// expression_parser_array_test.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2013 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
* code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
* conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
* linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
* must comply with the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects for
* all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s)
* with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
* file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so,
* delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this
* exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete
* it in the license file.
#include "mongo/unittest/unittest.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_parser.h"
#include "mongo/db/jsobj.h"
#include "mongo/db/json.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression.h"
#include "mongo/db/matcher/expression_array.h"
namespace mongo {
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, Size1 ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$size" << 2 ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 << 3 ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, SizeAsString ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$size" << "a" ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, SizeWithDouble ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$size" << 2.5 ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 << 3 ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, SizeBad ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$size" << BSONNULL ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
// ---------
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchArr1 ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchAnd ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "$elemMatch" <<
BSON( "$and" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchNor ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "$elemMatch" <<
BSON( "$nor" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 2 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchOr ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "$elemMatch" <<
BSON( "$or" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchVal1 ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << BSON( "$gt" << 5 ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 4 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 6 ) ) ) );
// with explicit $eq
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef1 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "db" );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "$db" << "db" );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << BSON( "$eq" << match ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef2 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "db" );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "$db" << "db" );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << match ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Additional fields after $ref and $id.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef3 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << match ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Document contains fields not referred to in $elemMatch query.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY(
BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 << "bar" << 678 ) ) ) ) );
// Query with DBRef fields out of order.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef4 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "db" );
BSONObj matchOutOfOrder = BSON( "$db" << "db" << "$id" << oid << "$ref" << "coll" );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "$db" << "db" );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << matchOutOfOrder ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Query with DBRef fields out of order.
// Additional fields besides $ref and $id.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef5 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj matchOutOfOrder = BSON( "foo" << 12345 << "$id" << oid << "$ref" << "coll" );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << matchOutOfOrder ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Document contains fields not referred to in $elemMatch query.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY(
BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 << "bar" << 678 ) ) ) ) );
// Incomplete DBRef - $id missing.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef6 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj matchMissingID = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "collx" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << matchMissingID ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Document contains fields not referred to in $elemMatch query.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY(
BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 << "bar" << 678 ) ) ) ) );
// Incomplete DBRef - $ref missing.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef7 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj matchMissingRef = BSON( "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 );
OID oidx = OID::gen();
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oidx << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << matchMissingRef ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Document contains fields not referred to in $elemMatch query.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY(
BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "foo" << 12345 << "bar" << 678 ) ) ) ) );
// Incomplete DBRef - $db only.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, ElemMatchDBRef8 ) {
OID oid = OID::gen();
BSONObj match = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "db"
<< "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj matchDBOnly = BSON( "$db" << "db" << "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj notMatch = BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "dbx"
<< "foo" << 12345 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$elemMatch" << matchDBOnly ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) ) );
// Document contains fields not referred to in $elemMatch query.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY(
BSON( "$ref" << "coll" << "$id" << oid << "$db" << "db"
<< "foo" << 12345 << "bar" << 678 ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, All1 ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 << 3 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 2 << 3 ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllNull ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONNULL ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllBadArg ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << 1 ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllBadRegexArg ) {
string tooLargePattern( 50 * 1000, 'z' );
BSONObjBuilder allArray;
allArray.appendRegex( "0", tooLargePattern, "" );
BSONObjBuilder operand;
operand.appendArray( "$all", allArray.obj() );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << operand.obj() );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllRegex1 ) {
BSONObjBuilder allArray;
allArray.appendRegex( "0", "^a", "" );
allArray.appendRegex( "1", "B", "i" );
BSONObjBuilder all;
all.appendArray( "$all", allArray.obj() );
BSONObj query = BSON( "a" << all.obj() );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
BSONObj notMatchFirst = BSON( "a" << "ax" );
BSONObj notMatchSecond = BSON( "a" << "qqb" );
BSONObj matchesBoth = BSON( "a" << "ab" );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesSingleElement( notMatchFirst[ "a" ] ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesSingleElement( notMatchSecond[ "a" ] ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesSingleElement( matchesBoth[ "a" ] ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllRegex2 ) {
BSONObjBuilder allArray;
allArray.appendRegex( "0", "^a", "" );
allArray.append( "1", "abc" );
BSONObjBuilder all;
all.appendArray( "$all", allArray.obj() );
BSONObj query = BSON( "a" << all.obj() );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
BSONObj notMatchFirst = BSON( "a" << "ax" );
BSONObj matchesBoth = BSON( "a" << "abc" );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesSingleElement( notMatchFirst[ "a" ] ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesSingleElement( matchesBoth[ "a" ] ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllNonArray ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 5 ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 4 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 4 ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllElemMatch1 ) {
BSONObj internal = BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "$elemMatch" << internal ) ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 ) ) ) ) );
// $all and $elemMatch on dotted field.
// Top level field can be either document or array.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllElemMatch2 ) {
BSONObj internal = BSON( "z" << 1 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x.y" << BSON( "$all" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "$elemMatch" << internal ) ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON( "y" << 1 ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON( "y" <<
BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "x" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) );
// x is a document. Internal document does not contain z.
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) );
// x is an array. Internal document does not contain z.
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) );
// x is a document but y is not an array.
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "z" << 1 ) ) ) ) );
// x is an array but y is not an array.
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "z" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) );
// x is a document.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "z" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) );
// x is an array.
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" <<
BSON( "y" <<
BSON( "x" << 1 << "z" << 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) );
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllElemMatchBad ) {
BSONObj internal = BSON( "x" << 1 << "y" << 2 );
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( BSON( "$elemMatch" << internal ) << 5 ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( 5 << BSON( "$elemMatch" << internal ) ) ) );
result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_FALSE( result.isOK() );
// $all with empty string.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllEmptyString ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( "" ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << "a" ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL << "a" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() << "a" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << "" ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL << "" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() << "" ) ) ) );
// $all with ISO date.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllISODate ) {
StatusWith matchResult = dateFromISOString("2014-12-31T00:00:00.000Z");
ASSERT_TRUE( matchResult.isOK() );
const Date_t& match = matchResult.getValue();
StatusWith notMatchResult = dateFromISOString("2014-12-30T00:00:00.000Z");
ASSERT_TRUE( notMatchResult.isOK() );
const Date_t& notMatch = notMatchResult.getValue();
BSONObj query = BSON( "x" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << notMatch ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL <<
notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() <<
notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL <<
match ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() <<
match ) ) ) );
// $all on array element with empty string.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllDottedEmptyString ) {
BSONObj query = BSON( "x.1" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( "" ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << "a" ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL << "a" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() << "a" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( "" << BSONNULL ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( "" << BSONObj() ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << "" ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL << "" ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() << "" ) ) ) );
// $all on array element with ISO date.
TEST( MatchExpressionParserArrayTest, AllDottedISODate ) {
StatusWith matchResult = dateFromISOString("2014-12-31T00:00:00.000Z");
ASSERT_TRUE( matchResult.isOK() );
const Date_t& match = matchResult.getValue();
StatusWith notMatchResult = dateFromISOString("2014-12-30T00:00:00.000Z");
ASSERT_TRUE( notMatchResult.isOK() );
const Date_t& notMatch = notMatchResult.getValue();
BSONObj query = BSON( "x.1" << BSON( "$all" << BSON_ARRAY( match ) ) );
StatusWithMatchExpression result = MatchExpressionParser::parse( query );
ASSERT_TRUE( result.isOK() );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << notMatch ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL <<
notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() <<
notMatch ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match <<
BSONNULL ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( match <<
BSONObj() ) ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSONArray() ) ) );
ASSERT( !result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << match ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONNULL <<
match ) ) ) );
ASSERT( result.getValue()->matchesBSON( BSON( "x" << BSON_ARRAY( BSONObj() <<
match ) ) ) );