/** * Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kGeo #include "mongo/db/geo/geoparser.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/geo/shapes.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" #include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h" #include "third_party/s2/s2polygonbuilder.h" #define BAD_VALUE(error) Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, ::mongoutils::str::stream() << error) namespace mongo { using std::unique_ptr; using std::stringstream; // This field must be present, and... static const string GEOJSON_TYPE = "type"; // Have one of these values: static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_POINT = "Point"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_LINESTRING = "LineString"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_POLYGON = "Polygon"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_POINT = "MultiPoint"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_LINESTRING = "MultiLineString"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_POLYGON = "MultiPolygon"; static const string GEOJSON_TYPE_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION = "GeometryCollection"; // This field must also be present. The value depends on the type. static const string GEOJSON_COORDINATES = "coordinates"; static const string GEOJSON_GEOMETRIES = "geometries"; // Coordinate System Reference // see http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=24045 // and http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/4326/ // and http://www.geojson.org/geojson-spec.html#named-crs static const string CRS_CRS84 = "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"; static const string CRS_EPSG_4326 = "EPSG:4326"; static const string CRS_STRICT_WINDING = "urn:x-mongodb:crs:strictwinding:EPSG:4326"; static Status parseFlatPoint(const BSONElement& elem, Point* out, bool allowAddlFields = false) { if (!elem.isABSONObj()) return BAD_VALUE("Point must be an array or object"); BSONObjIterator it(elem.Obj()); BSONElement x = it.next(); if (!x.isNumber()) { return BAD_VALUE("Point must only contain numeric elements"); } BSONElement y = it.next(); if (!y.isNumber()) { return BAD_VALUE("Point must only contain numeric elements"); } if (!allowAddlFields && it.more()) { return BAD_VALUE("Point must only contain two numeric elements"); } out->x = x.number(); out->y = y.number(); // Point coordinates must be finite numbers, neither NaN or infinite. if (!std::isfinite(out->x) || !std::isfinite(out->y)) { return BAD_VALUE("Point coordinates must be finite numbers"); } return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseLegacyPoint(const BSONElement& elem, PointWithCRS* out, bool allowAddlFields) { out->crs = FLAT; return parseFlatPoint(elem, &out->oldPoint, allowAddlFields); } static Status coordToPoint(double lng, double lat, S2Point* out) { // We don't rely on drem to clean up non-sane points. We just don't let them become // spherical. if (!isValidLngLat(lng, lat)) return BAD_VALUE("longitude/latitude is out of bounds, lng: " << lng << " lat: " << lat); // Note that it's (lat, lng) for S2 but (lng, lat) for MongoDB. S2LatLng ll = S2LatLng::FromDegrees(lat, lng).Normalized(); // This shouldn't happen since we should only have valid lng/lats. if (!ll.is_valid()) { stringstream ss; ss << "coords invalid after normalization, lng = " << lng << " lat = " << lat << endl; uasserted(17125, ss.str()); } *out = ll.ToPoint(); return Status::OK(); } static Status parseGeoJSONCoordinate(const BSONElement& elem, S2Point* out) { if (Array != elem.type()) { return BAD_VALUE("GeoJSON coordinates must be an array"); } Point p; // GeoJSON allows extra elements, e.g. altitude. Status status = parseFlatPoint(elem, &p, true); if (!status.isOK()) return status; status = coordToPoint(p.x, p.y, out); return status; } // "coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0] ] static Status parseArrayOfCoordinates(const BSONElement& elem, vector* out) { if (Array != elem.type()) { return BAD_VALUE("GeoJSON coordinates must be an array of coordinates"); } BSONObjIterator it(elem.Obj()); // Iterate all coordinates in array while (it.more()) { S2Point p; Status status = parseGeoJSONCoordinate(it.next(), &p); if (!status.isOK()) return status; out->push_back(p); } return Status::OK(); } static void eraseDuplicatePoints(vector* vertices) { for (size_t i = 1; i < vertices->size(); ++i) { if ((*vertices)[i - 1] == (*vertices)[i]) { vertices->erase(vertices->begin() + i); // We could have > 2 adjacent identical vertices, and must examine i again. --i; } } } static Status isLoopClosed(const vector& loop, const BSONElement loopElt) { if (loop.empty()) { return BAD_VALUE("Loop has no vertices: " << loopElt.toString(false)); } if (loop[0] != loop[loop.size() - 1]) { return BAD_VALUE("Loop is not closed: " << loopElt.toString(false)); } return Status::OK(); } static Status parseGeoJSONPolygonCoordinates(const BSONElement& elem, bool skipValidation, S2Polygon* out) { if (Array != elem.type()) { return BAD_VALUE("Polygon coordinates must be an array"); } OwnedPointerVector loops; Status status = Status::OK(); string err; BSONObjIterator it(elem.Obj()); // Iterate all loops of the polygon. while (it.more()) { // Parse the array of vertices of a loop. BSONElement coordinateElt = it.next(); vector points; status = parseArrayOfCoordinates(coordinateElt, &points); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // Check if the loop is closed. status = isLoopClosed(points, coordinateElt); if (!status.isOK()) return status; eraseDuplicatePoints(&points); // Drop the duplicated last point. points.resize(points.size() - 1); // At least 3 vertices. if (points.size() < 3) { return BAD_VALUE( "Loop must have at least 3 different vertices: " << coordinateElt.toString(false)); } S2Loop* loop = new S2Loop(points); loops.push_back(loop); // Check whether this loop is valid. // 1. At least 3 vertices. // 2. All vertices must be unit length. Guaranteed by parsePoints(). // 3. Loops are not allowed to have any duplicate vertices. // 4. Non-adjacent edges are not allowed to intersect. if (!skipValidation && !loop->IsValid(&err)) { return BAD_VALUE("Loop is not valid: " << coordinateElt.toString(false) << " " << err); } // If the loop is more than one hemisphere, invert it. loop->Normalize(); // Check the first loop must be the exterior ring and any others must be // interior rings or holes. if (loops.size() > 1 && !loops[0]->Contains(loop)) { return BAD_VALUE( "Secondary loops not contained by first exterior loop - " "secondary loops must be holes: " << coordinateElt.toString(false) << " first loop: " << elem.Obj().firstElement().toString(false)); } } if (loops.empty()) { return BAD_VALUE("Polygon has no loops."); } // Check if the given loops form a valid polygon. // 1. If a loop contains an edge AB, then no other loop may contain AB or BA. // 2. No loop covers more than half of the sphere. // 3. No two loops cross. if (!skipValidation && !S2Polygon::IsValid(loops.vector(), &err)) return BAD_VALUE("Polygon isn't valid: " << err << " " << elem.toString(false)); // Given all loops are valid / normalized and S2Polygon::IsValid() above returns true. // The polygon must be valid. See S2Polygon member function IsValid(). // Transfer ownership of the loops and clears loop vector. out->Init(&loops.mutableVector()); if (skipValidation) return Status::OK(); // Check if every loop of this polygon shares at most one vertex with // its parent loop. if (!out->IsNormalized(&err)) // "err" looks like "Loop 1 shares more than one vertex with its parent loop 0" return BAD_VALUE(err << ": " << elem.toString(false)); // S2Polygon contains more than one ring, which is allowed by S2, but not by GeoJSON. // // Loops are indexed according to a preorder traversal of the nesting hierarchy. // GetLastDescendant() returns the index of the last loop that is contained within // a given loop. We guarantee that the first loop is the exterior ring. if (out->GetLastDescendant(0) < out->num_loops() - 1) { return BAD_VALUE("Only one exterior polygon loop is allowed: " << elem.toString(false)); } // In GeoJSON, only one nesting is allowed. // The depth of a loop is set by polygon according to the nesting hierarchy of polygon, // so the exterior ring's depth is 0, a hole in it is 1, etc. for (int i = 0; i < out->num_loops(); i++) { if (out->loop(i)->depth() > 1) { return BAD_VALUE("Polygon interior loops cannot be nested: " << elem.toString(false)); } } return Status::OK(); } static Status parseBigSimplePolygonCoordinates(const BSONElement& elem, BigSimplePolygon* out) { if (Array != elem.type()) return BAD_VALUE("Coordinates of polygon must be an array"); const vector& coordinates = elem.Array(); // Only one loop is allowed in a BigSimplePolygon if (coordinates.size() != 1) { return BAD_VALUE( "Only one simple loop is allowed in a big polygon: " << elem.toString(false)); } vector exteriorVertices; Status status = Status::OK(); string err; status = parseArrayOfCoordinates(coordinates.front(), &exteriorVertices); if (!status.isOK()) return status; status = isLoopClosed(exteriorVertices, coordinates.front()); if (!status.isOK()) return status; eraseDuplicatePoints(&exteriorVertices); // The last point is duplicated. We drop it, since S2Loop expects no // duplicate points exteriorVertices.resize(exteriorVertices.size() - 1); // At least 3 vertices. if (exteriorVertices.size() < 3) { return BAD_VALUE("Loop must have at least 3 different vertices: " << elem.toString(false)); } unique_ptr loop(new S2Loop(exteriorVertices)); // Check whether this loop is valid. if (!loop->IsValid(&err)) { return BAD_VALUE("Loop is not valid: " << elem.toString(false) << " " << err); } out->Init(loop.release()); return Status::OK(); } // Parse "crs" field of BSON object. // "crs": { // "type": "name", // "properties": { // "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" // } // } static Status parseGeoJSONCRS(const BSONObj& obj, CRS* crs, bool allowStrictSphere = false) { *crs = SPHERE; BSONElement crsElt = obj["crs"]; // "crs" field doesn't exist, return the default SPHERE if (crsElt.eoo()) { return Status::OK(); } if (!crsElt.isABSONObj()) return BAD_VALUE("GeoJSON CRS must be an object"); BSONObj crsObj = crsElt.embeddedObject(); // "type": "name" if (String != crsObj["type"].type() || "name" != crsObj["type"].String()) return BAD_VALUE("GeoJSON CRS must have field \"type\": \"name\""); // "properties" BSONElement propertiesElt = crsObj["properties"]; if (!propertiesElt.isABSONObj()) return BAD_VALUE("CRS must have field \"properties\" which is an object"); BSONObj propertiesObj = propertiesElt.embeddedObject(); if (String != propertiesObj["name"].type()) return BAD_VALUE("In CRS, \"properties.name\" must be a string"); const string& name = propertiesObj["name"].String(); if (CRS_CRS84 == name || CRS_EPSG_4326 == name) { *crs = SPHERE; } else if (CRS_STRICT_WINDING == name) { if (!allowStrictSphere) { return BAD_VALUE("Strict winding order is only supported by polygon"); } *crs = STRICT_SPHERE; } else { return BAD_VALUE("Unknown CRS name: " << name); } return Status::OK(); } // Parse "coordinates" field of GeoJSON LineString // e.g. "coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0] ] // Or a line in "coordinates" field of GeoJSON MultiLineString static Status parseGeoJSONLineCoordinates(const BSONElement& elem, bool skipValidation, S2Polyline* out) { vector vertices; Status status = parseArrayOfCoordinates(elem, &vertices); if (!status.isOK()) return status; eraseDuplicatePoints(&vertices); if (!skipValidation) { if (vertices.size() < 2) return BAD_VALUE( "GeoJSON LineString must have at least 2 vertices: " << elem.toString(false)); string err; if (!S2Polyline::IsValid(vertices, &err)) return BAD_VALUE("GeoJSON LineString is not valid: " << err << " " << elem.toString(false)); } out->Init(vertices); return Status::OK(); } // Parse legacy point or GeoJSON point, used by geo near. // Only stored legacy points allow additional fields. Status parsePoint(const BSONElement& elem, PointWithCRS* out, bool allowAddlFields) { if (!elem.isABSONObj()) return BAD_VALUE("Point must be an array or object"); BSONObj obj = elem.Obj(); // location: [1, 2] or location: {x: 1, y:2} if (Array == elem.type() || obj.firstElement().isNumber()) { // Legacy point return GeoParser::parseLegacyPoint(elem, out, allowAddlFields); } // GeoJSON point. location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [1, 2] } return GeoParser::parseGeoJSONPoint(obj, out); } /** exported **/ Status GeoParser::parseStoredPoint(const BSONElement& elem, PointWithCRS* out) { return parsePoint(elem, out, true); } Status GeoParser::parseQueryPoint(const BSONElement& elem, PointWithCRS* out) { return parsePoint(elem, out, false); } Status GeoParser::parseLegacyBox(const BSONObj& obj, BoxWithCRS* out) { Point ptA, ptB; Status status = Status::OK(); BSONObjIterator coordIt(obj); status = parseFlatPoint(coordIt.next(), &ptA); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } status = parseFlatPoint(coordIt.next(), &ptB); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } // XXX: VERIFY AREA >= 0 out->box.init(ptA, ptB); out->crs = FLAT; return status; } Status GeoParser::parseLegacyPolygon(const BSONObj& obj, PolygonWithCRS* out) { BSONObjIterator coordIt(obj); vector points; while (coordIt.more()) { Point p; // A coordinate Status status = parseFlatPoint(coordIt.next(), &p); if (!status.isOK()) return status; points.push_back(p); } if (points.size() < 3) return BAD_VALUE("Polygon must have at least 3 points"); out->oldPolygon.init(points); out->crs = FLAT; return Status::OK(); } // { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [100.0, 0.0] } Status GeoParser::parseGeoJSONPoint(const BSONObj& obj, PointWithCRS* out) { Status status = Status::OK(); // "crs" status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // "coordinates" status = parseFlatPoint(obj[GEOJSON_COORDINATES], &out->oldPoint, true); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // Projection out->crs = FLAT; if (!ShapeProjection::supportsProject(*out, SPHERE)) return BAD_VALUE("longitude/latitude is out of bounds, lng: " << out->oldPoint.x << " lat: " << out->oldPoint.y); ShapeProjection::projectInto(out, SPHERE); return Status::OK(); } // { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0] ] } Status GeoParser::parseGeoJSONLine(const BSONObj& obj, bool skipValidation, LineWithCRS* out) { Status status = Status::OK(); // "crs" status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // "coordinates" status = parseGeoJSONLineCoordinates(obj[GEOJSON_COORDINATES], skipValidation, &out->line); if (!status.isOK()) return status; return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseGeoJSONPolygon(const BSONObj& obj, bool skipValidation, PolygonWithCRS* out) { const BSONElement coordinates = obj[GEOJSON_COORDINATES]; Status status = Status::OK(); // "crs", allow strict sphere status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs, true); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // "coordinates" if (out->crs == SPHERE) { out->s2Polygon.reset(new S2Polygon()); status = parseGeoJSONPolygonCoordinates(coordinates, skipValidation, out->s2Polygon.get()); } else if (out->crs == STRICT_SPHERE) { out->bigPolygon.reset(new BigSimplePolygon()); status = parseBigSimplePolygonCoordinates(coordinates, out->bigPolygon.get()); } return status; } Status GeoParser::parseMultiPoint(const BSONObj& obj, MultiPointWithCRS* out) { Status status = Status::OK(); status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; out->points.clear(); BSONElement coordElt = obj.getFieldDotted(GEOJSON_COORDINATES); status = parseArrayOfCoordinates(coordElt, &out->points); if (!status.isOK()) return status; if (0 == out->points.size()) return BAD_VALUE("MultiPoint coordinates must have at least 1 element"); out->cells.resize(out->points.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < out->points.size(); ++i) { out->cells[i] = S2Cell(out->points[i]); } return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseMultiLine(const BSONObj& obj, bool skipValidation, MultiLineWithCRS* out) { Status status = Status::OK(); status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; BSONElement coordElt = obj.getFieldDotted(GEOJSON_COORDINATES); if (Array != coordElt.type()) return BAD_VALUE("MultiLineString coordinates must be an array"); out->lines.clear(); vector& lines = out->lines.mutableVector(); BSONObjIterator it(coordElt.Obj()); // Iterate array while (it.more()) { lines.push_back(new S2Polyline()); status = parseGeoJSONLineCoordinates(it.next(), skipValidation, lines.back()); if (!status.isOK()) return status; } if (0 == lines.size()) return BAD_VALUE("MultiLineString coordinates must have at least 1 element"); return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseMultiPolygon(const BSONObj& obj, bool skipValidation, MultiPolygonWithCRS* out) { Status status = Status::OK(); status = parseGeoJSONCRS(obj, &out->crs); if (!status.isOK()) return status; BSONElement coordElt = obj.getFieldDotted(GEOJSON_COORDINATES); if (Array != coordElt.type()) return BAD_VALUE("MultiPolygon coordinates must be an array"); out->polygons.clear(); vector& polygons = out->polygons.mutableVector(); BSONObjIterator it(coordElt.Obj()); // Iterate array while (it.more()) { polygons.push_back(new S2Polygon()); status = parseGeoJSONPolygonCoordinates(it.next(), skipValidation, polygons.back()); if (!status.isOK()) return status; } if (0 == polygons.size()) return BAD_VALUE("MultiPolygon coordinates must have at least 1 element"); return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseLegacyCenter(const BSONObj& obj, CapWithCRS* out) { BSONObjIterator objIt(obj); // Center BSONElement center = objIt.next(); Status status = parseFlatPoint(center, &out->circle.center); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // Radius BSONElement radius = objIt.next(); // radius >= 0 and is not NaN if (!radius.isNumber() || !(radius.number() >= 0)) return BAD_VALUE("radius must be a non-negative number"); // No more if (objIt.more()) return BAD_VALUE("Only 2 fields allowed for circular region"); out->circle.radius = radius.number(); out->crs = FLAT; return Status::OK(); } Status GeoParser::parseCenterSphere(const BSONObj& obj, CapWithCRS* out) { BSONObjIterator objIt(obj); // Center BSONElement center = objIt.next(); Point p; // Check the object has and only has 2 numbers. Status status = parseFlatPoint(center, &p); if (!status.isOK()) return status; S2Point centerPoint; status = coordToPoint(p.x, p.y, ¢erPoint); if (!status.isOK()) return status; // Radius BSONElement radiusElt = objIt.next(); // radius >= 0 and is not NaN if (!radiusElt.isNumber() || !(radiusElt.number() >= 0)) return BAD_VALUE("radius must be a non-negative number"); double radius = radiusElt.number(); // No more elements if (objIt.more()) return BAD_VALUE("Only 2 fields allowed for circular region"); out->cap = S2Cap::FromAxisAngle(centerPoint, S1Angle::Radians(radius)); out->circle.radius = radius; out->circle.center = p; out->crs = SPHERE; return Status::OK(); } // { "type": "GeometryCollection", // "geometries": [ // { "type": "Point", // "coordinates": [100.0, 0.0] // }, // { "type": "LineString", // "coordinates": [ [101.0, 0.0], [102.0, 1.0] ] // } // ] // } Status GeoParser::parseGeometryCollection(const BSONObj& obj, bool skipValidation, GeometryCollection* out) { BSONElement coordElt = obj.getFieldDotted(GEOJSON_GEOMETRIES); if (Array != coordElt.type()) return BAD_VALUE("GeometryCollection geometries must be an array"); const vector& geometries = coordElt.Array(); if (0 == geometries.size()) return BAD_VALUE("GeometryCollection geometries must have at least 1 element"); for (size_t i = 0; i < geometries.size(); ++i) { if (Object != geometries[i].type()) return BAD_VALUE("Element " << i << " of \"geometries\" is not an object"); const BSONObj& geoObj = geometries[i].Obj(); GeoJSONType type = parseGeoJSONType(geoObj); if (GEOJSON_UNKNOWN == type) return BAD_VALUE("Unknown GeoJSON type: " << geometries[i].toString(false)); if (GEOJSON_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION == type) return BAD_VALUE( "GeometryCollections cannot be nested: " << geometries[i].toString(false)); Status status = Status::OK(); if (GEOJSON_POINT == type) { out->points.resize(out->points.size() + 1); status = parseGeoJSONPoint(geoObj, &out->points.back()); } else if (GEOJSON_LINESTRING == type) { out->lines.mutableVector().push_back(new LineWithCRS()); status = parseGeoJSONLine(geoObj, skipValidation, out->lines.vector().back()); } else if (GEOJSON_POLYGON == type) { out->polygons.mutableVector().push_back(new PolygonWithCRS()); status = parseGeoJSONPolygon(geoObj, skipValidation, out->polygons.vector().back()); } else if (GEOJSON_MULTI_POINT == type) { out->multiPoints.mutableVector().push_back(new MultiPointWithCRS()); status = parseMultiPoint(geoObj, out->multiPoints.mutableVector().back()); } else if (GEOJSON_MULTI_LINESTRING == type) { out->multiLines.mutableVector().push_back(new MultiLineWithCRS()); status = parseMultiLine(geoObj, skipValidation, out->multiLines.mutableVector().back()); } else if (GEOJSON_MULTI_POLYGON == type) { out->multiPolygons.mutableVector().push_back(new MultiPolygonWithCRS()); status = parseMultiPolygon( geoObj, skipValidation, out->multiPolygons.mutableVector().back()); } else { // Should not reach here. invariant(false); } // Check parsing result. if (!status.isOK()) return status; } return Status::OK(); } bool GeoParser::parsePointWithMaxDistance(const BSONObj& obj, PointWithCRS* out, double* maxOut) { BSONObjIterator it(obj); if (!it.more()) { return false; } BSONElement lng = it.next(); if (!lng.isNumber()) { return false; } if (!it.more()) { return false; } BSONElement lat = it.next(); if (!lat.isNumber()) { return false; } if (!it.more()) { return false; } BSONElement dist = it.next(); if (!dist.isNumber()) { return false; } if (it.more()) { return false; } out->oldPoint.x = lng.number(); out->oldPoint.y = lat.number(); out->crs = FLAT; *maxOut = dist.number(); return true; } GeoParser::GeoSpecifier GeoParser::parseGeoSpecifier(const BSONElement& type) { if (!type.isABSONObj()) { return GeoParser::UNKNOWN; } const char* fieldName = type.fieldName(); if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$box")) { return GeoParser::BOX; } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$center")) { return GeoParser::CENTER; } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$polygon")) { return GeoParser::POLYGON; } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$centerSphere")) { return GeoParser::CENTER_SPHERE; } else if (mongoutils::str::equals(fieldName, "$geometry")) { return GeoParser::GEOMETRY; } return GeoParser::UNKNOWN; } GeoParser::GeoJSONType GeoParser::parseGeoJSONType(const BSONObj& obj) { BSONElement type = obj.getFieldDotted(GEOJSON_TYPE); if (String != type.type()) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_UNKNOWN; } const string& typeString = type.String(); if (GEOJSON_TYPE_POINT == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_POINT; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_LINESTRING == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_LINESTRING; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_POLYGON == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_POLYGON; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_POINT == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_MULTI_POINT; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_LINESTRING == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_MULTI_LINESTRING; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_MULTI_POLYGON == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_MULTI_POLYGON; } else if (GEOJSON_TYPE_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION == typeString) { return GeoParser::GEOJSON_GEOMETRY_COLLECTION; } return GeoParser::GEOJSON_UNKNOWN; } } // namespace mongo