// @file keypattern.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/db/keypattern.h"
#include "mongo/db/hasher.h"
#include "mongo/db/queryutil.h"
#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
using namespace mongoutils;
namespace mongo {
KeyPattern::KeyPattern( const BSONObj& pattern ): _pattern( pattern ) {
// Extract all prefixes of each field in pattern.
BSONForEach( field, _pattern ) {
StringData fieldName = field.fieldName();
size_t pos = fieldName.find( '.' );
while ( pos != string::npos ) {
_prefixes.insert( StringData( field.fieldName(), pos ) );
pos = fieldName.find( '.', pos+1 );
_prefixes.insert( fieldName );
bool KeyPattern::isIdKeyPattern(const BSONObj& pattern) {
BSONObjIterator i(pattern);
BSONElement e = i.next();
// _id index must have form exactly {_id : 1} or {_id : -1}.
// Allows an index of form {_id : "hashed"} to exist but
// do not consider it to be the primary _id index
return (0 == strcmp(e.fieldName(), "_id"))
&& (e.numberInt() == 1 || e.numberInt() == -1)
&& i.next().eoo();
BSONObj KeyPattern::extractSingleKey(const BSONObj& doc ) const {
if ( _pattern.isEmpty() )
return BSONObj();
if ( mongoutils::str::equals( _pattern.firstElement().valuestrsafe() , "hashed" ) ){
BSONElement fieldVal = doc.getFieldDotted( _pattern.firstElementFieldName() );
return BSON( _pattern.firstElementFieldName() <<
BSONElementHasher::hash64( fieldVal ,
return doc.extractFields( _pattern );
bool KeyPattern::isSpecial() const {
BSONForEach(e, _pattern) {
int fieldVal = e.numberInt();
if ( fieldVal != 1 && fieldVal != -1 ){
return true;
return false;
bool KeyPattern::isCoveredBy( const KeyPattern& other ) const {
BSONForEach( e, _pattern ) {
BSONElement otherfield = other.getField( e.fieldName() );
if ( otherfield.eoo() ){
return false;
if ( otherfield.numberInt() != 1 && otherfield.numberInt() != -1 && otherfield != e ){
return false;
return true;
BSONObj KeyPattern::extendRangeBound( const BSONObj& bound , bool makeUpperInclusive ) const {
BSONObjBuilder newBound( bound.objsize() );
BSONObjIterator src( bound );
BSONObjIterator pat( _pattern );
while( src.more() ){
massert( 16649 ,
str::stream() << "keyPattern " << _pattern << " shorter than bound " << bound,
pat.more() );
BSONElement srcElt = src.next();
BSONElement patElt = pat.next();
massert( 16634 ,
str::stream() << "field names of bound " << bound
<< " do not match those of keyPattern " << _pattern ,
str::equals( srcElt.fieldName() , patElt.fieldName() ) );
newBound.append( srcElt );
while( pat.more() ){
BSONElement patElt = pat.next();
// for non 1/-1 field values, like {a : "hashed"}, treat order as ascending
int order = patElt.isNumber() ? patElt.numberInt() : 1;
// flip the order semantics if this is an upper bound
if ( makeUpperInclusive ) order *= -1;
if( order > 0 ){
newBound.appendMinKey( patElt.fieldName() );
else {
newBound.appendMaxKey( patElt.fieldName() );
return newBound.obj();
typedef vector >::const_iterator BoundListIter;
BoundList KeyPattern::keyBounds( const FieldRangeSet& queryConstraints ) const {
// To construct our bounds we will generate intervals based on constraints for
// the first field, then compound intervals based on constraints for the first
// 2 fields, then compound intervals for the first 3 fields, etc.
// As we loop through the fields, we start generating new intervals that will later
// get extended in another iteration of the loop. We define these partially constructed
// intervals using pairs of BSONObjBuilders (shared_ptrs, since after one iteration of the
// loop they still must exist outside their scope).
typedef vector< pair< shared_ptr ,
shared_ptr > > BoundBuilders;
BoundBuilders builders;
builders.push_back( make_pair( shared_ptr( new BSONObjBuilder() ),
shared_ptr( new BSONObjBuilder() ) ) );
BSONObjIterator i( _pattern );
// until equalityOnly is false, we are just dealing with equality (no range or $in queries).
bool equalityOnly = true;
while( i.more() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
// get the relevant intervals for this field, but we may have to transform the
// list of what's relevant according to the expression for this field
const FieldRange &fr = queryConstraints.range( e.fieldName() );
const vector &oldIntervals = fr.intervals();
BoundList fieldBounds = _transformFieldBounds( oldIntervals , e );
if ( equalityOnly ) {
if ( fieldBounds.size() == 1 &&
( fieldBounds.front().first == fieldBounds.front().second ) ){
// this field is only a single point-interval
BoundBuilders::const_iterator j;
for( j = builders.begin(); j != builders.end(); ++j ) {
j->first->appendElements( fieldBounds.front().first );
j->second->appendElements( fieldBounds.front().first );
else {
// This clause is the first to generate more than a single point.
// We only execute this clause once. After that, we simplify the bound
// extensions to prevent combinatorial explosion.
equalityOnly = false;
BoundBuilders newBuilders;
BoundBuilders::const_iterator i;
for( i = builders.begin(); i != builders.end(); ++i ) {
BSONObj first = i->first->obj();
BSONObj second = i->second->obj();
for(BoundListIter j = fieldBounds.begin(); j != fieldBounds.end(); ++j ) {
uassert( 16452,
"combinatorial limit of $in partitioning of results exceeded" ,
newBuilders.size() < MAX_IN_COMBINATIONS );
make_pair( shared_ptr( new BSONObjBuilder() ),
shared_ptr( new BSONObjBuilder())));
newBuilders.back().first->appendElements( first );
newBuilders.back().second->appendElements( second );
newBuilders.back().first->appendElements( j->first );
newBuilders.back().second->appendElements( j->second );
builders = newBuilders;
else {
// if we've already generated a range or multiple point-intervals
// just extend what we've generated with min/max bounds for this field
BoundBuilders::const_iterator j;
for( j = builders.begin(); j != builders.end(); ++j ) {
j->first->appendElements( fieldBounds.front().first );
j->second->appendElements( fieldBounds.back().second );
BoundList ret;
for( BoundBuilders::const_iterator i = builders.begin(); i != builders.end(); ++i )
ret.push_back( make_pair( i->first->obj(), i->second->obj() ) );
return ret;
BoundList KeyPattern::_transformFieldBounds( const vector& oldIntervals ,
const BSONElement& field ) const {
BoundList ret;
vector::const_iterator i;
for( i = oldIntervals.begin(); i != oldIntervals.end(); ++i ) {
if ( isAscending( field ) ){
// straightforward map [a,b] --> [a,b]
ret.push_back( make_pair( BSON( field.fieldName() << i->_lower._bound ) ,
BSON( field.fieldName() << i->_upper._bound ) ) );
} else if ( isDescending( field ) ) {
// reverse [a,b] --> [b,a]
ret.push_back( make_pair( BSON( field.fieldName() << i->_upper._bound ) ,
BSON( field.fieldName() << i->_lower._bound ) ) );
} else if ( isHashed( field ) ){
if ( i->equality() ) {
// hash [a,a] --> [hash(a),hash(a)]
long long int h = BSONElementHasher::hash64( i->_lower._bound ,
ret.push_back( make_pair( BSON( field.fieldName() << h ) ,
BSON( field.fieldName() << h ) ) );
} else {
// if it's a range interval and this field is hashed, just generate one
// big interval from MinKey to MaxKey, since these vals could lie anywhere
ret.push_back( make_pair( BSON( field.fieldName() << MINKEY ) ,
BSON( field.fieldName() << MAXKEY ) ) );
if ( isDescending( field ) ) {
// now order is [ [2,1], [4,3] , [6,5]....[n,n-1] ]. Reverse to get decreasing order.
reverse( ret.begin() , ret.end() );
} else if ( isHashed( field ) ){
// [ hash(a) , hash(b) , hash(c) ...] no longer in order, so sort before returning
sort( ret.begin() , ret.end() );
return ret;
} // namespace mongo