/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/action_set.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/action_type.h" #include "mongo/db/auth/privilege.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/commands.h" #include "mongo/db/commands/test_commands_enabled.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/and_hash.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/and_sorted.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/collection_scan.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/delete.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/fetch.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/index_scan.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/limit.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/merge_sort.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/or.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/skip.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/sort.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/text.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/working_set_common.h" #include "mongo/db/index/fts_access_method.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_text_base.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/extensions_callback_real.h" #include "mongo/db/query/plan_executor.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { using std::string; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; /** * A command for manually constructing a query tree and running it. * * db.runCommand({stageDebug: {collection: collname, plan: rootNode}}) * * The value of the filter field is a BSONObj that specifies values that fields must have. What * you'd pass to a matcher. * * Leaf Nodes: * * node -> {ixscan: {filter: {FILTER}, * args: {indexKeyPattern: kpObj, start: startObj, * stop: stopObj, endInclusive: true/false, direction: -1/1, * limit: int}}} * node -> {cscan: {filter: {filter}, args: {direction: -1/1}}} * TODO: language for text. * node -> {text: {filter: {filter}, args: {search: "searchstr"}}} * * Internal Nodes: * * node -> {andHash: {args: { nodes: [node, node]}}} * node -> {andSorted: {args: { nodes: [node, node]}}} * node -> {or: {filter: {filter}, args: { dedup:bool, nodes:[node, node]}}} * node -> {fetch: {filter: {filter}, args: {node: node}}} * node -> {limit: {args: {node: node, num: posint}}} * node -> {skip: {args: {node: node, num: posint}}} * node -> {sort: {args: {node: node, pattern: objWithSortCriterion }}} * node -> {mergeSort: {args: {nodes: [node, node], pattern: objWithSortCriterion}}} * node -> {delete: {args: {node: node, isMulti: bool}}} * * Forthcoming Nodes: * * node -> {dedup: {filter: {filter}, args: {node: node, field: field}}} * node -> {unwind: {filter: filter}, args: {node: node, field: field}} */ class StageDebugCmd : public BasicCommand { public: StageDebugCmd() : BasicCommand("stageDebug") {} virtual bool supportsWriteConcern(const BSONObj& cmd) const override { return false; } AllowedOnSecondary secondaryAllowed(ServiceContext*) const override { return AllowedOnSecondary::kNever; } std::string help() const override { return {}; } virtual void addRequiredPrivileges(const std::string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj, std::vector* out) const { // Command is testing-only, and can only be enabled at command line. Hence, no auth // check needed. } bool run(OperationContext* opCtx, const string& dbname, const BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder& result) { BSONElement argElt = cmdObj["stageDebug"]; if (argElt.eoo() || !argElt.isABSONObj()) { return false; } BSONObj argObj = argElt.Obj(); // Pull out the collection name. BSONElement collElt = argObj["collection"]; if (collElt.eoo() || (String != collElt.type())) { return false; } const NamespaceString nss(dbname, collElt.String()); uassert(ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace, str::stream() << nss.toString() << " is not a valid namespace", nss.isValid()); // Need a context to get the actual Collection* // TODO A write lock is currently taken here to accommodate stages that perform writes // (e.g. DeleteStage). This should be changed to use a read lock for read-only // execution trees. AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, nss, MODE_IX); // Make sure the collection is valid. Collection* collection = autoColl.getCollection(); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, str::stream() << "Couldn't find collection " << nss.ns(), collection); // Pull out the plan BSONElement planElt = argObj["plan"]; if (planElt.eoo() || !planElt.isABSONObj()) { return false; } BSONObj planObj = planElt.Obj(); // Parse the plan into these. std::vector> exprs; unique_ptr ws(new WorkingSet()); std::unique_ptr userRoot{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, planObj, ws.get(), &exprs)}; uassert(16911, "Couldn't parse plan from " + cmdObj.toString(), nullptr != userRoot); // Add a fetch at the top for the user so we can get obj back for sure. unique_ptr rootFetch = std::make_unique(opCtx, ws.get(), std::move(userRoot), nullptr, collection); auto statusWithPlanExecutor = PlanExecutor::make( opCtx, std::move(ws), std::move(rootFetch), collection, PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO); fassert(28536, statusWithPlanExecutor.getStatus()); auto exec = std::move(statusWithPlanExecutor.getValue()); BSONArrayBuilder resultBuilder(result.subarrayStart("results")); BSONObj obj; PlanExecutor::ExecState state; while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNext(&obj, nullptr))) { resultBuilder.append(obj); } resultBuilder.done(); if (PlanExecutor::FAILURE == state) { error() << "Plan executor error during StageDebug command: FAILURE, stats: " << redact(Explain::getWinningPlanStats(exec.get())); uassertStatusOK(WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(obj).withContext( "Executor error during StageDebug command")); } return true; } PlanStage* parseQuery(OperationContext* opCtx, Collection* collection, BSONObj obj, WorkingSet* workingSet, std::vector>* exprs) { BSONElement firstElt = obj.firstElement(); if (!firstElt.isABSONObj()) { return nullptr; } BSONObj paramObj = firstElt.Obj(); MatchExpression* matcher = nullptr; BSONObj nodeArgs; // Every node has these two fields. const string filterTag = "filter"; const string argsTag = "args"; BSONObjIterator it(paramObj); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); if (!e.isABSONObj()) { return nullptr; } BSONObj argObj = e.Obj(); if (filterTag == e.fieldName()) { const CollatorInterface* collator = nullptr; const boost::intrusive_ptr expCtx( new ExpressionContext(opCtx, collator)); auto statusWithMatcher = MatchExpressionParser::parse(argObj, expCtx, ExtensionsCallbackReal(opCtx, &collection->ns()), MatchExpressionParser::kAllowAllSpecialFeatures); if (!statusWithMatcher.isOK()) { return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr me = std::move(statusWithMatcher.getValue()); // exprs is what will wind up deleting this. matcher = me.get(); verify(nullptr != matcher); exprs->push_back(std::move(me)); } else if (argsTag == e.fieldName()) { nodeArgs = argObj; } else { uasserted(16910, "Unknown fieldname " + string(e.fieldName()) + " in query node " + obj.toString()); return nullptr; } } string nodeName = firstElt.fieldName(); if ("ixscan" == nodeName) { const IndexDescriptor* desc; if (BSONElement keyPatternElement = nodeArgs["keyPattern"]) { // This'll throw if it's not an obj but that's OK. BSONObj keyPatternObj = keyPatternElement.Obj(); std::vector indexes; collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexesByKeyPattern( opCtx, keyPatternObj, false, &indexes); uassert(16890, str::stream() << "Can't find index: " << keyPatternObj, !indexes.empty()); uassert(ErrorCodes::AmbiguousIndexKeyPattern, str::stream() << indexes.size() << " matching indexes for key pattern: " << keyPatternObj << ". Conflicting indexes: " << indexes[0]->infoObj() << ", " << indexes[1]->infoObj(), indexes.size() == 1); desc = indexes[0]; } else { uassert(40306, str::stream() << "Index 'name' must be a string in: " << nodeArgs, nodeArgs["name"].type() == BSONType::String); StringData name = nodeArgs["name"].valueStringData(); desc = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName(opCtx, name); uassert(40223, str::stream() << "Can't find index: " << name.toString(), desc); } IndexScanParams params(opCtx, desc); params.bounds.isSimpleRange = true; params.bounds.startKey = BSONObj::stripFieldNames(nodeArgs["startKey"].Obj()); params.bounds.endKey = BSONObj::stripFieldNames(nodeArgs["endKey"].Obj()); params.bounds.boundInclusion = IndexBounds::makeBoundInclusionFromBoundBools( nodeArgs["startKeyInclusive"].Bool(), nodeArgs["endKeyInclusive"].Bool()); params.direction = nodeArgs["direction"].numberInt(); params.shouldDedup = desc->isMultikey(); return new IndexScan(opCtx, params, workingSet, matcher); } else if ("andHash" == nodeName) { uassert( 16921, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND", nodeArgs["nodes"].isABSONObj()); auto andStage = std::make_unique(opCtx, workingSet); int nodesAdded = 0; BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj()); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); uassert(16922, "node of AND isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(), e.isABSONObj()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(16923, "Can't parse sub-node of AND: " + e.Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); andStage->addChild(std::move(subNode)); ++nodesAdded; } uassert(16927, "AND requires more than one child", nodesAdded >= 2); return andStage.release(); } else if ("andSorted" == nodeName) { uassert( 16924, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND", nodeArgs["nodes"].isABSONObj()); auto andStage = std::make_unique(opCtx, workingSet); int nodesAdded = 0; BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj()); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); uassert(16925, "node of AND isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(), e.isABSONObj()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(16926, "Can't parse sub-node of AND: " + e.Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); andStage->addChild(std::move(subNode)); ++nodesAdded; } uassert(16928, "AND requires more than one child", nodesAdded >= 2); return andStage.release(); } else if ("or" == nodeName) { uassert( 16934, "Nodes argument must be provided to AND", nodeArgs["nodes"].isABSONObj()); uassert(16935, "Dedup argument must be provided to OR", !nodeArgs["dedup"].eoo()); BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj()); auto orStage = std::make_unique(opCtx, workingSet, nodeArgs["dedup"].Bool(), matcher); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); if (!e.isABSONObj()) { return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert( 16936, "Can't parse sub-node of OR: " + e.Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); orStage->addChild(std::move(subNode)); } return orStage.release(); } else if ("fetch" == nodeName) { uassert( 16929, "Node argument must be provided to fetch", nodeArgs["node"].isABSONObj()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(28731, "Can't parse sub-node of FETCH: " + nodeArgs["node"].Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); return new FetchStage(opCtx, workingSet, std::move(subNode), matcher, collection); } else if ("limit" == nodeName) { uassert(16937, "Limit stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)", nullptr == matcher); uassert( 16930, "Node argument must be provided to limit", nodeArgs["node"].isABSONObj()); uassert(16931, "Num argument must be provided to limit", nodeArgs["num"].isNumber()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(28732, "Can't parse sub-node of LIMIT: " + nodeArgs["node"].Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); return new LimitStage( opCtx, nodeArgs["num"].numberInt(), workingSet, std ::move(subNode)); } else if ("skip" == nodeName) { uassert(16938, "Skip stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)", nullptr == matcher); uassert(16932, "Node argument must be provided to skip", nodeArgs["node"].isABSONObj()); uassert(16933, "Num argument must be provided to skip", nodeArgs["num"].isNumber()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(28733, "Can't parse sub-node of SKIP: " + nodeArgs["node"].Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); return new SkipStage( opCtx, nodeArgs["num"].numberInt(), workingSet, std::move(subNode)); } else if ("cscan" == nodeName) { CollectionScanParams params; // What direction? uassert(16963, "Direction argument must be specified and be a number", nodeArgs["direction"].isNumber()); if (1 == nodeArgs["direction"].numberInt()) { params.direction = CollectionScanParams::FORWARD; } else { params.direction = CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD; } return new CollectionScan(opCtx, collection, params, workingSet, matcher); } else if ("mergeSort" == nodeName) { uassert( 16971, "Nodes argument must be provided to sort", nodeArgs["nodes"].isABSONObj()); uassert(16972, "Pattern argument must be provided to sort", nodeArgs["pattern"].isABSONObj()); MergeSortStageParams params; params.pattern = nodeArgs["pattern"].Obj(); // Dedup is true by default. auto mergeStage = std::make_unique(opCtx, params, workingSet); BSONObjIterator it(nodeArgs["nodes"].Obj()); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); uassert(16973, "node of mergeSort isn't an obj?: " + e.toString(), e.isABSONObj()); std::unique_ptr subNode{ parseQuery(opCtx, collection, e.Obj(), workingSet, exprs)}; uassert(16974, "Can't parse sub-node of mergeSort: " + e.Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); mergeStage->addChild(std::move(subNode)); } return mergeStage.release(); } else if ("text" == nodeName) { string search = nodeArgs["search"].String(); vector idxMatches; collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByType(opCtx, "text", idxMatches); uassert(17194, "Expected exactly one text index", idxMatches.size() == 1); const IndexDescriptor* index = idxMatches[0]; const FTSAccessMethod* fam = dynamic_cast( collection->getIndexCatalog()->getEntry(index)->accessMethod()); invariant(fam); TextStageParams params(fam->getSpec()); params.index = index; // TODO: Deal with non-empty filters. This is a hack to put in covering information // that can only be checked for equality. We ignore this now. Status s = fam->getSpec().getIndexPrefix(BSONObj(), ¶ms.indexPrefix); if (!s.isOK()) { return nullptr; } params.spec = fam->getSpec(); params.query.setQuery(search); params.query.setLanguage(fam->getSpec().defaultLanguage().str()); params.query.setCaseSensitive(TextMatchExpressionBase::kCaseSensitiveDefault); params.query.setDiacriticSensitive(TextMatchExpressionBase::kDiacriticSensitiveDefault); if (!params.query.parse(fam->getSpec().getTextIndexVersion()).isOK()) { return nullptr; } return new TextStage(opCtx, params, workingSet, matcher); } else if ("delete" == nodeName) { uassert(18636, "Delete stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)", nullptr == matcher); uassert( 18637, "node argument must be provided to delete", nodeArgs["node"].isABSONObj()); uassert(18638, "isMulti argument must be provided to delete", nodeArgs["isMulti"].type() == Bool); PlanStage* subNode = parseQuery(opCtx, collection, nodeArgs["node"].Obj(), workingSet, exprs); uassert(28734, "Can't parse sub-node of DELETE: " + nodeArgs["node"].Obj().toString(), nullptr != subNode); auto params = std::make_unique(); params->isMulti = nodeArgs["isMulti"].Bool(); return new DeleteStage(opCtx, std::move(params), workingSet, collection, subNode); } else { return nullptr; } } }; MONGO_REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(StageDebugCmd); } // namespace mongo