// @file curop.h
* Copyright (C) 2010 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/base/disallow_copying.h"
#include "mongo/db/commands.h"
#include "mongo/db/cursor_id.h"
#include "mongo/db/operation_context.h"
#include "mongo/db/server_options.h"
#include "mongo/platform/atomic_word.h"
#include "mongo/util/net/message.h"
#include "mongo/util/progress_meter.h"
#include "mongo/util/time_support.h"
namespace mongo {
class Client;
class CurOp;
class OperationContext;
struct PlanSummaryStats;
/* lifespan is different than CurOp because of recursives with DBDirectClient */
class OpDebug {
OpDebug() = default;
std::string report(Client* client,
const CurOp& curop,
const SingleThreadedLockStats* lockStats) const;
* Appends information about the current operation to "builder"
* @param curop reference to the CurOp that owns this OpDebug
* @param lockStats lockStats object containing locking information about the operation
void append(const CurOp& curop,
const SingleThreadedLockStats& lockStats,
BSONObjBuilder& builder) const;
* Copies relevant plan summary metrics to this OpDebug instance.
void setPlanSummaryMetrics(const PlanSummaryStats& planSummaryStats);
// -------------------
// basic options
// _networkOp represents the network-level op code: OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE, OP_COMMAND, etc.
NetworkOp networkOp{opInvalid}; // only set this through setNetworkOp_inlock() to keep synced
// _logicalOp is the logical operation type, ie 'dbQuery' regardless of whether this is an
// OP_QUERY find, a find command using OP_QUERY, or a find command using OP_COMMAND.
// Similarly, the return value will be dbGetMore for both OP_GET_MORE and getMore command.
LogicalOp logicalOp{LogicalOp::opInvalid}; // only set this through setNetworkOp_inlock()
bool iscommand{false};
// detailed options
long long cursorid{-1};
long long ntoreturn{-1};
long long ntoskip{-1};
bool exhaust{false};
// debugging/profile info
long long keysExamined{-1};
long long docsExamined{-1};
bool hasSortStage{false}; // true if the query plan involves an in-memory sort
// True if the plan came from the multi-planner (not from the plan cache and not a query with a
// single solution).
bool fromMultiPlanner{false};
// True if a replan was triggered during the execution of this operation.
bool replanned{false};
long long nMatched{-1}; // number of records that match the query
long long nModified{-1}; // number of records written (no no-ops)
long long ninserted{-1};
long long ndeleted{-1};
bool fastmodinsert{false}; // upsert of an $operation. builds a default object
bool upsert{false}; // true if the update actually did an insert
bool cursorExhausted{
false}; // true if the cursor has been closed at end a find/getMore operation
// The following metrics are initialized with 0 rather than -1 in order to simplify use by the
// CRUD path.
long long nmoved{0}; // updates resulted in a move (moves are expensive)
long long keysInserted{0}; // Number of index keys inserted.
long long keysDeleted{0}; // Number of index keys removed.
long long writeConflicts{0};
BSONObj execStats; // Owned here.
// Details of any error (whether from an exception or a command returning failure).
Status errInfo = Status::OK();
// response info
long long executionTimeMicros{0};
long long nreturned{-1};
int responseLength{-1};
* Container for data used to report information about an OperationContext.
* Every OperationContext in a server with CurOp support has a stack of CurOp
* objects. The entry at the top of the stack is used to record timing and
* resource statistics for the executing operation or suboperation.
* All of the accessor methods on CurOp may be called by the thread executing
* the associated OperationContext at any time, or by other threads that have
* locked the context's owning Client object.
* The mutator methods on CurOp whose names end _inlock may only be called by the thread
* executing the associated OperationContext and Client, and only when that thread has also
* locked the Client object. All other mutators may only be called by the thread executing
* CurOp, but do not require holding the Client lock. The exception to this is the kill()
* method, which is self-synchronizing.
* The OpDebug member of a CurOp, accessed via the debug() accessor should *only* be accessed
* from the thread executing an operation, and as a result its fields may be accessed without
* any synchronization.
class CurOp {
static CurOp* get(const OperationContext* opCtx);
static CurOp* get(const OperationContext& opCtx);
* Writes a report of the operation being executed by the given client to the supplied
* BSONObjBuilder, in a format suitable for display in currentOp. Does not include a lockInfo
* report, since this may be called in either a mongoD or mongoS context and the latter does not
* supply lock stats. The client must be locked before calling this method.
static void reportCurrentOpForClient(OperationContext* opCtx,
Client* client,
bool truncateOps,
BSONObjBuilder* infoBuilder);
* Constructs a nested CurOp at the top of the given "opCtx"'s CurOp stack.
explicit CurOp(OperationContext* opCtx);
* Fills out CurOp and OpDebug with basic info common to all commands. We require the NetworkOp
* in order to distinguish which protocol delivered this request, e.g. OP_QUERY or OP_MSG. This
* is set early in the request processing backend and does not typically need to be called
* thereafter. Locks the client as needed to apply the specified settings.
void setGenericOpRequestDetails(OperationContext* opCtx,
const NamespaceString& nss,
const Command* command,
BSONObj cmdObj,
NetworkOp op);
* Marks the operation end time, records the length of the client response if a valid response
* exists, and then - subject to the current values of slowMs and sampleRate - logs this CurOp
* to file under the given LogComponent. Returns 'true' if, in addition to being logged, this
* operation should also be profiled.
bool completeAndLogOperation(OperationContext* opCtx,
logger::LogComponent logComponent,
boost::optional responseLength = boost::none,
boost::optional slowMsOverride = boost::none,
bool forceLog = false);
bool haveOpDescription() const {
return !_opDescription.isEmpty();
* The BSONObj returned may not be owned by CurOp. Callers should call getOwned() if they plan
* to reference beyond the lifetime of this CurOp instance.
BSONObj opDescription() const {
return _opDescription;
* Returns an owned BSONObj representing the original command. Used only by the getMore
* command.
BSONObj originatingCommand() const {
return _originatingCommand;
void enter_inlock(const char* ns, boost::optional dbProfileLevel);
* Sets the type of the current network operation.
void setNetworkOp_inlock(NetworkOp op) {
_networkOp = op;
_debug.networkOp = op;
* Sets the type of the current logical operation.
void setLogicalOp_inlock(LogicalOp op) {
_logicalOp = op;
_debug.logicalOp = op;
* Marks the current operation as being a command.
void markCommand_inlock() {
_isCommand = true;
* Returns a structure containing data used for profiling, accessed only by a thread
* currently executing the operation context associated with this CurOp.
OpDebug& debug() {
return _debug;
* Gets the name of the namespace on which the current operation operates.
std::string getNS() const {
return _ns;
* Returns true if the elapsed time of this operation is such that it should be profiled or
* profile level is set to 2. Uses total time if the operation is done, current elapsed time
* otherwise. The argument shouldSample prevents slow diagnostic logging at profile 1
* when set to false.
bool shouldDBProfile(bool shouldSample = true) {
// Profile level 2 should override any sample rate or slowms settings.
if (_dbprofile >= 2)
return true;
if (!shouldSample || _dbprofile <= 0)
return false;
return elapsedTimeExcludingPauses() >= Milliseconds{serverGlobalParams.slowMS};
* Raises the profiling level for this operation to "dbProfileLevel" if it was previously
* less than "dbProfileLevel".
* This belongs on OpDebug, and so does not have the _inlock suffix.
void raiseDbProfileLevel(int dbProfileLevel);
* Gets the network operation type. No lock is required if called by the thread executing
* the operation, but the lock must be held if called from another thread.
NetworkOp getNetworkOp() const {
return _networkOp;
* Gets the logical operation type. No lock is required if called by the thread executing
* the operation, but the lock must be held if called from another thread.
LogicalOp getLogicalOp() const {
return _logicalOp;
* Returns true if this CurOp represents a non-command OP_QUERY request.
bool isLegacyQuery() const {
return _networkOp == NetworkOp::dbQuery && !isCommand();
* Returns true if the current operation is known to be a command.
bool isCommand() const {
return _isCommand;
// Methods for getting/setting elapsed time. Note that the observed elapsed time may be
// negative, if the system time has been reset during the course of this operation.
void ensureStarted();
bool isStarted() const {
return _start > 0;
long long startTime() { // micros
return _start;
void done() {
_end = curTimeMicros64();
bool isDone() const {
return _end > 0;
* Stops the operation latency timer from "ticking". Time spent paused is not included in the
* latencies returned by elapsedTimeExcludingPauses().
* Illegal to call if either the CurOp has not been started, or the CurOp is already in a paused
* state.
void pauseTimer() {
invariant(_lastPauseTime == 0);
_lastPauseTime = curTimeMicros64();
* Starts the operation latency timer "ticking" again. Illegal to call if the CurOp has not been
* started and then subsequently paused.
void resumeTimer() {
invariant(_lastPauseTime > 0);
_totalPausedDuration +=
Microseconds{static_cast(curTimeMicros64()) - _lastPauseTime};
_lastPauseTime = 0;
* If this op has been marked as done(), returns the wall clock duration between being marked as
* started with ensureStarted() and the call to done().
* Otherwise, returns the wall clock duration between the start time and now.
* If this op has not yet been started, returns 0.
Microseconds elapsedTimeTotal() {
if (!isStarted()) {
return Microseconds{0};
if (!_end) {
return Microseconds{static_cast(curTimeMicros64() - startTime())};
} else {
return Microseconds{static_cast(_end - startTime())};
* Returns the total elapsed duration minus any time spent in a paused state. See
* elapsedTimeTotal() for the definition of the total duration and pause/resumeTimer() for
* details on pausing.
* If this op has not yet been started, returns 0.
* Illegal to call while the timer is paused.
Microseconds elapsedTimeExcludingPauses() {
if (!isStarted()) {
return Microseconds{0};
return elapsedTimeTotal() - _totalPausedDuration;
* 'opDescription' must be either an owned BSONObj or guaranteed to outlive the OperationContext
* it is associated with.
void setOpDescription_inlock(const BSONObj& opDescription) {
_opDescription = opDescription;
* Sets the original command object.
void setOriginatingCommand_inlock(const BSONObj& commandObj) {
_originatingCommand = commandObj.getOwned();
const Command* getCommand() const {
return _command;
void setCommand_inlock(const Command* command) {
_command = command;
* Returns whether the current operation is a read, write, or command.
Command::ReadWriteType getReadWriteType() const;
* Appends information about this CurOp to "builder". If "truncateOps" is true, appends a string
* summary of any objects which exceed the threshold size. If truncateOps is false, append the
* entire object.
* If called from a thread other than the one executing the operation associated with this
* CurOp, it is necessary to lock the associated Client object before executing this method.
void reportState(BSONObjBuilder* builder, bool truncateOps = false);
* Sets the message and the progress meter for this CurOp.
* While it is necessary to hold the lock while this method executes, the
* "hit" and "finished" methods of ProgressMeter may be called safely from
* the thread executing the operation without locking the Client.
ProgressMeter& setMessage_inlock(const char* msg,
std::string name = "Progress",
unsigned long long progressMeterTotal = 0,
int secondsBetween = 3);
* Gets the message for this CurOp.
const std::string& getMessage() const {
return _message;
const ProgressMeter& getProgressMeter() {
return _progressMeter;
CurOp* parent() const {
return _parent;
void yielded() {
} // Should be _inlock()?
* Returns the number of times yielded() was called. Callers on threads other
* than the one executing the operation must lock the client.
int numYields() const {
return _numYields;
* this should be used very sparingly
* generally the Context should set this up
* but sometimes you want to do it ahead of time
void setNS_inlock(StringData ns);
StringData getPlanSummary() const {
return _planSummary;
void setPlanSummary_inlock(StringData summary) {
_planSummary = summary.toString();
void setPlanSummary_inlock(std::string summary) {
_planSummary = std::move(summary);
class CurOpStack;
static const OperationContext::Decoration _curopStack;
CurOp(OperationContext*, CurOpStack*);
CurOpStack* _stack;
CurOp* _parent{nullptr};
const Command* _command{nullptr};
// The time at which this CurOp instance was marked as started.
long long _start{0};
// The time at which this CurOp instance was marked as done.
long long _end{0};
// The time at which this CurOp instance had its timer paused, or 0 if the timer is not
// currently paused.
long long _lastPauseTime{0};
// The cumulative duration for which the timer has been paused.
Microseconds _totalPausedDuration{0};
// _networkOp represents the network-level op code: OP_QUERY, OP_GET_MORE, OP_COMMAND, etc.
NetworkOp _networkOp{opInvalid}; // only set this through setNetworkOp_inlock() to keep synced
// _logicalOp is the logical operation type, ie 'dbQuery' regardless of whether this is an
// OP_QUERY find, a find command using OP_QUERY, or a find command using OP_COMMAND.
// Similarly, the return value will be dbGetMore for both OP_GET_MORE and getMore command.
LogicalOp _logicalOp{LogicalOp::opInvalid}; // only set this through setNetworkOp_inlock()
bool _isCommand{false};
int _dbprofile{0}; // 0=off, 1=slow, 2=all
std::string _ns;
BSONObj _opDescription;
BSONObj _originatingCommand; // Used by getMore to display original command.
OpDebug _debug;
std::string _message;
ProgressMeter _progressMeter;
int _numYields{0};
std::string _planSummary;
* Upconverts a legacy query object such that it matches the format of the find command.
BSONObj upconvertQueryEntry(const BSONObj& query,
const NamespaceString& nss,
int ntoreturn,
int ntoskip);
* Generates a getMore command object from the specified namespace, cursor ID and batchsize.
BSONObj upconvertGetMoreEntry(const NamespaceString& nss, CursorId cursorId, int ntoreturn);
} // namespace mongo