/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ /** * This file contains tests for mongo/db/geo/hash.cpp. */ #include // For max() #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/geo/hash.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/shapes.h" #include "mongo/platform/random.h" #include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" namespace { using namespace mongo; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::stringstream; TEST(GeoHash, MakeZeroHash) { unsigned x = 0, y = 0; GeoHash hash(x, y); } static string makeRandomBitString(int length) { stringstream ss; mongo::PseudoRandom random(31337); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (random.nextInt32() & 1) { ss << "1"; } else { ss << "0"; } } return ss.str(); } // splitBinStr("0000111100001111") -> "0000 1111 0000 1111" string splitBinStr(string bin) { string split = ""; for (unsigned i = 0; i < bin.length(); i += 4) { split += bin.substr(i, 4) + ' '; } return split.substr(0, split.size() - 1); } bool unhash_fast_and_slow_match(string hash) { GeoHash geoHash = GeoHash(hash); unsigned fastX, fastY, slowX, slowY, x, y; geoHash.unhash_fast(&x, &y); fastX = x; fastY = y; geoHash.unhash_slow(&x, &y); slowX = x; slowY = y; bool match = (fastX == slowX && fastY == slowY); if (!match) { std::bitset<32> fastXBits(fastX), fastYBits(fastY), slowXBits(slowX), slowYBits(slowY); cout << "unhash_fast's x: " << splitBinStr(fastXBits.to_string()) << endl; cout << "unhash_slow's x: " << splitBinStr(slowXBits.to_string()) << endl; cout << "unhash_fast's y: " << splitBinStr(fastYBits.to_string()) << endl; cout << "unhash_slow's y: " << splitBinStr(slowYBits.to_string()) << endl; } return match; } TEST(GeoHash, MakeRandomValidHashes) { int maxStringLength = 64; for (int i = 0; i < maxStringLength; i += 2) { string a = makeRandomBitString(i); GeoHash hashA = GeoHash(a); (void)hashA.isBitSet(i, 0); (void)hashA.isBitSet(i, 1); } } // ASSERT_THROWS does not work if we try to put GeoHash(a) in the macro. static GeoHash makeHash(const string& a) { return GeoHash(a); } TEST(GeoHash, MakeTooLongHash) { string a = makeRandomBitString(100); ASSERT_THROWS(makeHash(a), mongo::AssertionException); } TEST(GeoHash, MakeOddHash) { string a = makeRandomBitString(13); ASSERT_THROWS(makeHash(a), mongo::AssertionException); } TEST(GeoHash, UnhashFastMatchesUnhashSlow) { string hashes[12] = {"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0101010110100011011100110101000000000101001101000011001011111001", "1010000000110010100110000111001111010011010100001000011110101100", "0101010110100011011101011010001111000110111011111011001010110100", "1010000000110010100111101000000000010000100010110000011111100001", "0101010100100100001011111110011110010001111100011011011110110111", "1010000010110101110001001100010001000111100101010000001011100010", "0101010100100100001010010001010001010010001010100011011111111010", "1010000010110101110000100011011110000100010011101000001010101111", "0101010110100011011100110101000000000000100111110001101101001011", "1010000000110010100110000111001111010110111110111010111000011110", "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"}; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { ASSERT_TRUE(unhash_fast_and_slow_match(hashes[i])); } } TEST(GeoHashConvertor, EdgeLength) { const double kError = 10E-15; GeoHashConverter::Parameters params{}; params.max = 200.0; params.min = 100.0; params.bits = 32; double numBuckets = (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 4.0); params.scaling = numBuckets / (params.max - params.min); auto converter = GeoHashConverter::createFromParams(params); ASSERT_OK(converter.getStatus()); ASSERT_APPROX_EQUAL(100.0, converter.getValue()->sizeEdge(0), kError); ASSERT_APPROX_EQUAL(50.0, converter.getValue()->sizeEdge(1), kError); ASSERT_APPROX_EQUAL(25.0, converter.getValue()->sizeEdge(2), kError); } /** * ========================== * Error Bound of UnhashToBox * ========================== * * Compute the absolute error when unhashing a GeoHash to a box, so that expanding * the box by this absolute error can guarantee a point is always contained by the box * of its GeoHash. Thus, the absolute error of box should consist of 3 components: * * 1) The error introduced by hashing x to GeoHash. The extreme example would be a point * close to the boundary of a cell is hashed to an adjacent box. * * For a hash/unhash functions h(x)/uh(x) and computed functions h'(x),uh'(x): * * x uh(h'(x)) * |--------|----|--------------------> min-max scale * min \ * \ * \ * \ * |--------|--|-|--------------------> hash scale for cells c * 0 h(x) c h'(x) * * 2) The error introduced by unhashing an (int) GeoHash to its lower left corner in x-y * space. * * uh(c) * x | uh'(c) * |--------|--|----|-----------------> min-max scale * min \ / * \ / * \ / * X * |--------|--|-|--------------------> hash scale for cells c * 0 h(x) c h'(x) * * 3) The error introduced by adding the edge length to get the top-right corner of box. * Instead of directly computing uh'(c+1), we add the computed box edge length to the computed * value uh(c), giving us an extra error. * * |edge(min,max)| * | | * | uh(c)+edge * uh(c) | * |-------------|------[uh(c)+edge']-----------> min-max scale * min * * |-------------|-------------|----------------> hash scale * 0 c c+1 * Hash and unhash definitions * ------------------------- * h(x) = (x - min) * scaling = 2^32 * (x - min) / (max - min) * uh(h) = h / scaling + min, * where * scaling = 2^32 / (max - min) * * Again, h(x)/uh(x) are the exact hash functions and h'(x)/uh'(x) are the computational hash * functions which have small rounding errors. * * | h'(x) - h(x) | == | delta_h(x; max, min) | * where delta_fn = the absolute difference between the computed and actual value of a * function. * * Restating the problem, we're looking for: * |delta_box| = | delta_x_{h'(x)=H} + delta_uh(h) + delta_edge_length | * <= | delta_x_{h'(x)=H} | + | delta_uh(h) | + | delta_edge_length | * * 1. Error bounds calculation * --------------------------- * * 1.1 Error: | delta_x_{h'(x)=H} | * -------------------------------- * The first error | delta_x_{h'(x)=H} | means, given GeoHash H, we can find * the range of x and only the range of x that may be mapped to H. * In other words, given H, for any x that is far enough from uh(H) by at least d, * it is impossible for x to be mapped to H. * Mathematical, find d, such that for any x satisfying |x - uh(H)| > d, * |h(x) - H| >= | delta_h(x) | * => |h(x) - H| - | delta_h(x) | >= 0 * => |h(x) - H + delta_h(x) | >= 0 (|a + b| >= |a| - |b|) * => |h'(x) - H| >= 0 (h'(x) = h(x) + delta_h(x)) * which guarantees h'(x) != H. * * * uh(H)-d * | * x | uh(H) * |--------|---[----|----]-----------> min-max scale * min / \ \ / * / \ \ / * / \ \ / * / \ \ / * |---[----|--|-]---|----------------> hash scale for cells c * 0 h(x) | H * h'(x) * =h(x)+delta_h(x) * * * Let's consider one case of the above inequality. We need to find the d, * such that, when * x < uh(H) - d, (1) * we have * h(x) + |delta_h(x)| <= H. (2) * * Due to the monotonicity of h(x), apply h(x) to both side of inequality (1), * we have * h(x) < h(uh(H) - d) <= H - |delta_h(x)| (from (2)) * * By solving it, we have * d = |delta_h(x)| / scaling * <= 2Mu * (1 + |x-min|/|max-min|) (see calculation for |delta_h(x)| below) * <= 4Mu * * | delta_x_{h'(x)=H} | <= d <= 4Mu * The similar calculation applies for the other side of the above inequality. * * 1.2 Error of h(x) * ----------------- * * Rules of error propagation * -------------------------- * Absolute error of x is |delta_x| * Relative error of x is epsilon_x = |delta_x| / |x| * For any double number x, the relative error of x is bounded by "u". We assume all inputs * have this error to make deduction clear. * epsilon_x <= u = 0.5 * unit of least precision(ULP) ~= 1.1 * 10E-16 * * |delta_(x + y)| <= |delta_x| + |delta_y| * |delta_(x - y)| <= |delta_x| + |delta_y| * epsilon_(x * y) <= epsilon_x + epsilon_y * epsilon_(x / y) <= epsilon_x + epsilon_y * * For a given min, max scale, the maximum delta in a computation is bounded by the maximum * value in the scale - M * u = max(|max|, |min|) * u. * * For the hash function h(x) * -------------------------- * * epsilon_h(x) = epsilon_(x-min) + epsilon_scaling * * epsilon_(x-min) = (|delta_x| + |delta_min|) / |x - min| * <= 2Mu / |x - min| * * epsilon_scaling = epsilon_(2^32) + epsilon_(max - min) * = 0 + epsilon_(max - min) * <= 2Mu / |max - min| * * Hence, epsilon_h(x) <= 2Mu * (1/|x - min| + 1/|max - min|) * * |delta_h(x)| = 2Mu * (1 + |x-min|/|max-min|) * 2^32 / |max - min| * <= 4Mu * 2^32 / |max-min| * * 2. Error: unhashing GeoHash to point * ------------------------------------ * Similarly, we can calculate the error for uh(h) function, assuming h is exactly * represented in form of GeoHash, since integer is represented exactly. * * |delta_uh(h)| = epsilon_(h/scaling) * |h/scaling| + delta_min * = epsilon_(scaling) * |h/scaling| + delta_min * <= 2Mu / |max-min| * |max-min| + |min| * u * <= 3Mu * * Thus, the second error |delta_uh(h)| <= 3Mu * Totally, the absolute error we need to add to unhashing to a point <= 4Mu + 3Mu = 7Mu * * 3. Error: edge length * --------------------- * The third part is easy to compute, since ldexp() doesn't introduce extra * relative error. * * edge_length = ldexp(max - min, -level) * * epsilon_edge = epsilon_(max - min) <= 2 * M * u / |max - min| * * | delta_edge | = epsilon_edge * (max - min) * 2^(-level) * = 2Mu * 2^(-level) <= Mu (level >= 1) * * This error is neglectable when level >> 0. * * In conclusion, | delta_box | <= 8Mu * * * Test * ==== * This first two component errors can be simulated by uh'(h'(x)). * Let h = h'(x) * |delta_(uh'(h'(x)))| * = epsilon_(h/scaling) * |h/scaling| + delta_min * = (epsilon_(h) + epsilon_(scaling)) * |h/scaling| + delta_min * = epsilon_(h) * h/scaling + epsilon_(scaling) * |h/scaling| + delta_min * = |delta_h|/scaling + |delta_uh(h)| * ~= |delta_box| when level = 32 * * Another way to think about it is the error of uh'(h'(x)) also consists of * the same two components that constitute the error of unhashing to a point, * by substituting c with h'(x). * * | delta_(uh'(h'(x))) | = | x - uh'(h(x)) | * * uh(h'(x)) * | * x | uh'(h(x)) * |--------|---|---|----------------> min-max scale * min \ / * \ / * \ / * |--------|---|--------------------> hash scale for cells c * 0 h(x) h'(x) * * * We can get the maximum of the error by making max very large and min = -min, x -> max */ TEST(GeoHashConverter, UnhashToBoxError) { GeoHashConverter::Parameters params{}; // Test max from 2^-20 to 2^20 for (int times = -20; times <= 20; times += 2) { // Construct parameters params.max = ldexp(1 + 0.01 * times, times); params.min = -params.max; params.bits = 32; double numBuckets = (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 4.0); params.scaling = numBuckets / (params.max - params.min); auto converter = GeoHashConverter::createFromParams(params); ASSERT_OK(converter.getStatus()); // Assume level == 32, so we ignore the error of edge length here. double delta_box = 7.0 / 8.0 * GeoHashConverter::calcUnhashToBoxError(params); double cellEdge = 1 / params.scaling; double x; // We are not able to test all the FP numbers to verify the error bound by design, // so we consider the numbers in the cell near the point we are interested in. // // FP numbers starting at max, working downward in minimal increments x = params.max; while (x > params.max - cellEdge) { x = nextafter(x, params.min); double x_prime = converter.getValue()->convertDoubleFromHashScale( converter.getValue()->convertToDoubleHashScale(x)); double delta = fabs(x - x_prime); ASSERT_LESS_THAN(delta, delta_box); } // FP numbers starting between first and second cell, working downward to min x = params.min + cellEdge; while (x > params.min) { x = nextafter(x, params.min); double x_prime = converter.getValue()->convertDoubleFromHashScale( converter.getValue()->convertToDoubleHashScale(x)); double delta = fabs(x - x_prime); ASSERT_LESS_THAN(delta, delta_box); } } } // SERVER-15576 Verify a point is contained by its GeoHash box. TEST(GeoHashConverter, GeoHashBox) { GeoHashConverter::Parameters params{}; params.max = 100000000.3; params.min = -params.max; params.bits = 32; double numBuckets = (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 4.0); params.scaling = numBuckets / (params.max - params.min); auto converter = GeoHashConverter::createFromParams(params); ASSERT_OK(converter.getStatus()); // Without expanding the box, the following point is not contained by its GeoHash box. mongo::Point p(-7201198.6497758823, -0.1); mongo::GeoHash hash = converter.getValue()->hash(p); mongo::Box box = converter.getValue()->unhashToBoxCovering(hash); ASSERT(box.inside(p)); } TEST(GeoHash, NeighborsBasic) { vector neighbors; // Top level GeoHash hashAtLevel3("100001"); hashAtLevel3.appendVertexNeighbors(0u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)1); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.front(), GeoHash("")); // Level 1 neighbors.clear(); hashAtLevel3.appendVertexNeighbors(1u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)2); std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash("00")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[1], GeoHash("10")); // Level 2 neighbors.clear(); hashAtLevel3.appendVertexNeighbors(2u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)4); std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash("0010")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[1], GeoHash("0011")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[2], GeoHash("1000")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[3], GeoHash("1001")); } TEST(GeoHash, NeighborsAtFinestLevel) { std::vector neighbors; std::string zeroBase = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; // At finest level GeoHash cellHash(zeroBase + "00011110"); neighbors.clear(); cellHash.appendVertexNeighbors(31u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)4); std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash(zeroBase + "000110")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[1], GeoHash(zeroBase + "000111")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[2], GeoHash(zeroBase + "001100")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[3], GeoHash(zeroBase + "001101")); // Level 30 neighbors.clear(); cellHash.appendVertexNeighbors(30u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)4); std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash(zeroBase + "0001")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[1], GeoHash(zeroBase + "0011")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[2], GeoHash(zeroBase + "0100")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[3], GeoHash(zeroBase + "0110")); // Level 29, only two neighbors including the parent. // ^ // | // +-+ // +-+ // +-+-------> x neighbors.clear(); cellHash.appendVertexNeighbors(29u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)2); std::sort(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end()); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash(zeroBase + "00")); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[1], GeoHash(zeroBase + "01")); // Level 28, only one neighbor (the parent) at the left bottom corner. // ^ // | // +---+ // | | // +---+-----> x neighbors.clear(); cellHash.appendVertexNeighbors(28u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)1); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash(zeroBase)); // Level 1 neighbors.clear(); cellHash.appendVertexNeighbors(1u, &neighbors); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors.size(), (size_t)1); ASSERT_EQUALS(neighbors[0], GeoHash("00")); } TEST(GeoHash, ClearUnusedBitsClearsSomeBits) { GeoHash geoHash("10110010"); // 'parent' should have the four higher order bits from the original hash (1011, or the // hexidecimal digit 'b'). GeoHash parent = geoHash.parent(2); ASSERT_EQUALS(parent, GeoHash("1011")); const long long expectedHash = 0xb000000000000000LL; ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedHash, parent.getHash()); } TEST(GeoHash, ClearUnusedBitsOnLengthZeroHashClearsAllBits) { GeoHash geoHash("11"); const long long expectedHash = 0xc000000000000000LL; ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedHash, geoHash.getHash()); GeoHash parent = geoHash.parent(); ASSERT_EQUALS(GeoHash(), parent); ASSERT_EQUALS(0LL, parent.getHash()); } TEST(GeoHash, ClearUnusedBitsIsNoopIfNoBitsAreUnused) { // 64 pairs of "10" repeated. str::stream ss; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { ss << "10"; } GeoHash geoHash(ss); GeoHash other = geoHash.parent(32); ASSERT_EQUALS(geoHash, other); } } // namespace