/** * Copyright (C) 2019-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/projection_executor_builder.h" #include "mongo/base/exact_cast.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/exclusion_projection_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/inclusion_projection_executor.h" #include "mongo/db/pipeline/expression_find_internal.h" #include "mongo/db/query/projection_ast_path_tracking_visitor.h" #include "mongo/db/query/tree_walker.h" #include "mongo/db/query/util/make_data_structure.h" namespace mongo::projection_executor { namespace { constexpr auto kInclusion = projection_ast::ProjectType::kInclusion; constexpr auto kExclusion = projection_ast::ProjectType::kExclusion; constexpr auto kProjectionPostImageVarName = ProjectionExecutor::kProjectionPostImageVarName; /** * Holds data used to built a projection executor while walking an AST tree. This struct is attached * to 'PathTrackingVisitorContext' and can be accessed by projection AST visitors to track the * current context. */ template struct ProjectionExecutorVisitorData { // A projection executor returned upon completion of AST traversal. std::unique_ptr executor; boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx; // A root replacement expression to be attached to the projection executor, if any. If there // are multiple root replacement expressions in the AST, they will be chained together, so that // one expression becomes an input to another. boost::intrusive_ptr rootReplacementExpression; auto rootNode() const { return executor->getRoot(); } void setRootReplacementExpression(boost::intrusive_ptr expr) { rootReplacementExpression = expr; executor->setRootReplacementExpression(rootReplacementExpression); } }; template using ProjectionExecutorVisitorContext = projection_ast::PathTrackingVisitorContext>; template auto makeProjectionPreImageExpression(const ProjectionExecutorVisitorData& data) { return ExpressionFieldPath::parse( data.expCtx.get(), "$$ROOT", data.expCtx->variablesParseState); } template auto makeProjectionPostImageExpression(const ProjectionExecutorVisitorData& data) { return data.rootReplacementExpression ? data.rootReplacementExpression : ExpressionFieldPath::parse(data.expCtx.get(), "$$" + kProjectionPostImageVarName, data.expCtx->variablesParseState); } /** * Creates a find()-style positional expression from the given AST 'node' to be applied to the * 'path' on the input document. If the visitor 'data' already contains a root replacement * expression, it will be used as an input operand to the new root replacement expression, otherwise * a field path expressions will be created to access a projection post-image document. */ template auto createFindPositionalExpression(const projection_ast::ProjectionPositionalASTNode* node, const ProjectionExecutorVisitorData& data, const FieldPath& path) { tassert(7241711, "the parameter node cannot be null for a positional expression", node); const auto& children = node->children(); tassert(7241712, "positional operator '.$' operator only takes in one object", children.size() == 1UL); auto matchExprNode = exact_pointer_cast(children[0].get()); tassert(7241713, "positional operator '.$' must have a condition to match on.", matchExprNode); return make_intrusive(data.expCtx.get(), makeProjectionPreImageExpression(data), makeProjectionPostImageExpression(data), path, matchExprNode->matchExpression()); } /** * Creates a find()-style $slice expression from the given AST 'node' to be applied to the * 'path' on the input document. If the visitor 'data' already contains a root replacement * expression, it will be used as an input operand to the new root replacement expression, otherwise * a field path expressions will be created to access a projection post-image document. */ template auto createFindSliceExpression(const projection_ast::ProjectionSliceASTNode* node, const ProjectionExecutorVisitorData& data, const FieldPath& path) { tassert(7241714, "the parameter node cannot be null for a slice expression", node); return make_intrusive(data.expCtx.get(), makeProjectionPostImageExpression(data), path, node->skip(), node->limit()); } /** * Creates a find()-style $elemMatch expression from the given AST 'node' to be applied at the * 'path' on the input document. */ template auto createFindElemMatchExpression(const projection_ast::ProjectionElemMatchASTNode* node, const ProjectionExecutorVisitorData& data, const FieldPath& path) { tassert(7241715, "the parameter node cannot be null for an elemMatch expression", node); const auto& children = node->children(); tassert( 7241716, "$elemMatch projection operator only takes in one object", children.size() == 1UL); auto matchExprNode = exact_pointer_cast(children[0].get()); tassert(7241717, "$elemMatch projection operator must have a condition to match on.", matchExprNode); return make_intrusive(data.expCtx.get(), makeProjectionPreImageExpression(data), path, matchExprNode->matchExpression()); } /** * A projection AST visitor which creates inclusion or exclusion nodes in the projection execution * tree by calling corresponding 'addProjectionForPath()' or 'addExpressionForPath()' on the root * node of the tree while traversing the AST. If the AST contains root-replacement expressions, they * will be attached to the projection executor. * * To track the current path in the projection, this visitor should be used with * 'PathTrackingWalker' which will help to maintain the current path via * 'PathTrackingVisitorContext'. */ template class ProjectionExecutorVisitor final : public projection_ast::ProjectionASTConstVisitor { public: ProjectionExecutorVisitor(ProjectionExecutorVisitorContext* context) : _context{context} { tassert(7241718, "context cannot be null for Projection Executor", _context); } void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPositionalASTNode* node) final { constexpr auto isInclusion = std::is_same_v; tassert(7241719, "a positional expression cannot be applied to an exclusion projection.", isInclusion); const auto& path = _context->fullPath(); auto& userData = _context->data(); userData.rootNode()->addProjectionForPath(path.fullPath()); userData.setRootReplacementExpression(createFindPositionalExpression(node, userData, path)); } void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionSliceASTNode* node) final { const auto& path = _context->fullPath(); auto& userData = _context->data(); // A $slice expression can be applied to an exclusion projection. In this case we don't need // to project out the path to which $slice is applied, since it will already be included // into the output document. if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { userData.rootNode()->addProjectionForPath(path.fullPath()); } userData.setRootReplacementExpression(createFindSliceExpression(node, userData, path)); } void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionElemMatchASTNode* node) final { const auto& path = _context->fullPath(); const auto& userData = _context->data(); userData.rootNode()->addExpressionForPath( path.fullPath(), createFindElemMatchExpression(node, userData, path)); } void visit(const projection_ast::ExpressionASTNode* node) final { const auto& path = _context->fullPath(); const auto& userData = _context->data(); userData.rootNode()->addExpressionForPath(path.fullPath(), node->expression()); } void visit(const projection_ast::BooleanConstantASTNode* node) final { const auto& path = _context->fullPath(); const auto& userData = _context->data(); // In an inclusion projection only the _id field can be excluded from the result document. // If this is the case, then we don't need to include the field into the projection. if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { const auto isIdField = path == "_id"; if (isIdField && !node->value()) { return; } // In inclusion projection only _id field can be excluded, make sure this is the case. tassert( 7241720, "inclusion projections do not support excluding fields other than the _id field", !isIdField || node->value()); } userData.rootNode()->addProjectionForPath(path.fullPath()); } void visit(const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* node) final {} void visit(const projection_ast::MatchExpressionASTNode* node) final {} private: ProjectionExecutorVisitorContext* _context; }; /** * A helper function which creates a 'ProjectionExecutorWalker' to walk a projection AST, * starting at the node 'root', and build a projection executor of the specified type * 'Executor'. */ template auto buildProjectionExecutor(boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx, const projection_ast::ProjectionPathASTNode* root, const ProjectionPolicies policies, const BuilderParamsBitSet params) { ProjectionExecutorVisitorContext context{ {std::make_unique(expCtx, policies, params[kAllowFastPath], *root), expCtx}}; ProjectionExecutorVisitor executorVisitor{&context}; projection_ast::PathTrackingWalker walker{&context, {&executorVisitor}, {}}; tree_walker::walk(root, &walker); if (params[kOptimizeExecutor]) { context.data().executor->optimize(); } return std::move(context.data().executor); } } // namespace std::unique_ptr buildProjectionExecutor( boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx, const projection_ast::Projection* projection, const ProjectionPolicies policies, BuilderParamsBitSet params) { tassert(7241721, "the parameter projection cannot be null for Projection Executor", projection); switch (projection->type()) { case kInclusion: { if (!projection->isInclusionOnly()) { params.reset(kAllowFastPath); } return buildProjectionExecutor( expCtx, projection->root(), policies, params); } case kExclusion: { if (!projection->isExclusionOnly()) { params.reset(kAllowFastPath); } return buildProjectionExecutor( expCtx, projection->root(), policies, params); } default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } } // namespace mongo::projection_executor