/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/base/clonable_ptr.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/big_polygon.h" #include "mongo/db/jsobj.h" #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif namespace mongo { struct Point; struct Circle; class Box; class Polygon; inline double deg2rad(const double deg) { return deg * (M_PI / 180.0); } inline double rad2deg(const double rad) { return rad * (180.0 / M_PI); } inline double computeXScanDistance(double y, double maxDistDegrees) { // TODO: this overestimates for large maxDistDegrees far from the equator return maxDistDegrees / std::min(cos(deg2rad(std::min(+89.0, y + maxDistDegrees))), cos(deg2rad(std::max(-89.0, y - maxDistDegrees)))); } bool isValidLngLat(double lng, double lat); bool linesIntersect(const Point& pA, const Point& pB, const Point& pC, const Point& pD); bool circleContainsBox(const Circle& circle, const Box& box); bool circleInteriorContainsBox(const Circle& circle, const Box& box); bool circleIntersectsWithBox(const Circle& circle, const Box& box); bool circleInteriorIntersectsWithBox(const Circle& circle, const Box& box); bool edgesIntersectsWithBox(const std::vector& vertices, const Box& box); bool polygonContainsBox(const Polygon& polygon, const Box& box); bool polygonIntersectsWithBox(const Polygon& polygon, const Box& box); /** * Distance utilities for R2 geometries */ double distance(const Point& p1, const Point& p2); bool distanceWithin(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, double radius); double distanceCompare(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, double radius); // Still needed for non-wrapping $nearSphere double spheredist_rad(const Point& p1, const Point& p2); double spheredist_deg(const Point& p1, const Point& p2); /** * Distance utilities for S2 geometries */ struct S2Distance { static double distanceRad(const S2Point& pointA, const S2Point& pointB); static double minDistanceRad(const S2Point& point, const S2Polyline& line); static double minDistanceRad(const S2Point& point, const S2Polygon& polygon); static double minDistanceRad(const S2Point& point, const S2Cap& cap); }; struct Point { Point(); Point(double x, double y); explicit Point(const BSONElement& e); explicit Point(const BSONObj& o); std::string toString() const; double x; double y; }; struct Circle { Circle(); Circle(double radius, Point center); double radius; Point center; }; class Box { public: Box(); Box(double x, double y, double size); Box(const Point& ptA, const Point& ptB); void init(const Point& ptA, const Point& ptB); void init(const Box& other); BSONArray toBSON() const; std::string toString() const; bool between(double min, double max, double val, double fudge = 0) const; bool onBoundary(double bound, double val, double fudge = 0) const; bool mid(double amin, double amax, double bmin, double bmax, bool min, double* res) const; double area() const; double maxDim() const; Point center() const; // NOTE: Box boundaries are *inclusive* bool onBoundary(Point p, double fudge = 0) const; bool inside(Point p, double fudge = 0) const; bool inside(double x, double y, double fudge = 0) const; bool contains(const Box& other, double fudge = 0) const; bool intersects(const Box& other) const; // Box modifications void truncate(double min, double max); void fudge(double error); void expandToInclude(const Point& pt); // TODO: Remove after 2D near dependency goes away double legacyIntersectFraction(const Box& other) const; Point _min; Point _max; }; class Polygon { public: Polygon(); Polygon(const std::vector& points); void init(const std::vector& points); void init(const Polygon& other); int size() const; bool contains(const Point& p) const; /* * Return values: * -1 if no intersection * 0 if maybe an intersection (using fudge) * 1 if there is an intersection */ int contains(const Point& p, double fudge) const; /** * Get the centroid of the polygon object. */ const Point& centroid() const; const Box& bounds() const; const std::vector& points() const { return _points; } private: // Only modified on creation and init() std::vector _points; // Cached attributes of the polygon mutable std::unique_ptr _bounds; mutable std::unique_ptr _centroid; }; class R2Region { public: virtual ~R2Region() {} virtual Box getR2Bounds() const = 0; /** * Fast heuristic containment check * * Returns true if the region definitely contains the box. * Returns false if not or if too expensive to find out one way or another. */ virtual bool fastContains(const Box& other) const = 0; /** * Fast heuristic disjoint check * * Returns true if the region definitely is disjoint from the box. * Returns false if not or if too expensive to find out one way or another. */ virtual bool fastDisjoint(const Box& other) const = 0; }; // Annulus is used by GeoNear. Both inner and outer circles are inlcuded. class R2Annulus : public R2Region { public: R2Annulus(); R2Annulus(const Point& center, double inner, double outer); const Point& center() const; double getInner() const; double getOuter() const; bool contains(const Point& point) const; // R2Region interface Box getR2Bounds() const; bool fastContains(const Box& other) const; bool fastDisjoint(const Box& other) const; // For debugging std::string toString() const; private: Point _center; double _inner; double _outer; }; // Clearly this isn't right but currently it's sufficient. enum CRS { UNSET, FLAT, // Equirectangular flat projection (i.e. trivial long/lat projection to flat map) SPHERE, // WGS84 STRICT_SPHERE // WGS84 with strict winding order }; // TODO: Make S2 less integral to these types - additional S2 shapes should be an optimization // when our CRS is not projected, i.e. SPHERE for now. // Generic shapes (Point, Line, Polygon) should hold the raw coordinate data - right now oldXXX // is a misnomer - this is the *original* data and the S2 transformation just an optimization. struct PointWithCRS { PointWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; S2Point point; S2Cell cell; Point oldPoint; CRS crs; }; struct LineWithCRS { LineWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; S2Polyline line; CRS crs; }; struct CapWithCRS { CapWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; S2Cap cap; Circle circle; CRS crs; }; struct BoxWithCRS { BoxWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; Box box; CRS crs; }; struct PolygonWithCRS { PolygonWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; std::unique_ptr s2Polygon; // Simple polygons with strict winding order may be bigger or smaller than a hemisphere. // Only used for query. We don't support storing/indexing big polygons. std::unique_ptr bigPolygon; Polygon oldPolygon; CRS crs; }; struct MultiPointWithCRS { MultiPointWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; std::vector points; std::vector cells; CRS crs; }; struct MultiLineWithCRS { MultiLineWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; std::vector> lines; CRS crs; }; struct MultiPolygonWithCRS { MultiPolygonWithCRS() : crs(UNSET) {} std::unique_ptr clone() const; std::vector> polygons; CRS crs; }; struct GeometryCollection { std::unique_ptr clone() const; std::vector points; // The amount of indirection here is painful but we can't assign these geometric types. std::vector> lines; std::vector> polygons; std::vector> multiPoints; std::vector> multiLines; std::vector> multiPolygons; bool supportsContains() { // Only polygons (and multiPolygons) support containment. return (!polygons.empty() || !multiPolygons.empty()); } }; // // Projection functions - we only project following types for now // - Point // - Polygon (from STRICT_SPHERE TO SPHERE) // struct ShapeProjection { static bool supportsProject(const PointWithCRS& point, CRS crs); static bool supportsProject(const PolygonWithCRS& polygon, CRS crs); static void projectInto(PointWithCRS* point, CRS crs); static void projectInto(PolygonWithCRS* point, CRS crs); }; } // namespace mongo