/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/index_scan.h" #include #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/write_conflict_exception.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/filter.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/scoped_timer.h" #include "mongo/db/index/index_access_method.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds_builder.h" namespace { // Return a value in the set {-1, 0, 1} to represent the sign of parameter i. int sgn(int i) { if (i == 0) return 0; return i > 0 ? 1 : -1; } } // namespace namespace mongo { // static const char* IndexScan::kStageType = "IXSCAN"; IndexScan::IndexScan(ExpressionContext* expCtx, IndexScanParams params, WorkingSet* workingSet, const MatchExpression* filter) : RequiresIndexStage(kStageType, expCtx, params.indexDescriptor, workingSet), _workingSet(workingSet), _keyPattern(params.keyPattern.getOwned()), _bounds(std::move(params.bounds)), _filter((filter && !filter->isTriviallyTrue()) ? filter : nullptr), _direction(params.direction), _forward(params.direction == 1), _shouldDedup(params.shouldDedup), _addKeyMetadata(params.addKeyMetadata), _startKeyInclusive(IndexBounds::isStartIncludedInBound(params.bounds.boundInclusion)), _endKeyInclusive(IndexBounds::isEndIncludedInBound(params.bounds.boundInclusion)) { _specificStats.indexName = params.name; _specificStats.keyPattern = _keyPattern; _specificStats.isMultiKey = params.isMultiKey; _specificStats.multiKeyPaths = params.multikeyPaths; _specificStats.isUnique = params.indexDescriptor->unique(); _specificStats.isSparse = params.indexDescriptor->isSparse(); _specificStats.isPartial = params.indexDescriptor->isPartial(); _specificStats.indexVersion = static_cast(params.indexDescriptor->version()); _specificStats.collation = params.indexDescriptor->infoObj() .getObjectField(IndexDescriptor::kCollationFieldName) .getOwned(); } boost::optional IndexScan::initIndexScan() { // Perform the possibly heavy-duty initialization of the underlying index cursor. _indexCursor = indexAccessMethod()->newCursor(opCtx(), _forward); // We always seek once to establish the cursor position. ++_specificStats.seeks; if (_bounds.isSimpleRange) { // Start at one key, end at another. _startKey = _bounds.startKey; _endKey = _bounds.endKey; _indexCursor->setEndPosition(_endKey, _endKeyInclusive); KeyString::Value keyStringForSeek = IndexEntryComparison::makeKeyStringFromBSONKeyForSeek( _startKey, indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getKeyStringVersion(), indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getOrdering(), _forward, _startKeyInclusive); return _indexCursor->seek(keyStringForSeek); } else { // For single intervals, we can use an optimized scan which checks against the position // of an end cursor. For all other index scans, we fall back on using // IndexBoundsChecker to determine when we've finished the scan. if (IndexBoundsBuilder::isSingleInterval( _bounds, &_startKey, &_startKeyInclusive, &_endKey, &_endKeyInclusive)) { _indexCursor->setEndPosition(_endKey, _endKeyInclusive); auto keyStringForSeek = IndexEntryComparison::makeKeyStringFromBSONKeyForSeek( _startKey, indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getKeyStringVersion(), indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getOrdering(), _forward, _startKeyInclusive); return _indexCursor->seek(keyStringForSeek); } else { _checker.reset(new IndexBoundsChecker(&_bounds, _keyPattern, _direction)); if (!_checker->getStartSeekPoint(&_seekPoint)) return boost::none; return _indexCursor->seek(IndexEntryComparison::makeKeyStringFromSeekPointForSeek( _seekPoint, indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getKeyStringVersion(), indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getOrdering(), _forward)); } } } PlanStage::StageState IndexScan::doWork(WorkingSetID* out) { // Get the next kv pair from the index, if any. boost::optional kv; try { switch (_scanState) { case INITIALIZING: kv = initIndexScan(); break; case GETTING_NEXT: kv = _indexCursor->next(); break; case NEED_SEEK: ++_specificStats.seeks; kv = _indexCursor->seek(IndexEntryComparison::makeKeyStringFromSeekPointForSeek( _seekPoint, indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getKeyStringVersion(), indexAccessMethod()->getSortedDataInterface()->getOrdering(), _forward)); break; case HIT_END: return PlanStage::IS_EOF; } } catch (const WriteConflictException&) { *out = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID; return PlanStage::NEED_YIELD; } if (kv) { // In debug mode, check that the cursor isn't lying to us. if (kDebugBuild && !_startKey.isEmpty()) { int cmp = kv->key.woCompare(_startKey, Ordering::make(_keyPattern), /*compareFieldNames*/ false); if (cmp == 0) dassert(_startKeyInclusive); dassert(_forward ? cmp >= 0 : cmp <= 0); } if (kDebugBuild && !_endKey.isEmpty()) { int cmp = kv->key.woCompare(_endKey, Ordering::make(_keyPattern), /*compareFieldNames*/ false); if (cmp == 0) dassert(_endKeyInclusive); dassert(_forward ? cmp <= 0 : cmp >= 0); } ++_specificStats.keysExamined; } if (kv && _checker) { switch (_checker->checkKey(kv->key, &_seekPoint)) { case IndexBoundsChecker::VALID: break; case IndexBoundsChecker::DONE: kv = boost::none; break; case IndexBoundsChecker::MUST_ADVANCE: _scanState = NEED_SEEK; return PlanStage::NEED_TIME; } } if (!kv) { _scanState = HIT_END; _commonStats.isEOF = true; _indexCursor.reset(); return PlanStage::IS_EOF; } _scanState = GETTING_NEXT; if (_shouldDedup) { ++_specificStats.dupsTested; if (!_returned.insert(kv->loc).second) { // We've seen this RecordId before. Skip it this time. ++_specificStats.dupsDropped; return PlanStage::NEED_TIME; } } if (!Filter::passes(kv->key, _keyPattern, _filter)) { return PlanStage::NEED_TIME; } if (!kv->key.isOwned()) kv->key = kv->key.getOwned(); // We found something to return, so fill out the WSM. WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate(); WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id); member->recordId = kv->loc; member->keyData.push_back(IndexKeyDatum( _keyPattern, kv->key, workingSetIndexId(), opCtx()->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId())); _workingSet->transitionToRecordIdAndIdx(id); if (_addKeyMetadata) { member->metadata().setIndexKey(IndexKeyEntry::rehydrateKey(_keyPattern, kv->key)); } *out = id; return PlanStage::ADVANCED; } bool IndexScan::isEOF() { return _commonStats.isEOF; } void IndexScan::doSaveStateRequiresIndex() { if (!_indexCursor) return; if (_scanState == NEED_SEEK) { _indexCursor->saveUnpositioned(); return; } _indexCursor->save(); } void IndexScan::doRestoreStateRequiresIndex() { if (_indexCursor) _indexCursor->restore(); } void IndexScan::doDetachFromOperationContext() { if (_indexCursor) _indexCursor->detachFromOperationContext(); } void IndexScan::doReattachToOperationContext() { if (_indexCursor) _indexCursor->reattachToOperationContext(opCtx()); } std::unique_ptr IndexScan::getStats() { // WARNING: this could be called even if the collection was dropped. Do not access any // catalog information here. // Add a BSON representation of the filter to the stats tree, if there is one. if (nullptr != _filter) { BSONObjBuilder bob; _filter->serialize(&bob); _commonStats.filter = bob.obj(); } // These specific stats fields never change. if (_specificStats.indexType.empty()) { _specificStats.indexType = "BtreeCursor"; // TODO amName; _specificStats.indexBounds = _bounds.toBSON(); _specificStats.direction = _direction; } std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(_commonStats, STAGE_IXSCAN); ret->specific = std::make_unique(_specificStats); return ret; } const SpecificStats* IndexScan::getSpecificStats() const { return &_specificStats; } } // namespace mongo