* Copyright (C) 2017 MongoDB, Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#define MONGO_LOG_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logger::LogComponent::kDefault
#include "mongo/platform/basic.h"
#include "mongo/bson/bsonobj.h"
#include "mongo/bson/timestamp.h"
#include "mongo/db/dbdirectclient.h"
#include "mongo/db/logical_clock.h"
#include "mongo/db/logical_clock_test_fixture.h"
#include "mongo/db/logical_time.h"
#include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_mock.h"
#include "mongo/stdx/memory.h"
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
#include "mongo/util/clock_source_mock.h"
#include "mongo/util/log.h"
namespace mongo {
namespace {
std::string kDummyNamespaceString = "test.foo";
using LogicalClockTest = LogicalClockTestFixture;
LogicalTime buildLogicalTime(unsigned secs, unsigned inc) {
return LogicalTime(Timestamp(secs, inc));
// Check that the initial time does not change during logicalClock creation.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, roundtrip) {
Timestamp tX(1);
auto time = LogicalTime(tX);
auto storedTime(getClock()->getClusterTime());
ASSERT_TRUE(storedTime == time);
// Verify the reserve ticks functionality.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, reserveTicks) {
// Set clock to a non-zero time, so we can verify wall clock synchronization.
setMockClockSourceTime(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(10 * 1000));
auto t1 = getClock()->reserveTicks(1);
auto t2(getClock()->getClusterTime());
ASSERT_TRUE(t1 == t2);
// Make sure we synchronized with the wall clock.
ASSERT_TRUE(t2.asTimestamp().getSecs() == 10);
auto t3 = getClock()->reserveTicks(1);
ASSERT_TRUE(t3 == t1);
t3 = getClock()->reserveTicks(100);
ASSERT_TRUE(t3 == t1);
t3 = getClock()->reserveTicks(1);
ASSERT_TRUE(t3 == t1);
// Ensure overflow to a new second.
auto initTimeSecs = getClock()->getClusterTime().asTimestamp().getSecs();
getClock()->reserveTicks((1U << 31) - 1);
auto newTimeSecs = getClock()->getClusterTime().asTimestamp().getSecs();
ASSERT_TRUE(newTimeSecs == initTimeSecs + 1);
// Verify the advanceClusterTime functionality.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, advanceClusterTime) {
auto t1 = getClock()->reserveTicks(1);
ASSERT_TRUE(t1 == getClock()->getClusterTime());
// Verify rate limiter rejects cluster times whose seconds values are too far ahead.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, RateLimiterRejectsLogicalTimesTooFarAhead) {
setMockClockSourceTime(Date_t::fromMillisSinceEpoch(10 * 1000));
Timestamp tooFarAheadTimestamp(
durationCount(getMockClockSourceTime().toDurationSinceEpoch()) +
durationCount(LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs) +
10, // Add 10 seconds to ensure limit is exceeded.
LogicalTime t1(tooFarAheadTimestamp);
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCodes::ClusterTimeFailsRateLimiter, getClock()->advanceClusterTime(t1));
// Verify cluster time can be initialized to a very old time.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, InitFromTrustedSourceCanAcceptVeryOldLogicalTime) {
durationCount(LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs) * 10 * 1000));
Timestamp veryOldTimestamp(
durationCount(getMockClockSourceTime().toDurationSinceEpoch()) -
(durationCount(LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs) * 5));
auto veryOldTime = LogicalTime(veryOldTimestamp);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == veryOldTime);
// Verify writes to the oplog advance cluster time.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, WritesToOplogAdvanceClusterTime) {
Timestamp tX(1);
auto initialTime = LogicalTime(tX);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == initialTime);
getDBClient()->insert(kDummyNamespaceString, BSON("x" << 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() > initialTime);
// Tests the scenario where an admin incorrectly sets the wall clock more than
// maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs in the past at startup, and cluster time is initialized to
// the incorrect past time, then the admin resets the clock to the current time. In this case,
// cluster time can be advanced through metadata as long as the new time isn't
// maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs ahead of the correct current wall clock time, since the rate
// limiter compares new times to the wall clock, not the cluster time.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, WallClockSetTooFarInPast) {
auto oneDay = Seconds(24 * 60 * 60);
// Current wall clock and cluster time.
auto currentSecs = LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs * 10;
LogicalTime currentTime(Timestamp(currentSecs, 0));
// Set wall clock more than maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs seconds in the past.
auto pastSecs = currentSecs - LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs - oneDay;
// If cluster time is either uninitialized or even farther in the past, a write would set
// cluster time more than maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs in the past.
getDBClient()->insert(kDummyNamespaceString, BSON("x" << 1));
getClock()->getClusterTime() <
LogicalTime(Timestamp(currentSecs - LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs, 0)));
// Set wall clock to the current time on the affected node.
// Verify that maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs parameter does not need to be increased to
// advance cluster time through metadata back to the current time.
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == currentTime);
// Tests the scenario where an admin incorrectly sets the wall clock more than
// maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs in the future and a write is accepted, advancing cluster
// time, then the admin resets the clock to the current time. In this case, cluster time cannot be
// advanced through metadata unless the drift parameter is increased.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, WallClockSetTooFarInFuture) {
auto oneDay = Seconds(24 * 60 * 60);
// Current wall clock and cluster time.
auto currentSecs = LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs * 10;
LogicalTime currentTime(Timestamp(currentSecs, 0));
// Set wall clock more than maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs seconds in the future.
auto futureSecs = currentSecs + LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs + oneDay;
// A write gets through and advances cluster time more than maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs
// in the future.
getDBClient()->insert(kDummyNamespaceString, BSON("x" << 1));
getClock()->getClusterTime() >
LogicalTime(Timestamp(currentSecs + LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs, 0)));
// Set wall clock to the current time on the affected node.
// Verify that maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs parameter has to be increased to advance
// cluster time through metadata.
auto nextTime = getClock()->getClusterTime();
nextTime.addTicks(1); // The next lowest cluster time.
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorCodes::ClusterTimeFailsRateLimiter, getClock()->advanceClusterTime(nextTime));
// Set wall clock to the current time + 1 day to simulate increasing the
// maxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs parameter, which can only be set at startup, and verify
// time can be advanced through metadata again.
setMockClockSourceTime(Date_t::fromDurationSinceEpoch(currentSecs + oneDay));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == nextTime);
// Verify the behavior of advancing cluster time around the max allowed values.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, ReserveTicksBehaviorAroundMaxTime) {
unsigned maxVal = LogicalClock::kMaxSignedInt;
// Verify clock can be advanced near the max values.
// Can always advance to the max value for the inc field.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal - 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal - 5));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(0, maxVal - 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(0, maxVal));
// Can overflow inc into seconds to reach max seconds value.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 1));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, maxVal - 5));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 10));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal - 1, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
// Can advance inc field when seconds field is at the max value.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 2));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 101));
// Can advance to the max value for both the inc and seconds fields.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 5));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
// Verify scenarios where the clock cannot be advanced.
// Can't overflow inc into seconds when seconds field is at the max value.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->reserveTicks(1), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->reserveTicks(5), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 1));
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->reserveTicks(2), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 1));
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 11));
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->reserveTicks(12), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, maxVal - 11));
// Verify behavior of advancing cluster time when the wall clock is near the max allowed value.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, ReserveTicksBehaviorWhenWallClockNearMaxTime) {
unsigned maxVal = LogicalClock::kMaxSignedInt;
// Can be set to the max possible time by catching up to the wall clock.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(1, 1));
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(maxVal, 1));
// Should fail when wall clock would advance cluster time beyond the max allowed time.
resetClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(buildLogicalTime(1, 1));
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->reserveTicks(1), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == buildLogicalTime(1, 1));
// Verify the clock rejects cluster times greater than the max allowed time.
TEST_F(LogicalClockTest, RejectsLogicalTimesGreaterThanMaxTime) {
unsigned maxVal = LogicalClock::kMaxSignedInt;
// A cluster time can be greater than the maximum value allowed because the signed integer
// maximum is used for legacy compatibility, but these fields are stored as unsigned integers.
auto beyondMaxTime = buildLogicalTime(maxVal + 1, maxVal + 1);
// The clock can't be initialized to a time greater than the max possible.
ASSERT_THROWS(getClock()->setClusterTimeFromTrustedSource(beyondMaxTime), std::exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == LogicalTime());
// The time can't be advanced through metadata to a time greater than the max possible.
// Advance the wall clock close enough to the new value so the rate check is passed.
auto almostMaxSecs =
Seconds(maxVal) - LogicalClock::kMaxAcceptableLogicalClockDriftSecs + Seconds(10);
ASSERT_TRUE(getClock()->getClusterTime() == LogicalTime());
} // unnamed namespace
} // namespace mongo