/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kQuery #include #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/r2_region_coverer.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/shapes.h" #include "mongo/util/log.h" namespace mongo { using std::less; // Definition int const R2RegionCoverer::kDefaultMaxCells = 8; // We define our own own comparison function on QueueEntries in order to // make the results deterministic. Using the default less, // entries of equal priority would be sorted according to the memory address // of the candidate. struct R2RegionCoverer::CompareQueueEntries : public less { bool operator()(QueueEntry const& x, QueueEntry const& y) { return x.first < y.first; } }; // Doesn't take ownership of "hashConverter". The caller should guarantee its life cycle // is longer than this coverer. R2RegionCoverer::R2RegionCoverer(GeoHashConverter* hashConverter) : _hashConverter(hashConverter), _minLevel(0u), _maxLevel(GeoHash::kMaxBits), _maxCells(kDefaultMaxCells), _region(NULL), _candidateQueue(new CandidateQueue), _results(new vector) {} // Need to declare explicitly because of scoped pointers. R2RegionCoverer::~R2RegionCoverer() {} void R2RegionCoverer::setMinLevel(unsigned int minLevel) { dassert(minLevel <= GeoHash::kMaxBits); _minLevel = min(GeoHash::kMaxBits, minLevel); } void R2RegionCoverer::setMaxLevel(unsigned int maxLevel) { dassert(maxLevel <= GeoHash::kMaxBits); _maxLevel = min(GeoHash::kMaxBits, maxLevel); } void R2RegionCoverer::setMaxCells(int maxCells) { _maxCells = maxCells; } void R2RegionCoverer::getCovering(const R2Region& region, vector* cover) { // Strategy: Start with the full plane. Discard any // that do not intersect the shape. Then repeatedly choose the // largest cell that intersects the shape and subdivide it. // // _result contains the cells that will be part of the output, while the // queue contains cells that we may still subdivide further. Cells that // are entirely contained within the region are immediately added to the // output, while cells that do not intersect the region are immediately // discarded. Therefore the queue only contains cells that partially // intersect the region. Candidates are prioritized first according to // cell size (larger cells first), then by the number of intersecting // children they have (fewest children first), and then by the number of // fully contained children (fewest children first). verify(_minLevel <= _maxLevel); dassert(_candidateQueue->empty()); dassert(_results->empty()); _region = ®ion; getInitialCandidates(); while (!_candidateQueue->empty()) { Candidate* candidate = _candidateQueue->top().second; // Owned _candidateQueue->pop(); // REDACT?? I think this may have User info, but I'm not sure how to redact LOG(3) << "Pop: " << redact(candidate->cell.toString()); // Try to expand this cell into its children if (candidate->cell.getBits() < _minLevel || candidate->numChildren == 1 || (int)_results->size() + (int)_candidateQueue->size() + candidate->numChildren <= _maxCells) { for (int i = 0; i < candidate->numChildren; i++) { addCandidate(candidate->children[i]); } deleteCandidate(candidate, false); } else { // Reached max cells. Move all candidates from the queue into results. candidate->isTerminal = true; addCandidate(candidate); } LOG(3) << "Queue: " << _candidateQueue->size(); } _region = NULL; cover->swap(*_results); } // Caller owns the returned pointer R2RegionCoverer::Candidate* R2RegionCoverer::newCandidate(const GeoHash& cell) { // Exclude the cell that doesn't intersect with the geometry. Box box = _hashConverter->unhashToBoxCovering(cell); if (_region->fastDisjoint(box)) { return NULL; } Candidate* candidate = new Candidate(); candidate->cell = cell; candidate->numChildren = 0; // Stop subdivision when we reach the max level or there is no need to do so. // Don't stop if we haven't reach min level. candidate->isTerminal = cell.getBits() >= _minLevel && (cell.getBits() >= _maxLevel || _region->fastContains(box)); return candidate; } // Takes ownership of "candidate" void R2RegionCoverer::addCandidate(Candidate* candidate) { if (candidate == NULL) return; if (candidate->isTerminal) { _results->push_back(candidate->cell); deleteCandidate(candidate, true); return; } verify(candidate->numChildren == 0); // Expand children int numTerminals = expandChildren(candidate); if (candidate->numChildren == 0) { deleteCandidate(candidate, true); } else if (numTerminals == 4 && candidate->cell.getBits() >= _minLevel) { // Optimization: add the parent cell rather than all of its children. candidate->isTerminal = true; addCandidate(candidate); } else { // Add the cell into the priority queue for further subdivision. // // We negate the priority so that smaller absolute priorities are returned // first. The heuristic is designed to refine the largest cells first, // since those are where we have the largest potential gain. Among cells // at the same level, we prefer the cells with the smallest number of // intersecting children. Finally, we prefer cells that have the smallest // number of children that cannot be refined any further. int priority = -(((((int)candidate->cell.getBits() << 4) + candidate->numChildren) << 4) + numTerminals); _candidateQueue->push(make_pair(priority, candidate)); // queue owns candidate // REDACT?? LOG(3) << "Push: " << redact(candidate->cell.toString()) << " (" << priority << ") "; } } // Dones't take ownership of "candidate" int R2RegionCoverer::expandChildren(Candidate* candidate) { GeoHash childCells[4]; invariant(candidate->cell.subdivide(childCells)); int numTerminals = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Candidate* child = newCandidate(childCells[i]); if (child) { candidate->children[candidate->numChildren++] = child; if (child->isTerminal) ++numTerminals; } } return numTerminals; } // Takes ownership of "candidate" void R2RegionCoverer::deleteCandidate(Candidate* candidate, bool freeChildren) { if (freeChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < candidate->numChildren; i++) { deleteCandidate(candidate->children[i], true); } } delete candidate; } void R2RegionCoverer::getInitialCandidates() { // Add the full plane // TODO a better initialization. addCandidate(newCandidate(GeoHash())); } // // R2CellUnion // void R2CellUnion::init(const vector& cellIds) { _cellIds = cellIds; normalize(); } void R2CellUnion::add(const std::vector& cellIds) { _cellIds.insert(_cellIds.end(), cellIds.begin(), cellIds.end()); normalize(); } void R2CellUnion::detach(std::vector* cellIds) { _cellIds.swap(*cellIds); _cellIds.clear(); } bool R2CellUnion::contains(const GeoHash cellId) const { // Since all cells are ordered, if an ancestor of id exists, it must be the previous one. vector::const_iterator it; it = std::upper_bound(_cellIds.begin(), _cellIds.end(), cellId); // it > cellId return it != _cellIds.begin() && (--it)->contains(cellId); // --it <= cellId } bool R2CellUnion::normalize() { vector output; output.reserve(_cellIds.size()); sort(_cellIds.begin(), _cellIds.end()); for (size_t i = 0; i < _cellIds.size(); i++) { GeoHash id = _cellIds[i]; // Parent is less than children. If an ancestor of id exists, it must be the last one. // // Invariant: output doesn't contain intersected cells (ancestor and its descendants) // Proof: Assume another cell "c" exists between ancestor "p" and the current "id", // i.e. p < c < id, then "c" has "p" as its prefix, since id share the same prefix "p", // so "p" contains "c", which conflicts with the invariant. if (!output.empty() && output.back().contains(id)) continue; // Check whether the last 3 elements of "output" plus "id" can be // collapsed into a single parent cell. while (output.size() >= 3) { // A necessary (but not sufficient) condition is that the XOR of the // four cells must be zero. This is also very fast to test. if ((output.end()[-3].getHash() ^ output.end()[-2].getHash() ^ output.back().getHash()) != id.getHash()) break; // Now we do a slightly more expensive but exact test. GeoHash parent = id.parent(); if (parent != output.end()[-3].parent() || parent != output.end()[-2].parent() || parent != output.end()[-1].parent()) break; // Replace four children by their parent cell. output.erase(output.end() - 3, output.end()); id = parent; } output.push_back(id); } if (output.size() < _cellIds.size()) { _cellIds.swap(output); return true; } return false; } string R2CellUnion::toString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[ "; for (size_t i = 0; i < _cellIds.size(); i++) { ss << _cellIds[i] << " "; } ss << "]"; return ss.str(); } bool R2CellUnion::intersects(const GeoHash cellId) const { // After normalization, the cells will be ordered. // cellId intersects with the union if and only if it either contains or is contained by // a member of the union. std::vector::const_iterator i = std::lower_bound(_cellIds.begin(), _cellIds.end(), cellId); if (i != _cellIds.end() && cellId.contains(*i)) { return true; } return i != _cellIds.begin() && (--i)->contains(cellId); } namespace { void getDifferenceInternal(GeoHash cellId, R2CellUnion const& cellUnion, std::vector* cellIds) { // Add the difference between cell and cellUnion to cellIds. // If they intersect but the difference is non-empty, divides and conquers. if (!cellUnion.intersects(cellId)) { cellIds->push_back(cellId); } else if (!cellUnion.contains(cellId)) { GeoHash children[4]; if (cellId.subdivide(children)) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { getDifferenceInternal(children[i], cellUnion, cellIds); } } } } } void R2CellUnion::getDifference(const R2CellUnion& cellUnion) { std::vector diffCellIds; for (size_t i = 0; i < _cellIds.size(); ++i) { getDifferenceInternal(_cellIds[i], cellUnion, &diffCellIds); } _cellIds.swap(diffCellIds); } } /* namespace mongo */