/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/projection_node.h" namespace mongo::projection_executor { using ArrayRecursionPolicy = ProjectionPolicies::ArrayRecursionPolicy; using ComputedFieldsPolicy = ProjectionPolicies::ComputedFieldsPolicy; using DefaultIdPolicy = ProjectionPolicies::DefaultIdPolicy; ProjectionNode::ProjectionNode(ProjectionPolicies policies, std::string pathToNode) : _policies(policies), _pathToNode(std::move(pathToNode)) {} void ProjectionNode::addProjectionForPath(const FieldPath& path) { // Enforce that this method can only be called on the root node. invariant(_pathToNode.empty()); _addProjectionForPath(path); } void ProjectionNode::_addProjectionForPath(const FieldPath& path) { makeOptimizationsStale(); if (path.getPathLength() == 1) { _projectedFields.insert(path.fullPath()); return; } // FieldPath can't be empty, so it is safe to obtain the first path component here. addOrGetChild(path.getFieldName(0).toString())->_addProjectionForPath(path.tail()); } void ProjectionNode::addExpressionForPath(const FieldPath& path, boost::intrusive_ptr expr) { // Enforce that this method can only be called on the root node. invariant(_pathToNode.empty()); _addExpressionForPath(path, std::move(expr)); } void ProjectionNode::_addExpressionForPath(const FieldPath& path, boost::intrusive_ptr expr) { makeOptimizationsStale(); // If the computed fields policy is 'kBanComputedFields', we should never reach here. invariant(_policies.computedFieldsPolicy == ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields); // We're going to add an expression either to this node, or to some child of this node. // In any case, the entire subtree will contain at least one computed field. _subtreeContainsComputedFields = true; if (path.getPathLength() == 1) { auto fieldName = path.fullPath(); _expressions[fieldName] = expr; _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.push_back(fieldName); return; } // FieldPath can't be empty, so it is safe to obtain the first path component here. addOrGetChild(path.getFieldName(0).toString())->_addExpressionForPath(path.tail(), expr); } boost::intrusive_ptr ProjectionNode::getExpressionForPath(const FieldPath& path) const { // The FieldPath always conatins at least one field. auto fieldName = path.getFieldName(0).toString(); if (path.getPathLength() == 1) { if (_expressions.find(fieldName) != _expressions.end()) { return _expressions.at(fieldName); } return nullptr; } if (auto child = getChild(fieldName)) { return child->getExpressionForPath(path.tail()); } return nullptr; } ProjectionNode* ProjectionNode::addOrGetChild(const std::string& field) { makeOptimizationsStale(); auto child = getChild(field); return child ? child : addChild(field); } ProjectionNode* ProjectionNode::addChild(const std::string& field) { makeOptimizationsStale(); invariant(!str::contains(field, ".")); _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren.push_back(field); auto insertedPair = _children.emplace(std::make_pair(field, makeChild(field))); return insertedPair.first->second.get(); } ProjectionNode* ProjectionNode::getChild(const std::string& field) const { auto childIt = _children.find(field); return childIt == _children.end() ? nullptr : childIt->second.get(); } Document ProjectionNode::applyToDocument(const Document& inputDoc) const { // Defer to the derived class to initialize the output document, then apply. MutableDocument outputDoc{initializeOutputDocument(inputDoc)}; applyProjections(inputDoc, &outputDoc); if (_subtreeContainsComputedFields) { applyExpressions(inputDoc, &outputDoc); } // Make sure that we always pass through any metadata present in the input doc. if (inputDoc.metadata()) { outputDoc.copyMetaDataFrom(inputDoc); } return outputDoc.freeze(); } void ProjectionNode::applyProjections(const Document& inputDoc, MutableDocument* outputDoc) const { // Iterate over the input document so that the projected document retains its field ordering. auto it = inputDoc.fieldIterator(); size_t projectedFields = 0; while (it.more()) { auto fieldName = it.fieldName(); if (_projectedFields.find(fieldName) != _projectedFields.end()) { outputProjectedField( fieldName, applyLeafProjectionToValue(it.next().second), outputDoc); ++projectedFields; } else if (auto childIt = _children.find(fieldName); childIt != _children.end()) { outputProjectedField( fieldName, childIt->second->applyProjectionsToValue(it.next().second), outputDoc); ++projectedFields; } else { it.advance(); } // Check if we can avoid reading from the document any further. if (_maxFieldsToProject && _maxFieldsToProject <= projectedFields) { break; } } } Value ProjectionNode::applyProjectionsToValue(Value inputValue) const { if (inputValue.getType() == BSONType::Object) { MutableDocument outputSubDoc{initializeOutputDocument(inputValue.getDocument())}; applyProjections(inputValue.getDocument(), &outputSubDoc); return outputSubDoc.freezeToValue(); } else if (inputValue.getType() == BSONType::Array) { std::vector values = inputValue.getArray(); for (auto& value : values) { // If this is a nested array and our policy is to not recurse, skip the array. // Otherwise, descend into the array and project each element individually. const bool shouldSkip = value.isArray() && _policies.arrayRecursionPolicy == ArrayRecursionPolicy::kDoNotRecurseNestedArrays; value = (shouldSkip ? transformSkippedValueForOutput(value) : applyProjectionsToValue(value)); } return Value(std::move(values)); } else { // This represents the case where we are projecting children of a field which does not have // any children; for instance, applying the projection {"a.b": true} to the document {a: 2}. return transformSkippedValueForOutput(inputValue); } } void ProjectionNode::outputProjectedField(StringData field, Value val, MutableDocument* doc) const { doc->setField(field, val); } void ProjectionNode::applyExpressions(const Document& root, MutableDocument* outputDoc) const { for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) { auto childIt = _children.find(field); if (childIt != _children.end()) { outputDoc->setField( field, childIt->second->applyExpressionsToValue(root, outputDoc->peek()[field])); } else { auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field); invariant(expressionIt != _expressions.end()); outputDoc->setField( field, expressionIt->second->evaluate( root, &expressionIt->second->getExpressionContext()->variables)); } } } Value ProjectionNode::applyExpressionsToValue(const Document& root, Value inputValue) const { if (inputValue.getType() == BSONType::Object) { MutableDocument outputDoc(inputValue.getDocument()); applyExpressions(root, &outputDoc); return outputDoc.freezeToValue(); } else if (inputValue.getType() == BSONType::Array) { std::vector values = inputValue.getArray(); for (auto& value : values) { value = applyExpressionsToValue(root, value); } return Value(std::move(values)); } else { if (_subtreeContainsComputedFields) { // Our semantics in this case are to replace whatever existing value we find with a new // document of all the computed values. This case represents applying a projection like // {"a.b": {$literal: 1}} to the document {a: 1}. This should yield {a: {b: 1}}. MutableDocument outputDoc; applyExpressions(root, &outputDoc); return outputDoc.freezeToValue(); } // We didn't have any expressions, so just skip this value. return transformSkippedValueForOutput(inputValue); } } void ProjectionNode::reportProjectedPaths(OrderedPathSet* projectedPaths) const { for (auto&& projectedField : _projectedFields) { projectedPaths->insert(FieldPath::getFullyQualifiedPath(_pathToNode, projectedField)); } for (auto&& childPair : _children) { childPair.second->reportProjectedPaths(projectedPaths); } } void ProjectionNode::reportComputedPaths(OrderedPathSet* computedPaths, StringMap* renamedPaths) const { for (auto&& computedPair : _expressions) { // The expression's path is the concatenation of the path to this node, plus the field name // associated with the expression. auto exprPath = FieldPath::getFullyQualifiedPath(_pathToNode, computedPair.first); auto exprComputedPaths = computedPair.second->getComputedPaths(exprPath); computedPaths->insert(exprComputedPaths.paths.begin(), exprComputedPaths.paths.end()); for (auto&& rename : exprComputedPaths.renames) { (*renamedPaths)[rename.first] = rename.second; } } for (auto&& childPair : _children) { childPair.second->reportComputedPaths(computedPaths, renamedPaths); } } void ProjectionNode::optimize() { for (auto&& expressionIt : _expressions) { _expressions[expressionIt.first] = expressionIt.second->optimize(); } for (auto&& childPair : _children) { childPair.second->optimize(); } _maxFieldsToProject = maxFieldsToProject(); } Document ProjectionNode::serialize(boost::optional explain) const { MutableDocument outputDoc; serialize(explain, &outputDoc); return outputDoc.freeze(); } void ProjectionNode::serialize(boost::optional explain, MutableDocument* output) const { // Determine the boolean value for projected fields in the explain output. const bool projVal = !applyLeafProjectionToValue(Value(true)).missing(); // Always put "_id" first if it was projected (implicitly or explicitly). if (_projectedFields.find("_id") != _projectedFields.end()) { output->addField("_id", Value(projVal)); } for (auto&& projectedField : _projectedFields) { if (projectedField != "_id") { output->addField(projectedField, Value(projVal)); } } for (auto&& field : _orderToProcessAdditionsAndChildren) { auto childIt = _children.find(field); if (childIt != _children.end()) { MutableDocument subDoc; childIt->second->serialize(explain, &subDoc); output->addField(field, subDoc.freezeToValue()); } else { invariant(_policies.computedFieldsPolicy == ComputedFieldsPolicy::kAllowComputedFields); auto expressionIt = _expressions.find(field); invariant(expressionIt != _expressions.end()); output->addField(field, expressionIt->second->serialize(static_cast(explain))); } } } } // namespace mongo::projection_executor