/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "boost/optional.hpp" #include #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document.h" #include "mongo/db/exec/document_value/document_metadata_fields.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/db/record_id.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/snapshot.h" #include "mongo/stdx/unordered_set.h" namespace mongo { class IndexAccessMethod; class WorkingSetMember; typedef size_t WorkingSetID; /** * A type used to identify indexes that have been registered with the WorkingSet. A WorkingSetMember * can be associated with a particular index via this id. */ using WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId = unsigned int; /** * The key data extracted from an index. Keeps track of both the key (currently a BSONObj) and * the index that provided the key. The index key pattern is required to correctly interpret * the key. */ struct IndexKeyDatum { IndexKeyDatum(const BSONObj& keyPattern, const BSONObj& key, WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId indexId, SnapshotId snapshotId) : indexKeyPattern(keyPattern), keyData(key), indexId(indexId), snapshotId(snapshotId) {} /** * getFieldDotted produces the field with the provided name based on index keyData. The return * object is populated if the element is in a provided index key. Returns none otherwise. * Returning none indicates a query planning error. */ static boost::optional getFieldDotted(const std::vector& keyData, const std::string& field) { for (size_t i = 0; i < keyData.size(); ++i) { BSONObjIterator keyPatternIt(keyData[i].indexKeyPattern); BSONObjIterator keyDataIt(keyData[i].keyData); while (keyPatternIt.more()) { BSONElement keyPatternElt = keyPatternIt.next(); verify(keyDataIt.more()); BSONElement keyDataElt = keyDataIt.next(); if (field == keyPatternElt.fieldName()) return boost::make_optional(keyDataElt); } } return boost::none; } // This is not owned and points into the IndexDescriptor's data. BSONObj indexKeyPattern; // This is the BSONObj for the key that we put into the index. Owned by us. BSONObj keyData; // Associates this index key with an index that has been registered with the WorkingSet. Can be // used to recover pointers to catalog objects for this index from the WorkingSet. WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId indexId; // Identifies the storage engine snapshot from which this index key was obtained. SnapshotId snapshotId; }; /** * The type of the data passed between query stages. In particular: * * Index scan stages return a WorkingSetMember in the RID_AND_IDX state. * * Collection scan stages return a WorkingSetMember in the RID_AND_OBJ state. * * A WorkingSetMember may have any of the data above. */ class WorkingSetMember { public: enum MemberState { // Initial state. INVALID, // Data is from 1 or more indices. RID_AND_IDX, // Data is from a collection scan, or data is from an index scan and was fetched. The // BSONObj might be owned or unowned. RID_AND_OBJ, // The WSM doesn't correspond to an on-disk document anymore (e.g. is a computed // expression). Since it doesn't correspond to a stored document, a WSM in this state has an // owned BSONObj, but no record id. OWNED_OBJ, }; static WorkingSetMember deserialize(BufReader& buf); /** * Reset to an "empty" state. */ void clear(); // // Member state and state transitions // MemberState getState() const; void transitionToRecordIdAndObj(); void transitionToOwnedObj(); // // Core attributes // RecordId recordId; Snapshotted doc; std::vector keyData; bool hasRecordId() const; bool hasObj() const; bool hasOwnedObj() const; /** * Ensures that 'obj' of a WSM in the RID_AND_OBJ state is owned BSON. It is a no-op if the WSM * is in a different state or if 'obj' is already owned. * * It is illegal for unowned BSON to survive a yield, so this must be called on any working set * members which may stay alive across yield points. */ void makeObjOwnedIfNeeded(); /** * getFieldDotted uses its state (obj or index data) to produce the field with the provided * name. * * Returns true if there is the element is in an index key or in an (owned or unowned) * object. *out is set to the element if so. * * Returns false otherwise. Returning false indicates a query planning error. */ bool getFieldDotted(const std::string& field, BSONElement* out) const; /** * Returns expected memory usage of working set member. */ size_t getMemUsage() const; /** * Returns a const reference to an object housing the metadata fields associated with this * WorkingSetMember. */ const DocumentMetadataFields& metadata() const { return _metadata; } /** * Returns a non-const reference to an object housing the metadata fields associated with this * WorkingSetMember. */ DocumentMetadataFields& metadata() { return _metadata; } /** * Clears all metadata fields inside this WorkingSetMember, and returns a structure containing * that extracted metadata to the caller. The metadata can then be attached to a new * WorkingSetMember or to another data structure that houses metadata. */ DocumentMetadataFields releaseMetadata() { return std::move(_metadata); } /** * Transfers metadata fields to this working set member. By pairs of calls to releaseMetadata() * and setMetadata(), callers can cheaply transfer metadata between WorkingSetMembers. */ void setMetadata(DocumentMetadataFields&& metadata) { _metadata = std::move(metadata); } /** * Resets the underlying BSONObj in the doc field. This avoids unnecessary allocation/ * deallocation of Document/DocumentStorage objects. */ void resetDocument(SnapshotId snapshot, const BSONObj& obj); void serialize(BufBuilder& buf) const; private: friend class WorkingSet; MemberState _state = WorkingSetMember::INVALID; DocumentMetadataFields _metadata; }; /** * A variant of WorkingSetMember that is designed to be compatible with the SortExecutor. Objects of * this type are small, acting only as a handle to the underlying WorkingSetMember. This means that * they can be efficiently copied or moved during the sorting process while the actual * WorkingSetMember data remains in place. * * A SortableWorkingSetMember supports serialization and deserialization so that objects of this * type can be flushed to disk and later recovered. */ class SortableWorkingSetMember { public: struct SorterDeserializeSettings {}; static SortableWorkingSetMember deserializeForSorter(BufReader& buf, const SorterDeserializeSettings&) { return WorkingSetMember::deserialize(buf); } /** * Constructs an empty SortableWorkingSetMember. */ SortableWorkingSetMember() = default; /** * Constructs a SortableWorkingSetMember from a regular WorkingSetMember. Supports implicit * conversion from WorkingSetMember. */ /* implicit */ SortableWorkingSetMember(WorkingSetMember&& wsm) : _holder(std::make_shared(std::move(wsm))) {} void serializeForSorter(BufBuilder& buf) const { _holder->serialize(buf); } int memUsageForSorter() const { return _holder->getMemUsage(); } /** * Extracts and returns the underlying WorkingSetMember held by this SortableWorkingSetMember. */ WorkingSetMember extract() { return std::move(*_holder); } /** * Returns a reference to the underlying WorkingSetMember. */ WorkingSetMember* operator->() const { return _holder.get(); } WorkingSetMember& operator*() const { return *_holder; } SortableWorkingSetMember getOwned() const; void makeOwned(); private: std::shared_ptr _holder; }; /** * All data in use by a query. Data is passed through the stage tree by referencing the ID of * an element of the working set. Stages can add elements to the working set, delete elements * from the working set, or mutate elements in the working set. */ class WorkingSet { WorkingSet(const WorkingSet&) = delete; WorkingSet& operator=(const WorkingSet&) = delete; public: static const WorkingSetID INVALID_ID = WorkingSetID(-1); WorkingSet(); ~WorkingSet() = default; /** * Allocate a new query result and return the ID used to get and free it. */ WorkingSetID allocate(); /** * Get the i-th mutable query result. The pointer will be valid for this id until freed. * Do not delete the returned pointer as the WorkingSet retains ownership. Call free() to * release it. */ WorkingSetMember* get(WorkingSetID i) { dassert(i < _data.size()); // ID has been allocated. dassert(_data[i].nextFreeOrSelf == i); // ID currently in use. return &_data[i].member; } const WorkingSetMember* get(WorkingSetID i) const { dassert(i < _data.size()); // ID has been allocated. dassert(_data[i].nextFreeOrSelf == i); // ID currently in use. return &_data[i].member; } /** * Returns true if WorkingSetMember with id 'i' is free. */ bool isFree(WorkingSetID i) const { return _data[i].nextFreeOrSelf != i; } /** * Deallocate the i-th query result and release its resources. */ void free(WorkingSetID i); /** * Removes and deallocates all members of this working set. */ void clear(); // // WorkingSetMember state transitions // void transitionToRecordIdAndIdx(WorkingSetID id); void transitionToRecordIdAndObj(WorkingSetID id); void transitionToOwnedObj(WorkingSetID id); /** * Registers an IndexAccessMethod pointer with the WorkingSet, and returns a handle that can be * used to recover the IndexAccessMethod. */ WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId registerIndexAccessMethod(const IndexAccessMethod* indexAccess); /** * Returns the IndexAccessMethod for an index that has previously been registered with the * WorkingSet using 'registerIndexAccessMethod()'. */ const IndexAccessMethod* retrieveIndexAccessMethod(WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId indexId) const { return _registeredIndexes[indexId]; } /** * Returns the WorkingSetMember with the given id after removing it from this WorkingSet. The * WSM can be reinstated in the WorkingSet by calling 'emplace()'. * * WorkingSetMembers typically only temporarily live free of their WorkingSet, so calls to * 'extract()' and 'emplace()' should come in pairs. */ WorkingSetMember extract(WorkingSetID); /** * Puts the given WorkingSetMember into this WorkingSet. Assigns the WorkingSetMember an id and * returns it. This id can be used later to obtain a pointer to the WSM using 'get()'. * * WorkingSetMembers typically only temporarily live free of their WorkingSet, so calls to * 'extract()' and 'emplace()' should come in pairs. */ WorkingSetID emplace(WorkingSetMember&&); private: struct MemberHolder { // Free list link if freed. Points to self if in use. WorkingSetID nextFreeOrSelf; WorkingSetMember member; }; // All WorkingSetIDs are indexes into this, except for INVALID_ID. // Elements are added to _freeList rather than removed when freed. std::vector _data; // Index into _data, forming a linked-list using MemberHolder::nextFreeOrSelf as the next // link. INVALID_ID is the list terminator since 0 is a valid index. // If _freeList == INVALID_ID, the free list is empty and all elements in _data are in use. WorkingSetID _freeList; // Holds IndexAccessMethods that have been registered with 'registerIndexAccessMethod()`. The // WorkingSetRegisteredIndexId is the offset into the vector. std::vector _registeredIndexes; }; } // namespace mongo