/** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mongo/db/kill_current_op.h" #include #include "mongo/bson/util/atomic_int.h" #include "mongo/db/client.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/scripting/engine.h" namespace mongo { void KillCurrentOp::interruptJs( AtomicUInt *op ) { if ( !globalScriptEngine ) return; if ( !op ) { globalScriptEngine->interruptAll(); } else { globalScriptEngine->interrupt( *op ); } } void KillCurrentOp::killAll() { _globalKill = true; interruptJs( 0 ); } bool KillCurrentOp::kill(AtomicUInt i) { scoped_lock l( Client::clientsMutex ); return _killImpl_inclientlock(i); } void KillCurrentOp::blockingKill(AtomicUInt opId) { bool killed = false; LOG(1) << "KillCurrentOp: starting blockingkill" << endl; boost::scoped_ptr clientLock( new scoped_lock( Client::clientsMutex ) ); boost::unique_lock lck(_mtx); bool foundId = _killImpl_inclientlock(opId, &killed); if (!foundId) { // don't wait if not found return; } clientLock.reset( NULL ); // unlock client since we don't need it anymore // block until the killed operation stops LOG(1) << "KillCurrentOp: waiting for confirmation of kill" << endl; while (killed == false) { _condvar.wait(lck); } LOG(1) << "KillCurrentOp: kill syncing complete" << endl; } bool KillCurrentOp::_killImpl_inclientlock(AtomicUInt i, bool* pNotifyFlag /* = NULL */) { bool found = false; { for( set< Client* >::const_iterator j = Client::clients.begin(); !found && j != Client::clients.end(); ++j ) { for( CurOp *k = ( *j )->curop(); !found && k; k = k->parent() ) { if ( k->opNum() != i ) continue; k->kill(pNotifyFlag); for( CurOp *l = ( *j )->curop(); l; l = l->parent() ) { l->kill(); } found = true; } } } if ( found ) { interruptJs( &i ); } return found; } void KillCurrentOp::notifyAllWaiters() { boost::unique_lock lck(_mtx); if (!haveClient()) return; cc().curop()->setKillWaiterFlags(); _condvar.notify_all(); } void KillCurrentOp::checkForInterrupt( bool heedMutex ) { Client& c = cc(); if ( heedMutex && Lock::somethingWriteLocked() && c.hasWrittenThisPass() ) return; if( _globalKill ) uasserted(11600,"interrupted at shutdown"); if( c.curop()->killPending() ) { notifyAllWaiters(); uasserted(11601,"operation was interrupted"); } } const char * KillCurrentOp::checkForInterruptNoAssert() { Client& c = cc(); if( _globalKill ) return "interrupted at shutdown"; if( c.curop()->killPending() ) return "interrupted"; return ""; } void KillCurrentOp::reset() { _globalKill = false; } }