// @file keypattern.h - Utilities for manipulating index/shard key patterns.
* Copyright (C) 2012 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#pragma once
#include "mongo/base/string_data.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/platform/unordered_set.h"
#include "mongo/util/mongoutils/str.h"
#include "mongo/db/query/index_bounds.h"
namespace mongo {
* A BoundList contains intervals specified by inclusive start
* and end bounds. The intervals should be nonoverlapping and occur in
* the specified direction of traversal. For example, given a simple index {i:1}
* and direction +1, one valid BoundList is: (1, 2); (4, 6). The same BoundList
* would be valid for index {i:-1} with direction -1.
typedef std::vector > BoundList;
/** A KeyPattern is an expression describing a transformation of a document into a
* document key. Document keys are used to store documents in indices and to target
* sharded queries.
* Examples:
* { a : 1 }
* { a : 1 , b : -1 }
* { a : "hashed" }
class KeyPattern {
//maximum number of intervals produced by $in queries.
static const unsigned MAX_IN_COMBINATIONS = 4000000;
* We are allowing implicit conversion from BSON
KeyPattern( const BSONObj& pattern );
* Returns a BSON representation of this KeyPattern.
BSONObj toBSON() const { return _pattern; }
* Returns true if the given fieldname is the (dotted prefix of the) name of one
* element of the (potentially) compound key described by this KeyPattern.
bool hasField( const StringData& fieldname ) const {
return _prefixes.find( fieldname ) != _prefixes.end();
* Gets the element of this pattern corresponding to the given fieldname.
* Returns eoo if none exists.
BSONElement getField( const char* fieldname ) const { return _pattern[ fieldname ]; }
* Is the provided key pattern the index over the ID field?
* The always required ID index is always {_id: 1} or {_id: -1}.
static bool isIdKeyPattern(const BSONObj& pattern);
/* Takes a BSONObj whose field names are a prefix of the fields in this keyPattern, and
* outputs a new bound with MinKey values appended to match the fields in this keyPattern
* (or MaxKey values for descending -1 fields). This is useful in sharding for
* calculating chunk boundaries when tag ranges are specified on a prefix of the actual
* shard key, or for calculating index bounds when the shard key is a prefix of the actual
* index used.
* @param makeUpperInclusive If true, then MaxKeys instead of MinKeys will be appended, so
* that the output bound will compare *greater* than the bound being extended (note that
* -1's in the keyPattern will swap MinKey/MaxKey vals. See examples).
* Examples:
* If this keyPattern is {a : 1}
* extendRangeBound( {a : 55}, false) --> {a : 55}
* If this keyPattern is {a : 1, b : 1}
* extendRangeBound( {a : 55}, false) --> {a : 55, b : MinKey}
* extendRangeBound( {a : 55}, true ) --> {a : 55, b : MaxKey}
* If this keyPattern is {a : 1, b : -1}
* extendRangeBound( {a : 55}, false) --> {a : 55, b : MaxKey}
* extendRangeBound( {a : 55}, true ) --> {a : 55, b : MinKey}
BSONObj extendRangeBound( const BSONObj& bound , bool makeUpperInclusive ) const;
* Returns true if this KeyPattern contains any computed values, (e.g. {a : "hashed"}),
* and false if this KeyPattern consists of only ascending/descending fields
* (e.g. {a : 1, b : -1}). With our current index expression language, "special" patterns
* are any patterns that are not a simple list of field names and 1/-1 values.
bool isSpecial() const;
* Returns true if the quantities stored in this KeyPattern can be used to compute all the
* quantities in "other". Useful for determining whether an index based on one KeyPattern
* can be used as a covered index for a query based on another.
bool isCoveredBy( const KeyPattern& other ) const;
std::string toString() const{ return toBSON().toString(); }
/* Given a document, extracts the index key corresponding to this KeyPattern
* Warning: assumes that there is a *single* key to be extracted!
* Examples:
* If 'this' KeyPattern is { a : 1 }
* { a: "hi" , b : 4} --> returns { a : "hi" }
* { c : 4 , a : 2 } --> returns { a : 2 }
* { b : 2 } (bad input, don't call with this)
* { a : [1,2] } (bad input, don't call with this)
* If 'this' KeyPattern is { a : "hashed" }
* { a: 1 } --> returns { a : NumberLong("5902408780260971510") }
BSONObj extractSingleKey( const BSONObj& doc ) const;
* Return an ordered list of bounds generated using this KeyPattern and the
* bounds from the IndexBounds. This function is used in sharding to
* determine where to route queries according to the shard key pattern.
* Examples:
* Key { a: 1 }, Bounds a: [0] => { a: 0 } -> { a: 0 }
* Key { a: 1 }, Bounds a: [2, 3) => { a: 2 } -> { a: 3 } // bound inclusion ignored.
* The bounds returned by this function may be a superset of those defined
* by the constraints. For instance, if this KeyPattern is {a : 1, b: 1}
* Bounds: { a : {$in : [1,2]} , b : {$in : [3,4,5]} }
* => {a : 1 , b : 3} -> {a : 1 , b : 5}, {a : 2 , b : 3} -> {a : 2 , b : 5}
* If the IndexBounds are not defined for all the fields in this keypattern, which
* means some fields are unsatisfied, an empty BoundList could return.
static BoundList keyBounds( const BSONObj& keyPattern, const IndexBounds& indexBounds );
static bool isHashed( const BSONElement& fieldExpression ) {
return mongoutils::str::equals( fieldExpression.valuestrsafe() , "hashed" );
BSONObj _pattern;
// Each field in the '_pattern' may be itself a dotted field. We store all the prefixes
// of each field here. For instance, if a pattern is { 'a.b.c': 1, x: 1 }, we'll store
// here 'a', 'a.b', 'a.b.c', and 'x'.
// Since we're indexing into '_pattern's field names, it must stay constant after
// constructed.
struct PrefixHasher {
size_t operator()( const StringData& strData ) const {
size_t result = 0;
const char* p = strData.rawData();
for (size_t len = strData.size(); len > 0; len-- ) {
result = ( result * 131 ) + *p++;
return result;
unordered_set _prefixes;
bool isAscending( const BSONElement& fieldExpression ) const {
return ( fieldExpression.isNumber() && fieldExpression.numberInt() == 1 );
bool isDescending( const BSONElement& fieldExpression ) const {
return ( fieldExpression.isNumber() && fieldExpression.numberInt() == -1 );
} // namespace mongo