/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #pragma once #include "mongo/db/field_ref.h" #include "mongo/db/matcher/expression.h" namespace mongo { /** * A PathMatchExpression is an expression that acts on a field path with syntax * like "path.to.something": {$operator: ...}. Many such expressions are leaves in * the AST, such as $gt, $mod, $exists, and so on. But expressions that are not * leaves, such as $_internalSchemaObjectMatch, may also match against a field * path. */ class PathMatchExpression : public MatchExpression { public: PathMatchExpression(MatchType matchType, boost::optional path, ElementPath::LeafArrayBehavior leafArrBehavior, ElementPath::NonLeafArrayBehavior nonLeafArrayBehavior, clonable_ptr annotation = nullptr) : MatchExpression(matchType, std::move(annotation)), _elementPath(path ? boost::optional( ElementPath(*path, leafArrBehavior, nonLeafArrayBehavior)) : boost::none) {} bool matches(const MatchableDocument* doc, MatchDetails* details = nullptr) const override { invariant(_elementPath); MatchableDocument::IteratorHolder cursor(doc, &*_elementPath); while (cursor->more()) { ElementIterator::Context e = cursor->next(); if (!matchesSingleElement(e.element(), details)) { continue; } if (details && details->needRecord() && !e.arrayOffset().eoo()) { details->setElemMatchKey(e.arrayOffset().fieldName()); } return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the path that the expression applies to. Note that this returns an empty string for * empty path as well as no path cases. optPath() should be preferred in order to * distinguish between the two. */ StringData path() const override final { return _elementPath ? _elementPath->fieldRef().dottedField() : ""; } const FieldRef* fieldRef() const override final { return _elementPath ? &(_elementPath->fieldRef()) : nullptr; } /** * Gets the path that the expression applies to. If the expression does not apply to a specific * path, returns boost::none. */ boost::optional optPath() const { return _elementPath ? boost::optional(path()) : boost::none; } /** * Resets the path for this expression. Note that this method will make a copy of 'path' such * that there's no lifetime requirements for the string which 'path' points into. */ void setPath(StringData path) { invariant(_elementPath); _elementPath->reset(path); } /** * Finds an applicable rename from 'renameList' (if one exists) and applies it to the expression * path. Each pair in 'renameList' specifies a path prefix that should be renamed (as the first * element) and the path components that should replace the renamed prefix (as the second * element). * * Returns whether renames will always succeed if any rename is applicable. See * wouldRenameSucceed() for more details. * * TODO SERVER-74298 As soon as we implement SERVER-74298, the return value might not be * necessary any more. */ [[nodiscard]] bool applyRename(const StringMap& renameList) { if (!_elementPath || renameList.size() == 0) { return true; } if (auto&& [isRenamable, optRewrittenPath] = wouldRenameSucceed(renameList); !isRenamable) { return false; } else if (optRewrittenPath) { setPath(*optRewrittenPath); } return true; } /** * Returns a pair of bool and boost::optional. * * - The bool indicates whether renames will always succeed if any rename is applicable. No * applicable renames is considered as a successful rename and returns true with the second * element of the pair is boost::none. This function can return false when a renamed path * component descends into an $elemMatch or an object literal. For examples, * * expr = {x: {$eq: {y: 3}}} and renames = {{"x.y", "a.b"}}. We should be able to rename 'x' * and 'y' to 'a' and 'b' respectively but due to the current limitation of the algorithm, we * cannot rename such match expressions. * * Another similar example is expr = {x: {$elemMatch: {$eq: {y: 3}}}} and renames = {{"x.y", * "a.b"}}. * - The boost::optional is the rewritten path iff one rename is applicable. The * rewritten path is the path after applying the only applicable rename in 'renameList'. If no * rename is applicable, the rewritten path is boost::none. * * TODO SERVER-74298 As soon as we implement SERVER-74298, this separate function may not be * necessary any more and can be combined into applyRenames(). */ std::pair> wouldRenameSucceed( const StringMap& renameList) const { invariant(_elementPath); size_t renamesFound = 0u; std::string rewrittenPath; for (const auto& rename : renameList) { if (rename.first == path()) { rewrittenPath = rename.second; ++renamesFound; } FieldRef prefixToRename(rename.first); const auto& pathFieldRef = _elementPath->fieldRef(); if (prefixToRename.isPrefixOf(pathFieldRef)) { // Get the 'pathTail' by chopping off the 'prefixToRename' path components from the // beginning of the 'pathFieldRef' path. auto pathTail = pathFieldRef.dottedSubstring(prefixToRename.numParts(), pathFieldRef.numParts()); // Replace the chopped off components with the component names resulting from the // rename. rewrittenPath = str::stream() << rename.second << "." << pathTail.toString(); ++renamesFound; } else if (pathFieldRef.isPrefixOf(prefixToRename)) { // TODO SERVER-74298 Implement renaming by each path component instead of returning // the pair of 'false' and boost::none. We can traverse subexpressions with the // remaining path suffix of 'prefixToRename' to see if we can rename each path // component. Any subexpression would succeed with 'rewrittenPath' then this path // component can be renamed. For example, assuming that 'pathFieldRef' == "a.b" and // 'prefixToRename' == "a.b.c", we can recurse down to the subexpression with path // "c" to see if we can rename it. If we can, we can rename this path too. return {false, boost::none}; } } // There should never be multiple applicable renames. invariant(renamesFound <= 1u); if (renamesFound == 1u) { // There is an applicable rename. Modify the path of this expression to use the new // name. return {true, rewrittenPath}; } return {true, boost::none}; } void serialize(BSONObjBuilder* out, SerializationOptions opts) const override { auto&& rhs = getSerializedRightHandSide(opts); if (opts.includePath) { out->append(opts.serializeFieldPathFromString(path()), rhs); } else { out->appendElements(rhs); } } /** * Returns a BSONObj that represents the right-hand-side of a PathMatchExpression. Used for * serialization of PathMatchExpression in cases where we do not want to serialize the path in * line with the expression. For example {x: {$not: {$eq: 1}}}, where $eq is the * PathMatchExpression. * * Serialization options should be respected for any descendent expressions. Eg, if the * 'literalPolicy' option is 'kToDebugTypeString', then any literal argument (like the number 1 * in the example above), should be "shapified" (e.g. "?number"). 'literal' here is in contrast * to another expression, if that is possible syntactically. */ virtual BSONObj getSerializedRightHandSide(SerializationOptions opts = {}) const = 0; private: // ElementPath holds a FieldRef, which owns the underlying path string. // May be boost::none if this MatchExpression does not apply to a specific path. boost::optional _elementPath; }; } // namespace mongo