/** * Copyright (C) 2020-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/platform/basic.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/doc_validation_error.h" #include #include "mongo/base/init.h" #include "mongo/bson/bsonobjbuilder.h" #include "mongo/db/geo/geoparser.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/doc_validation_util.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_always_boolean.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_expr.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_geo.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_leaf.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_tree.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_type.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_visitor.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/match_expression_util.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/match_expression_walker.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_all_elem_match_from_index.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_allowed_properties.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_cond.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_fmod.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_match_array_index.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_max_items.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_max_length.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_max_properties.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_min_items.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_min_length.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_min_properties.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_object_match.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_str_length.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_unique_items.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/expression_internal_schema_xor.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/schema/json_schema_parser.h" namespace mongo::doc_validation_error { namespace { MONGO_INIT_REGISTER_ERROR_EXTRA_INFO(DocumentValidationFailureInfo); using ErrorAnnotation = MatchExpression::ErrorAnnotation; using AnnotationMode = ErrorAnnotation::Mode; using LeafArrayBehavior = ElementPath::LeafArrayBehavior; using NonLeafArrayBehavior = ElementPath::NonLeafArrayBehavior; using PatternSchema = InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression::PatternSchema; using Pattern = InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression::Pattern; // Fail point which simulates an internal error for testing. MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(docValidationInternalErrorFailPoint); /** * Enumerated type which describes whether an error should be described normally or in an * inverted sense when in a negated context. More precisely, when a MatchExpression fails to match a * document, the generated error will refer to failure unless the MatchExpression is nested * within another MatchExpression that expresses a logical negation, in which case the generated * error will refer to success. */ enum class InvertError { kNormal, kInverted }; /** * A set of parameters specific to a given frame. Used to allow a parent node to pass parameters to * control how its child node should behave when it gets visited. */ struct FrameParams { FrameParams(BSONObj currentDoc, InvertError inversion) : currentDoc(std::move(currentDoc)), inversion(inversion) {} // Tracks the current subdocument that an error should be generated over. BSONObj currentDoc; // Tracks whether the generated error should be described normally or in an inverted context. InvertError inversion; }; /** * A struct which tracks error generation information for some node within the tree. */ struct ValidationErrorFrame { /** * Enumerated type which describes runtime information about a node participating in error * generation. */ enum class RuntimeState { // This node contributes to error generation. kError, // Neither this node nor do any of its children contribute to error generation at all. kNoError, // This node contributes to error generation, but it needs more information about its child // nodes when generating an error. For instance, when generating an error for an AND in a // normal context, we need to discern which of its clauses failed. kErrorNeedChildrenInfo, // This node contributes to error generation, but its next child will not contribute to // error output. If a node maintains this state across all visits to its children, then none // of its children will contribute to the error output. kErrorIgnoreChildren, }; ValidationErrorFrame(RuntimeState runtimeState, FrameParams currentParams) : runtimeState(runtimeState), currentParams(std::move(currentParams)) {} // BSONBuilders which construct the generated error. BSONObjBuilder objBuilder; BSONArrayBuilder arrayBuilder; // Tracks the index of the current child expression. size_t childIndex = 0; // Tracks runtime information about how the current node should generate an error. RuntimeState runtimeState; // Tracks whether the array of 'consideredValues' was truncated for this frame. bool consideredValuesTruncated = false; // Tracks the current frame's parameters. FrameParams currentParams; }; using RuntimeState = ValidationErrorFrame::RuntimeState; /** * A struct which tracks context during error generation. */ struct ValidationErrorContext { ValidationErrorContext(const BSONObj& rootDoc, bool truncate, const int maxDocValidationErrorSize, const int maxConsideredValuesElements) : rootDoc(rootDoc), truncate(truncate), kMaxDocValidationErrorSize(maxDocValidationErrorSize), kMaxConsideredValuesElements(maxConsideredValuesElements) { invariant(kMaxConsideredValuesElements > 0); invariant(kMaxDocValidationErrorSize > 0); } /** * Utilities which add/remove ValidationErrorFrames from 'frames'. */ void pushNewFrame(const MatchExpression& expr) { // Clear the last error that was generated. latestCompleteError = std::monostate(); // If this is the first frame, then we know that we've failed validation, so we must be // generating an error. if (frames.empty()) { frames.emplace(RuntimeState::kError, FrameParams(rootDoc, InvertError::kNormal)); return; } auto parentRuntimeState = getCurrentRuntimeState(); auto frameParams = frames.top().currentParams; // Record and clear any input given by the parent frame. if (childInput) { frameParams = *childInput; childInput = boost::none; } // If we've determined at runtime or at parse time that this node shouldn't contribute to // error generation, then push a frame indicating that this node should not produce an // error and return. if (parentRuntimeState == RuntimeState::kNoError || parentRuntimeState == RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren || expr.getErrorAnnotation()->mode == AnnotationMode::kIgnore) { frames.emplace(RuntimeState::kNoError, frameParams); return; } // If our parent needs more information, call 'matchesBSON()' to determine whether 'expr' // will contribute to error output. if (parentRuntimeState == RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo) { auto inversion = frameParams.inversion; bool generateErrorValue; // If 'matchesBSON()' throws, generate an error which explains the exception. try { generateErrorValue = expr.matchesBSON(frameParams.currentDoc) ? inversion == InvertError::kInverted : inversion == InvertError::kNormal; } catch (const DBException&) { generateErrorValue = true; } frames.emplace(generateErrorValue ? RuntimeState::kError : RuntimeState::kNoError, frameParams); return; } frames.emplace(RuntimeState::kError, frameParams); } void popFrame() { invariant(!frames.empty()); frames.pop(); } /** * Utilities which return members of the current ValidationContextFrame. */ BSONObjBuilder& getCurrentObjBuilder() { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().objBuilder; } BSONArrayBuilder& getCurrentArrayBuilder() { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().arrayBuilder; } size_t getCurrentChildIndex() const { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().childIndex; } void incrementCurrentChildIndex() { invariant(!frames.empty()); ++frames.top().childIndex; } RuntimeState getCurrentRuntimeState() const { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().runtimeState; } void setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState runtimeState) { invariant(!frames.empty()); // If a node has RuntimeState::kNoError, then its runtime state value should never be // modified since the node should never contribute to error generation. if (getCurrentRuntimeState() != RuntimeState::kNoError) { frames.top().runtimeState = runtimeState; } } /** * Configures the current frame to have a 'childInput', that is, the set of parameters that any * child expression will accept as input. */ void setChildInput(const BSONObj& doc, InvertError inversion) { childInput = FrameParams(doc, inversion); } const BSONObj& getCurrentDocument() { if (!frames.empty()) { return frames.top().currentParams.currentDoc; } return rootDoc; } void setCurrentInversion(InvertError inversion) { invariant(!frames.empty()); frames.top().currentParams.inversion = inversion; } InvertError getCurrentInversion() const { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().currentParams.inversion; } /** * Verify that the size of 'builder' combined with that of 'item' are of valid size before * appending the latter to the former; throws a BSONObjectTooLarge error otherwise. */ template void verifySize(const ItemType& item, const BuilderType& builder) { uassert(ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge, "doc validation error builder exceeded maximum size", builder.len() + item.objsize() <= kMaxDocValidationErrorSize); } template void verifySize(const BSONElement& item, const BuilderType& builder) { uassert(ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge, "doc validation error builder exceeded maximum size", builder.len() + item.size() <= kMaxDocValidationErrorSize); } template void verifySizeAndAppend(const ItemType& item, const std::string& fieldName, BuilderType* builder) { verifySize(item, *builder); builder->append(fieldName, item); } template void verifySizeAndAppend(const ItemType& item, BSONArrayBuilder* builder) { verifySize(item, *builder); builder->append(item); } template void verifySizeAndAppendAs(const BSONElement& item, const std::string& fieldName, BuilderType* builder) { verifySize(item, *builder); builder->appendAs(item, fieldName); } bool haveLatestCompleteError() { return !stdx::holds_alternative(latestCompleteError); } /** * Appends the latest complete error to 'builder'. */ void appendLatestCompleteError(BSONObjBuilder* builder) { const static std::string kDetailsString = "details"; stdx::visit( visit_helper::Overloaded{[&](const auto& details) -> void { verifySizeAndAppend(details, kDetailsString, builder); }, [&](const std::monostate& state) -> void { MONGO_UNREACHABLE }, [&](const std::string& str) -> void { MONGO_UNREACHABLE }}, latestCompleteError); } /** * Appends the latest complete error to 'builder'. This should only be called by nodes which * construct an array as part of their error. */ void appendLatestCompleteError(BSONArrayBuilder* builder) { stdx::visit( visit_helper::Overloaded{ [&](const BSONObj& obj) -> void { verifySizeAndAppend(obj, builder); }, [&](const std::string& str) -> void { builder->append(str); }, [&](const BSONArray& arr) -> void { // The '$_internalSchemaAllowedProperties' match expression represents two // JSONSchema keywords: 'additionalProperties' and 'patternProperties'. As // such, if both keywords produce an error, their errors will be packaged // into an array which the parent expression must absorb when constructing // its array of error details. for (auto&& elem : arr) { verifySizeAndAppend(elem, builder); } }, [&](const std::monostate& state) -> void { MONGO_UNREACHABLE }}, latestCompleteError); } /** * Returns the latest complete error generated as an object. Should only be called when the * caller expects an object. */ BSONObj getLatestCompleteErrorObject() const { return stdx::get(latestCompleteError); } BSONArray getLatestCompleteErrorArray() const { return stdx::get(latestCompleteError); } /** * Returns whether 'expr' will produce an array as an error. */ bool producesArray(const MatchExpression& expr) { auto& tag = expr.getErrorAnnotation()->tag; return tag == "_subschema" || tag == "_propertiesExistList"; } bool isConsideredValuesTruncated() const { invariant(!frames.empty()); return frames.top().consideredValuesTruncated; } void markConsideredValuesAsTruncated() { invariant(!frames.empty()); frames.top().consideredValuesTruncated = true; } /** * Finishes error for 'expr' by stashing its generated error if it made one and popping the * frame that it created. */ void finishCurrentError(const MatchExpression* expr) { if (shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { if (producesArray(*expr)) { latestCompleteError = getCurrentArrayBuilder().arr(); } else { latestCompleteError = getCurrentObjBuilder().obj(); } } popFrame(); } /** * Sets 'inversion' to the opposite of its current value. */ void flipCurrentInversion() { getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal ? setCurrentInversion(InvertError::kInverted) : setCurrentInversion(InvertError::kNormal); } /** * Returns whether 'expr' should generate an error. */ bool shouldGenerateError(const MatchExpression& expr) { return expr.getErrorAnnotation()->mode == AnnotationMode::kGenerateError && getCurrentRuntimeState() != RuntimeState::kNoError; } // Frames which construct the generated error. Each frame corresponds to the information needed // to generate an error for one node. As such, each node must call 'pushNewFrame' as part of // its pre-visit and 'popFrame' as part of its post-visit. std::stack frames; // Tracks the most recently completed error. The error can be one of several types: // - std::monostate indicates that no error was produced. // - Nodes can return their error as a std::string if they do not need to generate error // details as a structured BSONObj. For example, consider the schema {required: [a,b,c]}. Each // property in the 'required' array is represented as its own ExistsMatchExpression and will // simply report its path if it is missing from the document which failed to match. // - BSONArray indicates multiple errors produced by an expression which does not correspond // to a user-facing operator. For example, consider the subschema {minimum: 2, multipleOf: 2}. // Both schema operators can fail and produce errors, but the schema that they belong to // doesn't correspond to an operator that the user specified. As such, the errors are stored // in an array and passed to the parent expression. // - Finally, BSONObj indicates the most common case of an error: a detailed object which // describes the reasons for failure. The final error will be of this type. stdx::variant latestCompleteError = std::monostate(); // Document which failed to match against the collection's validator. const BSONObj& rootDoc; // Tracks whether the generated error should omit appending 'specifiedAs' and // 'consideredValues' to avoid generating an error larger than the maximum BSONObj size. const bool truncate = false; // Tracks an optional input to child frames which require custom parameters from their parent // frame. boost::optional childInput; // The maximum allowed size for a doc validation error. const int kMaxDocValidationErrorSize; // Tracks the maximum number of values that will be reported in the 'consideredValues' array // for leaf operators. const int kMaxConsideredValuesElements; }; /** * Builds a BSON object from a BSON element 'element' using the same name placeholder as the * JSON Schema match expressions. */ BSONObj toObjectWithPlaceholder(BSONElement element) { return BSON(JSONSchemaParser::kNamePlaceholder << element); } void appendSchemaAnnotations(const MatchExpression& expr, BSONObjBuilder& builder) { expr.getErrorAnnotation()->schemaAnnotations.appendElements(builder); } /** * Append the error generated by one of 'expr's children to the current array builder of 'expr' * if said child generated an error. */ void finishLogicalOperatorChildError(const ListOfMatchExpression* expr, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { if (ctx->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && ctx->getCurrentRuntimeState() != RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren) { auto tag = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag; // Only provide the indexes of non-matching clauses for certain named operators in the // user's query. static const stdx::unordered_set operatorsWithOrderedClauses = { "$and", "$or", "$nor", "allOf", "anyOf", "oneOf"}; if (ctx->haveLatestCompleteError()) { if (operatorsWithOrderedClauses.find(tag) != operatorsWithOrderedClauses.end()) { BSONObjBuilder subBuilder = ctx->getCurrentArrayBuilder().subobjStart(); subBuilder.appendNumber("index", static_cast(ctx->getCurrentChildIndex())); appendSchemaAnnotations(*expr->getChild(ctx->getCurrentChildIndex()), subBuilder); ctx->appendLatestCompleteError(&subBuilder); subBuilder.done(); } else { ctx->appendLatestCompleteError(&ctx->getCurrentArrayBuilder()); } } } ctx->incrementCurrentChildIndex(); } /** * Enumerated type to encode JSON Schema array keyword "items" and "additionalItems", and their * variants. */ enum class ItemsKeywordType { kItems, // 'items': {schema} kAdditionalItemsFalse, // 'additionalItems': false kAdditionalItemsSchema, // 'additionalItems': {schema} }; /** * Decodes the JSON Schema "items"/"additionalItems" keyword type from an error annotation of * expression 'expr'. */ ItemsKeywordType toItemsKeywordType( const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression& expr) { auto* errorAnnotation = expr.getErrorAnnotation(); if ("items" == errorAnnotation->tag) { return ItemsKeywordType::kItems; } if ("additionalItems" == errorAnnotation->tag) { switch (errorAnnotation->annotation.firstElementType()) { case BSONType::Bool: return ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsFalse; case BSONType::Object: return ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsSchema; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } /** * Returns the set of additional properties from 'doc'. A property is said to be additional if * it is not contained in any of the properties of 'expr', nor does it match any of the regular * expressions in expr's patternProperties. */ BSONArray findAdditionalProperties(const BSONObj& doc, const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression& expr) { BSONArrayBuilder additionalProperties; const auto& properties = expr.getProperties(); const auto& patternProperties = expr.getPatternProperties(); for (auto&& field : doc) { auto fieldName = field.fieldNameStringData(); if (!properties.contains(fieldName)) { bool additional = true; for (auto&& pattern : patternProperties) { if (pattern.first.regex->PartialMatch(fieldName.toString())) { additional = false; break; } } if (additional) { additionalProperties.append(fieldName); } } } return additionalProperties.arr(); } /** * Sets the necessary state to generate an error for a child expression of an * 'InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression'. */ void setAllowedPropertiesChildInput(BSONElement failingElement, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { ctx->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kError); ctx->setChildInput(toObjectWithPlaceholder(failingElement), ctx->getCurrentInversion()); } /** * Returns the element corresponding to the first property from 'additionalProperties' whose * value in 'doc' fails to match against 'filter', if such an element exists. Returns EOO otherwise. */ BSONElement findFirstFailingAdditionalProperty(const MatchExpression& filter, const BSONArray& additionalProperties, const BSONObj& doc) { for (auto&& property : additionalProperties) { auto&& elem = doc.getField(property.valueStringData()); if (!filter.matchesBSONElement(elem)) { return elem; } } return {}; } /** * Finds a pattern property failure and returns the failing element (if one exists) and EOO * otherwise. A pattern property failure corresponds to the first element in a document whose field * name matches against a pattern, but fails to match against the corresponding filter. */ BSONElement findFailingProperty(const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression& expr, const PatternSchema& patternSchema, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { // Before walking the tree corresponding to the subschema of a single child expression of // 'patternProperties', we must first determine whether there exists a property which matches // the corresponding regular expression which also fails to match against the subschema. auto& pattern = patternSchema.first; auto filter = patternSchema.second->getFilter(); for (auto&& elem : ctx->getCurrentDocument()) { auto field = elem.fieldNameStringData(); if (pattern.regex->PartialMatch(field.toString()) && !filter->matchesBSONElement(elem)) { return elem; } } return {}; } /** * Generates an error for a child expression of the 'patternProperties' keyword, that is, for a * property whose name matched one of the regexes of 'expr', but failed to match against the * corresponding subschema. */ void generatePatternPropertyError(const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression& expr, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { // Generate an error for the previous regular expression. The previous regex is indexed by // the current child index minus one since the child expression is offset by one to account // for the expression which represents the 'additionalProperties' keyword. invariant(ctx->getCurrentChildIndex() >= 1); auto childIndex = ctx->getCurrentChildIndex() - 1; auto& patternSchema = expr.getPatternProperties()[childIndex]; auto element = findFailingProperty(expr, patternSchema, ctx); // Only generate an error if we found a regex which matches a property that failed to match // against the corresponding sub-schema. if (ctx->shouldGenerateError(expr) && ctx->haveLatestCompleteError() && element) { auto propertyName = element.fieldNameStringData().toString(); BSONObjBuilder patternBuilder; patternBuilder.append("propertyName", propertyName); appendSchemaAnnotations(*patternSchema.second->getFilter(), patternBuilder); patternBuilder.append("regexMatched", patternSchema.first.rawRegex); ctx->appendLatestCompleteError(&patternBuilder); ctx->verifySizeAndAppend(patternBuilder.obj(), &ctx->getCurrentArrayBuilder()); } } void generateAdditionalPropertiesFalseError(const BSONArray& additionalProperties, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { // Only generate an error if 'additionalProperties' is non empty, that is, there exists at // least one additional property within the current subdocument tracked by 'ctx'. if (!additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { auto& builder = ctx->getCurrentObjBuilder(); builder.append("operatorName", "additionalProperties"); builder.append("specifiedAs", BSON("additionalProperties" << false)); builder.append("additionalProperties", additionalProperties); } } /** * Generates an error for the schema {additionalProperties: }. This function can only * be called if there is at least one property in the current subdocument tracked by 'ctx' which * failed to match 'subschema'. */ void generateAdditionalPropertiesSchemaError( const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression& expr, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { auto&& additionalProperties = findAdditionalProperties(ctx->getCurrentDocument(), expr); auto firstFailingElement = findFirstFailingAdditionalProperty( *expr.getChild(0), additionalProperties, ctx->getCurrentDocument()); invariant(firstFailingElement); auto& builder = ctx->getCurrentObjBuilder(); builder.append("operatorName", "additionalProperties"); appendSchemaAnnotations(*expr.getChild(0), builder); builder.append("reason", "at least one additional property did not match the subschema"); builder.append("failingProperty", firstFailingElement.fieldNameStringData().toString()); ctx->appendLatestCompleteError(&builder); } /** * Handle error generation for either an 'additionalProperties: ' keyword or the child of a * 'patternProperties' keyword. */ void generateAllowedPropertiesSchemaError( const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression& expr, ValidationErrorContext* ctx) { auto childIndex = ctx->getCurrentChildIndex(); if (ctx->haveLatestCompleteError()) { // Because 'InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression' represents both the // 'additionalProperties' and the 'patternProperties' keywords, we must determine which // keyword we are generating an error for. In particular, the first child will always be // the expression corresponding to the 'additionalProperties' keyword, while each // subsequent child will be a single component of the 'patternProperties' keyword. if (childIndex == 0) { // We handle the {'additionalProperties': } case here after we've walked the // tree corresponding to the additionalProperties keyword. if (expr.getErrorAnnotation()->annotation.firstElementType() == BSONType::Object) { generateAdditionalPropertiesSchemaError(expr, ctx); } } else { generatePatternPropertyError(expr, ctx); } } } /** * Visitor which is primarily responsible for error generation. */ class ValidationErrorPreVisitor final : public MatchExpressionConstVisitor { public: ValidationErrorPreVisitor(ValidationErrorContext* context) : _context(context) {} void visit(const AlwaysFalseMatchExpression* expr) final { generateAlwaysBooleanError(*expr); } void visit(const AlwaysTrueMatchExpression* expr) final { generateAlwaysBooleanError(*expr); } void visit(const AndMatchExpression* expr) final { auto&& tag = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag; // $all is treated as a leaf operator. if (tag == "$all") { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "array did not contain all specified values"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "array did contain all specified values"; generateLogicalLeafError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } else if (tag == "items") { // $and only gets annotated as an "items" only for JSON Schema keyword "items" set to an // array of subschemas. generateJSONSchemaItemsSchemaArrayError(*expr); } else { preVisitTreeOperator(expr); // An AND needs its children to call 'matches' in a normal context to discern which // clauses failed. if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo); } // If this is the root of a $jsonSchema and we're in an inverted context, do not attempt // to provide a detailed error. if (tag == "$jsonSchema" && _context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kInverted) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren); static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "schema matched"; appendErrorReason("", kInvertedReason); } } } void visit(const BitsAllClearMatchExpression* expr) final { generateError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAllSetMatchExpression* expr) final { generateError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAnyClearMatchExpression* expr) final { generateError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAnySetMatchExpression* expr) final { generateError(expr); } void visit(const ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression* expr) final { generateElemMatchError(expr); } void visit(const ElemMatchValueMatchExpression* expr) final { generateElemMatchError(expr); } void visit(const EqualityMatchExpression* expr) final { generateComparisonError(expr); } void visit(const ExistsMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "path does not exist"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "path does exist"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); // Only generate an error if this node is tagged with an MQL operator name. The // '_propertyExists' tag indicates that this node is implementing a JSONSchema feature. if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag != "_propertyExists") { appendErrorDetails(*expr); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } } void visit(const ExprMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "expression did not match"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "expression did match"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { appendErrorDetails(*expr); BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); // Append the result of $expr's aggregation expression evaluation. BSONMatchableDocument document{_context->getCurrentDocument()}; try { auto expressionResult = expr->evaluateExpression(&document); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); expressionResult.addToBsonObj(&bob, "expressionResult"_sd); } catch (const DBException& e) { bob.append("reason"_sd, "failed to evaluate aggregation expression"); BSONObjBuilder exceptionDetailsBuilder = bob.subobjStart("details"); e.serialize(&exceptionDetailsBuilder); exceptionDetailsBuilder.done(); } } } void visit(const GTEMatchExpression* expr) final { generateComparisonError(expr); } void visit(const GTMatchExpression* expr) final { generateComparisonError(expr); } void visit(const GeoMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { appendErrorDetails(*expr); auto arr = createValuesArray(expr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverseOmitArray); appendMissingField(arr); appendGeoTypeError(*expr, arr); switch (expr->getGeoExpression().getPred()) { case GeoExpression::Predicate::WITHIN: { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "none of the considered geometries were contained within the expression’s " "geometry"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "at least one of considered geometries was contained within the " "expression’s geometry"; appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } break; case GeoExpression::Predicate::INTERSECT: { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "none of the considered geometries intersected the expression’s geometry"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "at least one of considered geometries intersected the expression’s " "geometry"; appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } break; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } appendConsideredValues(arr); } } void visit(const GeoNearMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const InMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "no matching value found in array"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "matching value found in array"; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } void visit(const InternalBucketGeoWithinMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression* expr) final { switch (toItemsKeywordType(*expr)) { case ItemsKeywordType::kItems: { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "At least one item did not match the sub-schema"; generateJSONSchemaArraySingleSchemaError(expr, kNormalReason, ""); } break; case ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsSchema: { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "At least one additional item did not match the sub-schema"; generateJSONSchemaArraySingleSchemaError(expr, kNormalReason, ""); } break; case ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsFalse: generateJSONSchemaAdditionalItemsFalseError(expr); break; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } } void visit(const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); // It is the responsibility of 'expr' to discern which child expression(s) failed to // match against which elements of the current document since 'expr' has knowledge of the // set of defined properties along with the any regex/filter pairs defined by // 'patternProperties'. We assume that the next child expression will be ignored until // proven otherwise. _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { auto additionalProperties = findAdditionalProperties(_context->getCurrentDocument(), *expr); // The first child expression of 'expr' always corresponds to the 'additionalProperties' // keyword. auto additionalPropertiesExpr = expr->getChild(0); // We discern whether we are dealing with 'additionalProperties: false' or // 'additionalProperties: ' by inspecting the annotation on 'expr'. auto additionalPropertiesType = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->annotation.firstElementType(); // Only generate an error in the boolean case if the 'additionalProperties' expression // evaluates to false. if (additionalPropertiesType == BSONType::Bool && !additionalPropertiesExpr->matchesBSON(_context->getCurrentDocument())) { generateAdditionalPropertiesFalseError(additionalProperties, _context); } else if (additionalPropertiesType == BSONType::Object) { // In the case of an additionalProperties keyword which takes a schema argument, // identify the first additional property which violates the subschema, if such a // property exists. auto subSchema = expr->getChild(0); if (auto failingElement = findFirstFailingAdditionalProperty( *subSchema, additionalProperties, _context->getCurrentDocument())) { setAllowedPropertiesChildInput(failingElement, _context); } } } } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataEncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final { // This node will never generate an error in the inverted case. static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "encrypted value has wrong type"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = ""; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { ElementPath path(expr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder cursor(&doc, &path); invariant(cursor->more()); auto elem = cursor->next().element(); // Only generate an error in the normal case since if the value exists and it is // encrypted, in the inverted case, this node's sibling expression will generate an // appropriate error. if (elem.type() == BSONType::BinData && elem.binDataType() == BinDataType::Encrypt && _context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { appendOperatorName(*expr); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } else { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataFLE2EncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNotEncryptedReason = "value was not encrypted"; static constexpr auto kBadValueTypeReason = "Queryable Encryption encrypted value has wrong type"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "value was encrypted"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { ElementPath path(expr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder cursor(&doc, &path); invariant(cursor->more()); auto elem = cursor->next().element(); appendOperatorName(*expr); if (elem.type() != BSONType::BinData || elem.binDataType() != BinDataType::Encrypt) { appendErrorReason(kNotEncryptedReason, kInvertedReason); } else { appendErrorReason(kBadValueTypeReason, kInvertedReason); } } } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataSubTypeExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "value was not encrypted"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "value was encrypted"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { appendOperatorName(*expr); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } } void visit(const InternalSchemaCondMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { // Since 'expr' represents a conditional expression corresponding to a single // $jsonSchema dependency whose else branch always evaluates to 'true', 'expr' can only // fail if its 'condition' expression evaluates to true and its then branch evaluates to // false. Therefore, if 'condition' evaluates to false, we conclude that this node will // not contribute to error generation. if (!expr->condition()->matchesBSON(_context->getCurrentDocument())) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } } void visit(const InternalSchemaEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaFmodMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "considered value is not a multiple of the specified value"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "considered value is a multiple of the specified value"; static const std::set kExpectedTypes{BSONType::NumberLong, BSONType::NumberDouble, BSONType::NumberDecimal, BSONType::NumberInt}; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &kExpectedTypes, LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, true /* isJsonSchemaKeyword */); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMatchArrayIndexMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { // Get an element of an array. ElementPath path( expr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, NonLeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); auto attributeValue = getValueAt(path); // Attribute should be present and be an array, since it has been ensured by handling of // AndMatchExpression with error annotation "items". invariant(attributeValue.type() == BSONType::Array); auto valueAsArray = BSONArray(attributeValue.embeddedObject()); // If array is shorter than the index the match expression applies to, then document // validation should not fail. invariant(expr->arrayIndex() < valueAsArray.nFields()); // Append information about array element to the error. BSONElement arrayElement = valueAsArray[expr->arrayIndex()]; BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); bob.append("itemIndex"_sd, expr->arrayIndex()); // Build a document corresponding to the array element for the child expression to // operate on. _context->setChildInput(toObjectWithPlaceholder(arrayElement), _context->getCurrentInversion()); } } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { generateJSONSchemaMinItemsMaxItemsError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxLengthMatchExpression* expr) final { generateStringLengthError(*expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { generateNumPropertiesError(*expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { generateJSONSchemaMinItemsMaxItemsError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinLengthMatchExpression* expr) final { generateStringLengthError(*expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { generateNumPropertiesError(*expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaObjectMatchExpression* expr) final { // This node should never be responsible for generating an error directly. invariant(expr->getErrorAnnotation()->mode != AnnotationMode::kGenerateError); // As part of pushing a new frame onto the stack, the runtime state may be set to // 'kNoError' if 'expr' matches the current document. _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); // Only attempt to find a subdocument if this node failed to match. if (_context->getCurrentRuntimeState() != RuntimeState::kNoError) { ElementPath path(expr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder cursor(&doc, &path); invariant(cursor->more()); auto elem = cursor->next().element(); // If we do not find an object at expr's path, then the subtree rooted at this node will // not contribute to error generation as there will either be an explicit // ExistsMatchExpression which will explain a missing path error or an explicit // InternalSchemaTypeExpression that will explain a type did not match error. bool ignoreSubTree = false; if (elem.type() == BSONType::Object) { _context->setChildInput(elem.embeddedObject(), _context->getCurrentInversion()); } else { ignoreSubTree = true; } // This expression should match exactly one object; if there are any more elements, then // ignore the subtree. if (cursor->more()) { ignoreSubTree = true; } if (ignoreSubTree) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } } void visit(const InternalSchemaRootDocEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaTypeExpression* expr) final { generateTypeError(*expr, LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, true /* isJsonSchemaKeyword */); } void visit(const InternalSchemaUniqueItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto normalReason = "found a duplicate item"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (auto attributeValue = getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(*expr, {BSONType::Array})) { appendErrorDetails(*expr); appendErrorReason(normalReason, ""); auto attributeValueAsArray = BSONArray(attributeValue.embeddedObject()); appendConsideredValue(attributeValueAsArray); auto duplicateValue = expr->findFirstDuplicateValue(attributeValueAsArray); invariant(duplicateValue); _context->verifySizeAndAppendAs( duplicateValue, "duplicatedValue", &_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } else { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } void visit(const InternalSchemaXorMatchExpression* expr) final { preVisitTreeOperator(expr); _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { auto currentDoc = _context->getCurrentDocument(); // If 'oneOf' has more than one matching subschema, then the generated error should // be in terms of the subschemas which matched, not the ones which failed to match. std::vector matchingClauses; for (size_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < expr->numChildren(); ++childIndex) { auto child = expr->getChild(childIndex); if (child->matchesBSON(currentDoc)) { matchingClauses.push_back(childIndex); } } if (!matchingClauses.empty()) { _context->flipCurrentInversion(); _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren); auto& builder = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); // We only report the matching schema reason in an inverted context, so there is // no need for a reason string in the normal case. static constexpr auto kNormalReason = ""; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "more than one subschema matched"; appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); builder.append("matchingSchemaIndexes", matchingClauses); } } } void visit(const LTEMatchExpression* expr) final { generateComparisonError(expr); } void visit(const LTMatchExpression* expr) final { generateComparisonError(expr); } void visit(const ModMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "$mod did not evaluate to expected remainder"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "$mod did evaluate to expected remainder"; static const std::set kExpectedTypes{BSONType::NumberLong, BSONType::NumberDouble, BSONType::NumberDecimal, BSONType::NumberInt}; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &kExpectedTypes); } void visit(const NorMatchExpression* expr) final { preVisitTreeOperator(expr); // A NOR needs its children to call 'matches' in a normal context to discern which // clauses matched. if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo); } _context->flipCurrentInversion(); } void visit(const NotMatchExpression* expr) final { preVisitTreeOperator(expr); _context->flipCurrentInversion(); // If this is a $jsonSchema not, then expr's children will not contribute to the error // output. if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag == "not") { static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "child expression matched"; appendErrorReason("", kInvertedReason); _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren); } } void visit(const OrMatchExpression* expr) final { // The jsonSchema keyword 'enum' is treated as a leaf operator. if (expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag == "enum") { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "value was not found in enum"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "value was found in enum"; generateLogicalLeafError( *expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, true /* isJsonSchemaKeyword */); } else { preVisitTreeOperator(expr); // An OR needs its children to call 'matches' in an inverted context to discern which // clauses matched. if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kInverted) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo); } } } void visit(const RegexMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "regular expression did not match"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "regular expression did match"; static const std::set kExpectedTypes{ BSONType::String, BSONType::Symbol, BSONType::RegEx}; bool isJsonSchemaKeyword = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag == "pattern"; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &kExpectedTypes, LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverseOmitArray, isJsonSchemaKeyword); } void visit(const SizeMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "array length was not equal to given size"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "array length was equal to given size"; generateArrayError(expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } void visit(const TextMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TextNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TwoDPtInAnnulusExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const TypeMatchExpression* expr) final { // Although $type predicate can match an array field, we are only interested in implicitly // traversed array elements as considered values since, when we have predicate "{$type: // 'array'}" and a field is an array, that is a match. Therefore we use // LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverseOmitArray as the traversal behavior. generateTypeError(*expr, LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverseOmitArray); } void visit(const WhereMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const WhereNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } private: // Set of utilities responsible for appending various fields to build a descriptive error. void appendOperatorName(const MatchExpression& expr) { auto tag = expr.getErrorAnnotation()->tag; // Only append the operator name if 'annotation' has one. if (!tag.empty()) { // An underscore-prefixed tag describes an internal entity, not an MQL operator. invariant(tag[0] != '_'); _context->getCurrentObjBuilder().append("operatorName", tag); } } void appendSpecifiedAs(const ErrorAnnotation& annotation, BSONObjBuilder* bob) { // Omit 'specifiedAs' if we are generating a truncated error. if (_context->truncate) { return; } // Since this function can append values that are proportional to the size of the // original validator expression, verify that the current builders do not exceed the // maximum allowed validation error size. _context->verifySizeAndAppend(annotation.annotation, "specifiedAs", bob); } void appendErrorDetails(const MatchExpression& expr) { auto annotation = expr.getErrorAnnotation(); BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); appendOperatorName(expr); appendSpecifiedAs(*annotation, &bob); } /** * Returns an enumeration of values of a field at path 'fieldPath' in the current document as an * array if the path is present. A return value of empty array means that the path was present, * but the value associated with that path was the empty array. If the path is not present, then * returns 'boost::none'. 'leafArrayBehavior' determines how the values are enumerated when the * leaf value of the path is an array. */ boost::optional createValuesArray(const StringData fieldPath, LeafArrayBehavior leafArrayBehavior) { // Empty path means that the match is against the root document. if (fieldPath.empty()) return BSON_ARRAY(_context->rootDoc); BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); ElementPath path{fieldPath, leafArrayBehavior}; MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder valueIterator(&doc, &path); BSONArrayBuilder bab; auto maxConsideredElements = _context->kMaxConsideredValuesElements; while (valueIterator->more() && bab.arrSize() < maxConsideredElements) { auto elem = valueIterator->next().element(); if (elem.eoo()) { break; } else { bab.append(elem); } } // Indicate that 'consideredValues' has been truncated if there are non eoo elements left // in 'valueIterator'. if (valueIterator->more() && bab.arrSize() == maxConsideredElements) { auto elem = valueIterator->next().element(); if (!elem.eoo()) { _context->markConsideredValuesAsTruncated(); } } // When the iterator 'valueIterator' returns no values, there are two possible cases: either // the path does not exist, or the path exists and contains an empty array. In this case we // perform a check for field existence to disambiguate those two cases. if (bab.arrSize() == 0 && !pathExists(fieldPath)) { return boost::none; } return bab.arr(); } /** * Returns a value at path 'path' in the current document, or an empty (End-Of-Object type) * element if the value is not present. Illegal to call if, due to implicit array traversal, * 'path' would result in multiple elements. */ BSONElement getValueAt(const ElementPath& path) { BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder cursor(&doc, &path); if (cursor->more()) { auto element = cursor->next().element(); invariant(!cursor->more()); // We expect only 1 item. return element; } else { return {}; } } /** * Appends a missing field error if 'arr' does not contain a value. */ void appendMissingField(const boost::optional& arr) { BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); if (!arr) { bob.append("reason", "field was missing"); } } /** * Appends a type mismatch error if no elements in 'arr' have one of the expected types. */ void appendTypeMismatch(const boost::optional& arr, const std::set* expectedTypes) { if (!arr) { return; // The field is not present. } BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); if (bob.hasField("reason")) { return; // there's already a reason for failure } if (!expectedTypes) { return; // this operator accepts all types } for (auto&& elem : *arr) { if (expectedTypes->count(elem.type())) { return; // an element has one of the expected types } } bob.append("reason", "type did not match"); appendConsideredTypes(arr); std::set types; for (auto&& elem : *expectedTypes) { types.insert(typeName(elem)); } if (types.size() == 1) { bob.append("expectedType", *types.begin()); } else { bob.append("expectedTypes", types); } } /** * Given 'normalReason' and 'invertedReason' strings, appends the reason for failure to the * current object builder tracked by 'ctx'. */ void appendErrorReason(const std::string& normalReason, const std::string& invertedReason) { if (normalReason.empty()) { invariant(_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kInverted); } else if (invertedReason.empty()) { invariant(_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal); } BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); if (bob.hasField("reason")) { return; // there's already a reason for failure } if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { bob.append("reason", normalReason); } else { bob.append("reason", invertedReason); } } void appendConsideredValue(const BSONArray& array) { _context->verifySizeAndAppend(array, "consideredValue", &_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } /** * Appends values of 'arr' array to the current object builder if 'arr' contains a value. */ void appendConsideredValues(const boost::optional& arr) { // Return if there is no field or if we are generating a truncated error. if (!arr || _context->truncate) { return; } auto arraySize = arr->nFields(); BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); if (arraySize == 1) { _context->verifySizeAndAppendAs((*arr)[0], "consideredValue", &bob); } else { _context->verifySizeAndAppend(*arr, "consideredValues", &bob); } if (_context->isConsideredValuesTruncated()) { bob.append("consideredValuesTruncated", true); } } /** * Appends types of values of 'arr' array to the current object builder if 'arr' contains a * value. */ void appendConsideredTypes(const boost::optional& arr) { if (!arr || arr->isEmpty()) { return; // The field is not present or the array is empty. } BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); std::set types; for (auto&& elem : *arr) { types.insert(typeName(elem.type())); } if (types.size() == 1) { bob.append("consideredType", *types.begin()); } else { bob.append("consideredTypes", types); } } /** * Returns 'true' if a field exists at path 'fieldPath' in the current document. */ bool pathExists(StringData fieldPath) { ElementPath path(fieldPath, LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverse); // Use kTraverse to return at least one // item if the field exists. BSONMatchableDocument doc(_context->getCurrentDocument()); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder valueIterator(&doc, &path); return valueIterator->more() && valueIterator->next().element(); } /** * Given a pointer to a PathMatchExpression 'expr', appends details to the current * BSONObjBuilder tracked by '_context' describing why the document failed to match against * 'expr'. In particular: * - Appends "reason: field was missing" if expr's path is missing from the document. * - Appends "reason: type did not match" along with 'expectedTypes' and 'consideredTypes' if * none of the values at expr's path match any of the types specified in 'expectedTypes'. * - Appends the specified 'reason' along with 'consideredValue' if the 'path' in the * document resolves to a single value. * - Appends the specified 'reason' along with 'consideredValues' if the 'path' in the * document resolves to an array of values that is implicitly traversed by 'expr'. */ void generatePathError( const PathMatchExpression& expr, const std::string& normalReason, const std::string& invertedReason, const std::set* expectedTypes = nullptr, LeafArrayBehavior leafArrayBehavior = LeafArrayBehavior::kTraverseOmitArray, bool isJsonSchemaKeyword = false) { _context->pushNewFrame(expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(expr)) { // If this is a jsonSchema keyword, we must verify that expr's path exists and the // value of the path matches the expected type. Otherwise, this node will not be // responsible for an error; either the parent of expr will not match, or another // node in the tree will generate an appropriate error. if (isJsonSchemaKeyword && !getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(expr, *expectedTypes)) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); return; } appendErrorDetails(expr); auto arr = createValuesArray(expr.path(), leafArrayBehavior); appendMissingField(arr); appendTypeMismatch(arr, expectedTypes); appendErrorReason(normalReason, invertedReason); appendConsideredValues(arr); } } void generateComparisonError(const ComparisonMatchExpression* expr) { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "comparison failed"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "comparison succeeded"; // Determine whether 'expr' represents a jsonSchema minimum/maximum keyword. static const std::set kJsonSchemaKeywords = {"minimum", "maximum"}; if (kJsonSchemaKeywords.find(expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag) != kJsonSchemaKeywords.end()) { static const std::set kExpectedTypes{BSONType::NumberLong, BSONType::NumberDouble, BSONType::NumberDecimal, BSONType::NumberInt}; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &kExpectedTypes, LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, true /* isJsonSchemaKeyword */); } else { generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } } void generateElemMatchError(const ArrayMatchingMatchExpression* expr) { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "array did not satisfy the child predicate"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "array did satisfy the child predicate"; generateArrayError(expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } /** * Examines the values in 'valuesArray' and the value at the path of 'expr' in the current * document and appends a type error if a valid geometry is not found. */ void appendGeoTypeError(const GeoMatchExpression& expr, const boost::optional& valuesArray) { if (!valuesArray) { return; } GeometryContainer geo; for (auto&& elem : *valuesArray) { if (auto parseStatus = geo.parseFromStorage(elem); parseStatus.isOK()) { return; } } if (auto parseStatus = geo.parseFromStorage(_context->getCurrentDocument().getField(expr.path())); parseStatus.isOK()) { return; } BSONObjBuilder& bob = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); static constexpr auto kGeoTypeError = "could not find a valid geometry at the given path"; bob.append("reason", kGeoTypeError); } void generateArrayError(const ArrayMatchingMatchExpression* expr, const std::string& normalReason, const std::string& invertedReason) { static const std::set expectedTypes{BSONType::Array}; generatePathError( *expr, normalReason, invertedReason, &expectedTypes, LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); } template void generateTypeError(const TypeMatchExpressionBase& expr, LeafArrayBehavior behavior, bool isJsonSchemaKeyword = false) { _context->pushNewFrame(expr); static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "type did not match"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "type did match"; if (_context->shouldGenerateError(expr)) { auto arr = createValuesArray(expr.path(), behavior); // If the path of 'expr' is missing and this is a jsonSchema keyword, then this node // should not generate an error. if (isJsonSchemaKeyword && !arr) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); return; } appendErrorDetails(expr); appendMissingField(arr); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); appendConsideredValues(arr); appendConsideredTypes(arr); } } /** * Generates a document validation error for a bit test expression 'expr'. */ void generateError(const BitTestMatchExpression* expr) { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "bitwise operator failed to match"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "bitwise operator matched successfully"; static const std::set kExpectedTypes{BSONType::NumberInt, BSONType::NumberLong, BSONType::NumberDouble, BSONType::NumberDecimal, BSONType::BinData}; generatePathError(*expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &kExpectedTypes); } /** * Performs the setup necessary to generate an error for 'expr'. */ void preVisitTreeOperator(const MatchExpression* expr) { invariant(expr->getCategory() == MatchExpression::MatchCategory::kLogical); _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { auto annotation = expr->getErrorAnnotation(); auto tag = annotation->tag; // Only append the operator name if it will produce an object error corresponding to // a user-facing operator. if (tag[0] != '_') appendOperatorName(*expr); auto& builder = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); // Append the keyword specification when 'expr' corresponds to the 'required' keyword. if (tag == "required") { appendSpecifiedAs(*annotation, &builder); } else { _context->getCurrentObjBuilder().appendElements(annotation->annotation); } } } /** * Utility to generate an error for logical operators which are treated like leaves for the * purposes of error reporting. */ void generateLogicalLeafError(const ListOfMatchExpression& expr, const std::string& normalReason, const std::string& invertedReason, bool isJsonSchemaKeyword = false) { _context->pushNewFrame(expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(expr)) { // $all with no children should not translate to an 'AndMatchExpression' and 'enum' // must have non-zero children. invariant(expr.numChildren() > 0); appendErrorDetails(expr); auto childExpr = expr.getChild(0); auto arr = createValuesArray(childExpr->path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); // If this is a jsonSchema keyword and the value doesn't exist, then this node will // not generate an error. if (isJsonSchemaKeyword && !arr) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); return; } appendMissingField(arr); appendErrorReason(normalReason, invertedReason); appendConsideredValues(arr); } } /** * For an AlwaysBooleanMatchExpression, we simply output the error information obtained at * parse time. */ void generateAlwaysBooleanError(const AlwaysBooleanMatchExpression& expr) { _context->pushNewFrame(expr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(expr)) { // An AlwaysBooleanMatchExpression can only contribute to error generation when the // inversion matches the value of the 'expr'. More precisely, it is only possible // to generate an error for 'expr' if it evaluates to false in a normal context or // if it evaluates to true an inverted context. if (expr.isTriviallyFalse()) { invariant(_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal); } else { invariant(_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kInverted); } appendErrorDetails(expr); static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "expression always evaluates to false"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "expression always evaluates to true"; appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); } } void generateStringLengthError(const InternalSchemaStrLengthMatchExpression& expr) { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "specified string length was not satisfied"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = "specified string length was satisfied"; static const std::set expectedTypes{BSONType::String}; generatePathError(expr, kNormalReason, kInvertedReason, &expectedTypes, LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, true /* isJsonSchemaKeyword */); } /** * Determines if a validation error should be generated for a JsonSchema keyword MatchExpression * 'expr' given the current document validation context. Returns the element 'expr' applies * over if the found element matches one of the 'expectedTypes'. By returning a non-empty * element, this indicates that 'expr' should generate an error. Returns End-Of-Object (EOO) * value otherwise, which indicates that 'expr' should not generate an error. */ BSONElement getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError( const MatchExpression& expr, const std::set& expectedTypes) { if (!_context->shouldGenerateError(expr)) { return {}; } if (InvertError::kInverted == _context->getCurrentInversion()) { // Inverted errors are not supported. return {}; } // Determine what value does 'expr' expression apply over. ElementPath path( expr.path(), LeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal, NonLeafArrayBehavior::kNoTraversal); auto attributeValue = getValueAt(path); // If attribute value is either not present or does not match the types in 'expectedTypes', // do not generate an error, since related match expressions do that instead. There are 4 // cases of how a keyword can be defined in combination with 'required' and 'type' keywords // (in the explanation below parameter 'expr' corresponds to '(keyword match expression)'): // // 1) 'required' is not present, {type: } is not present. In this case the // expression tree corresponds to ((keyword match expression) OR NOT (matches type)) OR // (NOT (attribute exists)). This tree can fail to match only if the attribute is present // and matches a type in 'expectedTypes'. // // 2) 'required' is not present, {type: } is present. In this case the // expression tree corresponds to ((keyword match expression) AND (matches type)) OR (NOT // (attribute exists)). If the input is an element of a non-matching type, then both // (keyword match expression) and (matches type) expressions fail to match and are asked // to contribute to the validation error. We expect only (matches type) expression, not a // (keyword match expression), to report a type mismatch, since otherwise the error would // contain redundant elements. // // 3) 'required' is present, {type: } is not present. In this case the // expression tree corresponds to ((keyword match expression) OR NOT (matches type)) AND // (attribute exists). This tree can fail to match if the attribute is present and // matches a type, and fails to match when the attribute is not present. In the latter // case, the expression part ((keyword match expression) OR NOT (matches type)) matches and // (keyword match expression) is not asked to contribute to the error. // // 4) 'required' is present, {type: } is present. In this case the expression // tree corresponds to ((keyword match expression) AND (matches type)) AND (attribute // exists). This tree can fail to match if the attribute is present and matches a type, // or if the attribute is not present or does not match a type. In the case when the // attribute is not present all parts of the expression fail to match and are asked to // contribute to the error, but we expect only (attribute exists) expression to contribute, // since otherwise the error would contain redundant elements. return expectedTypes.find(attributeValue.type()) != expectedTypes.end() ? attributeValue : BSONElement{}; } /** * Generates an error for JSON Schema "minItems"/"maxItems" keyword match expression 'expr'. */ void generateJSONSchemaMinItemsMaxItemsError( const InternalSchemaNumArrayItemsMatchExpression* expr) { static constexpr auto normalReason = "array did not match specified length"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (auto attributeValue = getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(*expr, {BSONType::Array})) { appendErrorDetails(*expr); appendErrorReason(normalReason, ""); auto attributeValueAsArray = BSONArray(attributeValue.embeddedObject()); auto arrayLength = attributeValueAsArray.nFields(); appendConsideredValue(attributeValueAsArray); auto& objBuilder = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); objBuilder.append("numberOfItems", arrayLength); } else { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } /** * Generates an error for JSON Schema "additionalItems" keyword set to 'false'. */ void generateJSONSchemaAdditionalItemsFalseError( const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression* expr) { static constexpr auto normalReason = "found additional items"; _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (auto attributeValue = getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(*expr, {BSONType::Array})) { appendErrorDetails(*expr); appendErrorReason(normalReason, ""); appendAdditionalItems(BSONArray(attributeValue.embeddedObject()), expr->startIndex()); } else { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } /** * Generates an error for JSON Schema "items" keyword set to an array of subschemas that is used * to validate elements of the array. */ void generateJSONSchemaItemsSchemaArrayError(const AndMatchExpression& expr) { _context->pushNewFrame(expr); // Determine if we need to generate an error using a child of the "$and" expression, which // must be of InternalSchemaMatchArrayIndexMatchExpression type, since "$and" does not have // a path associated with it. // If 'expr' does not have any children then we have 'items':[] case and we don't need to // generate an error. if (expr.numChildren() == 0) { return; } invariant(expr.getChild(0)->matchType() == MatchExpression::MatchType::INTERNAL_SCHEMA_MATCH_ARRAY_INDEX); if (getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(*expr.getChild(0), {BSONType::Array})) { appendOperatorName(expr); // Since the "items" keyword set to an array of subschemas logically behaves as "$and", // it needs its children to call 'matches' to discern which clauses failed. _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorNeedChildrenInfo); } else { // Force children match expressions to not generate any errors. _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } /** * Adds elements starting from index 'startIndex' from array 'array' to the current object as * "additionalItems" attribute. */ void appendAdditionalItems(const mongo::BSONArray& array, size_t startIndex) { auto it = BSONObjIterator(array); // Skip first 'startIndex' elements. match_expression_util::advanceBy(startIndex, it); // Add remaining array elements as "additionalItems" attribute. auto& detailsArrayBuilder = _context->getCurrentArrayBuilder(); while (it.more()) { detailsArrayBuilder.append(it.next()); } _context->verifySizeAndAppend( detailsArrayBuilder.arr(), "additionalItems", &_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } /** * Generates an error for JSON Schema array keyword set to a single schema value that is used * to validate elements of the array. */ void generateJSONSchemaArraySingleSchemaError( const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression* expr, const std::string& normalReason, const std::string& invertedReason) { _context->pushNewFrame(*expr); if (auto attributeValue = getValueForKeywordExpressionIfShouldGenerateError(*expr, {BSONType::Array})) { appendOperatorName(*expr); appendSchemaAnnotations(*expr->getChild(0), _context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); appendErrorReason(normalReason, invertedReason); auto failingElement = expr->findFirstMismatchInArray(attributeValue.embeddedObject(), nullptr); invariant(failingElement); _context->getCurrentObjBuilder().appendNumber( "itemIndex"_sd, std::stoll(failingElement.fieldNameStringData().toString())); _context->setChildInput(toObjectWithPlaceholder(failingElement), _context->getCurrentInversion()); } else { // Disable error generation by the child expression of 'expr'. _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } } void generateNumPropertiesError(const MatchExpression& numPropertiesExpr) { static constexpr auto kNormalReason = "specified number of properties was not satisfied"; static constexpr auto kInvertedReason = ""; _context->pushNewFrame(numPropertiesExpr); if (_context->shouldGenerateError(numPropertiesExpr)) { appendErrorDetails(numPropertiesExpr); appendErrorReason(kNormalReason, kInvertedReason); auto& objBuilder = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); objBuilder.append("numberOfProperties", _context->getCurrentDocument().nFields()); } } ValidationErrorContext* _context; }; /** * Visitor which maintains state for tree MatchExpressions in between visiting each child. */ class ValidationErrorInVisitor final : public MatchExpressionConstVisitor { public: ValidationErrorInVisitor(ValidationErrorContext* context) : _context(context) {} void visit(const AlwaysFalseMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const AlwaysTrueMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const AndMatchExpression* expr) final { inVisitTreeOperator(expr); } void visit(const BitsAllClearMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const BitsAllSetMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const BitsAnyClearMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const BitsAnySetMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const ElemMatchValueMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const EqualityMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const ExistsMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const ExprMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const GTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const GTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const GeoMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const GeoNearMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const InMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalBucketGeoWithinMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { generateAllowedPropertiesSchemaError(*expr, _context); // Reset the state before determining if the next child should produce an error. _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kErrorIgnoreChildren); // Examine the next patternSchema to determine whether the next clause of // 'patternProperties' should generate an error. Since the current index corresponds to // one plus the number of patternProperties clauses visited so far, it also represents // the next 'patternProperties' clause. invariant(_context->getCurrentChildIndex() < expr->getPatternProperties().size()); auto& patternSchema = expr->getPatternProperties()[_context->getCurrentChildIndex()]; if (auto failingElement = findFailingProperty(*expr, patternSchema, _context)) { setAllowedPropertiesChildInput(failingElement, _context); } } _context->incrementCurrentChildIndex(); } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataEncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataFLE2EncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataSubTypeExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaCondMatchExpression* expr) final { if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { generateSingleDependencyError(*expr); } _context->incrementCurrentChildIndex(); } void visit(const InternalSchemaEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaFmodMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMatchArrayIndexMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxItemsMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxLengthMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMinItemsMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMinLengthMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaMinPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaObjectMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaRootDocEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaTypeExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaUniqueItemsMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaXorMatchExpression* expr) final { // Only check for child errors when we're in a normal context, that is, when none of expr's // subschemas matched, as opposed to the inverted context, where more than one subschema // matched. if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { inVisitTreeOperator(expr); } } void visit(const LTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const LTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const ModMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const NorMatchExpression* expr) final { inVisitTreeOperator(expr); } void visit(const NotMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const OrMatchExpression* expr) final { inVisitTreeOperator(expr); } void visit(const RegexMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const SizeMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const TextMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TextNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TwoDPtInAnnulusExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const TypeMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const WhereMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const WhereNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } private: /** * Generates an error for a single $jsonSchema dependency represented by 'expr'. */ void generateSingleDependencyError(const InternalSchemaCondMatchExpression& expr) { auto childIndex = _context->getCurrentChildIndex(); auto& builder = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder(); auto&& tag = expr.getErrorAnnotation()->tag; // When generating an error for 'InternalSchemaCondMatchExpression', that is, a single // jsonSchema dependency, we can only generate an error for the 'then' branch (expr's child // at index 1). This is because the only way that a jsonSchema dependency can fail is if // expr's condition (expr's child at index 0) evaluates to true and the 'then' branch // evaluates to false. Additionally, the else branch (expr's child at index 2) is never // considered because it always evaluates to true and detailed inverted errors in the // context of $jsonSchema are not supported. if (_context->haveLatestCompleteError() && childIndex == 1) { builder.append( "conditionalProperty", expr.getErrorAnnotation()->annotation.firstElement().fieldNameStringData()); if (tag == "_schemaDependency") { // In the case of a schema dependency (i.e. {dependencies: {a: {}}}), // we simply append the subschema's generated failure. _context->appendLatestCompleteError(&builder); } else if (tag == "_propertyDependency") { // In the case of a property dependency (i.e. {dependencies: {a: // []}}), we append an array of missing properties. builder.append("missingProperties", _context->getLatestCompleteErrorArray()); } } } void inVisitTreeOperator(const ListOfMatchExpression* expr) { finishLogicalOperatorChildError(expr, _context); } ValidationErrorContext* _context; }; /** * Visitor which finalizes the generated error for the current MatchExpression. */ class ValidationErrorPostVisitor final : public MatchExpressionConstVisitor { public: ValidationErrorPostVisitor(ValidationErrorContext* context) : _context(context) {} void visit(const AlwaysFalseMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const AlwaysTrueMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const AndMatchExpression* expr) final { auto tag = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag; auto inversion = _context->getCurrentInversion(); // Clean up the frame for this node if we're finishing the error for an $all, an inverted // $jsonSchema, or this node shouldn't generate an error. if (tag == "$all" || (tag == "$jsonSchema" && inversion == InvertError::kInverted)) { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); return; } // Specify a different details string based on the tag in expr's annotation where // the first entry is the details string in the normal case and the second is the string // for the inverted case. static const StringMap> detailsStringMap = { {"$and", {"clausesNotSatisfied", "clausesSatisfied"}}, {"allOf", {"schemasNotSatisfied", ""}}, {"properties", {"propertiesNotSatisfied", ""}}, {"$jsonSchema", {"schemaRulesNotSatisfied", ""}}, {"_subschema", {"", ""}}, {"_propertiesExistList", {"", ""}}, {"items", {"details", ""}}, {"dependencies", {"failingDependencies", ""}}, {"required", {"missingProperties", ""}}, {"_property", {"details", ""}}, {"implicitFLESchema", {"schemaRulesNotSatisfied", "schemaRulesSatisfied"}}, {"", {"details", ""}}}; auto detailsStringPair = detailsStringMap.find(tag); invariant(detailsStringPair != detailsStringMap.end()); auto&& stringPair = detailsStringPair->second; if (inversion == InvertError::kNormal) { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, stringPair.first); } else { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, stringPair.second); } } void visit(const BitsAllClearMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAllSetMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAnyClearMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const BitsAnySetMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const ElemMatchObjectMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const ElemMatchValueMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const EqualityMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const ExistsMatchExpression* expr) final { // If this node reports a path as its error, set 'latestCompleteError' appropriately. if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag == "_propertyExists") { _context->latestCompleteError = expr->path().toString(); _context->popFrame(); } else { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } } void visit(const ExprMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const GTEMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const GTMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const GeoMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const GeoNearMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const InMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalBucketGeoWithinMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprGTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalExprLTEMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndexMatchExpression* expr) final { switch (toItemsKeywordType(*expr)) { case ItemsKeywordType::kItems: case ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsSchema: if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { _context->appendLatestCompleteError(&_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } break; case ItemsKeywordType::kAdditionalItemsFalse: break; default: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaAllowedPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { generateAllowedPropertiesSchemaError(*expr, _context); BSONObj additionalPropertiesError = _context->getCurrentObjBuilder().obj(); BSONObj patternPropertiesError; // Only build a 'patternProperties' error if any were produced. auto& arrBuilder = _context->getCurrentArrayBuilder(); if (arrBuilder.arrSize() > 0) { BSONObjBuilder patternProperties; patternProperties.append("operatorName", "patternProperties"); patternProperties.append("details", arrBuilder.arr()); patternPropertiesError = patternProperties.obj(); } if (additionalPropertiesError.isEmpty()) { invariant(!patternPropertiesError.isEmpty()); _context->latestCompleteError = patternPropertiesError; } else if (patternPropertiesError.isEmpty()) { invariant(!additionalPropertiesError.isEmpty()); _context->latestCompleteError = additionalPropertiesError; } else { BSONArrayBuilder arr; arr.append(additionalPropertiesError); arr.append(patternPropertiesError); _context->latestCompleteError = arr.arr(); } } _context->popFrame(); } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataEncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataFLE2EncryptedTypeExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaBinDataSubTypeExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaCondMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaFmodMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMatchArrayIndexMatchExpression* expr) final { // If generating an error, append the error details. if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { _context->appendLatestCompleteError(&_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxLengthMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMaxPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinLengthMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaMinPropertiesMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaObjectMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaRootDocEqMatchExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const InternalSchemaTypeExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaUniqueItemsMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const InternalSchemaXorMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto normalDetailString = "schemasNotSatisfied"; if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, normalDetailString); } else { // In the inverted case, we treat 'oneOf' as a leaf. _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } } void visit(const LTEMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const LTMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const ModMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const NorMatchExpression* expr) final { static constexpr auto kNormalDetailsString = "clausesNotSatisfied"; static constexpr auto kInvertedDetailsString = "clausesSatisfied"; if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, kNormalDetailsString); } else { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, kInvertedDetailsString); } } void visit(const NotMatchExpression* expr) final { // In the case of a $jsonSchema "not", we do not report any error details // explaining why the subschema did match. if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag != "not") { _context->appendLatestCompleteError(&_context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); } _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const OrMatchExpression* expr) final { auto tag = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag; // Clean up the frame for this node if we're finishing the error for an 'enum' or this node // shouldn't generate an error. if (tag == "enum" || !_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr)) { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); return; } // Specify a different details string based on the tag in expr's annotation where the first // entry is the details string in the normal case and the second is the string for the // inverted case. static const StringMap> detailsStringMap = { {"$or", {"clausesNotSatisfied", "clausesSatisfied"}}, {"anyOf", {"schemasNotSatisfied", ""}}}; auto detailsStringPair = detailsStringMap.find(tag); invariant(detailsStringPair != detailsStringMap.end()); auto stringPair = detailsStringPair->second; if (_context->getCurrentInversion() == InvertError::kNormal) { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, stringPair.first); } else { postVisitTreeOperator(expr, stringPair.second); } } void visit(const RegexMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const SizeMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const TextMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TextNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const TwoDPtInAnnulusExpression* expr) final {} void visit(const TypeMatchExpression* expr) final { _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } void visit(const WhereMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } void visit(const WhereNoOpMatchExpression* expr) final { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } private: void postVisitTreeOperator(const ListOfMatchExpression* expr, const std::string& detailsString) { appendSchemaAnnotations(*expr, _context->getCurrentObjBuilder()); finishLogicalOperatorChildError(expr, _context); // If this node represents a 'properties' keyword or an individual property schema (denoted // by '_property') and the current array builder has no elements, then this node will not // contribute to the error output. As an example, consider the document {} against the // following schema: {required: ['a'], properties: {'a': {minimum: 2, type: 'int'}}}. // Though the AND representing 'properties' will fail and as such, is expected to construct // an error, its children will not contribute to the generated error. As such, we // retroactively mark an AND representing a 'properties' keyword or an individual // 'property' as 'RuntimeState::kNoError' if no error details were produced. auto tag = expr->getErrorAnnotation()->tag; if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && (tag == "properties" || tag == "_property") && _context->getCurrentArrayBuilder().arrSize() == 0) { _context->setCurrentRuntimeState(RuntimeState::kNoError); } // Append the result of the current array builder to the current object builder under the // field name 'detailsString' unless this node produces an array (i.e. in the case of a // subschema). if (_context->shouldGenerateError(*expr) && !_context->producesArray(*expr)) { auto failedClauses = _context->getCurrentArrayBuilder().arr(); _context->getCurrentObjBuilder().append(detailsString, failedClauses); } _context->finishCurrentError(expr); } ValidationErrorContext* _context; }; /** * Verifies that each node in the tree rooted at 'validatorExpr' has an error annotation. */ void assertHasErrorAnnotations(const MatchExpression& validatorExpr) { uassert(4994600, str::stream() << "Cannot generate validation error details: no annotation found for " "expression " << validatorExpr.toString(), validatorExpr.getErrorAnnotation()); for (const auto childExpr : validatorExpr) { if (childExpr) assertHasErrorAnnotations(*childExpr); } } /** * Appends the object id of 'doc' to 'builder' under the 'failingDocumentId' field. */ void appendDocumentId(const BSONObj& doc, BSONObjBuilder* builder) { BSONElement objectIdElement; invariant(doc.getObjectID(objectIdElement)); builder->appendAs(objectIdElement, "failingDocumentId"_sd); } /** * Returns true if 'generatedError' is of valid depth; false otherwise. */ bool checkValidationErrorDepth(const BSONObj& generatedError) { const auto maxDepth = computeMaxAllowedValidationErrorDepth(); // Implemented iteratively to avoid creating too many stack frames. std::stack stack; stack.emplace(generatedError); while (!stack.empty()) { if (stack.size() > maxDepth) { return false; } auto next = stack.top().next(); if (next.type() == BSONType::Object || next.type() == BSONType::Array) { stack.emplace(next.embeddedObject()); } if (!stack.top().more()) { stack.pop(); } } return true; } /** * Generates a document validation error using match expression 'validatorExpr' for document * 'doc'. */ BSONObj generateErrorHelper(const MatchExpression& validatorExpr, const BSONObj& doc, bool truncate, const int maxDocValidationErrorSize, const int maxConsideredValues) { // Throw if 'docValidationInternalErrorFailPoint' is enabled. uassert(4944300, "docValidationInternalErrorFailPoint is enabled", !docValidationInternalErrorFailPoint.shouldFail()); ValidationErrorContext context(doc, truncate, maxDocValidationErrorSize, maxConsideredValues); ValidationErrorPreVisitor preVisitor{&context}; ValidationErrorInVisitor inVisitor{&context}; ValidationErrorPostVisitor postVisitor{&context}; // Verify that all nodes have error annotations. assertHasErrorAnnotations(validatorExpr); MatchExpressionWalker walker{&preVisitor, &inVisitor, &postVisitor}; tree_walker::walk(&validatorExpr, &walker); // There should be no frames when error generation is complete as the finished error will be // stored in 'context'. invariant(context.frames.empty()); auto error = context.getLatestCompleteErrorObject(); invariant(!error.isEmpty()); // Add document id to the error object. BSONObjBuilder objBuilder; appendDocumentId(doc, &objBuilder); // Record whether the generated error was truncated. if (truncate) objBuilder.append("truncated", true); // Add errors from match expressions. objBuilder.append("details"_sd, std::move(error)); auto finalError = objBuilder.obj(); // Verify that the generated error is of valid depth. if (!checkValidationErrorDepth(finalError)) { BSONObjBuilder errorDetails; static constexpr auto kDeeplyNestedError = "generated error was too deeply nested"; errorDetails.append("reason", kDeeplyNestedError); errorDetails.append("truncated", true); return errorDetails.obj(); } return finalError; } } // namespace std::shared_ptr DocumentValidationFailureInfo::parse(const BSONObj& obj) { auto errInfo = obj["errInfo"]; uassert(4878100, "DocumentValidationFailureInfo must have a field 'errInfo' of type object", errInfo.type() == BSONType::Object); return std::make_shared(errInfo.embeddedObject()); } void DocumentValidationFailureInfo::serialize(BSONObjBuilder* bob) const { bob->append("errInfo", _details); } const BSONObj& DocumentValidationFailureInfo::getDetails() const { return _details; } BSONObj generateError(const MatchExpression& validatorExpr, const BSONObj& doc, const int maxDocValidationErrorSize, const int maxConsideredValues) { // Attempt twice to generate a detailed document validation error before reporting to the user // that the generated error grew too large. constexpr static auto kNoteString = "note"; bool truncate = false; for (auto attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt) { try { auto error = generateErrorHelper( validatorExpr, doc, truncate, maxDocValidationErrorSize, maxConsideredValues); uassert(ErrorCodes::BSONObjectTooLarge, "doc validation error exceeded maximum size", error.objsize() <= maxDocValidationErrorSize); return error; } catch (const ExceptionFor&) { // Try again, but this time omit details such as 'consideredValues' or 'specifiedAs' // that are proportional to the size of the validator expression or the failed document. truncate = true; } catch (const DBException& e) { BSONObjBuilder error; appendDocumentId(doc, &error); static constexpr auto kErrorReason = "failed to generate document validation error"; error.append(kNoteString, kErrorReason); BSONObjBuilder subBuilder = error.subobjStart("details"); e.serialize(&subBuilder); subBuilder.done(); return error.obj(); } } // If we've reached here, both attempts failed to generate a sufficiently small error. Return // an error indicating as much to the user. BSONObjBuilder error; appendDocumentId(doc, &error); static constexpr auto kTruncationReason = "detailed error was too large"; error.append(kNoteString, kTruncationReason); return error.obj(); } } // namespace mongo::doc_validation_error