output. std::string objToString = (obj.hasField("comment") ? obj.removeField("comment") : obj).toString(); if (objToString.size() > *maxSize) { // objToString is still too long, so we append to the builder a truncated form // of objToString concatenated with "...". Instead of creating a new string // temporary, mutate objToString to do this (we know that we can mutate // characters in objToString up to and including objToString[maxSize]). objToString[*maxSize - 3] = '.'; objToString[*maxSize - 2] = '.'; objToString[*maxSize - 1] = '.'; } StringData truncation = StringData(objToString).substr(0, *maxSize); // Append the truncated representation of the object to the builder. If a comment parameter // is present, write it to the object alongside the truncated op. This object will appear as // {$truncated: "{find: \"collection\", filter: {x: 1, ...", comment: "comment text" } BSONObjBuilder truncatedBuilder(builder->subobjStart(name)); truncatedBuilder.append("$truncated", truncation); if (auto comment = obj["comment"]) { truncatedBuilder.append(comment); } truncatedBuilder.doneFast(); } } } // namespace BSONObj CurOp::truncateAndSerializeGenericCursor(GenericCursor* cursor, boost::optional maxQuerySize) { // This creates a new builder to truncate the object that will go into the curOp output. In // order to make sure the object is not too large but not truncate the comment, we only // truncate the originatingCommand and not the entire cursor. if (maxQuerySize) { BSONObjBuilder tempObj; appendAsObjOrString( "truncatedObj", cursor->getOriginatingCommand().get(), maxQuerySize, &tempObj); auto originatingCommand = tempObj.done().getObjectField("truncatedObj"); cursor->setOriginatingCommand(originatingCommand.getOwned()); } // lsid, ns, and planSummary exist in the top level curop object, so they need to be temporarily // removed from the cursor object to avoid duplicating information. auto lsid = cursor->getLsid(); auto ns = cursor->getNs(); auto originalPlanSummary(cursor->getPlanSummary() ? boost::optional( cursor->getPlanSummary()->toString()) : boost::none); cursor->setLsid(boost::none); cursor->setNs(boost::none); cursor->setPlanSummary(boost::none); auto serialized = cursor->toBSON(); cursor->setLsid(lsid); cursor->setNs(ns); if (originalPlanSummary) { cursor->setPlanSummary(StringData(*originalPlanSummary)); } return serialized; } void CurOp::reportState(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* builder, bool truncateOps) { auto start = _start.load(); if (start) { auto end = _end.load(); auto elapsedTimeTotal = computeElapsedTimeTotal(start, end); builder->append("secs_running", durationCount(elapsedTimeTotal)); builder->append("microsecs_running", durationCount(elapsedTimeTotal)); } builder->append("op", logicalOpToString(_logicalOp)); builder->append("ns", _ns); // When the currentOp command is run, it returns a single response object containing all current // operations; this request will fail if the response exceeds the 16MB document limit. By // contrast, the $currentOp aggregation stage does not have this restriction. If 'truncateOps' // is true, limit the size of each op to 1000 bytes. Otherwise, do not truncate. const boost::optional maxQuerySize{truncateOps, 1000}; appendAsObjOrString( "command", appendCommentField(opCtx, _opDescription), maxQuerySize, builder); if (!_planSummary.empty()) { builder->append("planSummary", _planSummary); } if (_genericCursor) { builder->append("cursor", truncateAndSerializeGenericCursor(&(*_genericCursor), maxQuerySize)); } if (!_message.empty()) { if (_progressMeter.isActive()) { StringBuilder buf; buf << _message << " " << _progressMeter.toString(); builder->append("msg", buf.str()); BSONObjBuilder sub(builder->subobjStart("progress")); sub.appendNumber("done", (long long)_progressMeter.done()); sub.appendNumber("total", (long long)_progressMeter.total()); sub.done(); } else { builder->append("msg", _message); } } if (!_failPointMessage.empty()) { builder->append("failpointMsg", _failPointMessage); } if (auto n = _debug.additiveMetrics.prepareReadConflicts.load(); n > 0) { builder->append("prepareReadConflicts", n); } if (auto n = _debug.additiveMetrics.writeConflicts.load(); n > 0) { builder->append("writeConflicts", n); } builder->append("numYields", _numYields.load()); if (_debug.dataThroughputLastSecond) { builder->append("dataThroughputLastSecond", *_debug.dataThroughputLastSecond); } if (_debug.dataThroughputAverage) { builder->append("dataThroughputAverage", *_debug.dataThroughputAverage); } } namespace { StringData getProtoString(int op) { if (op == dbMsg) { return "op_msg"; } else if (op == dbQuery) { return "op_query"; } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } // namespace #define OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(x) \ if (x >= 0) \ s << " " #x ":" << (x) #define OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(x) \ if (x) \ s << " " #x ":" << (x) #define OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_ATOMIC(x, y) \ if (auto __y = y.load(); __y > 0) \ s << " " x ":" << (__y) #define OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL(x, y) \ if (y) \ s << " " x ":" << (*y) string OpDebug::report(OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats) const { Client* client = opCtx->getClient(); auto& curop = *CurOp::get(opCtx); auto flowControlStats = opCtx->lockState()->getFlowControlStats(); StringBuilder s; if (iscommand) s << "command "; else s << networkOpToString(networkOp) << ' '; s << curop.getNS(); const auto& clientMetadata = ClientMetadataIsMasterState::get(client).getClientMetadata(); if (clientMetadata) { auto appName = clientMetadata.get().getApplicationName(); if (!appName.empty()) { s << " appName: \"" << str::escape(appName) << '\"'; } } auto query = appendCommentField(opCtx, curop.opDescription()); if (!query.isEmpty()) { s << " command: "; if (iscommand) { const Command* curCommand = curop.getCommand(); if (curCommand) { mutablebson::Document cmdToLog(query, mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceDisabled); curCommand->snipForLogging(&cmdToLog); s << curCommand->getName() << " "; s << redact(cmdToLog.getObject()); } else { // Should not happen but we need to handle curCommand == NULL gracefully. // We don't know what the request payload is intended to be, so it might be // sensitive, and we don't know how to redact it properly without a 'Command*'. // So we just don't log it at all. s << "unrecognized"; } } else { s << redact(query); } } auto originatingCommand = curop.originatingCommand(); if (!originatingCommand.isEmpty()) { s << " originatingCommand: " << redact(originatingCommand); } if (!curop.getPlanSummary().empty()) { s << " planSummary: " << curop.getPlanSummary().toString(); } if (prepareConflictDurationMillis > Milliseconds::zero()) { s << " prepareConflictDuration: " << prepareConflictDurationMillis; } if (dataThroughputLastSecond) { s << " dataThroughputLastSecond: " << *dataThroughputLastSecond << " MB/sec"; } if (dataThroughputAverage) { s << " dataThroughputAverage: " << *dataThroughputAverage << " MB/sec"; } OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(nShards); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(cursorid); if (mongotCursorId) { s << " mongot: " << makeMongotDebugStatsObject().toString(); } OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(ntoreturn); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(ntoskip); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(exhaust); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysExamined", additiveMetrics.keysExamined); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("docsExamined", additiveMetrics.docsExamined); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(hasSortStage); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(usedDisk); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(fromMultiPlanner); if (replanReason) { bool replanned = true; OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(replanned); s << " replanReason:\"" << str::escape(redact(*replanReason)) << "\""; } OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nMatched", additiveMetrics.nMatched); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nModified", additiveMetrics.nModified); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("ninserted", additiveMetrics.ninserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("ndeleted", additiveMetrics.ndeleted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nUpserted", additiveMetrics.nUpserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_BOOL(cursorExhausted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysInserted", additiveMetrics.keysInserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysDeleted", additiveMetrics.keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_ATOMIC("prepareReadConflicts", additiveMetrics.prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_ATOMIC("writeConflicts", additiveMetrics.writeConflicts); s << " numYields:" << curop.numYields(); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP(nreturned); if (queryHash) { s << " queryHash:" << zeroPaddedHex(*queryHash); invariant(planCacheKey); s << " planCacheKey:" << zeroPaddedHex(*planCacheKey); } if (!errInfo.isOK()) { s << " ok:" << 0; if (!errInfo.reason().empty()) { s << " errMsg:\"" << str::escape(redact(errInfo.reason())) << "\""; } s << " errName:" << errInfo.code(); s << " errCode:" << static_cast(errInfo.code()); } if (responseLength > 0) { s << " reslen:" << responseLength; } if (lockStats) { BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); s << " locks:" << locks.obj().toString(); } BSONObj flowControlObj = makeFlowControlObject(flowControlStats); if (flowControlObj.nFields() > 0) { s << " flowControl:" << flowControlObj.toString(); } { const auto& readConcern = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); if (readConcern.isSpecified()) { s << " readConcern:" << readConcern.toBSONInner(); } } if (writeConcern && !writeConcern->usedDefault) { s << " writeConcern:" << writeConcern->toBSON(); } if (storageStats) { s << " storage:" << storageStats->toBSON().toString(); } if (iscommand) { s << " protocol:" << getProtoString(networkOp); } if (remoteOpWaitTime) { s << " remoteOpWaitMillis:" << durationCount(*remoteOpWaitTime); } s << " " << durationCount(executionTime) << "ms"; return s.str(); } #define OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(x) \ if (x >= 0) \ pAttrs->add(#x, x) #define OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(x) \ if (x) \ pAttrs->add(#x, x) #define OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_ATOMIC(x, y) \ if (auto __y = y.load(); __y > 0) \ pAttrs->add(x, __y) #define OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL(x, y) \ if (y) \ pAttrs->add(x, *y) void OpDebug::report(OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats, logv2::DynamicAttributes* pAttrs) const { Client* client = opCtx->getClient(); auto& curop = *CurOp::get(opCtx); auto flowControlStats = opCtx->lockState()->getFlowControlStats(); if (iscommand) { pAttrs->add("type", "command"); } else { pAttrs->add("type", networkOpToString(networkOp)); } pAttrs->addDeepCopy("ns", curop.getNS()); const auto& clientMetadata = ClientMetadataIsMasterState::get(client).getClientMetadata(); if (clientMetadata) { StringData appName = clientMetadata.get().getApplicationName(); if (!appName.empty()) { pAttrs->add("appName", appName); } } auto query = appendCommentField(opCtx, curop.opDescription()); if (!query.isEmpty()) { if (iscommand) { const Command* curCommand = curop.getCommand(); if (curCommand) { mutablebson::Document cmdToLog(query, mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceDisabled); curCommand->snipForLogging(&cmdToLog); pAttrs->add("command", redact(cmdToLog.getObject())); } else { // Should not happen but we need to handle curCommand == NULL gracefully. // We don't know what the request payload is intended to be, so it might be // sensitive, and we don't know how to redact it properly without a 'Command*'. // So we just don't log it at all. pAttrs->add("command", "unrecognized"); } } else { pAttrs->add("command", redact(query)); } } auto originatingCommand = curop.originatingCommand(); if (!originatingCommand.isEmpty()) { pAttrs->add("originatingCommand", redact(originatingCommand)); } if (!curop.getPlanSummary().empty()) { pAttrs->addDeepCopy("planSummary", curop.getPlanSummary().toString()); } if (prepareConflictDurationMillis > Milliseconds::zero()) { pAttrs->add("prepareConflictDuration", prepareConflictDurationMillis); } if (dataThroughputLastSecond) { pAttrs->add("dataThroughputLastSecondMBperSec", *dataThroughputLastSecond); } if (dataThroughputAverage) { pAttrs->add("dataThroughputAverageMBPerSec", *dataThroughputAverage); } OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(nShards); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(cursorid); if (mongotCursorId) { pAttrs->add("mongot", makeMongotDebugStatsObject()); } OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(ntoreturn); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(ntoskip); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(exhaust); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysExamined", additiveMetrics.keysExamined); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("docsExamined", additiveMetrics.docsExamined); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(hasSortStage); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(usedDisk); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(fromMultiPlanner); if (replanReason) { bool replanned = true; OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(replanned); pAttrs->add("replanReason", redact(*replanReason)); } OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nMatched", additiveMetrics.nMatched); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nModified", additiveMetrics.nModified); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("ninserted", additiveMetrics.ninserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("ndeleted", additiveMetrics.ndeleted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nUpserted", additiveMetrics.nUpserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_BOOL(cursorExhausted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysInserted", additiveMetrics.keysInserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysDeleted", additiveMetrics.keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_ATOMIC("prepareReadConflicts", additiveMetrics.prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_ATOMIC("writeConflicts", additiveMetrics.writeConflicts); pAttrs->add("numYields", curop.numYields()); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP(nreturned); if (queryHash) { pAttrs->addDeepCopy("queryHash", zeroPaddedHex(*queryHash)); invariant(planCacheKey); pAttrs->addDeepCopy("planCacheKey", zeroPaddedHex(*planCacheKey)); } if (!errInfo.isOK()) { pAttrs->add("ok", 0); if (!errInfo.reason().empty()) { pAttrs->add("errMsg", redact(errInfo.reason())); } pAttrs->addDeepCopy("errName", errInfo.codeString()); pAttrs->add("errCode", static_cast(errInfo.code())); } if (responseLength > 0) { pAttrs->add("reslen", responseLength); } if (lockStats) { BSONObjBuilder locks; lockStats->report(&locks); pAttrs->add("locks", locks.obj()); } BSONObj flowControlObj = makeFlowControlObject(flowControlStats); if (flowControlObj.nFields() > 0) { pAttrs->add("flowControl", flowControlObj); } { const auto& readConcern = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); if (readConcern.isSpecified()) { pAttrs->add("readConcern", readConcern.toBSONInner()); } } if (writeConcern && !writeConcern->usedDefault) { pAttrs->add("writeConcern", writeConcern->toBSON()); } if (storageStats) { pAttrs->add("storage", storageStats->toBSON()); } if (iscommand) { pAttrs->add("protocol", getProtoString(networkOp)); } if (remoteOpWaitTime) { pAttrs->add("remoteOpWaitMillis", durationCount(*remoteOpWaitTime)); } pAttrs->add("durationMillis", durationCount(executionTime)); } #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, x, y) \ if (y != -1) \ (b).appendNumber(x, (y)) #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(b, x) OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, #x, x) #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, x, y) \ if (y) \ (b).appendBool(x, (y)) #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, x) OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, #x, x) #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, x, y) \ if (auto __y = y.load(); __y > 0) \ (b).appendNumber(x, __y) #define OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, x, y) \ if (y) \ (b).appendNumber(x, (*y)) void OpDebug::append(OperationContext* opCtx, const SingleThreadedLockStats& lockStats, FlowControlTicketholder::CurOp flowControlStats, BSONObjBuilder& b) const { auto& curop = *CurOp::get(opCtx); b.append("op", logicalOpToString(logicalOp)); NamespaceString nss = NamespaceString(curop.getNS()); b.append("ns", nss.ns()); appendAsObjOrString( "command", appendCommentField(opCtx, curop.opDescription()), appendMaxElementSize, &b); auto originatingCommand = curop.originatingCommand(); if (!originatingCommand.isEmpty()) { appendAsObjOrString("originatingCommand", originatingCommand, appendMaxElementSize, &b); } OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(b, nShards); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(b, cursorid); if (mongotCursorId) { b.append("mongot", makeMongotDebugStatsObject()); } OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, exhaust); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysExamined", additiveMetrics.keysExamined); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "docsExamined", additiveMetrics.docsExamined); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, hasSortStage); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, usedDisk); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, fromMultiPlanner); if (replanReason) { bool replanned = true; OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, replanned); b.append("replanReason", *replanReason); } OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nMatched", additiveMetrics.nMatched); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nModified", additiveMetrics.nModified); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "ninserted", additiveMetrics.ninserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "ndeleted", additiveMetrics.ndeleted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nUpserted", additiveMetrics.nUpserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL(b, cursorExhausted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysInserted", additiveMetrics.keysInserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysDeleted", additiveMetrics.keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, "prepareReadConflicts", additiveMetrics.prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, "writeConflicts", additiveMetrics.writeConflicts); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "dataThroughputLastSecond", dataThroughputLastSecond); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "dataThroughputAverage", dataThroughputAverage); b.appendNumber("numYield", curop.numYields()); OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(b, nreturned); if (queryHash) { b.append("queryHash", zeroPaddedHex(*queryHash)); invariant(planCacheKey); b.append("planCacheKey", zeroPaddedHex(*planCacheKey)); } { BSONObjBuilder locks(b.subobjStart("locks")); lockStats.report(&locks); } { BSONObj flowControlMetrics = makeFlowControlObject(flowControlStats); BSONObjBuilder flowControlBuilder(b.subobjStart("flowControl")); flowControlBuilder.appendElements(flowControlMetrics); } { const auto& readConcern = repl::ReadConcernArgs::get(opCtx); if (readConcern.isSpecified()) { readConcern.appendInfo(&b); } } if (writeConcern && !writeConcern->usedDefault) { b.append("writeConcern", writeConcern->toBSON()); } if (storageStats) { b.append("storage", storageStats->toBSON()); } if (!errInfo.isOK()) { b.appendNumber("ok", 0.0); if (!errInfo.reason().empty()) { b.append("errMsg", errInfo.reason()); } b.append("errName", ErrorCodes::errorString(errInfo.code())); b.append("errCode", errInfo.code()); } OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER(b, responseLength); if (iscommand) { b.append("protocol", getProtoString(networkOp)); } if (remoteOpWaitTime) { b.append("remoteOpWaitMillis", durationCount(*remoteOpWaitTime)); } b.appendIntOrLL("millis", durationCount(executionTime)); if (!curop.getPlanSummary().empty()) { b.append("planSummary", curop.getPlanSummary()); } if (!execStats.isEmpty()) { b.append("execStats", std::move(execStats)); } } void OpDebug::appendUserInfo(const CurOp& c, BSONObjBuilder& builder, AuthorizationSession* authSession) { UserNameIterator nameIter = authSession->getAuthenticatedUserNames(); UserName bestUser; if (nameIter.more()) bestUser = *nameIter; std::string opdb(nsToDatabase(c.getNS())); BSONArrayBuilder allUsers(builder.subarrayStart("allUsers")); for (; nameIter.more(); nameIter.next()) { BSONObjBuilder nextUser(allUsers.subobjStart()); nextUser.append(AuthorizationManager::USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME, nameIter->getUser()); nextUser.append(AuthorizationManager::USER_DB_FIELD_NAME, nameIter->getDB()); nextUser.doneFast(); if (nameIter->getDB() == opdb) { bestUser = *nameIter; } } allUsers.doneFast(); builder.append("user", bestUser.getUser().empty() ? "" : bestUser.getFullName()); } std::function OpDebug::appendStaged(StringSet requestedFields, bool needWholeDocument) { // This function is analogous to OpDebug::append. The main difference is that append() does // the work of building BSON right away, while appendStaged() stages the work to be done later. // It returns a std::function that builds BSON when called. // The other difference is that appendStaged can avoid building BSON for unneeded fields. // requestedFields is a set of top-level field names; any fields beyond this list may be // omitted. This also lets us uassert if the caller asks for an unsupported field. // Each piece of the result is a function that appends to a BSONObjBuilder. // Before returning, we encapsulate the result in a simpler function that returns a BSONObj. using Piece = std::function; std::vector pieces; // For convenience, the callback that handles each field gets the fieldName as an extra arg. using Callback = std::function; // Helper to check for the presence of a field in the StringSet, and remove it. // At the end of this method, anything left in the StringSet is a field we don't know // how to handle. auto needs = [&](const char* fieldName) { bool val = needWholeDocument || requestedFields.count(fieldName) > 0; requestedFields.erase(fieldName); return val; }; auto addIfNeeded = [&](const char* fieldName, Callback cb) { if (needs(fieldName)) { pieces.push_back([fieldName = fieldName, cb = std::move(cb)](auto args, auto& b) { cb(fieldName, args, b); }); } }; addIfNeeded("ts", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.append(field, jsTime()); }); addIfNeeded("client", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.append(field, args.opCtx->getClient()->clientAddress()); }); addIfNeeded("appName", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { const auto& clientMetadata = ClientMetadataIsMasterState::get(args.opCtx->getClient()).getClientMetadata(); if (clientMetadata) { auto appName = clientMetadata.get().getApplicationName(); if (!appName.empty()) { b.append(field, appName); } } }); bool needsAllUsers = needs("allUsers"); bool needsUser = needs("user"); if (needsAllUsers || needsUser) { pieces.push_back([](auto args, auto& b) { AuthorizationSession* authSession = AuthorizationSession::get(args.opCtx->getClient()); appendUserInfo(args.curop, b, authSession); }); } addIfNeeded("op", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.append(field, logicalOpToString(args.op.logicalOp)); }); addIfNeeded("ns", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.append(field, NamespaceString(args.curop.getNS()).ns()); }); addIfNeeded("command", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { appendAsObjOrString(field, appendCommentField(args.opCtx, args.curop.opDescription()), appendMaxElementSize, &b); }); addIfNeeded("originatingCommand", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { auto originatingCommand = args.curop.originatingCommand(); if (!originatingCommand.isEmpty()) { appendAsObjOrString(field, originatingCommand, appendMaxElementSize, &b); } }); addIfNeeded("nShards", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, field, args.op.nShards); }); addIfNeeded("cursorid", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, field, args.op.cursorid); }); addIfNeeded("mongot", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.mongotCursorId) { b.append(field, args.op.makeMongotDebugStatsObject()); } }); addIfNeeded("exhaust", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, args.op.exhaust); }); addIfNeeded("keysExamined", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.keysExamined); }); addIfNeeded("docsExamined", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.docsExamined); }); addIfNeeded("hasSortStage", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, args.op.hasSortStage); }); addIfNeeded("usedDisk", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, args.op.usedDisk); }); addIfNeeded("fromMultiPlanner", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, args.op.fromMultiPlanner); }); addIfNeeded("replanned", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.replanReason) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, true); } }); addIfNeeded("replanReason", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.replanReason) { b.append(field, *args.op.replanReason); } }); addIfNeeded("nMatched", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.nMatched); }); addIfNeeded("nModified", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.nModified); }); addIfNeeded("ninserted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.ninserted); }); addIfNeeded("ndeleted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.ndeleted); }); addIfNeeded("nUpserted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.nUpserted); }); addIfNeeded("cursorExhausted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_BOOL2(b, field, args.op.cursorExhausted); }); addIfNeeded("keysInserted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.keysInserted); }); addIfNeeded("keysDeleted", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.keysDeleted); }); addIfNeeded("prepareReadConflicts", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.prepareReadConflicts); }); addIfNeeded("writeConflicts", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, field, args.op.additiveMetrics.writeConflicts); }); addIfNeeded("dataThroughputLastSecond", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.dataThroughputLastSecond); }); addIfNeeded("dataThroughputAverage", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, field, args.op.dataThroughputAverage); }); addIfNeeded("numYield", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.appendNumber(field, args.curop.numYields()); }); addIfNeeded("nreturned", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, field, args.op.nreturned); }); addIfNeeded("queryHash", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.queryHash) { b.append(field, zeroPaddedHex(*args.op.queryHash)); } }); addIfNeeded("planCacheKey", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.planCacheKey) { b.append(field, zeroPaddedHex(*args.op.planCacheKey)); } }); addIfNeeded("locks", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (auto lockerInfo = args.opCtx->lockState()->getLockerInfo(args.curop.getLockStatsBase())) { BSONObjBuilder locks(b.subobjStart(field)); lockerInfo->stats.report(&locks); } }); addIfNeeded("flowControl", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { BSONObj flowControlMetrics = makeFlowControlObject(args.opCtx->lockState()->getFlowControlStats()); BSONObjBuilder flowControlBuilder(b.subobjStart(field)); flowControlBuilder.appendElements(flowControlMetrics); }); addIfNeeded("writeConcern", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.writeConcern && !args.op.writeConcern->usedDefault) { b.append(field, args.op.writeConcern->toBSON()); } }); addIfNeeded("storage", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.storageStats) { b.append(field, args.op.storageStats->toBSON()); } }); // Don't short-circuit: call needs() for every supported field, so that at the end we can // uassert that no unsupported fields were requested. bool needsOk = needs("ok"); bool needsErrMsg = needs("errMsg"); bool needsErrName = needs("errName"); bool needsErrCode = needs("errCode"); if (needsOk || needsErrMsg || needsErrName || needsErrCode) { pieces.push_back([](auto args, auto& b) { if (!args.op.errInfo.isOK()) { b.appendNumber("ok", 0.0); if (!args.op.errInfo.reason().empty()) { b.append("errMsg", args.op.errInfo.reason()); } b.append("errName", ErrorCodes::errorString(args.op.errInfo.code())); b.append("errCode", args.op.errInfo.code()); } }); } addIfNeeded("responseLength", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { OPDEBUG_APPEND_NUMBER2(b, field, args.op.responseLength); }); addIfNeeded("protocol", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.iscommand) { b.append(field, getProtoString(args.op.networkOp)); } }); addIfNeeded("remoteOpWaitMillis", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (args.op.remoteOpWaitTime) { b.append(field, durationCount(*args.op.remoteOpWaitTime)); } }); // millis and durationMillis are the same thing. This is one of the few inconsistencies between // the profiler (OpDebug::append) and the log file (OpDebug::report), so for the profile filter // we support both names. addIfNeeded("millis", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.appendIntOrLL(field, durationCount(args.op.executionTime)); }); addIfNeeded("durationMillis", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { b.appendIntOrLL(field, durationCount(args.op.executionTime)); }); addIfNeeded("planSummary", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (!args.curop.getPlanSummary().empty()) { b.append(field, args.curop.getPlanSummary()); } }); addIfNeeded("execStats", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { if (!args.op.execStats.isEmpty()) { b.append(field, args.op.execStats); } }); addIfNeeded("operationMetrics", [](auto field, auto args, auto& b) { auto& metricsCollector = ResourceConsumption::MetricsCollector::get(args.opCtx); if (ResourceConsumption::isMetricsCollectionEnabled() && !metricsCollector.getDbName().empty()) { BSONObjBuilder metricsBuilder(b.subobjStart("operationMetrics")); metricsCollector.getMetrics().toBson(&metricsBuilder); } }); if (!requestedFields.empty()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "No such field (or fields) available for profile filter"; auto sep = ": "; for (auto&& s : requestedFields) { ss << sep << s; sep = ", "; } uasserted(4910200, ss.str()); } return [pieces = std::move(pieces)](ProfileFilter::Args args) { BSONObjBuilder bob; for (auto piece : pieces) { piece(args, bob); } return bob.obj(); }; } void OpDebug::setPlanSummaryMetrics(const PlanSummaryStats& planSummaryStats) { additiveMetrics.keysExamined = planSummaryStats.totalKeysExamined; additiveMetrics.docsExamined = planSummaryStats.totalDocsExamined; hasSortStage = planSummaryStats.hasSortStage; usedDisk = planSummaryStats.usedDisk; fromMultiPlanner = planSummaryStats.fromMultiPlanner; replanReason = planSummaryStats.replanReason; } BSONObj OpDebug::makeFlowControlObject(FlowControlTicketholder::CurOp stats) { BSONObjBuilder builder; if (stats.ticketsAcquired > 0) { builder.append("acquireCount", stats.ticketsAcquired); } if (stats.acquireWaitCount > 0) { builder.append("acquireWaitCount", stats.acquireWaitCount); } if (stats.timeAcquiringMicros > 0) { builder.append("timeAcquiringMicros", stats.timeAcquiringMicros); } return builder.obj(); } BSONObj OpDebug::makeMongotDebugStatsObject() const { BSONObjBuilder cursorBuilder; invariant(mongotCursorId); cursorBuilder.append("cursorid", mongotCursorId.get()); if (msWaitingForMongot) { cursorBuilder.append("timeWaitingMillis", msWaitingForMongot.get()); } return cursorBuilder.obj(); } namespace { /** * Adds two boost::optional long longs together. Returns boost::none if both 'lhs' and 'rhs' are * uninitialized, or the sum of 'lhs' and 'rhs' if they are both initialized. Returns 'lhs' if only * 'rhs' is uninitialized and vice-versa. */ boost::optional addOptionalLongs(const boost::optional& lhs, const boost::optional& rhs) { if (!rhs) { return lhs; } return lhs ? (*lhs + *rhs) : rhs; } } // namespace void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::add(const AdditiveMetrics& otherMetrics) { keysExamined = addOptionalLongs(keysExamined, otherMetrics.keysExamined); docsExamined = addOptionalLongs(docsExamined, otherMetrics.docsExamined); nMatched = addOptionalLongs(nMatched, otherMetrics.nMatched); nModified = addOptionalLongs(nModified, otherMetrics.nModified); ninserted = addOptionalLongs(ninserted, otherMetrics.ninserted); ndeleted = addOptionalLongs(ndeleted, otherMetrics.ndeleted); nUpserted = addOptionalLongs(nUpserted, otherMetrics.nUpserted); keysInserted = addOptionalLongs(keysInserted, otherMetrics.keysInserted); keysDeleted = addOptionalLongs(keysDeleted, otherMetrics.keysDeleted); prepareReadConflicts.fetchAndAdd(otherMetrics.prepareReadConflicts.load()); writeConflicts.fetchAndAdd(otherMetrics.writeConflicts.load()); } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::reset() { keysExamined = boost::none; docsExamined = boost::none; nMatched = boost::none; nModified = boost::none; ninserted = boost::none; ndeleted = boost::none; nUpserted = boost::none; keysInserted = boost::none; keysDeleted = boost::none; prepareReadConflicts.store(0); writeConflicts.store(0); } bool OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::equals(const AdditiveMetrics& otherMetrics) const { return keysExamined == otherMetrics.keysExamined && docsExamined == otherMetrics.docsExamined && nMatched == otherMetrics.nMatched && nModified == otherMetrics.nModified && ninserted == otherMetrics.ninserted && ndeleted == otherMetrics.ndeleted && nUpserted == otherMetrics.nUpserted && keysInserted == otherMetrics.keysInserted && keysDeleted == otherMetrics.keysDeleted && prepareReadConflicts.load() == otherMetrics.prepareReadConflicts.load() && writeConflicts.load() == otherMetrics.writeConflicts.load(); } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementWriteConflicts(long long n) { writeConflicts.fetchAndAdd(n); } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementKeysInserted(long long n) { if (!keysInserted) { keysInserted = 0; } *keysInserted += n; } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementKeysDeleted(long long n) { if (!keysDeleted) { keysDeleted = 0; } *keysDeleted += n; } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementNinserted(long long n) { if (!ninserted) { ninserted = 0; } *ninserted += n; } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementNUpserted(long long n) { if (!nUpserted) { nUpserted = 0; } *nUpserted += n; } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::incrementPrepareReadConflicts(long long n) { prepareReadConflicts.fetchAndAdd(n); } string OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::report() const { StringBuilder s; OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysExamined", keysExamined); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("docsExamined", docsExamined); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nMatched", nMatched); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nModified", nModified); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("ninserted", ninserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("ndeleted", ndeleted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("nUpserted", nUpserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysInserted", keysInserted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysDeleted", keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_ATOMIC("prepareReadConflicts", prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_TOSTRING_HELP_ATOMIC("writeConflicts", writeConflicts); return s.str(); } void OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::report(logv2::DynamicAttributes* pAttrs) const { OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysExamined", keysExamined); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("docsExamined", docsExamined); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nMatched", nMatched); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nModified", nModified); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("ninserted", ninserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("ndeleted", ndeleted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("nUpserted", nUpserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysInserted", keysInserted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_OPTIONAL("keysDeleted", keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_ATOMIC("prepareReadConflicts", prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_TOATTR_HELP_ATOMIC("writeConflicts", writeConflicts); } BSONObj OpDebug::AdditiveMetrics::reportBSON() const { BSONObjBuilder b; OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysExamined", keysExamined); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "docsExamined", docsExamined); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nMatched", nMatched); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nModified", nModified); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "ninserted", ninserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "ndeleted", ndeleted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "nUpserted", nUpserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysInserted", keysInserted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_OPTIONAL(b, "keysDeleted", keysDeleted); OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, "prepareReadConflicts", prepareReadConflicts); OPDEBUG_APPEND_ATOMIC(b, "writeConflicts", writeConflicts); return b.obj(); } } // namespace mongo