/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/geo/hash.h" #include "mongo/config.h" #include "mongo/db/field_parser.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/shapes.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include // for max() #include namespace mongo { using std::stringstream; static constexpr bool kNativeLittle = (endian::Order::kNative == endian::Order::kLittle); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const GeoHash& h) { return s << h.toString(); } /* * GeoBitSets fills out various bit patterns that are used by GeoHash. * What patterns? Look at the comments next to the fields. */ class GeoBitSets { public: GeoBitSets() { /* * oddBitmasks' values are all possible 8-bit odd bitmasks which are used in unhash_fast(): * "00000000", "00000001", "00000100", "00000101", "00010000", "00010001", "00010100", * "00010101", "01000000", "01000001", "01000100", "01000101", "01010000", "01010001", * "01010100", "01010101" */ unsigned oddBitmasks[16] = {0, 1, 4, 5, 16, 17, 20, 21, 64, 65, 68, 69, 80, 81, 84, 85}; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++) { hashedToNormal[oddBitmasks[i]] = i; } // Generate all 32 + 1 all-on bit patterns by repeatedly shifting the next bit to the // correct position long long currAllX = 0, currAllY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64 + 2; i++) { long long thisBit = 1LL << (63 >= i ? 63 - i : 0); if (i % 2 == 0) { allX[i / 2] = currAllX; currAllX |= thisBit; } else { allY[i / 2] = currAllY; currAllY |= thisBit; } } } // The 0-th entries of each all[XY] is 0. // The i-th entry of allX has i alternating bits turned on starting // with the most significant. Example: // allX[1] = 8000000000000000 // allX[2] = a000000000000000 // allX[3] = a800000000000000 // Note that 32 + 1 entries are needed, since 0 and 32 are both valid numbers of bits. long long allX[33]; // Same alternating bits but starting with one from the MSB: // allY[1] = 4000000000000000 // allY[2] = 5000000000000000 // allY[3] = 5400000000000000 long long allY[33]; unsigned hashedToNormal[256]; }; // Oh global variables. GeoBitSets geoBitSets; // For i return the i-th most significant bit. // masks(0) = 80000..000 // masks(1) = 40000..000 // etc. // Number of 0s depends on 32 vs. 64 bit. inline static int mask32For(const int i) { return 1 << (31 - i); } inline static long long mask64For(const int i) { return 1LL << (63 - i); } // copyAndReverse is used to reverse the order of bytes when copying between BinData and GeoHash. // GeoHashes are meant to be compared from MSB to LSB, where the first 2 MSB indicate the quadrant. // In BinData, the GeoHash of a 2D index is compared from LSB to MSB, so the bytes should be // reversed on little-endian systems. inline static void copyAndReverse(char* dst, const char* src) { for (unsigned a = 0; a < 8; a++) { dst[a] = src[7 - a]; } } // Definition unsigned int const GeoHash::kMaxBits = 32; /* This class maps an x,y coordinate pair to a hash value. * This should probably be renamed/generalized so that it's more of a planar hash, * and we also have a spherical hash, etc. */ GeoHash::GeoHash() : _hash(0), _bits(0) {} GeoHash::GeoHash(const string& hash) { initFromString(hash.c_str()); } GeoHash::GeoHash(const char* s) { initFromString(s); } void GeoHash::initFromString(const char* s) { int length = strlen(s); uassert(16457, "initFromString passed a too-long string", length <= 64); uassert(16458, "initFromString passed an odd length string ", 0 == (length % 2)); _hash = 0; // _bits is how many bits for X or Y, not both, so we divide by 2. _bits = length / 2; for (int i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i) if (s[i] == '1') setBit(i, 1); } GeoHash::GeoHash(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned bits) { verify(bits <= 32); _hash = 0; _bits = bits; for (unsigned i = 0; i < bits; i++) { if (isBitSet(x, i)) _hash |= mask64For(i * 2); if (isBitSet(y, i)) _hash |= mask64For((i * 2) + 1); } } GeoHash::GeoHash(const GeoHash& old) { _hash = old._hash; _bits = old._bits; } GeoHash::GeoHash(long long hash, unsigned bits) : _hash(hash), _bits(bits) { clearUnusedBits(); } /** * Explanation & Example: * bitset<64>(_hash) = "00000001 00000010 00000100 00001000 00010000 00100000 01000000 10000000"; * * the reinterpret_cast() of _hash results in: * c[0] = 10000000 (the last 8 bits of _hash) * c[1] = 01000000 (the second to last 8 bits of _hash) * ... * c[6] = 00000010 (the second 8 bits of _hash) * c[7] = 00000001 (the first 8 bits of _hash) * * Calculating the Value of Y: * in the for loop, * t is c[i] but with all the even bits turned off: * t = 00000000 (when i is even) * t = 01000000 (i = 1) * t = 00010000 (i = 3) * t = 00000100 (i = 5) * t = 00000001 (i = 7) * * then for each t, * get the hashedToNormal(t): * hashedToNormal(t) = 0 = 00000000 (when i is even) * hashedToNormal(t) = 8 = 00001000 (i = 1) * hashedToNormal(t) = 4 = 00000100 (i = 3) * hashedToNormal(t) = 2 = 00000010 (i = 5) * hashedToNormal(t) = 1 = 00000001 (i = 7) * then shift it by (4 * i) (Little Endian) then * bitwise OR it with y * * visually, all together it looks like: * y = 00000000000000000000000000000000 (32 bits) * y |= 00000000 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 0) * y |= 00001000 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 1) * y |= 00000000 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 2) * y |= 00000100 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 3) * y |= 00000000 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 4) * y |= 00000010 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 5) * y |= 00000000 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 6) * y |= 00000001 (hashedToNormal(t) when i = 7) * --------------------------------------------- * y = 00010000001000000100000010000000 * * Calculating the Value of X: * in the for loop, * t is c[i] right shifted by 1 with all the even bits turned off: * t = 00000000 (when i is odd) * t = 01000000 (i = 0) * t = 00010000 (i = 2) * t = 00000100 (i = 4) * t = 00000001 (i = 6) * * then for each t, * get the hashedToNormal(t) and shift it by (4 * i) (Little Endian) then * bitwise OR it with x */ void GeoHash::unhash_fast(unsigned* x, unsigned* y) const { *x = 0; *y = 0; const char* c = reinterpret_cast(&_hash); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // 0x55 in binary is "01010101", // it's an odd bitmask that we use to turn off all the even bits unsigned t = (unsigned)(c[i]) & 0x55; const int leftShift = 4 * (kNativeLittle ? i : (7 - i)); *y |= geoBitSets.hashedToNormal[t] << leftShift; t = ((unsigned)(c[i]) >> 1) & 0x55; *x |= geoBitSets.hashedToNormal[t] << leftShift; } } void GeoHash::unhash_slow(unsigned* x, unsigned* y) const { *x = 0; *y = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < _bits; i++) { if (getBitX(i)) *x |= mask32For(i); if (getBitY(i)) *y |= mask32For(i); } } void GeoHash::unhash(unsigned* x, unsigned* y) const { if constexpr (kNativeLittle) { unhash_fast(x, y); } else { unhash_slow(x, y); } } /** Is the 'bit'-th most significant bit set? (NOT the least significant) */ bool GeoHash::isBitSet(unsigned val, unsigned bit) { return mask32For(bit) & val; } /** Return a GeoHash with one bit of precision lost. */ GeoHash GeoHash::up() const { return GeoHash(_hash, _bits - 1); } bool GeoHash::hasPrefix(const GeoHash& other) const { verify(other._bits <= _bits); if (other._bits == 0) return true; long long x = other._hash ^ _hash; // We only care about the leftmost other._bits (well, really _bits*2 since we have x and // y) x = x >> (64 - (other._bits * 2)); return x == 0; } string GeoHash::toString() const { StringBuilder buf; for (unsigned x = 0; x < _bits * 2; x++) buf.append((_hash & mask64For(x)) ? "1" : "0"); return buf.str(); } string GeoHash::toStringHex1() const { stringstream ss; ss << std::hex << _hash; return ss.str(); } void GeoHash::setBit(unsigned pos, bool value) { verify(pos < _bits * 2); const long long mask = mask64For(pos); if (value) _hash |= mask; else // if (_hash & mask) _hash &= ~mask; } bool GeoHash::getBit(unsigned pos) const { return _hash & mask64For(pos); } bool GeoHash::getBitX(unsigned pos) const { verify(pos < 32); return getBit(pos * 2); } bool GeoHash::getBitY(unsigned pos) const { verify(pos < 32); return getBit((pos * 2) + 1); } // TODO(hk): Comment this. BSONObj GeoHash::wrap(const char* name) const { BSONObjBuilder b(20); appendHashMin(&b, name); BSONObj o = b.obj(); if ('\0' == name[0]) verify(o.objsize() == 20); return o; } // Do we have a non-trivial GeoHash? bool GeoHash::constrains() const { return _bits > 0; } // Could our GeoHash have higher precision? bool GeoHash::canRefine() const { return _bits < 32; } /** * Hashing works like this: * Divide the world into 4 buckets. Label each one as such: * ----------------- * | | | * | | | * | 0,1 | 1,1 | * ----------------- * | | | * | | | * | 0,0 | 1,0 | * ----------------- * We recursively divide each cell, furthermore. * The functions below tell us what quadrant we're in *at the finest level * of the subdivision.* */ bool GeoHash::atMinX() const { return (_hash & geoBitSets.allX[_bits]) == 0; } bool GeoHash::atMinY() const { return (_hash & geoBitSets.allY[_bits]) == 0; } bool GeoHash::atMaxX() const { return (_hash & geoBitSets.allX[_bits]) == geoBitSets.allX[_bits]; } bool GeoHash::atMaxY() const { return (_hash & geoBitSets.allY[_bits]) == geoBitSets.allY[_bits]; } // TODO(hk): comment better void GeoHash::move(int x, int y) { verify(_bits); _move(0, x); _move(1, y); } // TODO(hk): comment much better void GeoHash::_move(unsigned offset, int d) { if (d == 0) return; verify(d <= 1 && d >= -1); // TEMP bool from, to; if (d > 0) { from = 0; to = 1; } else { from = 1; to = 0; } unsigned pos = (_bits * 2) - 1; if (offset == 0) pos--; while (true) { if (getBit(pos) == from) { setBit(pos, to); return; } if (pos < 2) { // overflow for (; pos < (_bits * 2); pos += 2) { setBit(pos, from); } return; } setBit(pos, from); pos -= 2; } verify(0); } GeoHash& GeoHash::operator=(const GeoHash& h) { _hash = h._hash; _bits = h._bits; return *this; } bool GeoHash::operator==(const GeoHash& h) const { return _hash == h._hash && _bits == h._bits; } bool GeoHash::operator!=(const GeoHash& h) const { return !(*this == h); } bool GeoHash::operator<(const GeoHash& h) const { if (_hash != h._hash) { return static_cast(_hash) < static_cast(h._hash); } return _bits < h._bits; } // Append the hash in s to our current hash. We expect s to be '0' or '1' or '\0', // though we also treat non-'1' values as '0'. GeoHash& GeoHash::operator+=(const char* s) { unsigned pos = _bits * 2; _bits += strlen(s) / 2; verify(_bits <= 32); while ('\0' != s[0]) { if (s[0] == '1') setBit(pos, 1); pos++; s++; } return *this; } GeoHash GeoHash::operator+(const char* s) const { GeoHash n = *this; n += s; return n; } GeoHash GeoHash::operator+(const std::string& s) const { return operator+(s.c_str()); } // Keep the most significant _bits*2 bits of _hash, clear the least significant bits. If shorter // than 64 bits, the hash occupies the higher order bits, so we ensure that the lower order bits are // zeroed. void GeoHash::clearUnusedBits() { // Left shift count should be less than 64 if (_bits == 0) { _hash = 0; return; } unsigned long long mask = (1LL << (64U - (_bits * 2U))) - 1LL; _hash &= ~mask; } static void appendHashToBuilder(long long hash, BSONObjBuilder* builder, const char* fieldName) { char buf[8]; if constexpr (kNativeLittle) { // Reverse the order of bytes when copying between BinData and GeoHash. // GeoHashes are meant to be compared from MSB to LSB, where the first 2 MSB indicate the // quadrant. // In BinData, the GeoHash of a 2D index is compared from LSB to MSB, so the bytes should be // reversed on little-endian systems copyAndReverse(buf, (char*)&hash); } else { std::memcpy(buf, reinterpret_cast(&hash), 8); } builder->appendBinData(fieldName, 8, bdtCustom, buf); } static void appendHashToKeyString(long long hash, KeyString::Builder* ks) { char buf[8]; if constexpr (kNativeLittle) { // Reverse the order of bytes when copying between BinData and GeoHash. // GeoHashes are meant to be compared from MSB to LSB, where the first 2 MSB indicate the // quadrant. // In BinData, the GeoHash of a 2D index is compared from LSB to MSB, so the bytes should be // reversed on little-endian systems copyAndReverse(buf, (char*)&hash); } else { std::memcpy(buf, reinterpret_cast(&hash), 8); } ks->appendBinData(BSONBinData(buf, 8, bdtCustom)); } void GeoHash::appendHashMin(BSONObjBuilder* builder, const char* fieldName) const { // The min bound of a GeoHash region has all the unused suffix bits set to 0 appendHashToBuilder(_hash, builder, fieldName); } void GeoHash::appendHashMin(KeyString::Builder* ks) const { // The min bound of a GeoHash region has all the unused suffix bits set to 0 appendHashToKeyString(_hash, ks); } void GeoHash::appendHashMax(BSONObjBuilder* builder, const char* fieldName) const { // The max bound of a GeoHash region has all the unused suffix bits set to 1 long long suffixMax = ~(geoBitSets.allX[_bits] | geoBitSets.allY[_bits]); long long hashMax = _hash | suffixMax; appendHashToBuilder(hashMax, builder, fieldName); } long long GeoHash::getHash() const { return _hash; } unsigned GeoHash::getBits() const { return _bits; } GeoHash GeoHash::commonPrefix(const GeoHash& other) const { unsigned i = 0; for (; i < _bits && i < other._bits; i++) { if (getBitX(i) == other.getBitX(i) && getBitY(i) == other.getBitY(i)) continue; break; } // i is how many bits match between this and other. return GeoHash(_hash, i); } bool GeoHash::subdivide(GeoHash children[4]) const { if (_bits == 32) { return false; } children[0] = GeoHash(_hash, _bits + 1); // (0, 0) children[1] = children[0]; children[1].setBit(_bits * 2 + 1, 1); // (0, 1) children[2] = children[0]; children[2].setBit(_bits * 2, 1); // (1, 0) children[3] = GeoHash(children[1]._hash | children[2]._hash, _bits + 1); // (1, 1) return true; } bool GeoHash::contains(const GeoHash& other) const { return _bits <= other._bits && other.hasPrefix(*this); } GeoHash GeoHash::parent(unsigned int level) const { return GeoHash(_hash, level); } GeoHash GeoHash::parent() const { verify(_bits > 0); return GeoHash(_hash, _bits - 1); } void GeoHash::appendVertexNeighbors(unsigned level, vector* output) const { invariant(level >= 0 && level < _bits); // Parent at the given level. GeoHash parentHash = parent(level); output->push_back(parentHash); // Generate the neighbors of parent that are closest to me. unsigned px, py, parentBits; parentHash.unhash(&px, &py); parentBits = parentHash.getBits(); // No Neighbors for the top level. if (parentBits == 0U) return; // Position in parent // Y // ^ // | 01, 11 // | 00, 10 // +----------> X // We can guarantee _bits > 0. long long posInParent = (_hash >> (64 - 2 * (parentBits + 1))) & 3LL; // 1 bit at parent's level, the least significant bit of parent. unsigned parentMask = 1U << (32 - parentBits); // Along X Axis if ((posInParent & 2LL) == 0LL) { // Left side of parent, X - 1 if (!parentHash.atMinX()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px - parentMask, py, parentBits)); } else { // Right side of parent, X + 1 if (!parentHash.atMaxX()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px + parentMask, py, parentBits)); } // Along Y Axis if ((posInParent & 1LL) == 0LL) { // Bottom of parent, Y - 1 if (!parentHash.atMinY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px, py - parentMask, parentBits)); } else { // Top of parent, Y + 1 if (!parentHash.atMaxY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px, py + parentMask, parentBits)); } // Four corners if (posInParent == 0LL) { if (!parentHash.atMinX() && !parentHash.atMinY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px - parentMask, py - parentMask, parentBits)); } else if (posInParent == 1LL) { if (!parentHash.atMinX() && !parentHash.atMaxY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px - parentMask, py + parentMask, parentBits)); } else if (posInParent == 2LL) { if (!parentHash.atMaxX() && !parentHash.atMinY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px + parentMask, py - parentMask, parentBits)); } else { // PosInParent == 3LL if (!parentHash.atMaxX() && !parentHash.atMaxY()) output->push_back(GeoHash(px + parentMask, py + parentMask, parentBits)); } } static BSONField bitsField("bits", 26); static BSONField maxField("max", 180.0); static BSONField minField("min", -180.0); // a x b // | | | // -----|---o-----|---------|-- "|" is a representable double number. // // In the above figure, b is the next representable double number after a, so // |a - b|/|a| = epsilon (ULP) ~= 2.22E-16. // // An exact number x will be represented as the nearest representable double, which is a. // |x - a|/|a| <= 0.5 ULP ~= 1.11e-16 // // IEEE floating-point operations have a maximum error of 0.5 ULPS (units in // the last place). For double-precision numbers, this works out to 2**-53 // (about 1.11e-16) times the magnitude of the result. double const GeoHashConverter::kMachinePrecision = 0.5 * std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); Status GeoHashConverter::parseParameters(const BSONObj& paramDoc, GeoHashConverter::Parameters* params) { string errMsg; if (FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID == FieldParser::extractNumber(paramDoc, bitsField, ¶ms->bits, &errMsg)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, errMsg); } if (FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID == FieldParser::extractNumber(paramDoc, maxField, ¶ms->max, &errMsg)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, errMsg); } if (FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID == FieldParser::extractNumber(paramDoc, minField, ¶ms->min, &errMsg)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, errMsg); } if (params->bits < 1 || params->bits > 32) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "bits for hash must be > 0 and <= 32, " << "but " << params->bits << " bits were specified"); } if (params->min >= params->max) { return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, str::stream() << "region for hash must be valid and have positive area, " << "but [" << params->min << ", " << params->max << "] " << "was specified"); } double numBuckets = (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 4.0); params->scaling = numBuckets / (params->max - params->min); return Status::OK(); } GeoHashConverter::GeoHashConverter(const Parameters& params) : _params(params) { init(); } void GeoHashConverter::init() { // TODO(hk): What do we require of the values in params? // Compute how much error there is so it can be used as a fudge factor. GeoHash a(0, 0, _params.bits); GeoHash b = a; b.move(1, 1); // Epsilon is 1/100th of a bucket size // TODO: Can we actually find error bounds for the sqrt function? double epsilon = 0.001 / _params.scaling; _error = distanceBetweenHashes(a, b) + epsilon; // Error in radians _errorSphere = deg2rad(_error); // 8 * max(|max|, |min|) * u _errorUnhashToBox = calcUnhashToBoxError(_params); } double GeoHashConverter::distanceBetweenHashes(const GeoHash& a, const GeoHash& b) const { double ax, ay, bx, by; unhash(a, &ax, &ay); unhash(b, &bx, &by); double dx = bx - ax; double dy = by - ay; return sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); } /** * Hashing functions. Convert the following types (which have a double precision point) * to a GeoHash: * BSONElement * BSONObj * Point * double, double */ GeoHash GeoHashConverter::hash(const Point& p) const { return hash(p.x, p.y); } GeoHash GeoHashConverter::hash(const BSONObj& o) const { return hash(o, nullptr); } // src is printed out as debugging information. Maybe it is actually somehow the 'source' of o? GeoHash GeoHashConverter::hash(const BSONObj& o, const BSONObj* src) const { BSONObjIterator i(o); uassert(13067, str::stream() << "geo field is empty" << (src ? causedBy((*src).toString()) : ""), i.more()); BSONElement x = i.next(); uassert(13068, str::stream() << "geo field only has 1 element" << causedBy(src ? (*src).toString() : x.toString()), i.more()); BSONElement y = i.next(); uassert(13026, str::stream() << "geo values must be 'legacy coordinate pairs' for 2d indexes" << causedBy(src ? (*src).toString() : BSON_ARRAY(x << y).toString()), x.isNumber() && y.isNumber()); uassert(13027, str::stream() << "point not in interval of [ " << _params.min << ", " << _params.max << " ]" << causedBy(src ? (*src).toString() : BSON_ARRAY(x.number() << y.number()).toString()), x.number() <= _params.max && x.number() >= _params.min && y.number() <= _params.max && y.number() >= _params.min); return GeoHash(convertToHashScale(x.number()), convertToHashScale(y.number()), _params.bits); } GeoHash GeoHashConverter::hash(double x, double y) const { uassert(16433, str::stream() << "point not in interval of [ " << _params.min << ", " << _params.max << " ]" << causedBy(BSON_ARRAY(x << y).toString()), x <= _params.max && x >= _params.min && y <= _params.max && y >= _params.min); return GeoHash(convertToHashScale(x), convertToHashScale(y), _params.bits); } /** * Unhashing functions. These convert from a "discretized" GeoHash to the "continuous" * doubles according to our scaling parameters. * * Possible outputs: * double, double * Point * BSONObj */ // TODO(hk): these should have consistent naming Point GeoHashConverter::unhashToPoint(const GeoHash& h) const { Point point; unhash(h, &point.x, &point.y); return point; } BSONObj GeoHashConverter::unhashToBSONObj(const GeoHash& h) const { unsigned x, y; h.unhash(&x, &y); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("x", convertFromHashScale(x)); b.append("y", convertFromHashScale(y)); return b.obj(); } void GeoHashConverter::unhash(const GeoHash& h, double* x, double* y) const { unsigned a, b; h.unhash(&a, &b); *x = convertFromHashScale(a); *y = convertFromHashScale(b); } Box GeoHashConverter::unhashToBoxCovering(const GeoHash& h) const { if (h.getBits() == 0) { // Return the result without any error. return Box(Point(_params.min, _params.min), Point(_params.max, _params.max)); } double sizeEdgeBox = sizeEdge(h.getBits()); Point min(unhashToPoint(h)); Point max(min.x + sizeEdgeBox, min.y + sizeEdgeBox); // Expand the box by the error bound Box box(min, max); box.fudge(_errorUnhashToBox); return box; } double GeoHashConverter::calcUnhashToBoxError(const GeoHashConverter::Parameters& params) { return std::max(fabs(params.min), fabs(params.max)) * GeoHashConverter::kMachinePrecision * 8; } double GeoHashConverter::sizeOfDiag(const GeoHash& a) const { GeoHash b = a; b.move(1, 1); return distanceBetweenHashes(a, b); } // Relative error = epsilon_(max-min). ldexp() is just a direct translation to // floating point exponent, and should be exact. double GeoHashConverter::sizeEdge(unsigned level) const { invariant(level >= 0); invariant((int)level <= _params.bits); #pragma warning(push) // C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned #pragma warning(disable : 4146) return ldexp(_params.max - _params.min, -level); #pragma warning(pop) } // Convert from a double in [0, (max-min)*scaling] to [min, max] double GeoHashConverter::convertDoubleFromHashScale(double x) const { x /= _params.scaling; x += _params.min; return x; } // Convert from an unsigned in [0, (max-min)*scaling] to [min, max] double GeoHashConverter::convertFromHashScale(unsigned in) const { return convertDoubleFromHashScale((double)in); } // Convert from a double that is [min, max] to a double in [0, (max-min)*scaling] double GeoHashConverter::convertToDoubleHashScale(double in) const { verify(in <= _params.max && in >= _params.min); if (in == _params.max) { // prevent aliasing with _min by moving inside the "box" // makes 180 == 179.999 (roughly) in -= _error / 2; } in -= _params.min; verify(in >= 0); return in * _params.scaling; } // Convert from a double that is [min, max] to an unsigned in [0, (max-min)*scaling] unsigned GeoHashConverter::convertToHashScale(double in) const { return static_cast(convertToDoubleHashScale(in)); } } // namespace mongo