/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/index/expression_keys_private.h" #include #include #include #include #include "mongo/bson/bsonelement_comparator_interface.h" #include "mongo/bson/simple_bsonobj_comparator.h" #include "mongo/db/bson/dotted_path_support.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection.h" #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" #include "mongo/db/fts/fts_index_format.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/geoconstants.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/geometry_container.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/geoparser.h" #include "mongo/db/index/2d_common.h" #include "mongo/db/index/s2_common.h" #include "mongo/db/index_names.h" #include "mongo/db/query/collation/collation_index_key.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_constants.h" #include "mongo/db/timeseries/timeseries_dotted_path_support.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kIndex namespace { using namespace mongo; namespace dps = ::mongo::dotted_path_support; MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(relaxIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument); // Internal exception to abort key generation. Should be translated to something user friendly and // not escape past this file. class MaxKeysExceededException final : public DBException { public: MaxKeysExceededException() : DBException(Status(ErrorCodes::CannotBuildIndexKeys, "Maximum number of generated keys exceeded.")) {} private: void defineOnlyInFinalSubclassToPreventSlicing() final {} }; // // Helper functions for getS2Keys // Status S2GetKeysForElement(const BSONElement& element, const S2IndexingParams& params, vector* out) { GeometryContainer geoContainer; Status status = geoContainer.parseFromStorage(element); if (!status.isOK()) return status; S2RegionCoverer coverer; params.configureCoverer(geoContainer, &coverer); // Don't index big polygon if (geoContainer.getNativeCRS() == STRICT_SPHERE) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "can't index geometry with strict winding order"); } // Only certain geometries can be indexed in the old index format S2_INDEX_VERSION_1. See // definition of S2IndexVersion for details. if (params.indexVersion == S2_INDEX_VERSION_1 && !geoContainer.isSimpleContainer()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "given geometry can't be indexed in the old index format"); } // Project the geometry into spherical space if (!geoContainer.supportsProject(SPHERE)) { return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "can't project geometry into spherical CRS: " << element.toString(false)); } geoContainer.projectInto(SPHERE); invariant(geoContainer.hasS2Region()); coverer.GetCovering(geoContainer.getS2Region(), out); return Status::OK(); } /* * We take the cartesian product of all keys when appending. */ void appendToS2Keys(const std::vector& existingKeys, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys, const std::function& fn) { if (context == SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext::kAddingKeys && existingKeys.size() + out->size() > maxKeys) { if (!relaxIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument.shouldFail()) { throw MaxKeysExceededException(); } } if (existingKeys.empty()) { /* * This is the base case when the keys for the first field are generated. */ out->emplace_back(keyStringVersion, ordering); fn(out->back()); } for (const auto& ks : existingKeys) { /* * We copy all of the existing keys and perform 'fn' on each copy. */ out->emplace_back(ks); fn(out->back()); } } /** * Fills 'out' with the S2 keys that should be generated for 'elements' in a 2dsphere index. * * Returns true if an indexed element of the document uses multiple cells for its covering, and * returns false otherwise. */ bool getS2GeoKeys(const BSONObj& document, const BSONElementSet& elements, const S2IndexingParams& params, const std::vector& keysToAdd, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys) { bool everGeneratedMultipleCells = false; for (BSONElementSet::iterator i = elements.begin(); i != elements.end(); ++i) { vector cells; Status status = S2GetKeysForElement(*i, params, &cells); uassert(16755, str::stream() << "Can't extract geo keys: " << document << " " << status.reason(), status.isOK()); uassert(16756, "Unable to generate keys for (likely malformed) geometry: " + document.toString(), cells.size() > 0); // We'll be taking the cartesian product of cells and keysToAdd, make sure the output won't // be too big. if (context == SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext::kAddingKeys && cells.size() * keysToAdd.size() > maxKeys) { if (!relaxIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument.shouldFail()) { throw MaxKeysExceededException(); } } for (vector::const_iterator it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); ++it) { S2CellIdToIndexKeyStringAppend( *it, params.indexVersion, keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, ordering); } everGeneratedMultipleCells = everGeneratedMultipleCells || cells.size() > 1; } if (0 == out->size()) { appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { ks.appendNull(); }); } return everGeneratedMultipleCells; } /** * Fills 'out' with the S2 keys that should be generated for 'elements' in a 2dsphere_bucket index. * * Returns true if an indexed element of the document uses multiple cells for its covering, and * returns false otherwise. */ bool getS2BucketGeoKeys(const BSONObj& document, const BSONElementSet& elements, const S2IndexingParams& params, const std::vector& keysToAdd, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys) { bool generatedMultipleCells = false; if (!elements.empty()) { /** * We're going to build a MultiPoint GeoJSON that contains all the distinct points in the * bucket. The S2RegionCoverer will index that the best it can within the cell limits we * impose. In order to re-use S2GetKeysForElement, we need to wrap the GeoJSON as a * sub-document of our constructed BSON so we can pass it as an element. In the end, we're * building a document like: * { * "shape": { * "type": "MultiPoint", * "coords": [ * ... * ] * } * } */ BSONObjBuilder builder; { BSONObjBuilder shape(builder.subobjStart("shape")); shape.append("type", "MultiPoint"); BSONArrayBuilder coordinates(shape.subarrayStart("coordinates")); for (BSONElementSet::iterator i = elements.begin(); i != elements.end(); ++i) { GeometryContainer container; auto status = container.parseFromStorage(*i, false); uassert(183934, str::stream() << "Can't extract geo keys: " << status.reason(), status.isOK()); uassert(183493, str::stream() << "Time-series collections '2dsphere' indexes only support point data", container.isPoint()); auto point = container.getPoint(); BSONArrayBuilder pointData(coordinates.subarrayStart()); coordinates.append(point.oldPoint.x); coordinates.append(point.oldPoint.y); } } BSONObj geometry = builder.obj(); vector cells; Status status = S2GetKeysForElement(geometry.firstElement(), params, &cells); uassert( 167551, str::stream() << "Can't extract geo keys: " << status.reason(), status.isOK()); uassert(167561, str::stream() << "Unable to generate keys for (likely malformed) geometry", cells.size() > 0); // We'll be taking the cartesian product of cells and keysToAdd, make sure the output won't // be too big. if (context == SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext::kAddingKeys && cells.size() * keysToAdd.size() > maxKeys) { if (!relaxIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument.shouldFail()) { throw MaxKeysExceededException(); } } for (vector::const_iterator it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); ++it) { S2CellIdToIndexKeyStringAppend( *it, params.indexVersion, keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, ordering); } generatedMultipleCells = cells.size() > 1; } if (0 == out->size()) { appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { ks.appendNull(); }); } return generatedMultipleCells; } /** * Fills 'out' with the keys that should be generated for an array value 'obj' in a 2dsphere index. * A key is generated for each element of the array value 'obj'. */ void getS2LiteralKeysArray(const BSONObj& obj, const CollatorInterface* collator, const std::vector& keysToAdd, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys) { BSONObjIterator objIt(obj); if (!objIt.more()) { // Empty arrays are indexed as undefined. appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { ks.appendUndefined(); }); } else { // Non-empty arrays are exploded. while (objIt.more()) { const auto elem = objIt.next(); appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [&](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { if (collator) { ks.appendBSONElement(elem, [&](StringData stringData) { return collator->getComparisonString(stringData); }); } else { ks.appendBSONElement(elem); } }); } } } /** * Fills 'out' with the keys that should be generated for a value 'elt' in a 2dsphere index. If * 'elt' is an array value, then a key is generated for each element of the array value 'obj'. * * Returns true if 'elt' is an array value and returns false otherwise. */ bool getS2OneLiteralKey(const BSONElement& elt, const CollatorInterface* collator, const std::vector& keysToAdd, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys) { if (Array == elt.type()) { getS2LiteralKeysArray( elt.Obj(), collator, keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys); return true; } else { // One thing, not an array, index as-is. appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [&](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { if (collator) { ks.appendBSONElement(elt, [&](StringData stringData) { return collator->getComparisonString(stringData); }); } else { ks.appendBSONElement(elt); } }); } return false; } /** * Fills 'out' with the non-geo keys that should be generated for 'elements' in a 2dsphere * index. If any element in 'elements' is an array value, then a key is generated for each * element of that array value. * * Returns true if any element of 'elements' is an array value and returns false otherwise. */ bool getS2LiteralKeys(const BSONElementSet& elements, const CollatorInterface* collator, const std::vector& keysToAdd, std::vector* out, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, size_t maxKeys) { bool foundIndexedArrayValue = false; if (0 == elements.size()) { // Missing fields are indexed as null. appendToS2Keys(keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys, [](KeyString::HeapBuilder& ks) { ks.appendNull(); }); } else { for (BSONElementSet::iterator i = elements.begin(); i != elements.end(); ++i) { const bool thisElemIsArray = getS2OneLiteralKey( *i, collator, keysToAdd, out, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxKeys); foundIndexedArrayValue = foundIndexedArrayValue || thisElemIsArray; } } return foundIndexedArrayValue; } } // namespace namespace mongo { using std::pair; using std::string; using std::vector; // static void ExpressionKeysPrivate::validateDocumentCommon(const CollectionPtr& collection, const BSONObj& obj, const BSONObj& keyPattern) { // If we have a timeseries collection, check that indexed metric fields do not have expanded // array values if (auto tsOptions = collection->getTimeseriesOptions(); tsOptions && feature_flags::gTimeseriesMetricIndexes.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { // Each user metric field will be included twice, as both control.min. and // control.max., so we'll want to keep track that we've checked data. to avoid // scanning it twice. The time field can be excluded as it is guaranteed to be a date at // insertion time. StringSet userFieldsChecked; for (const auto& keyElem : keyPattern) { if (keyElem.isNumber()) { StringData field = keyElem.fieldName(); StringData userField; if (field.startsWith(timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix)) { userField = field.substr(timeseries::kControlMaxFieldNamePrefix.size()); } else if (field.startsWith(timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix)) { userField = field.substr(timeseries::kControlMinFieldNamePrefix.size()); } if (!userField.empty() && userField == tsOptions->getTimeField()) { // Exclude checking the time field. Time values are explicitly dates and not // arrays. continue; } if (!userField.empty() && !userFieldsChecked.contains(userField)) { namespace tdps = timeseries::dotted_path_support; // We are in fact dealing with a metric field. First let's check the min and max // values to see if we can conclude that there are no arrays present in the // data. auto decision = tdps::fieldContainsArrayData(obj, userField); if (decision != tdps::Decision::No) { // Go ahead and look closer uassert(5930501, str::stream() << "Indexed measurement field contains an array value", decision == tdps::Decision::Maybe && !tdps::haveArrayAlongBucketDataPath( obj, std::string(timeseries::kDataFieldNamePrefix) + userField)); } userFieldsChecked.emplace(userField); } } } } } // static void ExpressionKeysPrivate::get2DKeys(SharedBufferFragmentBuilder& pooledBufferBuilder, const BSONObj& obj, const TwoDIndexingParams& params, KeyStringSet* keys, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, Ordering ordering, const boost::optional& id) { BSONElementMultiSet bSet; // Get all the nested location fields, but don't return individual elements from // the last array, if it exists. dps::extractAllElementsAlongPath(obj, params.geo.c_str(), bSet, false); if (bSet.empty()) return; auto keysSequence = keys->extract_sequence(); for (BSONElementMultiSet::iterator setI = bSet.begin(); setI != bSet.end(); ++setI) { BSONElement geo = *setI; if (geo.eoo() || !geo.isABSONObj()) continue; // // Grammar for location lookup: // locs ::= [loc,loc,...,loc]|{:loc,:loc,...,:loc}|loc // loc ::= { : #, : # }|[#, #]|{} // // Empty locations are ignored, preserving single-location semantics // BSONObj embed = geo.embeddedObject(); if (embed.isEmpty()) continue; // Differentiate between location arrays and locations // by seeing if the first element value is a number bool singleElement = embed.firstElement().isNumber(); BSONObjIterator oi(embed); while (oi.more()) { BSONObj locObj; if (singleElement) { locObj = embed; } else { BSONElement locElement = oi.next(); uassert(16804, str::stream() << "location object expected, location array not in correct format", locElement.isABSONObj()); locObj = locElement.embeddedObject(); if (locObj.isEmpty()) continue; } KeyString::PooledBuilder keyString(pooledBufferBuilder, keyStringVersion, ordering); params.geoHashConverter->hash(locObj, &obj).appendHashMin(&keyString); // Go through all the other index keys for (vector>::const_iterator i = params.other.begin(); i != params.other.end(); ++i) { // Get *all* fields for the index key BSONElementSet eSet; dps::extractAllElementsAlongPath(obj, i->first, eSet); if (eSet.size() == 0) keyString.appendNull(); else if (eSet.size() == 1) keyString.appendBSONElement(*(eSet.begin())); else { // If we have more than one key, store as an array of the objects keyString.appendSetAsArray(eSet); } } if (id) { keyString.appendRecordId(*id); } keysSequence.push_back(keyString.release()); if (singleElement) break; } } keys->adopt_sequence(std::move(keysSequence)); } // static void ExpressionKeysPrivate::getFTSKeys(SharedBufferFragmentBuilder& pooledBufferBuilder, const BSONObj& obj, const fts::FTSSpec& ftsSpec, KeyStringSet* keys, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, Ordering ordering, const boost::optional& id) { fts::FTSIndexFormat::getKeys( pooledBufferBuilder, ftsSpec, obj, keys, keyStringVersion, ordering, id); } // static void ExpressionKeysPrivate::getHashKeys(SharedBufferFragmentBuilder& pooledBufferBuilder, const BSONObj& obj, const BSONObj& keyPattern, HashSeed seed, int hashVersion, bool isSparse, const CollatorInterface* collator, KeyStringSet* keys, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, Ordering ordering, bool ignoreArraysAlongPath, const boost::optional& id) { static const BSONObj nullObj = BSON("" << BSONNULL); auto hasFieldValue = false; KeyString::PooledBuilder keyString(pooledBufferBuilder, keyStringVersion, ordering); for (auto&& indexEntry : keyPattern) { auto indexPath = indexEntry.fieldNameStringData(); auto* cstr = indexPath.rawData(); auto fieldVal = dps::extractElementAtPathOrArrayAlongPath(obj, cstr); // If we hit an array while traversing the path, 'cstr' will point to the path component // immediately following the array, or the null termination byte if the terminal path // component was an array. In the latter case, 'remainingPath' will be empty. auto remainingPath = StringData(cstr); // If 'ignoreArraysAlongPath' is set, we want to use the behaviour prior to SERVER-44050, // which is to allow arrays along the field path (except the terminal path). This is done so // that the document keys inserted prior to SERVER-44050 can be deleted or updated after the // upgrade, allowing users to recover from the possible index corruption. The old behaviour // before SERVER-44050 was to store 'null' index key if we encountered an array along the // index field path. We will use the same logic in the context of removing index keys. if (ignoreArraysAlongPath && fieldVal.type() == BSONType::Array && !remainingPath.empty()) { fieldVal = nullObj.firstElement(); } // Otherwise, throw if an array was encountered at any point along the path. uassert(16766, str::stream() << "Error: hashed indexes do not currently support array values. " "Found array at path: " << indexPath.substr(0, indexPath.size() - remainingPath.size() - !remainingPath.empty()), fieldVal.type() != BSONType::Array); BSONObj fieldValObj; if (fieldVal.eoo()) { fieldVal = nullObj.firstElement(); } else { BSONObjBuilder bob; CollationIndexKey::collationAwareIndexKeyAppend(fieldVal, collator, &bob); fieldValObj = bob.obj(); fieldVal = fieldValObj.firstElement(); hasFieldValue = true; } if (indexEntry.isNumber()) { keyString.appendBSONElement(fieldVal); } else { keyString.appendNumberLong(makeSingleHashKey(fieldVal, seed, hashVersion)); } } if (isSparse && !hasFieldValue) { return; } if (id) { keyString.appendRecordId(*id); } keys->insert(keyString.release()); } // static long long int ExpressionKeysPrivate::makeSingleHashKey(const BSONElement& e, HashSeed seed, int v) { massert(16767, "Only HashVersion 0 has been defined", v == 0); return BSONElementHasher::hash64(e, seed); } void ExpressionKeysPrivate::getS2Keys(SharedBufferFragmentBuilder& pooledBufferBuilder, const BSONObj& obj, const BSONObj& keyPattern, const S2IndexingParams& params, KeyStringSet* keys, MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths, KeyString::Version keyStringVersion, SortedDataIndexAccessMethod::GetKeysContext context, Ordering ordering, const boost::optional& id) { std::vector keysToAdd; // Does one of our documents have a geo field? bool haveGeoField = false; if (multikeyPaths) { invariant(multikeyPaths->empty()); multikeyPaths->resize(keyPattern.nFields()); } size_t posInIdx = 0; try { size_t maxNumKeys = gIndexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument; // We output keys in the same order as the fields we index. for (const auto& keyElem : keyPattern) { // First, we get the keys that this field adds. Either they're added literally from // the value of the field, or they're transformed if the field is geo. BSONElementSet fieldElements; const bool expandArrayOnTrailingField = false; MultikeyComponents* arrayComponents = multikeyPaths ? &(*multikeyPaths)[posInIdx] : nullptr; // Trailing array values aren't being expanded, so we still need to determine whether // the last component of the indexed path 'keyElem.fieldName()' causes the index to be // multikey. We say that it does if // (a) the last component of the indexed path ever refers to an array value // (regardless of // the number of array elements) // (b) the last component of the indexed path ever refers to GeoJSON data that // requires // multiple cells for its covering. bool lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey; std::vector updatedKeysToAdd; if (IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE_BUCKET == keyElem.str()) { auto elementStorage = timeseries::dotted_path_support::extractAllElementsAlongBucketPath( obj, keyElem.fieldName(), fieldElements, expandArrayOnTrailingField, arrayComponents); // null, undefined, {} and [] should all behave like there is no geo field. So we // look for these cases and ignore those measurements if we find them. for (auto it = fieldElements.begin(); it != fieldElements.end();) { decltype(it) next = std::next(it); if (it->isNull() || Undefined == it->type() || (it->isABSONObj() && 0 == it->Obj().nFields())) { fieldElements.erase(it); } it = next; } // 2dsphere indices require that at least one geo field to be present in a // document in order to index it. if (fieldElements.size() > 0) { haveGeoField = true; } lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey = getS2BucketGeoKeys(obj, fieldElements, params, keysToAdd, &updatedKeysToAdd, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxNumKeys); } else { dps::extractAllElementsAlongPath(obj, keyElem.fieldName(), fieldElements, expandArrayOnTrailingField, arrayComponents); if (IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE == keyElem.str()) { if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) { // For >= V2, // geo: null, // geo: undefined // geo: [] // should all behave like there is no geo field. So we look for these cases // and throw out the field elements if we find them. if (1 == fieldElements.size()) { BSONElement elt = *fieldElements.begin(); // Get the :null and :undefined cases. if (elt.isNull() || Undefined == elt.type()) { fieldElements.clear(); } else if (elt.isABSONObj()) { // And this is the :[] case. if (0 == elt.Obj().nFields()) { fieldElements.clear(); } } } // >= V2 2dsphere indices require that at least one geo field to be present // in a document in order to index it. if (fieldElements.size() > 0) { haveGeoField = true; } } lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey = getS2GeoKeys(obj, fieldElements, params, keysToAdd, &updatedKeysToAdd, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxNumKeys); } else { lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey = getS2LiteralKeys(fieldElements, params.collator, keysToAdd, &updatedKeysToAdd, keyStringVersion, context, ordering, maxNumKeys); } } // We expect there to be the missing field element present in the keys if data is // missing. So, this should be non-empty. invariant(!updatedKeysToAdd.empty()); if (multikeyPaths && lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey) { const size_t pathLengthOfThisField = FieldRef{keyElem.fieldNameStringData()}.numParts(); invariant(pathLengthOfThisField > 0); (*multikeyPaths)[posInIdx].insert(pathLengthOfThisField - 1); } keysToAdd = std::move(updatedKeysToAdd); ++posInIdx; } } catch (const MaxKeysExceededException&) { LOGV2_WARNING_OPTIONS(6118400, {logv2::UserAssertAfterLog(ErrorCodes::CannotBuildIndexKeys)}, "Insert of geo object exceeded maximum number of generated keys", "obj"_attr = redact(obj)); } // Make sure that if we're >= V2 there's at least one geo field present in the doc. if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) { if (!haveGeoField) { return; } } if (keysToAdd.size() > params.maxKeysPerInsert) { LOGV2_WARNING(23755, "Insert of geo object generated a high number of keys. num keys: " "{numKeys} obj inserted: {obj}", "Insert of geo object generated a large number of keys", "obj"_attr = redact(obj), "numKeys"_attr = keysToAdd.size()); } invariant(keys->empty()); auto keysSequence = keys->extract_sequence(); for (auto& ks : keysToAdd) { if (id) { ks.appendRecordId(*id); } keysSequence.push_back(ks.release()); } keys->adopt_sequence(std::move(keysSequence)); } } // namespace mongo