/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/index/multikey_paths.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/query/stage_types.h" #include "mongo/util/container_size_helper.h" #include "mongo/util/time_support.h" namespace mongo { /** * The interface all specific-to-stage stats provide. */ struct SpecificStats { virtual ~SpecificStats() {} /** * Make a deep copy. */ virtual SpecificStats* clone() const = 0; virtual uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const = 0; }; // Every stage has CommonStats. struct CommonStats { CommonStats() = delete; CommonStats(const char* type) : stageTypeStr(type), works(0), yields(0), unyields(0), advanced(0), needTime(0), needYield(0), executionTimeMillis(0), failed(false), isEOF(false) {} uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return filter.objsize() + sizeof(*this); } // String giving the type of the stage. Not owned. const char* stageTypeStr; // Count calls into the stage. size_t works; size_t yields; size_t unyields; // How many times was this state the return value of work(...)? size_t advanced; size_t needTime; size_t needYield; // BSON representation of a MatchExpression affixed to this node. If there // is no filter affixed, then 'filter' should be an empty BSONObj. BSONObj filter; // Time elapsed while working inside this stage. long long executionTimeMillis; // TODO: have some way of tracking WSM sizes (or really any series of #s). We can measure // the size of our inputs and the size of our outputs. We can do a lot with the WS here. // TODO: once we've picked a plan, collect different (or additional) stats for display to // the user, eg. time_t totalTimeSpent; // TODO: keep track of the total yield time / fetch time done for a plan. bool failed; bool isEOF; }; // The universal container for a stage's stats. struct PlanStageStats { PlanStageStats(const CommonStats& c, StageType t) : stageType(t), common(c) {} /** * Make a deep copy. */ PlanStageStats* clone() const { PlanStageStats* stats = new PlanStageStats(common, stageType); if (specific.get()) { stats->specific.reset(specific->clone()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { invariant(children[i]); stats->children.emplace_back(children[i]->clone()); } return stats; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return // Add size of each element in 'children' vector. container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( children, [](const auto& child) { return child->estimateObjectSizeInBytes(); }, true) + // Exclude the size of 'common' object since is being added later. (common.estimateObjectSizeInBytes() - sizeof(common)) + // Add 'specific' object size if exists. (specific ? specific->estimateObjectSizeInBytes() : 0) + // Add size of the object. sizeof(*this); } // See query/stage_type.h StageType stageType; // Stats exported by implementing the PlanStage interface. CommonStats common; // Per-stage place to stash additional information std::unique_ptr specific; // The stats of the node's children. std::vector> children; private: PlanStageStats(const PlanStageStats&) = delete; PlanStageStats& operator=(const PlanStageStats&) = delete; }; struct AndHashStats : public SpecificStats { AndHashStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { AndHashStats* specific = new AndHashStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(mapAfterChild) + sizeof(*this); } // How many entries are in the map after each child? // child 'i' produced children[i].common.advanced RecordIds, of which mapAfterChild[i] were // intersections. std::vector mapAfterChild; // mapAfterChild[mapAfterChild.size() - 1] WSMswere match tested. // commonstats.advanced is how many passed. // What's our current memory usage? size_t memUsage = 0u; // What's our memory limit? size_t memLimit = 0u; }; struct AndSortedStats : public SpecificStats { AndSortedStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { AndSortedStats* specific = new AndSortedStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(failedAnd) + sizeof(*this); } // How many results from each child did not pass the AND? std::vector failedAnd; }; struct CachedPlanStats : public SpecificStats { CachedPlanStats() : replanned(false) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new CachedPlanStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } bool replanned; }; struct CollectionScanStats : public SpecificStats { CollectionScanStats() : docsTested(0), direction(1) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { CollectionScanStats* specific = new CollectionScanStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } // How many documents did we check against our filter? size_t docsTested; // >0 if we're traversing the collection forwards. <0 if we're traversing it // backwards. int direction; bool tailable{false}; // The start location of the scan. Must only be set on forward oplog scans. boost::optional minTs; // Indicates that the collection scan will stop and return EOF the first time it sees a // document that does not pass the filter and has a "ts" Timestamp field greater than 'maxTs'. // Must only be set on forward oplog scans. boost::optional maxTs; }; struct CountStats : public SpecificStats { CountStats() : nCounted(0), nSkipped(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { CountStats* specific = new CountStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } // The result of the count. long long nCounted; // The number of results we skipped over. long long nSkipped; }; struct CountScanStats : public SpecificStats { CountScanStats() : indexVersion(0), isMultiKey(false), isPartial(false), isSparse(false), isUnique(false), keysExamined(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { CountScanStats* specific = new CountScanStats(*this); // BSON objects have to be explicitly copied. specific->keyPattern = keyPattern.getOwned(); specific->collation = collation.getOwned(); specific->startKey = startKey.getOwned(); specific->endKey = endKey.getOwned(); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( multiKeyPaths, [](const auto& keyPath) { // Calculate the size of each std::set in 'multiKeyPaths'. return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(keyPath); }, true) + keyPattern.objsize() + collation.objsize() + startKey.objsize() + endKey.objsize() + indexName.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } std::string indexName; BSONObj keyPattern; BSONObj collation; // The starting/ending key(s) of the index scan. // startKey and endKey contain the fields of keyPattern, with values // that match the corresponding index bounds. BSONObj startKey; BSONObj endKey; // Whether or not those keys are inclusive or exclusive bounds. bool startKeyInclusive; bool endKeyInclusive; int indexVersion; // Set to true if the index used for the count scan is multikey. bool isMultiKey; // Represents which prefixes of the indexed field(s) cause the index to be multikey. MultikeyPaths multiKeyPaths; bool isPartial; bool isSparse; bool isUnique; size_t keysExamined; }; struct DeleteStats : public SpecificStats { DeleteStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new DeleteStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t docsDeleted = 0u; }; struct DistinctScanStats : public SpecificStats { SpecificStats* clone() const final { DistinctScanStats* specific = new DistinctScanStats(*this); // BSON objects have to be explicitly copied. specific->keyPattern = keyPattern.getOwned(); specific->collation = collation.getOwned(); specific->indexBounds = indexBounds.getOwned(); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( multiKeyPaths, [](const auto& keyPath) { // Calculate the size of each std::set in 'multiKeyPaths'. return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(keyPath); }, true) + keyPattern.objsize() + collation.objsize() + indexBounds.objsize() + indexName.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } // How many keys did we look at while distinct-ing? size_t keysExamined = 0; BSONObj keyPattern; BSONObj collation; // Properties of the index used for the distinct scan. std::string indexName; int indexVersion = 0; // Set to true if the index used for the distinct scan is multikey. bool isMultiKey = false; // Represents which prefixes of the indexed field(s) cause the index to be multikey. MultikeyPaths multiKeyPaths; bool isPartial = false; bool isSparse = false; bool isUnique = false; // >1 if we're traversing the index forwards and <1 if we're traversing it backwards. int direction = 1; // A BSON representation of the distinct scan's index bounds. BSONObj indexBounds; }; struct EnsureSortedStats : public SpecificStats { EnsureSortedStats() : nDropped(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { EnsureSortedStats* specific = new EnsureSortedStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } // The number of out-of-order results that were dropped. long long nDropped; }; struct FetchStats : public SpecificStats { FetchStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { FetchStats* specific = new FetchStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } // Have we seen anything that already had an object? size_t alreadyHasObj = 0u; // The total number of full documents touched by the fetch stage. size_t docsExamined = 0u; }; struct IDHackStats : public SpecificStats { IDHackStats() : keysExamined(0), docsExamined(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { IDHackStats* specific = new IDHackStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return indexName.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } std::string indexName; // Number of entries retrieved from the index while executing the idhack. size_t keysExamined; // Number of documents retrieved from the collection while executing the idhack. size_t docsExamined; }; struct ReturnKeyStats : public SpecificStats { SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new ReturnKeyStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } }; struct IndexScanStats : public SpecificStats { IndexScanStats() : indexVersion(0), direction(1), isMultiKey(false), isPartial(false), isSparse(false), isUnique(false), dupsTested(0), dupsDropped(0), keysExamined(0), seeks(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { IndexScanStats* specific = new IndexScanStats(*this); // BSON objects have to be explicitly copied. specific->keyPattern = keyPattern.getOwned(); specific->collation = collation.getOwned(); specific->indexBounds = indexBounds.getOwned(); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes( multiKeyPaths, [](const auto& keyPath) { // Calculate the size of each std::set in 'multiKeyPaths'. return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(keyPath); }, true) + keyPattern.objsize() + collation.objsize() + indexBounds.objsize() + indexName.capacity() + indexType.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } // Index type being used. std::string indexType; // name of the index being used std::string indexName; BSONObj keyPattern; BSONObj collation; int indexVersion; // A BSON (opaque, ie. hands off other than toString() it) representation of the bounds // used. BSONObj indexBounds; // >1 if we're traversing the index along with its order. <1 if we're traversing it // against the order. int direction; // index properties // Whether this index is over a field that contain array values. bool isMultiKey; // Represents which prefixes of the indexed field(s) cause the index to be multikey. MultikeyPaths multiKeyPaths; bool isPartial; bool isSparse; bool isUnique; size_t dupsTested; size_t dupsDropped; // Number of entries retrieved from the index during the scan. size_t keysExamined; // Number of times the index cursor is re-positioned during the execution of the scan. size_t seeks; }; struct LimitStats : public SpecificStats { LimitStats() : limit(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { LimitStats* specific = new LimitStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t limit; }; struct MockStats : public SpecificStats { MockStats() {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new MockStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } }; struct MultiPlanStats : public SpecificStats { MultiPlanStats() {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new MultiPlanStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } }; struct OrStats : public SpecificStats { OrStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { OrStats* specific = new OrStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t dupsTested = 0u; size_t dupsDropped = 0u; }; struct ProjectionStats : public SpecificStats { ProjectionStats() {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { ProjectionStats* specific = new ProjectionStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return projObj.objsize() + sizeof(*this); } // Object specifying the projection transformation to apply. BSONObj projObj; }; struct SortStats : public SpecificStats { SortStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { SortStats* specific = new SortStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sortPattern.objsize() + sizeof(*this); } // The pattern according to which we are sorting. BSONObj sortPattern; // The number of results to return from the sort. uint64_t limit = 0u; // The maximum number of bytes of memory we're willing to use during execution of the sort. If // this limit is exceeded and 'allowDiskUse' is false, the query will fail at execution time. If // 'allowDiskUse' is true, the data will be spilled to disk. uint64_t maxMemoryUsageBytes = 0u; // The amount of data we've sorted in bytes. At various times this data may be buffered in // memory or disk-resident, depending on the configuration of 'maxMemoryUsageBytes' and whether // disk use is allowed. uint64_t totalDataSizeBytes = 0u; // Whether we spilled data to disk during the execution of this query. bool wasDiskUsed = false; }; struct MergeSortStats : public SpecificStats { MergeSortStats() = default; SpecificStats* clone() const final { MergeSortStats* specific = new MergeSortStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sortPattern.objsize() + sizeof(*this); } size_t dupsTested = 0u; size_t dupsDropped = 0u; // The pattern according to which we are sorting. BSONObj sortPattern; }; struct ShardingFilterStats : public SpecificStats { ShardingFilterStats() : chunkSkips(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { ShardingFilterStats* specific = new ShardingFilterStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t chunkSkips; }; struct SkipStats : public SpecificStats { SkipStats() : skip(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { SkipStats* specific = new SkipStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t skip; }; struct IntervalStats { // Number of results found in the covering of this interval. long long numResultsBuffered = 0; // Number of documents in this interval returned to the parent stage. long long numResultsReturned = 0; // Min distance of this interval - always inclusive. double minDistanceAllowed = -1; // Max distance of this interval - inclusive iff inclusiveMaxDistanceAllowed. double maxDistanceAllowed = -1; // True only in the last interval. bool inclusiveMaxDistanceAllowed = false; }; struct NearStats : public SpecificStats { NearStats() : indexVersion(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new NearStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return container_size_helper::estimateObjectSizeInBytes(intervalStats) + keyPattern.objsize() + indexName.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } std::vector intervalStats; std::string indexName; // btree index version, not geo index version int indexVersion; BSONObj keyPattern; }; struct UpdateStats : public SpecificStats { UpdateStats() : nMatched(0), nModified(0), isModUpdate(false), inserted(false) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { return new UpdateStats(*this); } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return objInserted.objsize() + sizeof(*this); } // The number of documents which match the query part of the update. size_t nMatched; // The number of documents modified by this update. size_t nModified; // True iff this is a $mod update. bool isModUpdate; // Is this an {upsert: true} update that did an insert? bool inserted; // The object that was inserted. This is an empty document if no insert was performed. BSONObj objInserted; }; struct TextStats : public SpecificStats { TextStats() : parsedTextQuery(), textIndexVersion(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { TextStats* specific = new TextStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return parsedTextQuery.objsize() + indexPrefix.objsize() + indexName.capacity() + sizeof(*this); } std::string indexName; // Human-readable form of the FTSQuery associated with the text stage. BSONObj parsedTextQuery; int textIndexVersion; // Index keys that precede the "text" index key. BSONObj indexPrefix; }; struct TextMatchStats : public SpecificStats { TextMatchStats() : docsRejected(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { TextMatchStats* specific = new TextMatchStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t docsRejected; }; struct TextOrStats : public SpecificStats { TextOrStats() : fetches(0) {} SpecificStats* clone() const final { TextOrStats* specific = new TextOrStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t fetches; }; struct TrialStats : public SpecificStats { SpecificStats* clone() const final { TrialStats* specific = new TrialStats(*this); return specific; } uint64_t estimateObjectSizeInBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); } size_t trialPeriodMaxWorks = 0; double successThreshold = 0; size_t trialWorks = 0; size_t trialAdvanced = 0; bool trialCompleted = false; bool trialSucceeded = false; }; } // namespace mongo